
  1. Types of baths
  2. Criteria for choosing a stove for a bath
  3. Selection errors
  4. Kamenka
  5. Top best stoves for saunas and baths
  6. Electric heaters
  7. Sauna stoves with water tanks
  8. Gas sauna stove
  9. The best manufacturers of sauna stoves:

Rating of the best stoves for baths and saunas in 2025

Rating of the best stoves for baths and saunas in 2025

Country house or cottage - salvation in the modern, brutal world. Many decide to equip a bath on the site. Who dares to dispute the benefits of a steam room? And the right stove is the key to a good, hot bath, which will cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, regulate fluid circulation, drain the vascular system and deliver aesthetic pleasure.

Types of baths

  • Finnish sauna

The second name is a dry bath, with a high temperature of up to 110 °, a low humidity concentration of 15%, and a long procedure time of up to 1.5 hours.

  • Hot Russian bath

The steam room is heated to 85-90°C, with a moderate humidity of 20 to 35% and a recommended treatment time of 1 hour. The type is characterized as a wet sauna.

  • Classic Russian sauna

The type of bath is characterized by relatively equal saturation with moisture and temperature - 50-65 units. With a duration of 45-50 minutes.

  • Turkish sauna

The species is characterized by high steam saturation up to 100%. The procedure is recommended to be carried out for 40 minutes, at a temperature of 45 °.

Types of bathst, C °steam saturation, %duration, min.
Finnish, dry 100-11010-1580
Russian hot, humid air75-9025-3560
Classical Russian, with steam50-6550-6545-55
Turkish, with steam4510040

Criteria for choosing a stove for a bath


High power will heat the steam room to a high temperature, but the stones will not absorb heat, steam will not work, or its amount will be minimal.

The low power of the furnace requires a large expenditure of resources. For large rooms and a multiple volume of stones, a weak furnace will quickly develop an acceptable service life and will not be able to provide the required temperature regime.

It is easy to carry out an independent, preliminary calculation:

The volume of the room (length * width * height) is added to the area of ​​non-insulated surfaces, multiplied by a factor of 1.2. The result obtained should be increased by one and a half times if the door is not sufficiently insulated, or is made of glass.

1 kW of power is calculated from 1 m³.


  • Firewood

In the absence of gasification and limited wiring parameters or unstable power supply, a wood stove is the only option. Fuel can be harvested independently, purchased, plus the environmental aspect and a wide product range. The inconveniences consist in cleaning the chimney and ash pan, long heating of the steam room and the need to maintain the desired temperature by throwing firewood into the firebox.

  • Gas

The indisputable advantage of gas stoves is the absence of a firebox and ash pan, the ability to adjust the temperature and the short heating time of the steam room. Gas equipment has a number of requirements for the safety of operation and the technical standards of the unit. An additional disadvantage is the impossibility of high-quality steam.

  • Electricity

Clean, without firewood, with minimal maintenance and compact dimensions, the type of sauna stoves. Of course, you won’t “give in” a couple with a ladle, but it’s easy to warm up: plug it into the network and you’re done.

  • Combined types of gas and wood-burning stoves, consume liquefied gas, require coordinated work on two resources, which somewhat complicates operation.


  • elongated

Guarantees the cleanliness and comfort of the steam room, as the firebox door is located in the next room.

  • Standard

With the standard version, it is heated where it is steamed.

Steam is obtained naturally through the moistening of stones, or with the help of a steam generator.


The basic principle is the air flow between the casing and the firebox based on the temperature difference with the heating of the cold layers descending down. Convection is used to equalize the temperature in the steam room and speed up this process.

Furnace material

  • Cast iron

Reliable performance makes it a leader among materials for high temperatures.

  • Steel

Recent developments are characterized by high heat resistance with a relatively acceptable weight of the structure.

  • Brickwork

The brick oven is a thing of the past. Despite the high environmental friendliness and beauty of such furnaces, they are becoming less and less common. You won’t find a good stove-maker “in the afternoon with fire”, but for an amateur such work is beyond their strength. A specially made foundation and a large area of ​​the brick model make it an outsider. The modern way of life dictates its own conditions: fast heating of the steam room, minimum fuel, high heat transfer and, unfortunately, remoteness from nature.


With an abundance of manufacturers of sauna stoves, you can afford to pay a little extra for a unique design and eye-pleasing appearance. Forging lovers, romantics who are not averse to dreaming under the dancing flames of fire, adherents of brutal forms can easily make their choice. All kinds of cladding and modern coatings of models freely harmonize with any interior of the room.

Selection errors

The absence of a clear and detailed design of the bath, with the technical characteristics of the stove, will lead to a redevelopment of the premises, or additional costs upon purchase.

Neglecting the advice of a specialist will reveal “surprises” with the equipment, the correction of which will take time and money.

Unprofessional installation of the furnace is life-threatening and provokes a quick failure or the need for repair.

We should not forget about the special preparation of the base for wood-burning units from steel sheets on a concrete substrate.

The quality of the sauna stove is proportional to the price, according to the type of fuel and power.


The most common type of stoves for baths, in which stones act as a heating element. The principle of the old, Russian black bath is also based on the heating of stones.

closed oven

The heater consists of a container for stones with a tight lid. Such models maintain the temperature of the stones for a long time, provide high steam humidity and low temperature in the steam room. The stove requires a long heating time and a large volume of fuel. The closed version of the stove guarantees a classic Russian banya, with enveloping soft steam. You can use a special evaporator that moistens the stones of the highest temperature, located closer to the firebox. Moving under pressure through the entire ridge of stones, finely dispersed steam escapes into the steam room in a concentrated, hot cloud.

open oven

The heater does not have a lid on the stone container, which allows for a steam room temperature of more than 100 °, dry steam and quick heating of the room. An important detail is the ratio of the volume of the room and the stones. With a large number of ingots, they will not be able to warm up to the desired temperature in a single mode with heating the steam room, the steam will turn out to be wet and scattered.

The combined heater has in its model a closed and an open oven, which allows you to steam in different modes of steam and temperatures, depending on your wishes.

Designs for heaters provide for heating the stove directly in the steam room, or in the room adjacent to the steam room. The second option is convenient for keeping the steam room clean, litter from firewood does not get inside.

Along with firewood, natural gas can also serve as fuel for the heater.

Furnace Aesthetics

The door can be equipped with special heat-resistant glass, which will create a special flavor. It is known that fire and flowing water can be admired endlessly. However, the cost of such a model will increase in proportion to the price of glass.

Top best stoves for saunas and baths

The furnace for a bath Bylina-18 H

This furnace is a combination of reliability, durability and original design, sustained in the old Russian style. The furnace is made of gray cast iron in accordance with GOST 1412-85, the body thickness is 10 mm, which makes the furnace durable, reliable, and stable. Due to the presence of a large number of ribs of the cast-iron firebox and its rounded shape, the maximum possible heat exchange area and heating of the entire stone lining are provided, without uncovered areas, the so-called stagnant zones.

The Bylina-18 Ch bath stove is a model with an open heater, which is bordered by wide metal bands.

Producer - Teplodar.

The furnace for a bath Bylina-18 H
Volume for a steam room, sq.m.10-18
Stones, weight, kg.60
Chimney, diameter, mm115
Firewood length, cm43
Dimensions, mm663x477x589/848
The furnace for a bath Bylina-18 H
  • original design;
  • Large furnace size;
  • Strength.
  • Takes a long time to heat up

Etna Crater 18 panorama

Cast iron, from which three elements of the furnace are made, connected by bolts, is distinguished by heat-resistant, heat-intensive and corrosion-resistant properties.The metal eliminates infrared radiation and ensures complete safety in use.

Etna Crater 18 panorama 
Steam room size. M³12 to 20
Stones. Weight, kg120
Chimney. Diameter, mm115
Furnace tunnel. Length, mm210
Dimensions, mm625x465x720
Etna Crater 18 panorama
  • remote firebox;
  • acceptable price.
  • only for the type of steam room "Russian bath".

Hephaestus PB-04 ZK Russian steam room

A cast-iron stove with a starting cast-iron chimney section and a unique gas afterburning system provides heating of 750°C, with a maximum chimney temperature of 300°C. The firebox is equipped with internal and external convection plates of the side walls for accelerated heat transfer to the steam room.

Unique lining with talcomagnesite with a heat capacity that is 2.5 times higher than that of oven bricks and a heating rate that is 5 times higher than clay bricks.

Gefest ZK PB-04 
Steam room size. M³18
Stones. Weight, kg20
Chimney. Diameter, mm115
Furnace tunnel. Length, mm200
Chimney, outletupper
Dimensions, mm470x340x530
Hephaestus PB-04 ZK Russian steam room
  • high efficiency with low resource consumption;
  • long service life - up to 30 years;
  • anti-corrosion resistance of the furnace;
  • wall thickness 60 mm;
  • facing stone from a mountain, environmentally friendly breed of soapstone;
  • maintaining a stable temperature after the end of combustion for three hours;
  • lack of welding and bolted connections.
  • high price.

Varvara Kamenka long firebox

The sauna stove is wall-mounted, runs on wood fuel and has an adjustable flame level.

Varvara Kamenka 
Steam room size. M³24
Stones. Weight, kg180
Chimney. Diameter, mm114
Chimney, outletupper
Dimensions, mm920x560x780
Varvara Kamenka extended firebox
  • secondary afterburning system;
  • the presence of a box for ash;
  • can be equipped with a panoramic door;
  • short heating time of the steam room from 1 hour.
  • moderate power.


Floor oven with cast iron firebox and steel outer casing.

Steam room size. M³14
Stones. Weight, kg110
Furnace tunnel, length, mm250
Chimney. Diameter, mm115
power, kWt12
Dimensions, mm500x580
  • "Grid" - an improved casing of convection and ventilation;
  • heated from a combined room.
  • insufficient service life of 10 years.

Ermak-Elite 12-C

Wood-fired floor-standing stove with ash drawer, steel body.

The unit has a heat exchanger, a hinged tank.

Ermak-Elite 12-C 
Steam room size. M³14
Stones. Weight, kg42
Chimney. Diameter, mm115
power, kWt12
Dimensions, mm595x685x395

Other configurations:

  1. Ermak 12 classic;
  2. Ermak-12 PS Classic, with an open-type heater, a cleaning hole, a cast-iron grate, an ash pan, a self-cooling handle and extended functionality;
  3. Ermak-12 economy;
  4. Ermak-Elite 12 PS;
  5. Ermak 12 Premium;
  6. Ermak 12 Standard, with warranty protection against deformation at high heating temperatures and excellent power characteristics;
  7. Yermak 16;
  8. Ermak 16-PS, with panoramic glass, a large capacity of stones up to 60 kg, a rigid structure of the pre-furnace tunnel, provided for the possibility of cleaning from soot, has excellent characteristics of removing heat from hot stones;
  9. Ermak-Elite 16-C;
  10. Ermak Elite 16 PS, with a cast-iron grate, and a central location of the chimney, an adjustable tunnel, a flue cleaning hole, has a self-cooling handle;
  11. Ermak 20;
  12. Ermak 20-PS;
  13. Ermak 30-Ps / 2k / RT / PG, with a combined type of furnace, a steam room volume of 30 m³, an adjustable tunnel from 170 to 270 mm, has a panoramic glass made of heat-resistant material and a porthole of the furnace compartment in the steam room.
Ermak-Elite 12-C
  • firebox and chimney made of heat-resistant, stainless, two-millimeter steel;
  • has a reversible handle of the furnace compartment;
  • the possibility of cleaning the chimney through a special hole.
  • the characteristics of the material of the furnace are inferior to those of cast iron.

TMF Tunguska 2011 Inox DN TO anthracite

Stove with a closed water circuit with the recommended Finnish sauna regime and wood-burning heating.

Termofor Tunguska 2011 Inox 
Steam room size. M³8 to 18
Stones. Weight, kg60
Chimney. Diameter, mm115
Firebox, volume, liter60
Dimensions, mm840x415x795
TMF Tunguska 2011 Inox DN TO anthracite
  • air supply by a cast-iron grate to the lower layer of the furnace to increase the power and temperature of the flame;
  • the flow is regulated by a casing-convector for uniform heating of the steam room and screening of infrared radiation.
  • missing


Closed-type wall-mounted stove with top connection to the chimney, wood-fired.

Steam room size. M³before 18
Stones. Weight, kg120
Chimney. Diameter, mm120
Firebox, walls, thickness, mm12
Dimensions, mm560x700x690
  • convector in the form of a grid;
  • cast iron, cast body;
  • firebox in adjoining room.
  • bolt fastening elements.

Electric heaters

In electric ovens, the heating element is a heating element. The advantage of this type is the instant heating of the room and the stable temperature of the steam room.For saunas, open types of heaters are used; for baths, a closed type is provided.

  • quick, affordable installation without chimneys;
  • lack of requirements for fire protection;
  • built-in steam generators;
  • saving resources;
  • safe operation;
  • several operating modes.
  • small niche for stones.
  • the need for built-in steam generators to increase the humidity of the steam.


Kamenka stove with built-in control unit. The thermostat of the unit maintains the set temperature of the steam room, trips to shutdown in case of emergency excess of temperature indicators. The timer is set to a maximum duration of 6 hours of operation, after a period, it disconnects from the network.

Manufacturer China
Steam room size. m³7 to 12
Steam room modeFinnish sauna
Stones, weight, kg25
Voltage for work, V380
  • wall installation;
  • power 8 kW.
  • the only dry steam mode is possible.


An electric oven with an evaporator, at a given temperature of 70 °, provides the “Russian steam room” mode. When the temperature rises to 110°, steam from the evaporator is passed through heated stones, dried, and passes into a state of fine dispersion, favorable for healing.

Manufacturer Russia
Steam room size. m³6 to 8
Steam room modeRussian bath
Stones, weight, kg25
Voltage for work, V220
  • the possibility of adding natural ingredients and flavoring to the filling tank to vary the shades of the steam room.
  • low power 6 kW.

Sauna stoves with water tanks

It is difficult to dispute the advantages of a bathhouse with a hot water tank, such convenience allows you to combine the process of parks with washing.

The following locations are possible:

  • wall;
  • built-in;
  • outdoor;
  • suspended;
  • angular.


The wood-burning stove has a Coanda resource saving system.

Manufacturer Finland
Steam room size. m³27
Stones. Weight, kg65
Chimney. Diameter, mm129
power, kWt20
Dimensions, mm810x920x500
  • large glass doors;
  • high functionality;
  • two water tanks with built-in taps.
  • steel outer case.

Harvia WK200RS

Wall type oven with a 30 liter water tank and a panoramic glass door.

Harvia WK200RS 
Manufacturer Finland
Steam room size. m³20
Stones. Weight, kg65
Chimney. Diameter, mm115
power, kWt24.1
Dimensions, mm580x760x510
Harvia WK200RS
  • high reliability;
  • adjustable leg height.
  • high price.


Floor-standing wood-burning stove of closed type, with rear and top connection to the chimney and a thirty-liter tank.

Manufacturer Finland
Steam room size. m³20
Stones. Weight, kg65
Chimney. Diameter, mm115
power, kWt24.1
Dimensions, mm590x780x530
  • panoramic glass in the door;
  • long service life;
  • adjustment of air channels to control air circulation;
  • high fuel efficiency;
  • low emissions.
  • insufficient volume of the steam room, no more than 20 m³.

Beryozka 24

Wood burning stove with 50 liter water tank.

Beryozka 24 
Manufacturer Russia
Steam room size. m³from 12 to 24
Stones. Weight, kg60
Chimney. Diameter, mm115
Furnace, weight, kg115
Dimensions, mm590x780x530
Birch 24 sauna stove
  • furnace material - steel grade 09G2S with increased strength;
  • the presence of a heat-receiving plate, with a width of 8 mm;
  • labyrinthine upper section of the furnace for quick heating of stones;
  • ventilation of the heater for accelerated heating of the steam room;
  • the presence of an ash compartment to regulate the intensity of combustion.
  • No

Sudarushka M

Closed-type wood-fired sauna stove with a 50-liter tank, cast-iron body and natural stones, has a glass door.

Sudarushka M 
Steam room size. M³18
Stones. Weight, kg40
Chimney. Diameter, mm110
tank typebuilt-in
Dimensions, mm400x500x900
Sudarushka M sauna stove
  • the location of the firebox in an adjacent room;
  • panoramic glass;
  • combustion control;
  • water heating works as a closed system.
  • not found

Gas sauna stove

TMF Taimyr 2017 Carbon

Wall-mounted gas-fired sauna stove with steel body and top connection to the chimney.

Termofor Tunguska 2011 Inox 
Steam room size. M³8 to 18
Stones. Weight, kg60
Chimney. Diameter, mm115
Firebox, volume, liter60
Dimensions, mm840x415x795
TMF Taimyr 2017 Carbon
  • heat-resistant glass on the door;
  • design for the steam room "Russian bath";
  • Proportional ratio of temperature and humidity in the steam room.
  • short warranty period.

TMF Urengoy 2018

Small gas-fired wall-mounted sauna stove with a furnace volume of 42 liters of a closed type.

TMF Urengoy 2018 
Volume for a steam room, m³up to 12
Stones. Weight, kg51
Chimney. Height, m5
Chimney. Diameter, m115
Dimensions, mm750x451x647
TMF Urengoy 2018
  • choice of gas burner system;
  • easy installation due to the central location of the chimney;
  • built-in heat exchanger;
  • tinted glass screen.
  • short warranty period.

The best manufacturers of sauna stoves:

  • TMF;
  • Harvia;
  • Savo;
  • Vesuvius;
  • Yermak;
  • Feringer;
  • Barbara;
  • Teplodar.

What could be more pleasant than leaving the hustle and bustle of the city in a quiet country house with a good sauna. There is a lot of sweat to build and equip a decent steam room, which will pay off with health, pleasure from the process and a pleasant atmosphere.

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