
  1. Description and characteristics
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. Rating of quality yoga paschimo props for 2025

Rating of the best yoga paschimo props for 2025

Rating of the best yoga paschimo props for 2025

Yoga is an interesting and useful practice that allows you to improve your health and maintain a balance of inner harmony. Special devices for yoga (paschimo-props) help you perform the exercises correctly, while not overstraining your muscles. In the article, we will consider how to choose the right inventory for the price and main characteristics, how to use it with maximum efficiency, as well as what mistakes you can make when choosing. The article provides recommendations on what to look for when buying paschimo-props.

Description and characteristics

Paschimo-press is a special bench for backbends that will allow even the most inflexible people who are just starting to learn the basics of yoga to feel the correct form of paschimottanasana. Suitable for the hips, calf muscles, allows you to comfortably perform inclinations. With the correct position of the arms and legs, muscle relaxation will occur gradually, while maximum work efficiency will be achieved. Made from birch or pine wood.

Pashchimottanasana means intense tension. It is believed that the front side of the human body refers to the east (as a sign of reverence for the sun), and the back side refers to the west. It is also believed that the back of the body is connected with the past, and the development of asanas associated with it allows you to let go of the past and begin to live in the present.

Almost no training is complete without such an exercise, so it is important to know how to perform the pose correctly without harming yourself or getting injured.

In the classical execution, the pashchimottanasana technique is as follows:

  • lie on your back, take a deep breath, raise your arms above your head, put them on the floor;
  • exhaling, take a sitting posture, bend the torso towards the toes;
  • it is necessary to touch the tips of the toes, fix in this position, take a breath, straighten up;
  • take the starting position, arms extended along the body.

Everyone has their own time to complete the exercise, but classically it looks like this:

  • men from 15 seconds to 4 minutes;
  • women from 5-10 seconds to 4-5 minutes.

Consciousness during the exercise should be directed to the area of ​​the solar plexus. This exercise greatly strengthens the muscles of the legs and back. Yogis call it "the source of the energy of life."

However, it is quite difficult for beginners to complete this exercise without additional devices, so they are encouraged to use paschimo props.

You can practice Iyengar yoga on your own at home. Step-by-step instructions for each exercise are in any yoga brochure, or on specialized sites. However, group sessions or individual sessions with a specialist will bring results much faster.

Implementation Recommendations

  • At the initial stage, doing the exercise correctly is quite difficult, so do several approaches throughout the practice and compare your feelings. Be sure to listen to yourself.
  • If you lift up a little while bending over and feel your lower ribs, and then lower back into the bend while moving your ribs further away from your pelvis, you will be able to lengthen your back better.
  • You can also start the exercise with a deflection, this will make it easier to enter the slope.

Benefits of doing it right

Any posture in yoga is aimed at its result, which depends not only on the correct execution, but also on the immersion of consciousness in the work. If performed correctly, the effect will be achieved fairly quickly. What does the exercise do?

  • calms the nervous system;
  • helps lower blood pressure;
  • relaxes, copes with depression;
  • improves digestion;
  • gives elasticity to the spine;
  • stretches the muscles.

The longer you hold the pose, the faster you will achieve the desired result.


  • any injury to the back and spine;
  • hernia of the lumbar spine;
  • asthmatic syndrome;
  • cannot be performed on a full stomach;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes of internal organs.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation is quite simple. It is necessary to place the structure on a flat surface vertically.Take a sitting position, you need to rest your legs on the bar, gradually moving the stick lower and lower, reaches the most comfortable position of the body. In this case, the legs should be straight, the back should not be bent either. Thus, the slope will be lower and lower, this will allow you to quickly achieve the desired results, without overstraining the muscles.

Performing an exercise without paschimo-props

At the initial stage, when the muscles are not sufficiently stretched (this may be several workouts or several months of work), you can replace the paschimo-props with a sports gum. This is what most instructors recommend to beginners. This way you will avoid possible injury and damage.

It is necessary to take the Dandasana pose, sit on the buttocks and stretch the legs in front of you. The belt (elastic band) must be thrown over the feet, holding the ends with both hands. Take a deep breath and bend forward as you inhale. The most basic thing to remember at this stage is the need to keep your back straight. You can check in a simple way, before doing the exercise, check with your palm for the presence of a cavity between the tubercles of the back muscles, if there is one, then you are doing it correctly.

Another option for performing the exercise without additional devices is bent knees. The feet must be pulled towards you, at this time the knees are closed and slightly bent. Bend until it is comfortable to grab your toes with your hands. It is necessary to stretch the stomach to the hips, breathing should be deep and even. After a while, you can no longer bend your knees.

How to DIY

Paschimo props are not an essential tool in yoga, you can make them yourself. However, it is worth remembering that without special equipment and skills, the work may take a long time, and the result may not impress you much.

For manufacturing, you will need a high-quality tree, most often made from pine or birch, it can be made from plywood, but this design will last less. You also need a machine and additional equipment (jigsaw, screwdriver, grinding wheel, etc.)

The simulator consists of two halves cut out in the form of a ladder with rounded notches for a stick. The stick should be slightly larger than the simulator itself, so that it is convenient to use. It is also necessary to make a crossbar (plate) for the legs, it is better to make several, for different positions.

After the blanks are ready, they must be connected to each other (here it is important to correctly measure the distance between the steps and the very height of the simulator) using self-tapping screws or put on glue. Self-tapping screws will last longer, glue can fail at the most inopportune moment.

After the structure is assembled, it must be varnished in several layers. This will protect it from moisture and various damage. Be sure to check the inventory for surface roughness. Their presence can spoil the workout and harm your health.

As you can see, making such a device at home requires skills and takes a lot of time. If you plan to practice yoga professionally, it is recommended to purchase a ready-made exercise machine. Homemade paschimo props will last less, and various difficulties may arise during sports.


  • helps improve exercise performance;
  • suitable for beginners;
  • made of environmentally friendly materials;
  • can be practiced at home.


  • the cost of some models is quite high.

Criterias of choice

Tips on which is better to buy paschimo-props:

  1. Material quality.The main selection criterion is the material from which the inventory is made. Its quality must be high, then the design will last a long time. There should be no cracks and chips, this will affect the quality of the exercises and may be harmful to health. The presence of roughness and notches will also negatively affect training.
  2. The best manufacturers. Quite often, popular models are overpriced due to a well-known brand. Be sure to look at the appearance of the product, check the quality certificates from the manufacturer. You should not overpay for a brand if the functionality and quality are on the same level.
  3. Where could I buy. You can buy it at any sporting goods store, or order online at an online store. When buying on the site, pay attention not only to the popularity of models, reviews and consumer reviews, but also to the main characteristics of the products. Analyze how much one model costs on different resources, and choose the right one. You can also make an individual order from private craftsmen who will produce equipment for your needs. The cost may differ from store models, but you will have the original model.
  4. Price. The average cost of high-quality paschimo-props varies between 2500-4500 rubles. If the inventory price is below 2500 rubles, most likely it is made of low quality wood, in violation of technology, such a device will not last long. Overpaying, however, is also not worth it. The cost of some designs exceeds 5000 rubles, this does not guarantee that the inventory will last longer, most likely, these are well-known brand products that have identical functions.
  5. Review and reviews of consumers.It is not always possible to trust reviews on sites, so check all the characteristics and inventory indicators yourself, if you purchase on the site, compare the received model with the ordered one upon delivery. Sometimes stores make mistakes and deliver the wrong or poor quality product.

Rating of quality yoga paschimo props for 2025

The TOP includes the best models, according to buyers. The rating is divided into 2 large categories by price segment.

Best Inexpensive Pastchimo Props

Budget models costing up to 3,000 rubles

Yogin Paschimo props

Pascimo-props works effectively on the muscles of the thighs, calves and hamstrings. Soft and smooth stretching, which is provided by this design, relaxes the body, allows you to remove the clamps of the body from the ligaments and improves blood flow. Dimensions: 30x30x56 cm, weight: 5 kg. Average price: 2500 rubles.

Yogin Paschimo props
  • high efficiency;
  • suitable for the development of pashchimottanasana by beginners;
  • optimal size.
  • not identified.

spine stripe

The simulator is convenient for stretching, for paschimottanasana, for Iyengar yoga and performing other exercises of various levels of complexity. Made from birch plywood. Well stretches the calves, muscles of the thighs and ankles. Dimensions: 70x30x30 cm. Model of domestic production. Price: 2500 rubles.

Paschimo props spinestripe
  • light;
  • price;
  • eco-friendly material.
  • not identified.


Comfortable simulator, has a smooth structure, makes it easy to take the desired position, do not overstrain the muscles. It relieves muscle tension well, suitable for pashimotanasana. With such a simulator, you can practice on your own, at home, without attending group classes in the gym.Dimensions: 56 × 30 × 30 cm, weight: 4 kg. Cost: 3000 rubles.

Paschimo-props eco-list
  • light;
  • optimal dimensions;
  • suitable for beginners.
  • not identified.


A high-quality simulator made of pine will be an ideal assistant for beginner athletes and will help professionals improve their performance. The smooth surface and environmentally friendly materials contribute to relaxation and comfortable use of the structure. Price: 3000 rub.

Paschimo props MIND BODY
  • made of pine;
  • smooth, machined surface;
  • suitable for any level of training.
  • not identified.

The best premium paschimo props

Models costing more than 3,000 rubles.


The simulator allows you to gently and effectively stretch the muscles of the legs and back. The latch is comfortable, allows you to evenly distribute the load on the muscles. Material: birch. The tree is carefully processed, does not cause discomfort during use, and is environmentally friendly. Average cost: 4450 rubles.

Paschimo props ramakrishna
  • suitable for practitioners of all skill levels;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • pleasant to the touch, smooth.
  • not identified.


A high-quality simulator that allows you to effectively master paschimottanasana (pashimotanasana) and uttanasana. Suitable for stretching the back of the body at home. The pose is taken gradually, this allows the muscles to prepare for the exercise. Production: Russia. Made from birch. Cost: 4500 rubles.

Paschimo-props Yoga
  • high efficiency;
  • safety;
  • ease of use.
  • hard to find in retail.


Paschimottanasana is one of the important postures in yoga, this design allows you to stretch your muscles without tension and effectively and take the correct posture. Suitable for any level of training. Made from high quality birch wood. Dimensions: 69.5x32.2x34cm. Weight: 6.7 kg. Cost: 4228 rubles.

Paschimo props ramayoga
  • smooth surface;
  • domestic production;
  • optimal size.
  • the weight.


The simulator effectively stretches the hamstrings. It relieves tension and body clamps arising from constant stress and bustle of city life. Perfect for those who find it difficult to perform this exercise even from a standing position. Dimensions: 30x30x56 cm, weight: 5 kg. Cost: 4400 rubles.

Paschimo-props Yogin
  • optimal price-quality ratio;
  • suitable for beginner athletes;
  • effectively relieves muscle tension.
  • not identified.

Paschimo props, China, 1490106

A high-quality simulator for the correct execution of the necessary exercises. It has a smooth structure, beige color, all sides of the surface are carefully processed and polished. Dimensions: 25 x 50 x 25 cm. Weight: 3 kg. Cost: 5485 rubles.

Paschimo props, China, 1490106
  • light;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • environmentally safe.
  • price.

The article examined what kind of paschimo props are, which company is better to purchase, and also which type to choose. The selection of sports equipment should be carried out deliberately, then you will get more efficiency from training, it will serve you for a long time. The rating includes both new products from the best manufacturers and proven models.

Properly selected equipment is the key to effective training and health.

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