
  1. A bit of history
  2. Osteopathy - when it can help
  3. How to choose a doctor
  4. Rating of the best osteopaths in Moscow for 2025

Rating of the best osteopaths in Moscow for 2025

Rating of the best osteopaths in Moscow for 2025

There are many opinions about osteopathy. Someone considers osteopathic doctors to be charlatans, someone, on the contrary, talks about almost miraculous healings. To be fair, osteopathy is included in the register of the Ministry of Health as an independent area of ​​clinical medicine. After the “legalization”, several regulations were adopted, approving the list of qualification requirements. True, the same neurologists argue that such a decision was made in order to be able to somehow regulate the activities of such specialists.

For example, in the USA, before this direction was recognized as official, osteopaths (with and without medical education) took on the treatment of any patients, including those with serious diagnoses.

Today, osteopathy is in demand among patients, below we will talk about the best osteopaths in Moscow for 2025.

A bit of history

The term "osteopathy", like the direction itself, appeared in 1885. Written by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. In 1892, the first school of osteopathy was opened with 21 students. By 1900, the number of students increased to 700.
The philosophy of direction is a mix of the works of Darwin, Spencer. The bottom line is that the human body is a single mechanism that has all the resources for self-healing without drugs and surgical interventions. Diseases, according to Still, are nothing more than anatomical disorders. Due to displacement, violation of the lymph flow, a failure occurs (by analogy with a clock, for example), which leads to a disease. The task of an osteopath in simple words (if you do not go into complex and difficult to pronounce terminology) is to straighten a displaced organ, put it in its place.

In his books, Still described in detail the methods of diagnosis, treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs - from muscle pain to oncological diseases. And, despite the fact that his daughters died of meningitis, he categorically denied the infectious origin of diseases, was an ardent opponent of any vaccines and medicines.

Osteopathy - when it can help


Indications may vary slightly, depending on the clinic or doctor's specialty. But the list of diseases is impressive:

  • pain of various origins - from headaches, to articular, menstrual, as well as post-traumatic, associated with the consequences of injuries;
  • sinusitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, prevention of colds;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • neurological diseases;
  • reproductive disorders;
  • prevention, correction of occupational diseases;
    consequences of stress.

It is worth considering that a good chiropractor works only after assessing the patient's health status according to the actual data. That is, at least the doctor asks for a medical history.

A chiropractor also works with children, literally from birth. The list of indications ranges from headaches to posture disorders, enuresis, neurological diseases, psychomotor developmental delays.

It is worth considering that in the presence of a serious diagnosis, osteopathic sessions will not get rid of the disease itself, but they will remove the symptoms and make the patient's life more comfortable. At least such promises are on the websites of clinics.


In fact, there are no contraindications in osteopathy, as such. There is a concept of "inexpediency of application of practices". But if you look at the websites of clinics, you will get an approximate list of diseases in which osteopathy will be ineffective:

  • infectious, bacterial infections in severe form;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • oncology of any localization;
  • inflammatory diseases of the brain, spinal cord (myelitis, meningitis);
  • mental disorders.

As well as serious bone injuries, severe osteoporosis, the postoperative period (any surgical intervention).

How is the session

The reception itself consists of several stages, not much different from visiting a therapist.

The first stage is the collection of an anamnesis, the study of a medical record, a survey. Traditional research methods have not been canceled either - ultrasound, MRI, CT can be used for accurate diagnosis.

The second stage is inspection.Perhaps the doctor will ask the patient to bend over (down, to the sides), raise his hands. This is necessary to identify asymmetry, to determine the "squeezed" areas.

The third is actually the treatment itself. Usually this is a massage (the patient lies on the couch), palpation, without sudden movements and pressure. Plus a lot of communication - because one of the principles of the direction says that the musculoskeletal, nervous and mental systems are interconnected. Violations in one lead to failures throughout the body. So do not be surprised if the specialist says that the problems, say with the stomach, are connected with a long-standing quarrel with the mother.

Judging by the reviews, the sessions really help. Basically, correct posture, get rid of aching muscle pains, problems with the spine. Someone talks about a short-term effect - literally from session to session, someone about a long-term one. But all users are advised to carefully choose a specialist and undergo a medical examination before visiting an osteopath. At a minimum, ultrasound, CT and MRI. A card from the hospital with all the indicated diseases is also worth taking with you.

The number of sessions depends on the disease. On average, you need at least 4, with an interval of several days. It happens that the condition improves after the first one, and someone needs to complete the full course. The price of the initial appointment varies from 1500 to 5000-8000 rubles. And this is not counting the payment for additional studies that the doctor may prescribe. So treatment by an osteopath is not a cheap pleasure.

How to choose a doctor

The choice of a clinic or a doctor engaged in private practice should be approached carefully - after all, you trust him with your health. Here are a few criteria to look out for.


Since osteopathy is still a direction of clinical medicine, a doctor must have a diploma in the specialty "General Medicine", a state-recognized certificate of retraining. Therefore, before making an appointment, feel free to ask for documents - there is nothing offensive in this. The patient must know to whom he trusts his treatment.


See reviews, better detailed. It is good if patients indicate what exactly the doctor helped, how many sessions were completed, how much their condition improved. Reviews like “I suffered from 120 diseases, everything went away after the first visit” is better not to take into account - there are zero specifics here.

Carefully read the information on the official website of the clinic. You definitely shouldn't apply if:

  • the clinic is not in the register on the Osteopaths of Russia portal, you can check doctors on the same site;
  • promise to cure any disease and are silent about contraindications;
  • there is no information about the qualifications of doctors - completed courses, certificates from strange educational institutions, which, with all the desire, cannot be found in a single register, do not count;
  • it is written in plain text that there are no contraindications - if doctors undertake to treat oncology, the consequences of strokes, and even promise a complete recovery, then this option should not even be considered;
  • there is no fixed price for services - instead of a specific figure, there is a conditional “from 1500” rubles, what exactly can affect the price is not very clear.

If the site does not contain any specific information about what exactly the treatment is, but there is something about circulation, release, blocking of energy, then you can safely close the page. All these incomprehensible formulations are attempts to mislead the patient and avoid responsibility, as well as to take more money from him.After all, energy can be released endlessly, and most importantly, it is impossible to check where it has moved there.

It sounds, of course, ridiculous, but if a person is really in pain, he will believe in any, even the most outright nonsense. The “transport” or “release” of energy itself, whatever that means, cannot hurt – osteopaths use traditional soft massage techniques. But to take away precious time that could be spent on a full-fledged diagnosis is easy. Therefore, check the clinics very carefully, request documents, ask questions.

Important: an osteopath is an official specialty, approved by order 1183 n of December 20, 2012. Assigned after graduating from a medical university with training in residency, internship in the specialties "Osteopathy", "Manual Therapy". Certificates of attendance at seminars and courses do not in any way confirm the qualifications of a doctor.


Rating of the best osteopaths in Moscow for 2025

Compiled based on patient reviews posted in the public domain. Information about the qualifications of specialists - from the websites of clinics.

Admission of adult patients

Pereverzev Ilya Vitalievich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, manual therapist, neurologist, reflexologist. Specializes in the treatment of diseases of the spine, musculoskeletal system, internal organs. Work experience - 17 years.
Education - Russian National Research Medical University ("General Medicine"), residency in the specialty "Neurology". After refresher courses - "Podiatry", "Manual Therapy", "Neurology". Works at Healthy Spine Clinic Hello in Otradnoye. The cost of the session is 1850 rubles.

  • work experience;
  • owns analgesic, deep tissue massage techniques;
  • a lot of positive feedback.
  • no.

Korolkov Ivan Anatolievich

Head of the Department of Osteopathy at the Medical Center Stolitsa on Leninsky. Work experience 21 years. Graduated from Moscow State Medical University. Evdokimov, after - residency, postgraduate study in the specialty "Neurology". Works with adults and children.


  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • recovery from injuries;
  • diseases of the spine (including hernia);
  • as an additional therapy, alleviating the condition in diseases of the internal organs;
    joint diseases.

The cost of admission is 2580 rubles. (primary, the amount does not include additional studies).

  • work experience;
  • professionalism;
  • the recording is occupied a couple of months in advance - this also says something;
  • the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.
  • no.

Kiselev Anton Sergeevich

Accepts at Sinai International Medical Center. Reviews are positive, including from medical patients. Accepts adults, children from 7 years. He owns soft manual techniques, uses biopuncture techniques for treatment.


  • osteochondrosis;
  • chronic pain;
  • violation of posture;
  • sleep problems;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

The cost of the initial appointment is 3500 rubles. The duration of the session is on average about 40 minutes.

  • the treatment plan consists of a combination of different techniques;
  • work experience of 20 years;
  • high (judging by the reviews) efficiency - some users in the reviews claim that they got rid of pain after 1 session.
  • no.

Kim Leonid Sergeevich

Accepts adults in the clinic "7 Capital Doctors".Work experience - 27 years, education - higher (North Ossetian Medical Academy), internship, residency in the specialties "General Surgery", "Neurology", "Reflexology".


  • diseases of the spine, joints;
  • rehabilitation after injuries, surgeries;
  • VSD, panic attacks.

The reviews are only positive, the cost of an initial consultation lasting 30 minutes is 2000 rubles. An hour session will cost 6,000 rubles.

  • work experience 28 years;
  • the effectiveness of treatment using various techniques;
  • kindness, care.
  • no.


On the websites of many clinics, it is recommended to show children to osteopaths almost from birth - for the timely detection and elimination of possible pathologies. It is worth it to do it or not - to decide, of course, the parents. It is only worth taking into account the risks and looking for a specialist very, very carefully. Any manipulations carried out by a non-professional can lead to injury to the spine or limbs. It's about newborns.

In any case, you need to go for an appointment only after a full examination in a regular hospital. By the way, the treatment of children takes 1-2 sessions. With an interval of a couple of months.

Nikitsev Roman Nikolaevich

Doctor of the highest category with sixteen years of experience. Specializes in the treatment of inguinal hernia, flat feet, torticollis. Judging by the reviews, the doctor easily finds a common language with both one-year-old babies and 15-year-olds.

Takes in the clinics "OsteoModus", "Adanaya", "Osteoprofi". The cost of the initial appointment is from 6000 rubles.

  • benevolence, attentiveness;
  • no imposition of additional treatment;
  • safe techniques.
  • no.

Mitrofanov Oleg Nikolaevich

Doctor of the highest category, neurologist. Accepts children from 3 years old. Specializes in the treatment of migraines, VVD, intervertebral hernia. Masters the techniques of traditional medical massage.
Accepts at East Clinic clinics (branches in Lyubertsy, Nekrasovka, on Leningradsky Prospekt), the cost of admission is from 6300 rubles, a massage session will cost the same amount.

  • the effectiveness of treatment - after the sessions, people (according to reviews) get rid of pain;
  • full diagnostics;
  • In parallel, you can take a course of massage.
  • no.

So osteopathy is a direction of clinical medicine with its own philosophy, well-established, relatively safe practices. But only certified specialists who have received higher medical education can accept patients.
There is no extensive evidence base confirming the effectiveness of the methods used. According to research, osteopathic techniques can alleviate the condition of patients with lower back pain, temporarily relieve pain. According to grateful patients, osteopaths can find and cure diseases that could not be diagnosed in ordinary clinics.
In general, whether to contact osteopaths or not is everyone's business. It is only worth remembering that in case of serious health problems, during the rehabilitation period after suffering heart attacks, strokes, it is better to contact specialized clinics. When the condition improves, use osteopathy as an additional therapy. And only after consultation with the attending physician.

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