
  1. What are the benefits of orthopedic insoles?
  2. Standard or customized?
  3. Rating of the best orthopedic insoles for 2025
  4. For adults
  5. Baby

Rating of the best orthopedic insoles for 2025

Rating of the best orthopedic insoles for 2025

The accelerated rhythm of modern life forces the population to actively move, work for a long time in a standing position, and walk long distances. In most cases, this leads to chronic fatigue, the emergence and development of various leg diseases. This negative consequence is facilitated by the incorrect position of the foot, both while walking and while at the workplace. The main reason leading to such situations is uncomfortable and improperly selected shoes. An unevenly distributed load on different parts of the foot contributes to the activation of some muscles and the atrophy of others, which leads to negative results. To prevent the formation or weaken the phenomena and diseases described above, orthopedic doctors strongly recommend the use of special insoles.

What are the benefits of orthopedic insoles?

According to experts, orthopedic insoles allow you to keep the foot in the correct anatomical position due to the even distribution of the load between all muscle groups involved in walking.

The main functions of these products are:

  • normalization of blood flow in the lower extremities;
  • reducing the load on the joints and spine due to depreciation properties;
  • getting rid of foot pain and discomfort;
  • normalization of the position of the spine and straightening of posture;
  • corrects the work of the foot and the entire musculoskeletal system.

Application area

The scope of use of these corrective products is quite wide. They are needed for:

  • flat feet of various modifications;
  • the presence of heel spurs;
  • shortened legs;
  • deformed fingers of the lower extremities;
  • maintaining the foot in the correct anatomical position during pregnancy, the use of high-heeled shoes, prolonged standing, increased physical exertion, varicose veins, excess weight.


Depending on the location of the corrective parts and the purpose of orthopedic pads for shoes are divided into:

  • detorsion;
  • leveling the length of the lower limbs;
  • supporting the longitudinal arch;
  • supporting the transverse and longitudinal arches;
  • correcting varus deformity of the foot;
  • corrective valgus change of the foot;
  • relieving pain, pressure on calluses and corns.

Specialized shoe products used for longitudinal flat feet are equipped with a higher arch support that supports the longitudinal arch of the foot.

The insoles used for transverse flat feet have a pad, a roller for separating the fingers and a detail that corrects the position of the heel.

Gaskets for combined flat feet combine all of the above fragments.

Also, products in this category differ in rigidity. Frame (rigid) products are used by people involved in active physical activity. Frameless (soft) are more suitable for everyday use to keep the foot in a comfortable and correct position.

Insoles and flat feet

One of the most common diseases in modern society is flat feet. It indicates a weak ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the sole due to an incorrectly distributed load on all groups of muscles involved. This disease manifests itself in the alignment of the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot, providing the necessary shock-absorbing effect of the leg while walking. Such a violation entails an increase in the load on the corresponding joints and spine. As a result - chronic fatigue, fatigue, overstrain and muscle strain.

To avoid such troubles (for prevention purposes), as well as significantly alleviate the condition with flat feet, orthopedists recommend using specially designed insoles.

They also fall into several categories:

  • heel;
  • liners;
  • half insoles;
  • full size.

Each of them has certain conditions of use. So, heel pads are great for dealing with heel spurs. Inserts are effective for a specific problem area.Half-insoles are perfect for model shoes with heels, where full-size options are less aesthetic, but which perfectly "get along" with sports models.

The bulk of manufactured products belonging to the category of orthopedic insoles are designed by manufacturers for a long service life. With constant use, it can last up to 5 years. With active sports, this time is reduced by almost 2 times. But when buying each model, experts still recommend that you read the instructions, as well as get clarification about the service life from the seller or consultant.

Standard or customized?

Only an orthopedic surgeon can answer this question. After examining the patient at the reception and determining the presence or absence of flat feet, as well as any other deviations in the correct shape of the foot, he will recommend using the most suitable option for insoles. If the use of standard designs is excluded due to the individual structural features of the sole or the course of the disease, he will offer to make the product to order.

The manufacture of individual orthopedic insoles is carried out in two ways:

  • using 3D technology by scanning the patient's sole;
  • manual selection of the most effective parts with their subsequent assembly into a whole product.

Standard models also have their own gradation. They are for children and adults. Depending on the application - for sports, closed or open shoes. The material used in the manufacture of products clearly testifies to this.

Distinctive features of orthopedic insoles for closed shoes are:

  • breathability;
  • water-repellent properties;
  • the presence of antibacterial impregnation.

For sports and children:

  • high wear resistance;
  • reliable fixation of the sole in the correct anatomical position;
  • non-slip fastening to the inside of the shoe;
  • unloading of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus from increased tension.

For open:

  • not a full-size form;
  • adaptation to a specific area of ​​the sole;
  • various mounting methods.

Due to the fact that all orthopedic insoles are medical instruments, they are made of high quality materials, most of which consist of natural fibers. Children's models are uniquely made from 100% natural canvas.

Rating of the best orthopedic insoles for 2025

According to consumer reviews, the following representatives of specialized medical products got to the first stages of popularity.

For adults

Orto Professional Optimum Red

This model is a medical representative of German manufacturers. It has a semi-rigid base and is designed for use during running, long walks and sports. Available for both women and men. The therapeutic effect is to maintain the sole in the correct anatomical position with flat feet:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • longitudinal-transverse;
  • valgus.

Actively showed themselves in the fight against heel spurs.

For preventive purposes, they can be used to prevent the formation of flat feet, mitigate shock loads on the feet, create comfortable conditions for long walking and increase the comfort of shoes. Made from natural textiles, they provide air access to the soles, prevent the formation of scuffs and fogging.Thanks to the antibacterial coating with silver ions, which impregnate products, their use eliminates the possibility of the appearance of fungi and other harmful microorganisms. In most models of this manufacturer, there are silicone gel inserts that provide the formation of an individual shape of a person's sole. Such areas are located in several zones of the insoles, adapting the product to the structural features of the foot as much as possible. A wide range of sizes allows you to choose the option you need.

orthopedic insoles Orto Professional Optimum Red
  • convenient form;
  • reliable fixation of the arch of the foot;
  • high quality source material;
  • the presence of antibacterial impregnation;
  • use of silicone inserts.
  • not found.

Ortho Concept

Orthopedic insoles made in Germany have a narrower specialization and perform only a therapeutic function. They are used by people suffering from flat feet of varying severity. Thanks to the semi-rigid frame and genuine leather from which the Orto Concept models are made, the insoles provide maximum effect during long walks. They provide comfortable support for both the transverse and longitudinal arches of the foot, and absorb excessive load during movement.

Products of this manufacturer are designed for women's and men's closed shoes. The surface of the insoles is covered with small holes that allow moisture to quickly escape. The undoubted advantage of this model is the possibility of washing in a washing machine. Also, a variety of sizes allows you to choose the most suitable option.

orthopedic insoles Orto Concept
  • high therapeutic effect;
  • the presence of female and male options;
  • naturalness of raw materials;
  • maximum comfort in use;
  • possibility of automatic washing.
  • not identified.

Luomma Lum210

Orthopedic products of domestic production are not inferior in quality to many foreign companies. Luomma Lum210 have proven themselves in the fight against hallux valgus, flat feet of various modifications. Also, a high effect is shown in the process of preventing the listed diseases and other changes in the correct shape of the sole. Due to the semi-rigid fixation of the foot in an anatomically correct position, a gradual improvement in the state of human health, a decrease in the load on the spine and knee joints, and alignment of posture are achieved. This model is used only in closed shoes. The microliner from which the products are made allows the skin to actively “breathe”, creates the most comfortable conditions for long walking, running, and other sports. The shock-absorbing semi-rigid frame softens sharp shock loads on the foot during movement. The size range allows you to choose the right option for women and men. The only warning from manufacturers is that it will take from 1 to 5 days to adapt and get used to Luomma Lum210.

orthopedic insoles Luomma Lum210
  • versatility of application;
  • high performance;
  • effective therapeutic effect;
  • the presence of women's and men's insoles.
  • possible presence of initial discomfort.

Luomma Lum203

Also being a representative of Russian manufacturers, this model has some differences from the previous version. Firstly, it is intended not only for the treatment of all types of flat feet and valgus deformity of the arch of the foot, but also for the elimination of corns, calluses, and easier walking for pregnant women.The semi-rigid frame helps the sole to take the correct anatomical shape and maintain it during the entire movement. Evenly distributing the load between all muscle groups, it allows you to unload the joints and spine, facilitate walking, relieve fatigue and correct impaired posture. Relieving pain, Luomma Lum203 insoles create maximum comfort when working in a standing position, long walks, playing sports. The latex used in the production and genuine leather allow the skin of the feet to remain dry and fit comfortably inside the shoe. Both women's and men's Luomma Lum203 models are entering consumer markets.

Manufacturers recommend using this product for shoes with a heel not exceeding 3 cm.

orthopedic insoles Luomma Lum203
  • universality;
  • a choice of women's and men's products;
  • comfortable use;
  • naturalness of raw materials.
  • fixed shoe heel height.

Orto Samba

Any woman, even suffering from diabetes or one of the types of flat feet, has a desire to look beautiful and wear model shoes with high heels. But not always its pad contributes to comfortable use. To create the most comfortable conditions for wearing this type of footwear, German manufacturers created the Orto Samba model. Its soft frame, almost imperceptible thickness, allows the foot not to feel discomfort in the shoe, not to experience excessive stress on the joints and ligamentous-muscular apparatus, to distribute pressure on the foot evenly, to unload the spine. Shoes for which Orto Samba orthopedic insoles are recommended must have a closed heel and toe and a heel height greater than 5 cm.

orthopedic insoles Orto Samba
  • soft and light;
  • comfortable to use;
  • effective;
  • minimally perceptible.
  • not applicable for fully open shoe models.

Taxco Galaxy 682

German manufacturers offer the population the Tacco Gelaxy 682 model, designed to be worn with the following diseases:

  • heel spur;
  • diabetes;
  • bursitis;
  • corns;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis.

It is also applicable for the prevention of the formation of transverse flat feet. These products proved to be excellent during long walking and long standing work. Soft and comfortable, made of textile and gel, they provide maximum comfort to the arch of the sole for a long time. The presence of a gel layer ensures quick adaptation of the pad to the anatomical features of the human foot and eliminates the addiction period. This product is designed for closed shoes. It is produced in women's and men's assortment.

orthopedic insoles Tacco Gelaxy 682
  • maximum comfort;
  • high efficiency;
  • pleasant to the body;
  • no adjustment period;
  • possibility of choosing the best option.
  • not detected.


Orto Fun

German orthopedic companies did not ignore children, providing them with Orto Fun products. They provide for the treatment of existing diseases, the initial stages of deformity and the prevention of the formation of disorders in the anatomical structure of the children's foot. These products have a rigid frame, which, when worn for a long time, is able to completely correct the deformation of the child's legs without causing excessive discomfort.In order to achieve the most positive result, orthopedic doctors strongly recommend that when diagnosing any disease early, do not postpone treatment until later, but immediately begin to eliminate it. And the sooner this is done, the more likely it is to completely eliminate the deformity or disease. The most suitable age for rehabilitation of children is up to 4 years. A large selection of sizes of the products provided allows you to choose the perfect option for the child.

orthopedic insoles Orto Fun
  • strong fixation of the arch of the sole;
  • textile inner side;
  • having a variety of sizes.
  • require getting used to.

Trives ST-180

The domestic product of this brand perfectly copes with the treatment of statistical flat feet, valgus and flat-valgus deformities of the children's foot. Also, when using it, a high preventive effect is achieved during long walking. Trives ST-180 provides the correct anatomical position of the arch of the sole, which leads to a decrease in the load on the musculoskeletal system, maintaining an even posture, unloading the ligamentous-muscular skeleton, and eliminating fatigue. Thanks to the rigid frame, the sole of the child is securely fixed in the shoe. According to the recommendations of experts, such products are best used in shoes with a hard, high back. The inner side of the insoles is covered with thermal soft, which is a hypoallergenic material with breathable and moisture-absorbing properties. The size range of manufactured products is wide, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable product.

orthopedic insoles Trives ST-180
  • high therapeutic effect;
  • the possibility of wearing for preventive purposes;
  • designed for closed and open shoes;
  • a wide range of sizes.
  • require an adjustment period.

The use of orthopedic insoles, unequivocally, should only bring benefits. But the use for preventive purposes provides for an independent choice of the most convenient and suitable product. But in the treatment of existing diseases and deviations in the shape of the feet, a preliminary consultation with an orthopedist is required. Otherwise, improperly selected products will bring not only discomfort and pain, but also entail additional trouble. And timely appeal to specialists is the key to health and success!

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