
  1. Orthopedic doctor - specifics of work
  2. Overview of the best orthopedic clinics in Kazan for 2025

Overview of the best orthopedic clinics in Kazan for 2025

Overview of the best orthopedic clinics in Kazan for 2025

Any disturbances in the work of the musculoskeletal system is a restriction of movement, discomfort, pain. Don't wait for everything to go away on its own. Self-medication, anesthetic pharmaceutical ointments can only bring temporary relief. Meanwhile, the disease can develop into a chronic one, in the most difficult cases surgery may be required. In the article we will talk about the best orthopedic clinics in Kazan.

Orthopedic doctor - specifics of work

An orthopedist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries and pathologies (including congenital) of the musculoskeletal system, such as:

  • scoliosis;
  • deformity of the feet and joints;
  • flat feet;
  • consequences of injuries (slow fusion of bone tissue, false joints);
  • inflammatory diseases - bursitis;
  • joint diseases;
  • as well as benign neoplasms.

Diagnostic methods

At the first stage, the doctor interviews the patient, clarifies the causes of pain. Then a visual inspection is carried out. If necessary, X-ray examination, tomography (computer, magnetic resonance) is used for more accurate diagnosis. It is these methods that make it possible to obtain an accurate picture of the disease - the localization of the lesion, possible pathological changes in the bone, periosteum, joint and soft tissues.

When it comes to injuries, when prescribing an examination, the orthopedist takes into account the nature and duration of pain, the degree of deformation of the damaged joint, possible swelling or movement restrictions. Firstly, this approach reduces the negative impact of radiation (for example, X-ray), and secondly, it saves the patient's money.


Depending on the specialization, orthopedic traumatologists work in the following areas:

  • Outpatient - prevention and treatment directly in the clinic, in the specialist's office.
  • Children's - specializes in the elimination of pathologies in children from birth. Very often, children with congenital dislocations of the hip joint become patients of orthopedists. With early diagnosis and the right technique, the disease can be cured completely.
    You need to consult a specialist if you notice that the child is constantly stooping, complaining of pain after a long walk.
  • Traumatology - elimination of the consequences of injuries, including sports ones. Both conservative and surgical treatments are used.
  • Endoprosthetics (of bones and joints) is performed in extreme cases when their preservation is impossible.
  • Surgical - treatment of injuries, pathologies of the spine, defects of the upper and lower extremities.

When to apply

It is worth contacting an orthopedist if you are worried about constant pain in the muscles, swelling in the joints, limited movement (it is impossible to raise your arm or turn your neck). Numbness of limbs, dislocations, aching pains associated with weather changes.

Constant supervision of the attending physician is necessary if the patient has already been diagnosed with arthritis or arthrosis, chronic diseases of the spine.

Treatment Methods

Depend on the diagnosis. To relieve and eliminate pain, medicines (tablets, injections), electrophoresis, magnetic therapy are used.

Some clinics practice hirudotherapy, as a rule, for diseases of the joints. The effect of the procedure is due to the fact that the saliva of leeches contains a lot of biologically active substances that contribute to normal blood circulation. Enzymes relieve swelling, have an analgesic effect, and prevent scarring.

In diseases of the joints, therapy with the use of preparations based on hyaluronic acid shows good results. The advantages of the method are increased mobility, pain relief, no side effects.

Plasmolifting is the introduction into the joint cavity, soft tissues of the patient's own plasma. Significantly reduces the recovery time, promotes the restoration of damaged tissues, relieves pain and restores mobility. It is used for muscle spasms, arthritis, arthrosis, rehabilitation after injuries and surgical interventions. Another plus is the reduction in the amount of medication used.
Massage has a positive effect.Classical or manual, depending on the diagnosis and prescriptions of the attending physician.

How to choose a clinic

When choosing, you should pay attention to the information posted on the site: personnel, work experience, education, work experience. Study reviews.

If medical care is needed for elderly patients, it is worth clarifying the possibility of calling a specialist at home. If such a service is not provided, then it is better to choose a clinic closer to home or in close proximity to public transport or metro stops.

It is also worth clarifying:

  • the cost of the initial visit;
  • what is included in the course of treatment - it is possible that you will have to buy the drugs yourself;
  • is it possible to provide services under a regular compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • availability of fees for additional services;
  • whether the doctor can issue a sick leave (if necessary).

In general, the best way to choose a really good doctor is to ask friends for recommendations. Especially carefully and responsibly, you need to approach the choice of a specialist for the child.

Overview of the best orthopedic clinics in Kazan for 2025

Clinic Dr. Lurie

A multidisciplinary clinic, one of the areas of which is orthopedics. It is known that, unlike a traumatologist, an orthopedic doctor works not only with acquired, but also with congenital disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system.

According to the chief physician, effective treatment does not have to be expensive.


  • diagnostics and selection of techniques to alleviate the condition with arthrosis
  • at any stage using modern technologies;
  • prevention and elimination of pathologies of the spine, upper and lower extremities;
  • surgical correction of bone deformity with subsequent rehabilitation;
  • muscle pain;
  • neuritis, venous congestion and lymph outflow disorders (including postoperative);
  • rehabilitation after fractures, injuries of ligaments and joints of the ankle, shoulder, hands.

Also, the clinic will produce orthopedic insoles, both for everyday wear and for sports.

What is included in the course of treatment:

The developed methods are not aimed at eliminating symptoms, but at treating an existing disease.

An integrated approach includes:

  • diagnostics;
  • classical and apparatus massage (modern German equipment is used);
  • taping - for sprains, treatment of hematomas and muscle pain;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • injections of drugs (including those based on hyaluronic acid) - intramuscularly or directly into the joint.

The clinic offers the services of qualified doctors with many years of experience. The cost is quite acceptable. A basic 10-day course costs from 6,000 rubles. One-time appointment and consultation with a doctor - 1400. You can make an appointment by phone or on the website.

Address: Vakhitovsky district, Dostoevsky street 74
☎(843) 500-52-94
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 8.00 to 20.00

  • qualified specialists;
  • excellent customer reviews;
  • a wide range of services;
  • attentive staff;
  • informative site;
  • works with patients of any age, including babies;
  • technical equipment;
  • innovative methods of treatment;
  • affordable prices.
  • there are no significant ones.

Clinic Scandinavia

It is also a multidisciplinary family clinic. Highly qualified specialists conduct appointments not only on an outpatient basis - home visits are also possible. Which is very convenient for elderly patients and parents with small children.

Service list:

  • diagnosis and treatment of traumatic injuries using radiography;
  • reduction of dislocations;
  • treatment of the spine (hernia, congenital pathologies);
  • prevention of joint diseases;
  • non-surgical elimination of the symptoms of a “clicking” finger, pain, restoration of damage to the tendons of the hand of a non-traumatic nature;
  • dressing in the postoperative period;
  • medical care for elderly patients;
  • issuance of sick leave.

As well as interaction with MSEK (medical examination, filling out mailing lists to establish a disability group).

Applied methods of treatment:

  • manual therapy;
  • physiotherapy (including referral from other clinics after a doctor's examination);
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.

The cost of the initial appointment is 1400 rubles, the doctor's home visit (depending on the distance) is from 3800 rubles.

Address: st. Profsoyuznaya 19
☎+7 (843) 200-10-65
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 8.00 to 21.00, Sunday from 8.00 to 17.00

  • convenient location;
  • qualified personnel;
  • the possibility of calling a doctor at home;
  • it is convenient that you can apply for a sick leave, you do not need to go anywhere else;
  • promotions are held regularly - you can save on the cost of the initial appointment.
  • not a very user friendly site.

Center for Neurology and Orthopedics Osnova Zdorovya

It offers treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, consequences of injuries, rehabilitation after arthroplasty. As well as accelerated MRI, sampling (if necessary).

Applied methods:

  • hirudotherapy;
  • manual and physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • medication drip).

Doctors on staff with over 10 years of experience. Curators are appointed specialists with more than 20 years of experience.
An initial consultation can be obtained already when making an appointment.All that is needed is to tell about the symptoms, the duration of the diagnosed disease. During a personal visit, the doctor examines the patient, if necessary, prescribes additional studies. Based on the collected anamnesis, an individual program is selected

Several specialists work with the patient. The supervising doctor monitors the dynamics and, if necessary, corrects the methods of treatment.

After completing the course, the exercise therapy specialist will draw up a program for homework, taking into account the age and physical capabilities of the patient.

The cost of the initial appointment is 800 rubles. You can sign up by phone or by leaving a request on the website.

Address: Siberian tract 12 A
☎+7 (843) 567-30-40
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday from 8.00 to 20.00

  • personnel of the highest medical category, among them - doctors and candidates of sciences;
  • the possibility of adjusting doctor's visits to the patient's schedule;
  • work with VHI policies;
  • payment by cash and card is possible;
  • has its own small parking lot;
  • informative site.
  • difficult to get to - there is a map to the site, but the description can be confusing;
  • irrelevant information - prices are indicated as of 01/01/2019.

Medical center on Minsk

The Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics offers services for the treatment of patients of any age, including at home.


  • correction of congenital and acquired defects (curvature of the spine, flat feet, post-traumatic complications);
  • installation of fixing devices;
  • examination when establishing a disability group;
  • issuance of sick leave;
  • treatment of elderly patients who have suffered severe injuries at home.

To clarify the diagnosis, hardware diagnostic methods are used - fluoroscopy, MRI, ultrasound of the joints.

Main methods: medication, massage and manual therapy. They are prescribed in combination or separately, depending on the diagnosis.

Address: st. Minskaya 26 A
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday from 9.00 to 16.00

  • the possibility of treatment at home;
  • good patient reviews;
  • experienced orthopedists;
  • friendly staff.
  • schedule;
  • uninformative site - the cost of the initial appointment, the course of treatment is not indicated.

Family Clinic

The name speaks for itself. The clinic provides a wide range of services for visitors of all ages. Including diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • damage to ligaments, menisci;
  • vertebral hernias;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • flat feet, curvature of the feet;
  • dislocations.

Under the supervision of experienced doctors, patients undergo rehabilitation after injuries.

The diagnosis is based on the results of orthopedic tests, assessment of the general condition of the musculoskeletal system: gait, posture, possible range of motion, joint stability. If necessary, laboratory tests are ordered.

In addition to traditional methods, the clinic practices plasmolifting - a virtually painless procedure (you can ask for anesthesia if you wish). The essence of the technique is the introduction of purified blood (plasma) of the patient into the affected joint.

Safety is guaranteed, since all manipulations are carried out with the patient (blood sampling, cleansing, etc.).

Here you can order orthopedic insoles, taking into account the individual characteristics of the foot. Measurements are taken by an orthopedic surgeon.The cost is 4500 rubles.

Initial appointment and consultation for adults - 700 rubles, for children - 990 rubles.

Address: Baki Urmanche, 5
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 19.00, Saturday from 7.30 to 14.00

  • attentive and friendly staff;
  • cumulative system of discounts;
  • satisfied visitors (reviews about doctors are only positive).
  • awkward schedule.

Rehabilitation Clinic

Uses the latest methods in the treatment of patients with chronic diseases. The selection of individual techniques significantly reduces pain and makes life easier for the patient.
The clinic uses conservative methods of treatment:

  • congenital dislocations of the hip joint;
  • limb deformities;
  • diseases of the spine (scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis, lordosis);
  • osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.

After a comprehensive examination, if necessary, surgery, the patient receives a referral to the best clinics in the city.

The cost of the initial examination - 800 rubles

Address: st. Prospekt Pobedy, 90
☎+7(843) 225-03-33, +7(843) 225-03-09
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday from 9.00 to 17.00

  • convenient location;
  • drug therapy quickly relieves pain;
  • individual approach;
  • the clinic works with VHI policies;
  • conducting a complete examination;
  • The website provides complete information.
  • there are no significant ones.

Do not postpone a visit to the doctor if you notice a crunch or pain in the joints. Constant muscle pain is also a reason to consult a specialist. After all, the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the greater the chances for a quick and successful cure.

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