
  1. How to choose an orthopedic clinic
  2. Rating of clinics providing quality orthopedic services for adults and children
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best orthopedic clinics in St. Petersburg in 2025

Rating of the best orthopedic clinics in St. Petersburg in 2025

Throughout the entire period of the existence of mankind, people have constantly faced problems associated with violations of the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Since the joints, muscles and ligaments of a person experience a certain load from birth, sooner or later people begin to experience problems when moving.

There are also many cases of defects in the musculoskeletal system, starting from the period of intrauterine development, and ending with injuries and injuries received in childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

Any diseases associated with mobility disorders of various etiologies are dealt with by a narrow orthopedic doctor. First of all, he specializes in eliminating problems in the spinal column and joints. Also, this doctor treats diseases of cartilage and muscle tissue. Modern orthopedics is classified into areas: functional, sports, clinical and rehabilitation. Orthopedists are for adults and children.

In this article, we will learn how to choose the best orthopedic clinic in order to get professional help and not make mistakes when choosing, and what to look for on the first visit, as well as find out what types and types of treatment for orthopedic problems are, rank the best orthopedic centers according to patients in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

How to choose an orthopedic clinic

There are two types of orthopedic medical institutions in Russia: public and private. The former, as a rule, have budgetary funding and work on compulsory medical insurance, the latter - exclusively for money. When choosing an institution, we recommend focusing not on the conditions for the provision of services, but on their quality, which consists of the following selection criteria:

  1. Technical equipment, used equipment. Since accurate diagnosis is extremely important in orthopedics, high-tech devices and installations are required for its implementation. Indeed, not only the success of treatment, but also the speed of recovery of the patient, and the possibility of preventing the occurrence of undesirable consequences depend on the correctness of the diagnosis. Equally important is the availability of high-quality materials used for fixing limbs in a stationary state, dressings, etc.In a serious institution, great attention is paid to the purchase of medical equipment from the best manufacturers with a large set of features and advanced functionality. Even large government centers tend to purchase highly efficient diagnostic equipment.
  2. Qualification level, seniority and work experience of specialists. The more certified doctors with extensive experience in the medical institution, the more difficult and controversial cases they “passed” through themselves. In orthopedics, especially for children, it is important to detect a defect in time and not miss the time to eliminate it in order to prevent serious consequences. That is why the diagnosis of diseases in the early stages allows you to cure them completely, or minimize possible complications. A qualified doctor can quickly diagnose and prescribe adequate therapy. At the first visit, you should pay attention to the doctor's work experience in the specialty, the time he took the last refresher courses, the availability of diplomas and other awards for high achievements. A good sign is that a specialist has scientific articles and dissertations, which indicates that he seeks to improve his level of knowledge and follows the latest achievements of domestic and European medicine. Most often, such doctors work in private clinics, since such medical institutions do their best to retain a specialist, offering him decent wages and encouraging financial and scientific developments.
  3. The quality and quantity of reviews. This is another of the most important criteria that shows the satisfaction of patients with the work of physicians. The best medical institutions have a large number of positive reviews and thanks from visitors.It is worth paying attention to reviews posted on third-party resources (not on the official website of the company), as well as those that are written in detail and reasonably, indicating details that outsiders cannot know. Another source of information about the medical center is the advice and recommendations of friends and relatives. Since they are interested in recommending a clinic that will help you in the situation that has arisen, their opinion should not be ignored, also considering that some establishments are able to go to any lengths in order to attract customers (up to creating "fake" reviews ).

In order not to have orthopedic problems, and in case of their occurrence, to deal with them quickly, we advise:

  1. Observe the regime of work and rest, do not apply excessive loads during physical exercises and sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and apply the principles of proper nutrition.
  2. When the first symptoms appear, immediately seek help, since orthopedic diseases are characterized by a latent course, and when the first unpleasant symptoms appear, the patient's condition may already be severely neglected.
  3. Constantly monitor the development of the musculoskeletal system and newborns and infants, and if there is the slightest suspicion of health problems, seek advice from specialists.
  4. Before the first visit, collect as much information as possible about the medical center in open sources of information (on the official website, in the help desk, etc.). You need to find out not only the list of services provided, but also how to get to the hospital, its opening hours and price list.
  5. When in doubt about the choice between several clinics, preference should be given to the one whose staff constantly strives to improve their level of knowledge, participates in scientific research and follows the latest achievements in the field of medicine.

Rating of clinics providing quality orthopedic services for adults and children

Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after R.R.Vreden

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Academician Baikov, 8.

Working hours: Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 (break 13:00 - 13:30), Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Phone: ☎+7 812 670-86-70.

Official website on the Internet: +7 812 670-86-70.

The organization has been operating since 1906, helping millions of patients. In the IX ranking of the best clinics in St. Petersburg, the hospital took the first place. The institution employs about 1,200 employees, each of whom strives to do everything to help restore the patient's lost health.

The Institute strives to constantly improve the material and technical base, purchasing the latest equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of patients. On the basis of the institution, it is possible to receive medical care under federal quotas. Within the walls of the hospital, you can go through all stages of the examination, starting with the initial consultation, and ending with rehabilitation and a return to normal life.

The clinic accepts patients from the age of 18. The consultative and diagnostic department does not work under the CHI policy, and therefore, all services in it are provided on a paid basis. Postoperative follow-up is free of charge for one year after surgery. Reception is conducted by doctors of the highest medical category, professors and associate professors.

To eliminate pain and damage, conservative and surgical methods are used. The former allow the patient to receive care without a long period of postoperative recovery. The method of extracorporeal shock wave therapy has proven itself well. It allows you to purposefully act on the damaged area without injuring the skin and surrounding tissues. Best of all, it helps with diseases such as fasciitis, periarthritis, polyarthritis, gout, etc.

Among the operations performed on the basis of the institute, it is worth noting endoprosthetics and atroscopy. The first procedure consists in replacing the surface of the bones of the damaged joint with a special composition with additional fixation. After the operation, the mobility of the damaged joint is restored in a short time and the person can move without restrictions. The second procedure is to repair damage to the joints through small incisions using special surgical instruments. Such tools allow you to assess the degree of damage using a video camera, cut and sew up the damaged sector. Full recovery after surgery takes 4 to 6 weeks.

Rehabilitation is carried out using medical and physiotherapeutic methods. Almost all procedures are carried out within the framework of a hospital with a sick leave.

  • the institution employs a large number of professional specialists, including doctors of sciences and professors;
  • the Institute is equipped with modern high-tech equipment;
  • within one institution, you can get the whole range of medical services, from the initial consultation to rehabilitation;
  • a large number of positive customer reviews.
  • Due to the heavy workload of the staff, queues periodically arise.

FSBI "Research Children's Orthopedic Institute named after G.I. Turnera"

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Lakhtinskaya, 12 (consultative and diagnostic center on Lakhtinskaya street).

Working hours: Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 20:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00, Sunday is a day off.

Phone: ☎+7 812 507-54-54.

Official website on the Internet:

The convenient location of the medical center is due to being close to the Chkalovskaya, Petrogradskaya, Sportivnaya metro stations, which allows you to get to it without using personal transport. Even for those who have the opportunity to reach their destination by car, we recommend using public surface or underground transport, since it is not always possible to park near the center. The medical facility is located in a historic building and occupies 6 floors.

As the name implies, the center specializes in helping children with problems in the field of orthopedics. You can make an appointment by phone or by filling out a special application on the website. Seven departments are organized on the basis of the center: radiation diagnostics, restorative treatment and rehabilitation, consultative, laboratory, day hospital, neurology, rheumatology.

To diagnose small patients, the following equipment is used: X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound.

In the rehabilitation department, they help babies with congenital anomalies in the development of the musculoskeletal system and acquired diseases. For each child, an individual treatment plan is selected based on a medical consultation.Pain and injury therapy is carried out on the basis of the latest developments in medicine and technology. The following methods are used: robotic movement therapy, mechanotherapy, kinesiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy, electrotherapy, light therapy, ultrasound therapy, electromagnetic procedures, mud and ozokerite-paraffin baths, various types of hydrotherapy.

The consultative department accepts patients on a scheduled basis. Here they monitor the dynamics of the child's condition, as well as preventive examinations.

All types of medical examinations are carried out in the laboratory department, the latest equipment is used. All devices are constantly tested and certified. Periodically, new and high-tech devices are purchased to replace obsolete ones.

The day hospital is represented by one-day wards, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable short stay. There is also an operating room and an intensive care unit, where minimally invasive surgical interventions are carried out, allowing the body to quickly recover and get in shape. Preparation for the operation and subsequent treatment of the patient at all stages are carried out by one doctor, if necessary, medical consultations are held. One of the main priorities of the clinic is comfortable anesthesia, which makes it easier for children to undergo surgery. At the request of the parents, before the operation, it is possible to undergo a full screening study. Reception and management of patients in the hospital is carried out by orthopedic traumatologists with many years of experience in dealing with complex diseases.

The Department of Neurology specializes in helping children with neuromuscular diseases, developmental disorders, disorders of the autonomic system, consequences of spinal cord and spinal cord injuries.

The rheumatology department provides assistance not only to children, but also to adults. Emphasis is placed on outpatient management of patients. All specialists of the department constantly improve their skills, attend seminars and scientific conferences.

On the basis of the clinic in 2015, a center for children with spinal hernia Spina Bifida was established. Here, a method of an integrated approach is implemented with simultaneous management of a patient by an orthopedist, urologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon and psychologist. Children come here for treatment not only from St. Petersburg, but also from other regions outside the Ring Road.

In addition to the free treatment provided under the VHI policy, the center also provides paid services, a list of which can be found on the company's website. Here you can find out how much each of them costs. The most popular are functional and radiation diagnostics, endoscopic, laboratory studies, medical manipulations, the manufacture of prosthetic and orthopedic products, surgical interventions, being in a day hospital, specialist consultations and much more.

  • a large number of positive customer reviews;
  • there is a day hospital;
  • the whole complex of diagnostic studies is carried out;
  • many services are inexpensive;
  • high-tech equipment;
  • All classrooms have been refurbished to a high standard.
  • a convenient, intuitive site where you can find all the necessary information, including contacts of specialists, get acquainted with the description of ongoing research and treatment methods.
  • narrow specialization (most of the doctors of the center are children's, for adults only a rheumatologist's appointment is organized).

Clinic on Teatralnaya

Address: St. Petersburg, Kryukov Canal Embankment, 8.

Working hours: Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 21:00, Saturday, Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00.

Phone: ☎+7 812 314-10-64.

Official website on the Internet:

The clinic positions itself as an institution engaged in the rehabilitation treatment of adults and children. Despite a short period of work (founded in 2012), it has won the trust of customers. All doctors are highly qualified.

The main activities of the institution are rehabilitation, restorative medicine, orthopedics, traumatology, sports medicine. Most often, athletes and dancers come here with injuries after competitions and injuries received in training.

The clinic has a department of orthopedics and traumatology, which deals with the treatment of joints, the spinal column, feet, and the elimination of the consequences of congenital and acquired injuries.

Most doctors have more than 20 years of experience in their specialty, during this period they have accumulated a unique store of knowledge that allows them to provide assistance to patients quickly and efficiently. Almost all traumatologists specialize in the recovery of athletes, they know how to quickly relieve pain. For the procedures, modern physiotherapy equipment is used, which has proven itself in practice. A complex of techniques developed by doctors allows not only to quickly achieve the desired result, but also to fix it for a long time.

Orthopedists of the clinic receive not only adult patients, but also children from birth.For the development of the baby and control of the correct formation of his musculoskeletal skeleton, doctors recommend visiting the doctor at least 1 time per year.

One of the most popular directions of the center is the treatment of foot problems. Almost every second adult has such problems. Among them are heel spurs, flat-valgus planting of feet, "bones" on the legs, clubfoot, etc. The treatment is carried out using well-proven methods: shock wave therapy, massage, pharmacopuncture, blockades, physiotherapy (including author's, used only in this institution), reflexology, kinesio taping, etc. An individual treatment plan is assigned for each patient, a medical consultation is held for each case, at which tactics and strategies for further actions are discussed.

According to research, joint diseases are the second most common after cardiovascular diseases. Much attention is paid to these problems in the clinic, since such diseases not only affect the quality of life of a person, but can also lead to other health problems, including posture, gait disorders, etc. At the initial appointment, the doctor conducts not only an external examination, but also checks the joints for mobility, assesses the presence of clamps. If necessary, the client is referred for additional diagnostic procedures - magnetic resonance therapy, x-rays, laboratory tests. Treatment is carried out using the following methods: UVT, ozone therapy, manual therapy, biorevitalization of the joints, physiotherapy, exercise therapy.The health recovery plan is organized in such a way as to relieve swelling and pain in the first stages, after which an individual sequence of restorative procedures is prescribed.

Another direction of the center's work is the elimination of problems with the spine. The clinic specializes in non-surgical treatment, as well as in the restoration of the body after operations in other medical centers. The following methods are used: manual and thecar therapy (the author's technique is based on the use of special devices that regenerate tissue cells), UVT, ozone therapy, ESMA-therapy with the function of magnetotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, ultraphonophoresis, etc.

Diagnostic procedures are carried out on the basis of the clinic's partner - at the Ramsey Medical Diagnostic Center.

The clinic's website provides an overview of most orthopedic diseases with a description of the symptoms and recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing complications. Here you can find out how to make an appointment, and how much this or that service will cost. Licenses and certificates, diplomas of medical staff are openly available to everyone.

The clinic provides services both on a paid basis and under a VHI policy. You can check the price list on the official website. The average price of admission is comparable to the cost in other private medical institutions. It is possible to call a doctor at home. Depending on the area, it will cost 3,000 - 4,000 rubles. It is also possible to order a massage therapist, exercise therapy specialist, nurse to take tests to any place within the city.

Various promotions and discounts are constantly held in the medical institution, regular customers can take advantage of the bonus program.According to visitors, the staff here is the most polite and friendly.

  • since the center specializes in orthopedic problems and sports traumatology, all specialists have higher specialized education and extensive work experience;
  • it is possible to call a doctor at home, and not only in St. Petersburg, but also in the Leningrad Region;
  • a large list of services provided, there are author's methods;
  • attentive and polite staff;
  • prices for services are average in the city;
  • reception is carried out by appointment, there are no queues;
  • admission is organized for both adults and children;
  • A comfortable home environment is organized for patients, allowing them to relax and not worry.
  • since the emphasis in the medical institution is on conservative and non-surgical treatment, patients with serious orthopedic problems cannot be helped here;
  • for most laboratory tests and serious diagnostic tests, you need to contact a third-party organization.

Orthopedic center "Primorsky"

Address: St. Petersburg, Polikarpova alley, 2.

Working hours: Monday-Friday from 11:00 to 19:00, Saturday from 11:00 to 15:00, Sunday is a day off.

Phone: ☎+7 812 648-55-88.

Official website on the Internet: http://top-ortho.rf.

This medical center is distinguished not only by the presence of highly qualified specialists and the availability of modern equipment, but also by its own factory for the manufacture of orthopedic insoles and shoes for individual orders.

The medical institution has been operating for more than 19 years, both adults and children seek help here. All employees of the institution have specialized medical education, the staff consists of a pediatric and adult orthopedist, a neurologist, a general rehabilitation therapist, and a speech pathologist.

An individual treatment plan is selected for each patient. The main specialization is flat feet, clubfoot, deformity of the feet in case of fractures of the femoral neck and other injuries, posture disorders, deformities of the spinal column, hip dysplasia, instability of the cervical spine.

Doctors of the center will tell you which shoes are better to buy for this or that gait disorder, and in advanced cases they will make an individual pair.

The main methods of treatment are physiotherapeutic, they include electrophoresis and myostimulation, massage and exercise therapy, ozocerite and paraffin.

Massage in the institution is carried out with elements of physical therapy, it allows you to normalize muscle tone, relieves swelling, accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues, relaxes and calms, strengthens the articular apparatus. Most often, this procedure is prescribed for children under one year old who have problems in motor development and who are lagging behind their peers.

The medical center also performs one of the rarely used procedures - color light therapy. It consists in the impact on certain areas of special infrared narrowly directed radiation through the skin. At the same time, the spectrum of light includes both beams visible to the eye and invisible.

On the basis of the institution, it is possible to conduct a complete diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system, including electronic plantography of the feet. Both children's and adult orthopedists have an additional specialization "traumatologist", which allows them to carry out restorative treatment of the consequences of injuries of various origins.

Treatment methods in the institution are mostly conservative, aimed at restoring lost functions without surgical intervention.Diseases such as osteoarthritis, sciatica, intercostal neuralgia, flat feet and scoliosis, thanks to the competent and professional approach of doctors, go into remission in a short time or completely disappear. The cost of the initial appointment is 1,700 rubles.

A pediatric orthopedist deals with such problems as hallux valgus, dislocations and dysplasia of the hip joint, muscle tone disorders, torticollis, cerebral palsy, paresis and spinal cord injuries, etc.

The enterprise for the production of orthopedic devices, created on the basis of the medical center, carries out an individual selection of insoles, shoes, splints, corsets, splints and other products to support the cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral spine, as well as for the hip, knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder and wrist joints, and feet.

It produces not only medical devices, but also preventive ones, such as reclinators, corsets (designed to form the correct muscular posture and relieve tension from the upper spine). The formation of the correct posture allows you to avoid the occurrence of such serious health disorders as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, hyperlordosis, etc.

The supporting belt is also popular with customers, which not only fixes the spine, but also partially unloads it.

For babies with hip dysplasia, a special spacer is used to keep the legs spread apart, which contributes to proper fusion and setting the joint in the desired position.

To fix the knee joint, an orthosis is made, which stabilizes it in the frontal direction, has a slight massage effect and retains heat.

Insoles are selected for each patient individually, depending on the degree of flat feet. For such patients, a special program has been developed, which includes several stages: an initial consultation with an orthopedist, drawing up a treatment plan, plantography of the feet using computer diagnostics, selection or production of individual insoles. Such a program provides for a long-term implementation of specific tasks with a mandatory visit to the doctor between them. This is necessary so that the specialist sees changes in dynamics, as a result of which individual insoles are corrected, or new ones are made. Depending on the degree of flat feet, the frequency of visiting the doctor may be different, but in most cases it does not exceed 3 months. The full cycle of treatment is at least 1 year. In addition to wearing insoles, each client is assigned additional procedures to consolidate the effect (massage, electrophoresis, paraffin). All these procedures can be carried out both in the medical center and at home (for a fee).

  • has its own laboratory in which orthopedic devices are made according to individual projects;
  • you can call a doctor at home;
  • when comparing, orthopedic insoles of which company are better, many customers recommend Primorsky;
  • inconvenient work schedule (on Saturday the institution works only 4 hours, Sunday is a day off).
  • a small staff of doctors, due to the flow of clients, it is not always possible to make an appointment in the near future;
  • there is no possibility to carry out surgical treatment if necessary;
  • uninformative site containing only a minimum of information about the services offered.


Address: St. Petersburg, Maly Prospekt Vasilievsky Island, 54, bldg. 3G.

Working hours: daily from 08:00 to 22:00, seven days a week.

Phone: ☎+7 (812) 308-00-18.

Official website on the Internet:

This private center is known to the residents of St. Petersburg due to the quality of services, the absence of queues and polite staff.

For patients with orthopedic problems, the institution provides the following services: elimination of curvature of the spine and various disorders of posture and gait, joint pain, deformities of the feet, clubfoot, difficulty in movement. To make a diagnosis, the medical center has all the necessary equipment - an ultrasound machine, magnetic resonance therapy, and an instrumental laboratory.

Depending on the complexity of the case and the presence of concomitant problems, conservative or surgical treatment may be prescribed. A conservative technique includes physiotherapy, acupuncture, manual therapy and massage, exercise therapy and plasma lifting. The operative technique consists in the surgical correction of the problem. Operations are performed on an outpatient basis, using local anesthesia.

The cost of the initial consultation is 2,500 rubles, the second appointment will cost 1,500 rubles. The cost of medical procedures is 500 - 55,000 rubles.

You can make an appointment by phone or by leaving a request on the official website. The medical center works with a large number of insurance companies under the VHI policy. As part of the compulsory medical insurance contract, it is possible to conduct an examination on an MRI machine here by appointment, and a referral from the attending physician from the territorial polyclinic is required.

MART has its own website, where you can find all the necessary information, including the doctor's appointment schedule, the cost of examination and treatment, information about ongoing promotions and discounts.On the basis of the institution, a structural unit has also been created - the Pain Management Clinic, where you can get help using the following methods: therapeutic blockade, botulinum therapy, radiofrequency ablation, vascular port, kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty. As concomitant procedures, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, nutritionist consultations can be prescribed.

  • lack of queues;
  • professional approach using the latest medical developments;
  • it is possible to use the policy of VHI and OMS;
  • a lot of positive feedback from patients;
  • cozy interior;
  • friendly attitude of the staff.
  • high cost of procedures.

MRI Ortomed plus

Address: St. Petersburg, Lilac Boulevard, 18, bldg. 1B.

Working hours: Monday-Saturday from 09:00 to 21:00, Sunday is a day off.

Phone: ☎+7 (812) 500-51-98.

Official website on the Internet:

The clinic allows you to go through the whole range of medical procedures, from diagnosis to rehabilitation. Orthopedists of the medical institution, using modern diagnostic equipment, detect such serious diseases as osteoporosis, herniated discs, osteochondrosis, sciatica, etc. at an early stage.

Doctors of the center carry out preventive measures and develop an individual treatment program for each patient. Rehabilitation is also carried out after injuries of the musculoskeletal system, which contributes to the healing of fractures, restoration of the integrity of tendons and muscle tissue.

To restore the patient's health, procedures such as massage, physiotherapy exercises, myostimulation will be applied.Shock wave therapy, magnetic laser therapy, electrophoresis, cryosauna, D'Arsonval, vibrotherapy, etc. are widely used. Acupuncture has proven itself well, allowing you to relax muscles and relieve excessive tension, which reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. In case of severe pain, blockades are prescribed under ultrasound control. This procedure temporarily removes the conduction of nerve endings and does not allow the transmission of pain to the central nervous system.

Many of the above procedures can be performed both in an institution and at home.

  • the center is focused on conservative treatment, which is characterized by minimal harmful effects on the human body;
  • a large list of physiotherapy;
  • positive customer feedback.
  • inconvenient and uninformative official website;
  • a small staff, which is why queues periodically accumulate.


Despite the large selection of orthopedic clinics, it is not always possible to find an institution that will help to cope with the problem quickly and without complications. This is due to the fact that recently there has been competition in the field of medicine, which is why each medical institution seeks to attract as many customers as possible, while focusing not on the quality of the services provided, but on advertising. Thus, giving in to promises to cope with any problem, including one that other clinics have not coped with, the patient comes to a dubious institution and does not receive the result that should have been obtained.

We recommend, first of all, to focus on real reviews of patients who received assistance in the medical institution in question, as well as on the opinion of relatives and relatives. It would not be superfluous to study the relevant thematic forums, where people impartially share their opinions about the treatment received.

We hope that our article will help you make the right choice.

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