
  1. The best orthopedic clinics in Chelyabinsk for 2025
  2. Conclusion

Rating of the best orthopedic clinics in Chelyabinsk for 2025

Rating of the best orthopedic clinics in Chelyabinsk for 2025

In modern medicine there is such a thing as orthopedics. This section deals with the treatment of diseases of the human musculoskeletal system. Orthopedists are addressed to eliminate the adverse effects caused by injuries, they also reveal pathological changes associated with chronic and age-related diseases of bones and muscles.

The development of orthopedics is proceeding rapidly, new methods are emerging, and treating and diagnosing in the old fashioned way is no longer prestigious. Doctors must "keep up with the times." This is what modern clinics are trying to do. Below is a description of the best orthopedic medical facilities in Chelyabinsk.

The best orthopedic clinics in Chelyabinsk for 2025

Center Dr. Bubnovskogo
votes 0

☎Tel. +7(351) 220-01-56.

The medical institution involved in kinesiotherapy is one of the best clinics in Chelyabinsk, specializing in medical care for patients with problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Methodology of Dr. Bubnovsky

For the treatment of diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, kinesiotherapy is successfully used. The founder of the methodology is Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky.

Numerous scientific articles and patents for inventions in medicine prove the effectiveness of therapy.

At 22, Sergei Mikhailovich himself ended up in a wheelchair after a serious accident, the doctors put an end to his career. However, the young man, despite the disappointing forecasts, started looking for a way out of this situation. He developed his own recovery system after injuries and came up with methods for treating diseases of the bones, spine, and heart. A unique technique allows you to draw on the hidden natural resources of the human body without the use of drugs and surgical interventions.

Successful results of treatment and rehabilitation work using the method of modern kinesitherapy confirm the feedback from patients who have undergone treatment. The technique, thanks to successful results in Russia, is also spreading abroad. Branches of the Doctor Bubnovsky Center are opening everywhere.
For the safe and effective conduct of the treatment process, doctors and instructors from official Centers are sent to study at the Bubnovsky Institute, and those who have completed the training course are issued personal certificates with Bubnovsky's personal signature.

The clinic staff gives patients a chance to recover from pathologies of the spine, knees, joints without medications and operations. The system of Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is based on unique methods of kinesiotherapy. Thanks to a special effective form of therapeutic exercises, which includes special physical exercises, recovery occurs. With various diagnoses, recovery can be achieved through self-healing of the body. The staff individually selects therapeutic movements. This allows you to return motor activity to the body.

Many diseases of the joints and vertebral discs, with the exception of injuries, are formed very slowly, it comes after a year, the main reason is a sedentary lifestyle. When treating with movement, it is important to find the cause of the pathology in the musculoskeletal system.

Bubnovsky described the destructive mechanism based on his own research and came to the conclusion that in order for the body to be healthy, a person must move, have physical activity. In this case, the muscles-“pumps” plus the cartilaginous tissue acquire elasticity. They begin to perform their main function. No wonder it is said that movement is life.

The technique of kinesiotherapy by S. I. Bubnovsky is protected by patents and certificates. In world practice, this is the first doctor who decided to explore the possibilities of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system without pills, injections and operations, the recovery is based on the idea of ​​using the internal forces of the body.

More than 10,000 patients are treated at Bubnovsky Centers around the world every year, and in just over 28 years, more than 1 million people have returned to full-fledged life and work. Those who have already undergone treatment bring their friends, acquaintances and relatives.

Kinesiotherapy by Dr. Bubnovsky has a good effect in the following clinical cases:

  • vertebral hernia of the spine of all departments;
  • osteochondrosis, sciatica, sciatica, etc.
  • joint pains of the upper and lower extremities (arthrosis, arthritis);
  • recovery from sports injuries;
  • rehabilitation after endoprosthetics;
  • heart surgery (bypass surgery, stenosis);
  • recovery after heart attacks, strokes, fractures of the spine.

In the city of Chelyabinsk, the Bubnovsky Center is located on Raskova Street. Those who wish can enroll in kinesiology programs. Prevention of deviations in the circulatory system, failure of heart rhythms, strengthening exercises for pregnant women, posture correction in children - this is just a small topic of what can be treated using the Bubnovsky technique. A full list of services can be found on the website or by phone.

  • treatment according to a modern effective drug-free method;
  • the latest equipment;
  • a wide range of services provided;
  • qualified specialists.
  • no.

FMC: with care for patients
votes 0


Doctors of the medical institution "FMC" try to keep abreast of advanced technologies for the treatment of joint diseases. It is believed that here is the safest orthopedics in Chelyabinsk. Patients who come here feel the effectiveness of all manipulations. This is due to the fact that the specialists of surgery and orthopedics of the clinic are constantly trained and improve their qualifications in Europe.
They use the latest technology and equipment. On the basis of the clinic, modern methods of treatment are being actively introduced, all this gives excellent results. The risk of complications is minimized.
The extensive experience of FMC specialists and a lot of positive feedback allows us to give the highest rating to the activities of the medical institution.

Types of orthopedic services at the FMC clinic in Chelyabinsk

Patients experiencing joint pain for years come here with the hope of recovery. The list of services is extensive:

  1. It is possible to replace a damaged joint or its element with an artificially created implant. This operation is called arthroplasty. Similar replacements are performed in the knee, shoulder and hip joints.
  2. Restoration of the normal structure of the joints in the post-traumatic period or after the inflammatory process is called arthroplasty by surgery.
  3. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive operation performed with endoscopic devices. The purpose of this action is the diagnosis or treatment of a damaged joint.
  4. With the help of osteosynthesis, bone fragments resulting from fractures are restored. The procedure is performed using artificial fixators.

All these operations in FMC allow us to solve many problems:

  1. Eliminate joint pain that is permanent.
  2. Clarify diagnoses in case of unclear etiology.
  3. Save the patient from the consequences of deforming arthritis.
  4. Eliminate joint mobility disorders.
  5. Suspend necrosis of the tissues of the joints.
  6. Treat fractures of the femoral neck, head of the humerus, meniscus.
  7. Correct congenital pathology of the joint.
  8. Repair torn cruciate ligaments of the knee.
  9. Treat rheumatoid arthritis, perform an operation on a deformed joint with arthrosis.

We must pay tribute to the doctors who, with their skillful hands, return many patients to a full life.

  • minimal risk of complications during endoprosthetics;
  • modern equipment;
  • a wide range of medical services;
  • highly qualified surgeons and orthopedists trained in leading European clinics.
  • no.

Orthopedic clinic "Kanon"
votes 2


The clinic performs operations to replace parts of the joint with implants that resemble healthy joints in shape. They allow you to perform all the movements necessary for normal life. Endoprosthetics allows the patient to forget about the constant torment and pain. The whole range of arthroplasty of large joints (knee, hip, shoulder, elbow) is offered by the clinic.

Prostheses are made of high-strength materials, excellent survival in the human body allows for high-quality operations. New artificial organs serve from 20 and even up to 30 years.

Such operations are performed for diseases and injuries of the limbs and the motor apparatus, sometimes leading to loss of motor functions. Such dangerous joint diseases sound like a sentence:

  1. Many types of osteoarthritis and arthritis.
  2. Bechterew's disease.
  3. Necrosis of the femoral head.
  4. Fractures within joints.
  5. Fracture of the femoral neck.
  6. Joint dysplasia.

There are contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • purulent infections (tonsillitis, caries, sinusitis, otitis media, skin diseases with ulcers);
  • psycho-neuronal disorders;
  • infection in the joint area with a limitation period of up to 3 months;
  • immature skeleton;
  • immobility;
  • allergies;
  • thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism.

Specialists of the orthopedic clinic "Kanon" in the city of Chelyabinsk have been successfully performing endoprosthetics operations for 30 years. The work uses the latest achievements of medicine. Quality assurance is achieved in various ways.This includes both highly qualified personnel and the use of European-made consumables.

Patients receive full support at all stages of care: from preparation and testing to postoperative recovery and the first independent steps on new limbs. Doctors undergo training in advanced clinics in Europe.

Treatment plan

Before the operation, patients must pass all the necessary tests. X-rays are performed here, if necessary, computer or magnetic resonance imaging. Based on the results, a plan of surgical treatment is developed, including the selection of a prosthesis. This takes into account the anatomy of the patient, his weight and height, as well as the patient's susceptibility to some components of the implant. If the weight is higher than normal, then a weight loss diet is selected in order to minimize the risk of complications and simplify rehabilitation after surgery.

Anesthesia is selected individually, taking into account the nature of the surgical intervention and the characteristics of the health of the operated person.


Inpatient treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the complexity of the operation and the prosthesis area. Already from the second day, the operated patients get up and move around using additional support (crutches, walkers). Upon discharge, the patient receives the necessary recommendations, outpatient treatment continues under the supervision of an orthopedist.

  • high-quality operations by specialists trained in foreign clinics;
  • individual selection of prosthesis;
  • medical support at all stages of treatment;
  • the latest equipment.
  • no.

Medical center "Olesya"
votes 0


The medical center "Olesya" was opened in Chelyabinsk in 2008. The activity is aimed at the treatment of pathological changes in the spine and joints.Patients with diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, impaired posture, intervertebral hernia, flat feet are potential clients of this medical facility. There is a pediatric department, where medical examinations are carried out for children of various age groups.

Massages are available for adults and children. Masseurs with medical education are highly qualified and have extensive experience.

Positive customer reviews indicate that the clinic has a good reputation.

  • the latest techniques;
  • there is a children's section.
  • no.

Medical center "Carmel"
votes 0


At the clinic on st. Tatyanicheva provides all services for primary arthroplasty of the hip and knee joints. Operations are carried out by traumatologists - orthopedists of the highest category. Ankle ligament restoration and kyphoplasty with restoration of the height of the vertebral body are also performed.

The institution has all the conditions for quality medical care. Modern equipment and qualified personnel are all aimed at achieving positive results in diagnostics, treatment and surgical interventions.

  • kind and sympathetic highly qualified specialists;
  • modern methods of treatment.
  • no.

Doctor Kozlov Osteopathy Center
votes 1


The clinic was founded in 1995. Medical care is carried out using the traditional principles of conservative treatment of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

Techniques for osteopathic effects on the body are safe. They can be used from newborn to old age. The greatest effect can be achieved in the treatment of children, during this period it is possible to heal without medication.The main thing is to find and eliminate the cause of pathological changes in time.

This clinic is included in the "Unified National Register of Osteopaths", the head office is located in the city of St. Petersburg. Under this brand, medical institutions have united with practicing osteopaths.
The high level of training of doctors meets European and American standards. They have a second higher medical education received in the UK. Doctors of the Center improve their qualifications with enviable regularity, go to annual seminars to exchange experience abroad.

What such osteopathy

Treatment is based on fundamental knowledge of anatomy. Osteopaths have a high sensitivity of the hands, years of training are spent on this. A good specialist feels muscle tension, disruption of the rhythm of the organs.

It is sometimes necessary to look for the cause of the disease away from the sore spot. So, chronic headaches can be the result of an old injury in the coccyx.

The osteopathic center uses PRP-therapy, which is the latest method of treating joint diseases and injuries. This modern treatment technology is carried out by injection, the plasma enriched with the patient's platelets is injected into the body. This technique is aimed at a quick and painless restoration of movement in the joints.

With PRP therapy, you can achieve:

  • elimination of muscle spasms;
  • remove joint pain;
  • expand the range of motion;
  • restore the volume of intra-articular fluid, cartilage and tissues;
  • reduce the recovery period after implantation.

The effect is achieved quickly. After 3-5 injections, the joint is restored, inflammation and pain are removed, the fluid in the joint bags is produced in the required amount.Timely plasma therapy allows avoiding surgery.

PRP therapy is used to treat: arthrosis, all types of arthritis, ruptures and sprains of muscles and ligaments, degeneration of ligaments, etc.

  • unique treatment methods that avoid surgery;
  • high qualification of osteopaths who have completed training in leading clinics of the world.
  • no.


Science, including medicine, does not stand still. Today, doctors manage to make what used to be a fairy tale come true. The magic hands of surgeons, osteopaths, orthopedists restore lost health to many people.


