Rating of the best orthoses for the metacarpophalangeal joint for 2025

Rating of the best orthoses for the metacarpophalangeal joint for 2025

Orthoses are an extensive group of orthopedic accessories, the main task of which is to fix and unload the spine and various joints after surgery, injuries, and when a disease is detected. They are used only with the appointment of a traumatologist or orthopedist. Designed to treat or restore a specific segment of the musculoskeletal system. Produced in different sizes. Mistakes in the selection should not be allowed. Otherwise, the device will simply be useless or cause irreparable harm to its wearer.

The need for accessories

Orthoses are used only as prescribed by the attending physician and in such situations:

  1. With paresis and paralysis (including stroke).
  2. If a pathology of the musculoskeletal system is detected.
  3. If there is a predisposition to the occurrence of contractures (especially with cerebral palsy).

The device is designed to perform the following main tasks:

  1. Put in order the musculoskeletal system (correct it or fix it). This applies to kyphosis, scoliosis and other similar diseases.
  2. Unload the spine and joints, fix them and stabilize them.
  3. Restore the musculoskeletal function and soft tissues in case of injury. We are talking about fractures, bruises, subluxations, sprains, and so on.
  4. Remove pain or reduce it to a minimum (if there are problems with the spine or joints: spondylosis, arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, etc.).
  5. Protect against possible damage during serious sports activities and significant physical exertion.

What are the products

All produced popular models of orthoses are divided into three main classes:

  1. For the components of the lower limbs.The list includes hip products, ankles, knee pads, orthopedic shoes and orthopedic insoles.
  2. For the components of the upper limbs. The list includes elbow pads, shoulder and finger braces, and wrist options.
  3. For the spine. These include corsets, prenatal and postnatal bandages, reclinators, splints - collars.

Devices and manufacturing methods differ, and therefore they are divided into:

  • individual;
  • ready.

Finished products belong to the factory category, are manufactured in a wide range and in various sizes. The attending physician recommends a certain type of orthosis to his patient, and the patient independently chooses the appropriate option based on his own selection criteria. He independently decides which company is better to purchase the goods.

An individual product is made in special orthopedic workshops personally for each client. In this case, individual anatomical features of a person and the type of pathology are taken into account. Most often, the accessory is made according to a cast from a damaged area of ​​the musculoskeletal system.

Depending on the degree of rigidity, products are divided into the following groups:

Type ofDescription
RigidIt performs the main task - it supports the damaged area as much as possible. It is used mainly in the postoperative period, when receiving serious injuries or due to congenital pathology. Has a strong hold. Structural elements are not only stiffeners, but also hinged plan mechanisms. They help restore motor activity and prevent re-injury.
SoftThey are called bandages. Differ in elasticity. A bright representative is a bandage on the shoulder joint.In the manufacture of breathable textiles are used. Available in left and right handed. The main purpose is to support the problem area. Sometimes produced with a warming effect. Doctors recommend using devices for minor injuries and for preventive purposes.
semi-rigidProvide complete and secure fixation, while maintaining mobility. In the manufacture of used material of different densities. May have plastic or metal inserts. Medium fixation is provided.
CombinedThese products are usually made to order. Doctors advise wearing such products for congenital pathology and serious injury. They are also indispensable for certain anatomical features of the patient.

Models and elements of fixation differ. Products are produced with the following fasteners:

  • tape;
  • straps;
  • Velcro fasteners.

Goods of both domestic and foreign production are for children and adults. The latter are divided into male and female. They differ not only in size, but also in basic characteristics, and are also available in different colors.

The results of using the fixture

The main task of any orthosis is to fix and thereby unload individual components, reducing pain. The principle of their operation is quite simple. The product is superimposed on the damaged area and fixes it in a physiologically correct position. The site does not move or move. Discomfort and pain are not felt. In addition, the device promotes compression and warming, which improves blood circulation and lymph flow. The result is the absence of pain.

Only with complete rest, wounds can heal quickly and correctly.Bruises, dislocations, stretch marks and fractures pass much faster. If a spinal curvature occurs in the course of an injury or improper development of a particular segment of the musculoskeletal system, the orthosis will help not only stop the negative process, but also completely correct the deformity.

When an arm or foot sags after a stroke or other serious illness, the accessory helps to maintain the component in an anatomically correct condition. This makes it possible to prevent complications and minimize the risk of subsequent deformities.

It is worth noting that the orthosis is an ideal and very effective prophylactic. It serves as a reliable protection of the spine and joints from injuries and postoperative complications.

Products for the metacarpophalangeal joint

Metacarpophalangeal joints and ligaments are damaged quite often, and this happens in various ways. Most often, this problem is faced by athletes and people leading a sedentary lifestyle (office and bank employees). Such problems lead to limited functioning of the hands. You can't start a negative situation. Everything possible must be done to quickly and efficiently rectify the situation.

The product is prescribed by the attending physician in cases where the following situations arise:

  1. It is necessary to prevent the possibility of additional injury to the wrist.
  2. Limit the movement of the joint, thereby removing part of the load from it.
  3. Ease the pain.
  4. Support damaged ligaments.
  5. Make the brush fully functional.

It is mandatory to wear an orthosis due to:

  • wrist fracture;
  • torn or sprained ligaments;
  • joint injury in the area of ​​the hand;
  • for fast postoperative recovery.

There are some contraindications that should be taken into account.It is strictly forbidden to use accessories when:

  • the presence of specific diseases (diabetes);
  • damage to the skin or serious diseases of the epidermis in the wrist area;
  • open fractures (in the early days).

There are no other serious contraindications.

How to choose the right fixture

Metacarpophalangeal orthoses are rigid and semi-rigid. Their design features are such that they tightly clasp the hand in the wrist area and partially cover the hand. At the same time, the metacarpophalangeal joint is fixed reliably and efficiently. Manufacturers have launched the production of a huge number of models that differ among themselves in elements and the degree of fixation, the possibility of their adjustment, appearance and color scheme. On sale you can find products with the function of fixing phalangeal fingers.

Which one is better to buy depends on many factors, and especially on the recommendations of the attending doctor. The nature of the existing injuries, the degree of neglect, and the characteristics of the patient are at the forefront. Only with a careful analysis of the situation can a correct conclusion be drawn. This should be done by a specialist. It is necessary to completely exclude amateur activity in this matter.

What to pay special attention to when choosing products? According to buyers, the main criterion is the high quality of the goods produced. It should be noted that it cannot be budgetary. The best accessories cost a lot of money. Equally important is the adjustment of its position, as well as the correctly selected degree of fixation and stiffeners.

When buying, you can not ignore the size. If you miscalculate with him, then you will not be able to achieve reliable fixation. It can be either too strong or too weak.In the first case, the metabolism in the tissues may become difficult, which will significantly aggravate the situation and lead to additional problems.

The question of where to buy a product often arises. It is best to visit specialized outlets. There, a professional sales manager will acquaint you with new products, help you not to get lost in the assortment, and tell you which one is better to buy. You can order an accessory online in an online store, after reviewing user reviews and making sure that the supplier is honest.

Rating of inexpensive high-quality metacarpophalangeal orthoses


The product is available in two sizes: M and L. Plastic aluminum is used in the manufacture. Special finger splint. Belongs to the category of universal. Suitable for any shape. The clasp is not provided. Foam backing keeps sweat out. Able to fix any finger in the correct anatomical position. It is prescribed for bruises, subluxations, fractures, ligament damage and in the postoperative period.

The average price is 650 rubles.

orthosis OM/6201
  • acceptable cost;
  • ease of wearing;
  • universality;
  • practicality;
  • functionality.
  • missing.

TR/6200 Orliman

The product is made of thermoplastic. It consists of two parts: the lower part covers the distal zone and reaches the end of the finger, the upper one is connected to the upper one, while the nail is completely open. It is not possible to bend a finger. The product can be adjusted to the individual characteristics of the patient. To do this, it is enough to use the hot air coming out of the hair dryer. There is no latex, which avoids the occurrence of allergic reactions. It is prescribed for injuries and avulsion of the Indis Proprius extensor.

How much does the product cost? You will have to pay 330 rubles for it.

orthosis TR/6200 Orliman
  • practicality;
  • ease of use;
  • hypoallergenic manufacturing materials;
  • reliability;
  • functionality;
  • value for money.
  • not identified.

Orlett WFG/100 (P)

If you are able to allocate from 400 to 1000 rubles for the purchase of goods, pay attention to this model. Designed to fix the metacarpophalangeal area in children. Produced in green. Provides strong fixation, reduces pain. The tire is made of metal. Recommended for wearing with rheumatic lesions of the metacarpophalangeal and radiocarpal joints, bruises and injuries of 2-4 fingers, tendovaginitis, insufficiency of the ligamentous apparatus. Able to fix both one and several fingers at the same time. Size range: L, M, S. The attending physician can model it independently.

You can buy goods at a price of 970 rubles.

orthosis Orlett WFG/100 (P)
  • bright colors;
  • practicality;
  • reliability;
  • wearing comfort;
  • possibility of adjustment;
  • the quality of the materials used;
  • safety.
  • not installed.

Rating of models of the middle price segment

OPPO Medical, 1289

It is prescribed for sprains on the thumb and for minor fractures. Thanks to the three metal rails, the fixation is strong. The fixing tape allows you to create the correct tension and fixation. In this case, the palm is completely free and mobile. The product can be used for both prevention and treatment purposes. An indispensable assistant for inflammation of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus, overload of the thumb. Made from neoprene, cotton and nylon. Velcro acts as a fastener. There are few contraindications.Among them, individual intolerance to the materials used can be distinguished. You can not pre-apply a warming cream or ointment on your hand.

The purchase price is 2070 rubles.

orthosis OPPO Medical, 1289
  • ease of care;
  • durability;
  • functionality;
  • hard fixation;
  • comfortable clasp.
  • missing.

Orliman One Plus OPL/351

The product is manufactured by a Spanish company. Removable type. Rigidly fixes the joint in an anatomically correct position. Can be modeled based on the individual characteristics of the patient and clinical indications. Length - 21 cm. It is very popular with people with non-standard large figures. It can be used as a plaster in the first days after the fracture. During subsequent rehabilitation, stiffening ribs made of metal can be removed to enhance motor activity. The product is made of three-layer cellular material multi-cell. It is able to provide perfect breathability and moisture wicking. The inner layer is soft and pleasant to the touch cotton material. Convenient fasteners will help to adjust the product to the dimensions of the hand. The tire is plastic.

The purchase price is 2980 rubles.

orthosis Orliman One Plus OPL/351
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • excellent fixation;
  • the ability to adjust and fit;
  • comfortable fasteners - Velcro;
  • pleasantly attached to the body;
  • There is a possibility of modeling.
  • missing.

Orliman M770-M670

A product with a semi-rigid fixation. In the manufacture of the tire, ductile aluminum and a three-layer perforated material are used, which are breathable. Belongs to the category of universal. Suitable for any hand. It can be modeled depending on the characteristics of the patient's hand.The strap is made of velor. Fastener - Velcro. There is also a hook for security. The inner layer is seamless, soft cotton. Does not irritate the skin, does not rub, does not cause allergic reactions. Designed to reduce pain and quickly restore the damaged area. It is indicated for tendinitis, tumor and painful complications, irritation and instability of the trapezius metacarpal joints. Often used by athletes when receiving professional injuries. Perfectly fixes the first finger of the hand with a metal splint.

The average cost is 2700 rubles.

orthosis Orliman M770-M670
  • fixation strength;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • promotes speedy healing;
  • does not irritate the skin;
  • breathability.
  • not installed.

Orliman 4604

Orthosis of easy fixation. A distinctive feature is the warming and micromassage effect. Able to save the patient from edematous-pain syndrome. Produced by a Spanish company. Protects the phalangeal and metacarpal - carpal joints. Made from durable 3-layer material. The outer side is elastic nylon, which does not lose its original appearance for a long time. The variety of beautiful colors is impressive. The second layer is neoprene 3 mm thick. The quality of the lining is top notch. Takes the anatomical shape of the body.

The weight is small, does not emit an unpleasant odor. From the inside - mahr. The seams are high quality, flat, which makes the process of wearing more comfortable. Irritations do not appear. Even after repeated washes, the properties are preserved. The tire is made of metal, removable type. Holds thumb securely. Velcro straps. Easy to fasten and unfasten. You can change the girth and tension. Suitable for right and left hand.It is prescribed by doctors after injury, ligament damage, with rhizarthrosis, as a prevention of sports injuries.

The purchase price is 1850 rubles.

orthosis Orliman 4604
  • warming effect;
  • rehabilitation after injuries and operations;
  • micromassage effect;
  • eliminates pain;
  • speeds up the recovery process;
  • removes puffiness;
  • practicality;
  • comfortable fasteners.
  • not identified.


Easy fix device. Made from lycra and velor. Differs in elasticity and durability. Attaches to the thumb. Velcro fasteners are used. The size is universal. Equipped with a perforated neoprene insert. It has a thermo - compression and protective effect. Makes regeneration fast due to the warming up of the ligaments. Orthopedic qualities of the material are not lost over the years. Not afraid of constant washes and dryers. It is recommended to use for tendinitis, arthritis, arthrosis, minor bruises, sports injuries.

The average cost is 1750 rubles.

orthosis TN/262-UNI
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • universality;
  • reliability;
  • value for money.
  • not installed.

Rating of premium goods

Otto Bock Manu 3D Pollex

The palm splint is made of plastic. It is prescribed for fractures of the wrist, dislocations and subluxations, arthrosis, arthritis of the carpometacarpal joints, with Kerven's syndrome, paresis of the extensor muscles of the hand. Helps accelerate recovery processes, minimize inflammation, relieve pain, and prevent deformation. The shape of the product is anatomical. Covers the palm, excludes the possibility of its bending. There is a strong fixation of the thumb by means of a spring insert located on the side. Velcro fasteners are used as fasteners.The material of manufacture is quite rigid, differs in moisture and air permeability. Allergic reactions do not appear.

Goods for sale for 4650 rubles.

orthosis Otto Bock Manu 3D Pollex
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • functionality;
  • excellent fastenings;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care.
  • missing.

Orliman OM/6101-D

The product is intended for children. Produced by a Spanish company. Applies to the wrist and fingers. The frame is aluminum. Can be adjusted according to the characteristics of the child's hand. Foam lining, velor top. Limits the movement of the wrist joint, fingers and hand. Can be used simultaneously with the interdigital separator. Helps to straighten fingers.

The average price is 9990 rubles.

orthosis Orliman OM/6101-D
  • the quality of the materials used;
  • safety;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • reliability;
  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • functionality.
  • not identified.

Orliman TP/6101

If you are able to spend up to 7000 rubles, then you should pay attention to this accessory. Immobilizing device made of thermoplastic with splint. Lining - terry cloth. Velor straps are used as fastening. The shape is changed through the use of hot air. Fasteners - micro Velcro. Do not cling to clothes, do not get dirty. Latex is not used in the products. Allergic reactions have not been identified. Available in right hand and left hand models. Recommended for use in neurological diseases, inflammatory processes, carpal tunnel syndrome, rheumatic prophylaxis.

The purchase price is 6079 rubles.

orthosis Orliman TP/6101
  • just put on and take off;
  • does not require careful maintenance;
  • reliability;
  • functionality;
  • value for money.
  • not installed.

Orlett WRS/302

The device is put on the first metacarpophalangeal joint. Differs in the extended size. Reinforced type. Helps to fully fix the wrist joint, thumb, forearm in the desired position, supports the extensor and flexor tendons of the hand. Comfortable straps - fixators are classified as adjustable, which allows you to both increase and decrease pressure on the joint and avoid the formation of edema. Dimensional grid is varied.

The average price is 4780 rubles.

orthosis Orlett WRS/302
  • ease of use;
  • hygiene;
  • comfort;
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • durability.
  • not installed.

Orliman M780D-M780I

A product from a Spanish manufacturer with a semi-rigid fixation. Firmly fixes the thumb, giving it the correct anatomical position, and the first metacarpal bone of the hand. The rest of the fingers can move. The design is comfortable and safe. Comfort is provided by rounded edges. Fasteners are fixed with metal cores. Two types of plastic are used in the production - hard and soft. The hand does not rub, it is practically not felt. Velor straps are provided as a latch.

The average cost is 4500 rubles.

orthosis Orliman M780D-M780I
  • wear resistance;
  • comfort;
  • do not spoil clothes;
  • strong fixation;
  • the quality of the materials used;
  • safety.
  • not installed.

Orliman MFP/D-81/NFP/181

Products with semi-rigid fixation. The outer layer is waterproof. Inside is cotton.The tire is made of aluminum, removable type. Hemispherical inserts are provided for the palms. At the back, the manufacturer made inserts from elastic lycra. Easy to put on thanks to Velcro fasteners. Endowed with immobilization characteristics. It can be a worthy replacement for plaster casts. The design does not interfere with the free movement of the brush. It is used for arthritis and arthrosis, after operations.

The purchase price is 3990 rubles.

orthosis Orliman MFP/D-81/NFP/181
  • value for money;
  • ease of use;
  • wear resistance;
  • long service life;
  • does not require careful maintenance;
  • sold in all specialized stores.
  • not identified.

Orliman TP/6102

High quality thermoplastic tire. The lining is made with absorbent terry cloth. Fastening is carried out by means of strong velor straps. You can give the product any anatomical shape using hot air (for example, a building hair dryer). The manufacturer has provided the ability to regulate the movements of the metacarpophalangeal joint. Fasteners - micro Velcro. Differ in durability and tactility. They do not cling to clothes, do not get dirty. There is no latex in the composition of the product, which indicates its complete safety and hypoallergenicity. Available for right and left hand. Reduces pain, accelerates healing, relieves swelling.

You can buy goods at a price of 5683 rubles.

orthosis Orliman TP/6102
  • ease of use;
  • reliable fastenings;
  • long service life;
  • does not lose its original qualities with prolonged use;
  • easy to care for;
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • wear resistance.
  • missing.


Unsuccessful falls, strong blows, overexertion can lead to hand injury, dislocations and subluxations, sprains. To remove the pain syndrome and quickly recover, you need to resort to the help of a universal remedy - an orthosis. Superimposed by analogy with a tourniquet, outwardly resembles a tire. It is used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

This device is of great importance for athletes. It allows you to protect your fingers or hand from excessive stress during the period of active preparation for the competition. Prevents stretching of the hand, effectively supplies the fingers with blood, relieves excessive tension. Even with significant loads, the athlete will not be distracted by joint pain.

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