
  1. What types are
  2. Where to buy
  3. Rating of the best card protectors
  4. Rating of the most popular models of wooden organizers
  5. TOP 3 quality plastic organizers

Rating of the best organizers and protectors for board games for 2025

Rating of the best organizers and protectors for board games for 2025

In the modern world, various gadgets take up a large amount of time for almost any person. Therefore, getting together with old friends for a board game is a rarity in our time.

But manufacturers of game sets do not always think about the quality of their packaging: over time, it becomes unusable, which is why there is a high probability of losing important elements, and it is not always possible to purchase them separately.

Therefore, fans of desktop strategies or economic genres should think about purchasing a special box for storing game components - the so-called organizer. Let us consider in more detail its features, as well as which models have become the most popular in 2025.

What types are

Organizers help not only to keep all the elements of the board game intact, but also make it possible to arrange them in the right order. Before starting the gameplay, you do not have to look for all the details, it will be enough to take them from the specific compartment in which they were folded in advance. Be it cards, chips, dice, tokens or similar gaming tools.

In addition to the shape and design, the main distinguishing feature among the organizers is the material of manufacture. Let's review the most popular materials that are used to create boxes, as well as their pros and cons.

  • From plywood

This product has an attractive appearance. The organizer has many compartments of different sizes, which are suitable for elements of various board games. The design is very easy to assemble - the product consists of separate parts that are interconnected, thereby forming the necessary compartments.

Most often, such an accessory is sold complete with a board game. But if you wish, you can make such an organizer to order. The advantages include a modern design, the presence of many compartments and ease of assembly.The disadvantage is the large weight of the organizer and the difficulty in acquiring it - usually it fits specific genres. It is also worth considering that it is not recommended to turn the box over - all the details can mix with each other and you will have to clean up the organizer again.

  • Made of plastic

Plastic organizers are not originally designed to store all the elements of a board game. But this is quite a worthy alternative when the quality of the factory cardboard packaging leaves much to be desired. Over time, such boxes lose their appearance, the cardboard is torn, and it simply will not work to store game components in it. Therefore, in household or construction departments, you can purchase small plastic containers into which game elements are loaded.

Some online stores offer a small selection of plastic boxes, but they are distinguished by their small size and functionality: they are usually only suitable for storing cards.

Such a box is much lighter and cheaper than MDF or wood. It can also be purchased at many stores. But the appearance against the background of plywood products loses significantly. Since the compartments are not designed for specific games, their sizes will not ideally fit the game elements. Dice, tokens, tokens or other small items can be easily placed in the compartments of the plastic box, but, for example, some types of cards will not fit.

  • From foam rubber

Such manufacturing material is used in games with miniature figures - it allows you to keep them intact without damaging or scratching. The weight of this product is quite light.

In addition to this advantage, this organizer no longer has advantages. The price for it is quite high, and the scope of use is only small figures of heroes or game weapons.

  • Homemade from foam board

If among the above organizers the user did not find exactly the one that completely suits him and is intended for all components, then the option of independent implementation of the box remains.

A product made by hand will fully comply with the desired size. All you need is foam board, glue, a ruler for measuring, a pencil and a knife. Office supplies are best.

On the Internet, you can find examples of organizer drawings for the game you need. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can make the best box for storing the main components and accessories with your own hands.

Creating an organizer at home can be divided into several stages: first you need to figure out what sizes the compartments will have. If they are created to store maps, their height and width must be measured. It should be borne in mind that the width of the cards in the protectors will be slightly larger.

After measurements are taken, pieces of foam board of the desired size are cut out. They are glued together, time is given for the glue to dry completely. Creates as many compartments as needed to store all game components.

A home-made organizer is no worse than a purchased one, it meets all the requirements and sizes, prevents the elements from scattering and mixing them together.

Self-manufacturing comes out quite a budget option, if necessary, boxes can be completed when additions appear. Moreover, foam board is a very light material, which adds another plus to the product.

Although the product does not look very aesthetically pleasing on the outside, this does not interfere with its functionality.If desired, foam board can be pasted over with colored paper.

As for the protectors for board games, they are polypropylene bags that prevent the cards from getting dirty and damaged. Thanks to this protection, their service life is significantly increased.

How to choose

Before you buy a product, you need to familiarize yourself with some criteria that will help you make the right choice.

One of them is the material of manufacture. As stated earlier, organizers made of wood or plywood are most often designed for specific game genres, most often economic or adventure. If such a model for the desired board game was not found, and the user wants a set of these materials, then it is worth ordering from a certain organization an individual execution of the organizer according to the specified dimensions.

Plastic containers are most often suitable just for storing game components, as they are not always the right size. But the presence of a cover on them prevents dirt or moisture from getting on chips, tokens or other important items. Plastic products are quite suitable for storing cards.

For strategic genres, foam rubber organizers are more used - each recess is designed for a specific hero, weapon or military equipment and fully corresponds to its shape. Such an organizer will allow all components to be in their places, which will speed up the start of the gameplay.

As for the price category, wood products are the most expensive. But do not forget that they are the most functional and have all the necessary characteristics. Plastic ones are simpler and cheaper, but they will help maintain the integrity of the elements.

Considering all of the above recommendations, you can purchase the best component accessory according to the user and get even more fun from the gameplay.

Where to buy

The largest selection is offered by online stores. On the sites you can get acquainted with products that differ in size, price, manufacturer and material of manufacture. A wide range will allow you to choose the most optimal option for the buyer.

There are several important points to consider when choosing. One of them is the reviews of other buyers who purchased the product. Their opinions show the real value of the selected product. If the quality stated in the description does not correspond to reality, then it is from the reviews that you can find out about this shortcoming.

It is also worth considering the new items that appear on the site - they can be much more interesting in appearance and more practical to use than previously presented.

Almost all online stores have filters that speed up the search process: by setting price limits or pre-selecting the desired material of manufacture, the user is given a choice exactly according to the specified criteria.

Once you have made your final selection, place your order online. In the required lines, the buyer indicates his data for receiving the goods and the delivery address. Payment for goods can be made by transferring funds to the seller's card or by cash on delivery, which is safer for the client. After the transaction, the buyer expects the arrival of the goods within the specified time.

In addition to online stores, you can look for organizers and protectors at the points of sale of board games. But, unfortunately, the range among them is not so wide.Therefore, if you have a game with many different parts, it is likely that you will not be able to find the desired box with the same number of compartments.

Rating of the best card protectors

Card Pro Premium Perfect Fit 64×89 mm 50 pcs
votes 0

The accessory for the cards has dimensions of 64x89 mm. The material of manufacture is polypropylene without the content of polyvinyl chloride in its composition. The density is 80 microns.

The package includes 50 standard size card protectors. The weight of the entire package is 50 grams, its height is 13 cm, its width is 7 cm. The price for it is about 300 rubles.

Card Pro Premium Perfect Fit 64×89 mm 50 pcs
  • Quite thick material.
  • The tread width is slightly different from the specified size, the cards are difficult to fit into the product.

Crowd Games Premium Perfect Fit 59x92 mm
votes 0

The material thickness is 100 microns. Product size: width - 59 mm, height - 92 mm. The height and density allows you to protect from moisture, dirt and keep an attractive appearance to the cards for a long time. Suitable for many card games such as Game of Thrones, Concordia or Band of Brothers.

The package includes transparent protectors in the amount of 50 pieces, their cost is just over 100 rubles.

Crowd Games Premium Perfect Fit 59x92 mm
  • Pleasant to the touch;
  • High quality;
  • The cards fit easily into the product.
  • Not detected.

Mayday Games Card Game 63.5x88 mm
votes 0

Polypropylene card "pockets" are able to prevent dirt and moisture from entering the product, thereby maintaining the integrity of the cards. The size of each protector is 63.5x88 mm, the density of the material is 100 microns.If the user plays Piggy, Pandemic, Potions or Munchkin Quest, then he can safely purchase this product and be sure that the size is correct.

A pack of 50 protectors costs about 300 rubles.

Mayday Games Card Game 63.5x88 mm
  • High quality;
  • Suitable for card sizes.
  • Not detected.

Rating of the most popular models of wooden organizers

About mice and secrets Cheese gamer (premium)
votes 0

The product consists of 145 parts that are suitable for the game Mice and Mystics. Of all the elements, you can build rooms for mice in the amount of 8 pieces, boxes for the safety of tokens of different sizes, cubes and cheese, a corridor for cockroaches.

It is worth noting that the wooden set includes not only parts for the basic set, but also for the addition. Therefore, when purchasing a gamer, you do not have to think about where to place additional parts.

This box can accommodate all game components, even those that are not used at the current level of the game.

The manufacturer decorated the box in a thematic style - all the details have small holes resembling cheese gnawed by mice with laser engraving elements.

The weight of the organizer with all the details is 1.15 kg, its cost is 3250 rubles.

About mice and secrets Cheese gamer (premium)
  • A large number of details;
  • Includes not only the base set, but also add-ons to the game.

Not detected.

Pathfinder ACG Board Game Playset
votes 0

This set will allow you to organize the components for the convenience of the gameplay.Includes two compartments for character cards, a compartment for the deck of blessings and locations, and a compartment for storing dice.

After completing all the decks and cubes in the appropriate compartments, the box is closed with a lid. You can store both in a horizontal and vertical position - the elements will not mix with each other, all the details will remain in place.

The box is designed for the board game Pathfinder, its weight is 1.9 kg. You can buy goods for 3850 rubles.

Pathfinder ACG Board Game Playset
  • The closed box can be stored in any position.
  • Simple design;
  • Relatively large weight.

Igronayzer Isle of Skye
votes 0

Fans of this game can store all the components in a box designed for this. Suitable for English and Russian versions. Includes special compartments for a quick start, boxes for tiles, as well as a cashier for game money and tokens. The kit includes a compartment where you can store the figures of axes. Each player has his own box.

The set is made of fibreboard, acrylic and plastic. Product dimensions - 275x190x68 mm, weight - 1.2 kg. The cost for the whole set is 2100 rubles.

Igronayzer Isle of Skye
  • Light weight;
  • Beautiful design.
  • Not detected.

TOP 3 quality plastic organizers

votes 2

Such a device can store tokens, game coins, cards or other small items. The dimensions of the box are as follows: length - 12 cm, width - 9 cm and height - almost 3 cm. Inside the plastic product there are 4 compartments - 4.8x3.4 cm.

To prevent parts from falling out of the compartments, the module is equipped with a lid and a lock.Its weight is only 30 grams and the price is 140 rubles.

  • Light weight;
  • Has a tight-fitting lid.
  • Not detected.

votes 0

Similar to the previous organizer model, it has the same external dimensions and weight. A distinctive feature is the presence of only one large cell, which can also store small cards, chips or tokens.

The Russian manufacturer produces goods in gray, transparent or black with a lid.

You can also buy it at a price of about 140 rubles.

  • Light weight;
  • Has a tight-fitting lid.
  • Not detected.

votes 0

Another element that consists of two compartments. Its purpose is the same as that of the above models - the storage of game components in integrity and in a certain order. The box has the same external dimensions, and the internal dimensions of the compartments are 7.2x4.8 cm.

The color scheme suggests gray or black. The lid is also included. The cost is 140 rubles.

  • Light weight;
  • Has a tight-fitting lid.
  • Not detected.

The manufacturer of the above organizers, Meeple House, has created a line of modules that are designed to store various important game details or cards. By purchasing several elements of the modular system, they can be stacked one on top of the other, thus the kit will take up little space, keeping all the components of the game in the desired, user-defined order.

Spending time with your best friends and competing in a board game is a very entertaining and rewarding process.But laying out all the components in their places both at the beginning and after the end is too tedious a task.

Therefore, organizers for board games will help to significantly save time and speed up the process of preparing for the game. The main thing is to choose exactly the option that will contain all the elements and keep their location until the next use.

If the player is a fan of one game, then you should think about buying an organizer for a specific game, which will be designed to store all the elements. Such models are usually made of wood or plywood. In the case when the user wants to preserve the integrity of all game details, one can choose among plastic containers.


