
  1. Design features
  2. Main functionality
  3. Existing types of HMI devices
  4. Hardware
  5. Software
  6. Main characteristics
  7. General overview of products from popular manufacturers
  8. Rating of the best operator panels for 2025
  9. Instead of an epilogue

Rating of the best operator panels for 2025

Rating of the best operator panels for 2025

An operator panel (also referred to as an “operator panel” or “HMI device”) is a special serial or mass-produced computing device that is implemented as an industrial controller (not a computer) that uses a human-machine interface to control individual automated processes or devices. It can be used both in production and for domestic needs (for example, Smart Home control).

Design features

An HMI device is usually a design that has a flat front with controls or a display. Often, this element is protected from the negative impact of the external environment or mechanical damage (protective film, impact-resistant facade, etc.). The panel itself does not have much depth, which makes it possible to place it both on a large industrial operator's console and on a home wall or some surface of the controlled apparatus.

The internal structure of the panel, by and large, is similar to the device of an industrial computer, with a difference only in operating conditions and the direction of specialization.

Typical panel includes:

  • Means of visual output of information: modern models have a touch graphic or text screen; in former times, all kinds of electronic displays and indicators were used, even earlier this function was performed by groups of lamps or LEDs. The peak of popularity fell on models with liquid crystal displays.
  • Technical input and data selection tools responsible for navigating through the available functions: separate buttons, full keyboard, touch screen. A joystick or other manipulator (from a mouse to a trackball) can also be used.
  • Connecting interfaces used to receive/transmit entered/received data between the panel and controlled devices. This includes any network equipment - from a wired network to a modem (examples are RS485, RS232, Ethernet, RS422).
  • Additional devices: a drive for storing the operating system, software, volatile random access memory, non-volatile read-only memory (hard disk or flash memory).

Main functionality

The operator panel provides the following functionality:

  • Visual representation of the controlled process (or object) and its current parameters in the form of text or graphics;
  • Processing and management of alarms/notifications, in which the time and date of their occurrence are recorded;
  • Entering process parameters and direct control via touch screen or function buttons;
  • Data transfer with peripheral equipment or system;
  • Selection of downloadable scenarios for the operation of controlled equipment and the ability to edit them;
  • System administration of user rights in the form of imposing restrictions on the actions of unauthorized persons (for example, a ban on displaying "adult channels" by television receivers available in the Smart Home without entering a secret password);
  • Displaying trends and statistical charts, displaying summary reports on the operation of controlled devices (“use history”);
  • Archiving of accumulated data (rather more needed for industrial processes);
  • Execution of previously set commands according to the schedule (for example, turning on automatic floor heating at a certain time);
  • Printout of selected information.

If the panel is in text mode, then all processes are displayed as character data. For graphics mode, visualization occurs through icons or mnemonic diagrams.It can be seen from this that the latter mode is the most visual and convenient, therefore the first (text) is usually used in small automated systems that do not require permanent and close monitoring by the user (these include a unified alarm system and locking locks on all doors in a private house ).

Interaction with managed equipment

As a rule, the operator panels themselves in automated systems do not independently control the controlled elements, but only perform the function of issuing commands. In order to obtain data on ongoing processes, they exchange data with controllers that are installed directly on the equipment performing a certain process via a network (for example, a SCADA system).

For clarity, it is worth giving the following example: a command is transmitted from the common control panel of the "Smart Home" to turn on floor heating at a specified time. This command is received by the controller installed in the floor convector, and at the right time it executes it, including the heating of the heating elements in the “subordinate” device.

Thus, there can be one operator panel, but several connected controllers. However, it is not necessary that all this equipment must be of the same model or from the same brand. As a result, the HMI device is responsible for starting/stopping the controlled systems, selecting their operating mode, entering new operating scenarios, real-time monitoring of the process progress, displaying current process data and logging them.

A "controller-panel" system can also be used, in which the controller is endowed with broader powers, and the equipment subordinate to it does without commands from the panel or operator participation.In industrial systems, multi-level control chains can be used, when several HMI devices can be subordinate to the main control panel, which has extended access rights. This is usually done in production using the so-called Industrial Ethernet network. At the household level, multistage systems are almost never found.

Existing types of HMI devices

For domestic use, two types of such equipment are usually used:

  • Graphic, text-graphic and button - the emphasis in them is on the main management functions, and not on the visualization of processes. Budget models are often equipped with a monochrome screen. Data is entered using the keys (this is convenient for hazardous industries, when the operator must work with gloves. At the household level, this factor is clearly unnecessary). Despite the apparent simplicity of this type of operpanels, they are convenient to use in houses where the control functionality is small, as well as for the needs of warehouses, water treatment systems, boiler control systems in apartment buildings, and this will also be relevant for pumping stations.
  • touch - in these devices it is much more convenient to program the controls and graphics for the necessary technological tasks. Modern touch panels are capable of producing a realistic image in HD resolution.


The hardware architecture of the HMI device is similar to standard personal computers, only in most cases flash memory is used instead of a hard disk (due to the dimensions of the latter). Standard hardware solutions include:

  • 32-bit RISK processor;
  • RAM SDRAM (not a strong large volume);
  • Flash-EEPROM memory (built-in), where the operating system and accumulated user information are stored;
  • Various expansion ports and interfaces for connecting external devices.

According to the hardware complexity, HMI devices can be placed in the following gradation (from worst to best):

  • Button panel - controlled by physical buttons, information is presented on indicators or a liquid crystal screen.
  • Text display - is a panel with a visual display of information in the form of mnemonic diagrams or text. The program itself can be executed directly in the panel or simply immediately transferred to the desired controller.
  • The graphic panel is the same as the previous one, only the text and mnemonic diagrams are replaced by drawn icons;
  • Touch panel - has a touch-sensitive display, through which data is entered and information is displayed simultaneously;
  • Industrial computer - most of all resembles a modern server, but, as a rule, it has a specialized interface and is permanently connected to an industrial network. Its body is usually protected from harmful influences.


Standard operating panel software includes:

  • An operating system that is open for external reprogramming - as an option, it is Linux, Windows CE, iOS or Android;
  • A possible replacement for the above OS may be firmware from the manufacturer (the so-called "proprietary OS" or firmware);
  • Software for the development of visualization projects, scenarios, task schedules.

Main characteristics

The most important features for an operator panel will be:

  • Display size and appearance - the size can vary from a modest 128x128 dpi to an impressive 1024x768 (and even more). The number of colors displayed by it can be calculated from 2 (monochrome) to 16 million (24 bits). These parameters significantly affect the usability.
  • Organization of control - a transparent touch display (capacitive or resistor) can be used, coupled with physical buttons or manipulators, which are placed on the front. A fully touch screen can also be used, from which control is directly carried out. However, there are no completely touch screens - the manufacturer always builds a physical emergency stop button for all processes into the case.
  • The number of built-in network interfaces and communication protocols used - their number will depend on the capabilities of the installed operating system. The standard here can be Profibus DP, Industrial Ethernet or Modbus RTU/TCP.
  • The established degree of protection - for the front part is the European standard IP65, for the rest of the parts - IP20. However, there are samples in which all parts are protected according to the IP67 standard - this may be due to installation difficulties.
  • The responsiveness of the integrated flash memory and the speed of the processor - these characteristics affect the speed of processing and transferring data.
  • The type of matrix used in the sensor - this parameter will determine the accuracy of the cursor on the screen, the sensitivity of pressing and the response time to it.

General overview of products from popular manufacturers


The brand offers a wide range of products.Oddly enough, the company specializes in the production of the simplest budget devices of the BASIC series, designed for simple visualization. More complex samples include the "Comfort" line.

Simple push-button devices save about 60% of installation and connection time. At the same time, they are not certified in all countries as computer control devices. But the "Comfort" line has a fully recognized international certificate everywhere.

In each model range there are both wired and wireless samples. However, SIEMENS is more focused on the production of devices for use in harsh industrial environments.


Samples are available for sale with both touch and text displays. All equipment is completed with its own software - "ONI-VisualStudio". It easily visualizes the given processes, while using high-quality visual graphics, animation elements. You can also use the company's pre-created scripts, macros and schedules for the most common processes. A feature of the products of this brand can be called the fact that it also produces frameless models of the OEM series, which are easy to integrate directly into the wall or panel of the controlled equipment. However, both traditional plastic and metal are used equally in all lines.


A very reputable German brand with more than 100 years of history - it started with the production of relays, terminals, electrical switches. He distinguished himself by the fact that in 2018 he launched a line of touch-sensitive operpanels that worked in an extended temperature range - from +60 to -10 degrees Celsius.Previously, it was believed that these limits for sensory samples could not be achieved. Almost all of its models are equipped with enhanced protection class according to the IP66 standard. Any panel can inform about the state of the technological process not only by displaying information on the screen, but also by e-mail and SMS. The entire model range is characterized by "multilingualism" - almost all panels are compatible with other manufacturers. This was achieved through partnership agreements with over 40 other brands producing similar products.

Rating of the best operator panels for 2025

5th place: OMRON NT2S

This is one of the smallest and simplest models of HMI devices that can be programmed. Equipped with a four-line LCD screen and six function keys. The housing is IP65 rated. Of the additional functions, a real-time clock and the ability to connect a printer are implemented. The sample has a small mounting depth, which makes it extremely easy to integrate the operating panel on almost any surface.

Manufacturer countryJapan
Display typeliquid crystal
Additional functionsSmall installation depth
Price, rubles3500
  • Economic solution;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Reinforced body protection.
  • Little functionality.

4th place: OMRON NT31

Programmable terminal with a color four-line display. It has a parallel port for connecting a printer, and a port for connecting a laptop of previous generations (meaning handhelds from Macintosh).For ease of reading information from the touch screen, the device has a built-in LED backlight, designed for at least fifty thousand hours of operation. The kit comes with proprietary software for standard needs.

Manufacturer countryJapan
Display typeSensory
Additional functionsIllumination via LEDs
Price, rubles8000
  • Customizable function keys;
  • Ability to connect external devices;
  • Own software.
  • Large installation depth.


A combination device that combines both push-button and touch controls. It has a seven-inch screen with increased color reproduction (sixty-five thousand colors). Runs on the Windows CE operating system plus contains free and open source native software that allows you to program the device to control almost any process.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Display typeTouch and button
Additional functionsChangeable software
Price, rubles45000
  • Custom software;
  • Extended warranty;
  • Enhanced color reproduction.
  • Small display for high color display.


Multifunctional device with widescreen full touch display. Provides output of sixteen million colors. Only ships with the latest versions of Windows CE. The control uses standard PROFINET and MPI/PROFIBUS DP interfaces that are compatible with many third-party controllers.The software is open source. The device has its own 12 MB flash memory.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Display typeSensory
Additional functionsBuilt-in flash memory
Price, rubles85000
  • Own flash memory;
  • High resolution touch screen;
  • Editable software;
  • Improved hardware compatibility;
  • Works with the latest versions of Windows CE;
  • The current price / quality ratio.
  • Not found.

1st place: Weintek eMT3150A

Powerful HMI device with a large display (fifteen inches) and excellent twenty-four-bit graphical color reproduction. The case is protected on all sides according to IP66 class. The model has several parallel ports for connecting external devices, as well as a USB port. Capable of transmitting data wirelessly. Functional operating temperatures - from +60 to -20 degrees Celsius. Additionally, the Samos Pro Compact emergency safety controller is built in.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Display typeSensory
Additional functionsSecurity Controller
Price, rubles110000
Weintek eMT3150A
  • Changeable software for the user;
  • Improved touch display;
  • Additional security controller.
  • High price.

Instead of an epilogue

Due to the fact that the described devices are technically complex and expensive, the only way to save on the price is to order them directly from the manufacturer. However, in this case, it is worth remembering that a computing device imported into the territory of the Russian Federation must undergo mandatory certification.Fortunately, it is almost impossible to find an operpanel (except for Asian samples) that does not have an international certificate recognized by the Russian Federation. Thus, the cost of ordering via the Internet will differ significantly from the retail price. At the same time, practice shows that the price of the same device, included in the estimates of Russian firms when arranging the Smart Home, will be overstated by at least 25 percent.

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