Russian is one of the most difficult languages in the world. It would seem that every Russian is obliged to know it ideally, because it is our native language, but for this you need to invest a lot in learning. Grammar, spelling, orthoepy, punctuation, phonetics, vocabulary... How much you need to know to master the Russian language! Proper use of the language is the key to human success. Thanks to the correct presentation of their thoughts with the help of words, people achieve mutual understanding among themselves. Without knowledge of the language, it is almost impossible to exist in our time, so it is important to strive to know it perfectly.
We start learning Russian from birth, as it surrounds us everywhere. Serious study of it begins at school. It is often difficult for students to absorb all the information in the lessons, and one missed topic can lead to further failure to master the material.This leads to the fact that the child begins to need the help of tutors and additional classes. In addition, 9th and 11th grade graduates take a mandatory Russian language exam, which requires special preparation.
Many adults also want to improve their level of knowledge, fill in old gaps. As the Russian language teacher Alexander Dolgikh says: "It's fashionable to be literate!" It is impossible to argue with this, so the older generation should at least refresh their knowledge.
For foreigners, there are also many services for learning the Russian language. Many online platforms provide courses for citizens of other countries.

Pros and cons of distance learning
The distance learning format appeared not so long ago, as a result of which it causes some distrust among people. During the pandemic, all educational institutions conducted training online. This showed the full advantages and disadvantages of distance learning. Among the advantages, the following can be distinguished:
- Possibility of independent planning of time;
- Personal interest in gaining knowledge;
- Possibility to choose a place of study convenient for you;
- Saving time;
- Saving money (on transport);
- Great access to Internet resources;
- Comfortable environment.
- Difficulty maintaining motivation to study;
- The temptation to postpone classes until later.
How to choose
First of all, when choosing an online Russian language school, you should indicate the purpose of the classes: preparation for the Unified State Examination / OGE, preparation for the Olympiads, filling gaps, improving academic performance, help with homework, help in writing essays, etc. To prepare for exams and olympiads, classes in an online school in a group are better suited. In such schools there are different rates for education, the cost depends on the availability of a personal curator, homework checks. All online schools offer a free trial class to help you decide if the platform, teacher, and learning format is right for you. For other purposes, it is more profitable and effective to take the services of a tutor in order to focus on the student's individual gaps.
So how do you choose a platform and teacher? There are several factors to pay special attention to:
- Teacher qualification. On the platform itself or in the social networks of this online school, you need to find information about the education and experience of the teacher, you can write to the group's private messages and ask about it.
- The average score of graduates of this school.
- Feedback from students. Read real reviews of online school graduates, you can even write them in private messages to clarify your questions.
- Preparation times. It is unrealistic to prepare for 85+ points from scratch in a couple of weeks, since you need to have a huge amount of knowledge to pass the exam. It is better to give preference to long courses, where you can gradually disassemble and assimilate everything without creating a mess in your head.
- Requirements for the exam / OGE.Be sure to first find out your level of knowledge of the Russian language in order to understand how much information you will have to learn and study.
How to find a good tutor? Many parents and students ask this question. Here's what you should pay attention to:
- The purpose of the lessons. You must be clear about what exactly you want from the tutor, what gaps you need to fill, what results you want to achieve in order to form a clear lesson plan.
- Careful study of different platforms. Carefully study several sites and choose the one that is more trustworthy.
- Feedback from students. As with choosing an online school, pay special attention to this.
Choosing a tutor who specializes in exactly the area you need. It is necessary to give preference to the teacher who previously taught students with the same goals as yours.
In addition to everything that was written above, you must focus on the material component and choose the resource that you will financially pull.
TOP 5 best online Russian language schools to prepare for the OGE
This online school has educational accreditation and a high rating. Umskul offers group lessons. Lessons are held online on the school platform, you are studying with a large flow of students, during the lesson itself the teacher answers your questions in the chat, and managers and curators also help him. All lessons are recorded in your personal account, so you can always review what you did not understand.
The service of this online school is very convenient. When choosing any tariff, a personal manager is available to you who will help you with technical problems. There is also a support chat, a chat with the curator in all tariffs except "Standard", a general conversation with the rest of the students.
Tariff comparison:

There are two OGE teachers in Russian in Umskul - Olga Chekhova and Anastasia Glasnaya.
Olga Chekhova is a graduate of the State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin. In 2025, 1264 students received a grade of "5", 575 students received a grade of "4"
Anastasia Glasnaya is a graduate of KFU, she graduated with honors. In total, she prepared 621 excellent students for the OGE. In 2025, 88 students received a grade of "5", 43 students received a grade of "4".
To decide on the choice of a teacher, read the reviews in the VKontakte group and attend free classes with both teachers.
- Has an educational license;
- Convenient platform with a program of achievements;
- Good feedback;
- Quality material delivery.
- Frequent interruptions in the connection during the online lesson.
One of the most popular educational websites. In addition to preparing for exams, VPR, olympiads, Foxford offers family education and much more. Maria Kartysheva is preparing for the OGE. The teacher is an expert of the OGE and the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, a teacher at the Letovo school, and the scientific secretary of the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The average score of students is 4.7.
The annual course runs from September 20 to May 16. During this period, there will be 64 classes of 2 academic hours on Tuesday and Saturday. There will be homework with verification and constant communication with the curator, who will always answer your questions. The cost of the course is 12990 rubles, or 1440 rubles. per month.
- Low cost;
- Qualified teacher;
- High rating.
Shkolkovo offers an individual training plan, theory notes, regular sample checks, help from curators, a system of individual deadlines and access to all records from the beginning of the course, even if you buy a couple of months after it starts.
Russian language teacher in Shkolkovo - Ksenia Nikolaevna. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, winner and prize-winner of the Higher School of Education in the Russian language, and has 3 years of experience in online education.
This online school has a roulette wheel. This is a service where you can get a discount on one tariff from 10% to 100%. The discount is valid for 48 hours and can only be received once a month.
Tariff comparison:

- Access to all records of the annual course;
- Monthly guaranteed discount on roulette;
- High-quality supply of material without "water";
- Convenient platform.
The PARTA online school has a system of lives. There are 8-12 lessons per month, which remain recorded, a basic course on the basics of the Russian language is given as a gift, a high-score mentor is provided for each student who supports the graduate, there are also homework assignments with verification, samplers and an additional self-development webinar.
Ellina Zinovieva teaches Russian. She graduated over 1000 students. Of these, 70% received a mark of "5" at the OGE. The average score of students is 29.6 out of 33.
The basic tariff of the master group costs 3490 rubles. per month. There is also a MAX master group for 3990 rubles. per month, this tariff adds an additional homework with analysis from the teacher, a final slice of knowledge, an individual OGE task simulator.
- Life system;
- Friendly atmosphere;
- Constant support from a mentor;
- Quick check of homework within half an hour;
- Convenient abstracts.
- Occasional provision of redundant information.
Sotka is one of the most popular online schools for preparing for the OGE / USE. It provides 12-21 lessons per month, 1-2 trials, training on its own online platform, homework with verification and feedback.
Russian language teacher - Daria Ustinova. She is a senior student at KFU, passed the Unified State Examination in Russian with 94 points, scored the maximum score in the Unified State Examination.
The cost of the standard tariff is 3600 rubles. per month, while you will have access to classes in 3-4 subjects. There is also a PRO tariff for 4600 rubles. per month, it additionally includes tasks of increased complexity, more probes and oral tests.
- Access to classes in 3-4 subjects for a fixed price;
- Convenient platform;
- High-quality supply of material;
- Friendly atmosphere.
TOP 3 best online Russian language schools to prepare for the Unified State Examination
In all the online schools listed above, in addition to preparing for the exam, there are teachers for preparing for the exam, so you should familiarize yourself with them too. In addition, we will get acquainted with three more online schools where there are strong teachers in the Russian language.
EGELand has the best educational platform. You can track how much time you solve tasks, get acquainted with separate analytics for each block of the exam. There is a folder of "jambs" where all your mistakes are collected, which you can work out. The online school itself has a wonderful atmosphere, responsive curators and mentors.
Russian language teacher - Angelina. She graduated 7600 students, every second of them scored 85+ points on the exam.
The cost of the monthly tariff is 3490 rubles. It includes 10 webinars per month + their recordings, scripts, checking homework, access to online games on the platform for memorizing material, access to analytics, closed self-development lessons, a personal mentor, rating system, special courses for the second part.
- Unique educational platform with individual analytics;
- Rating system;
- High-quality supply of material;
- Cool atmosphere;
- Festival in the summer in Moscow among graduates;
- Useful scripts.
Lomonosov School
This online school is considered one of the most effective. On the platform, classes are held with elements of the game, graduates have high USE scores, and each teacher graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
Kosovskaya Olesya Nikolaevna – teacher of the Russian language, postgraduate student of the Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosov, has a degree. There are 3593 graduates in total, of which 139 are 100 points, 1181 students received 90+ points. The average score of graduates is 84.
Tariff comparison:

- A large number of hundred points;
- Qualified teacher;
- Convenient platform.
In Webium, the full course of preparation for the exam lasts 9 months with a personal mentor at a comfortable pace. The material is absorbed gradually, without creating a mess in the head.
Russian language teacher - Agniya Rosenthal. She graduated from the faculty of philology and journalism of ISU with honors. In 2025, she released 20 hundred points, every second student passed 80+, every 3 - 85+ points, and every 5th student got 90+.
The cost of the main tariff is 3490 rubles.per month, it includes from 12 lessons per month with homework, an individual training plan and a personal mentor. There is a tariff "Plus" for 4590 rubles. per month, additionally it includes weekly video meetings with a mentor, additional analysis of complex topics in mini-groups.
- High rating;
- A large number of positive reviews;
- Quality material delivery.
Foxford offers school curriculum courses for students of all ages, as well as mini-group classes and individual tutoring.
On the site you can get the necessary information about the teacher, get acquainted with the lesson plan and cost, it all depends on which grade the child is in and what format of training is more convenient for you, for example, classes with an individual tutor cost from 720 rubles.
- Opportunity to study in mini-groups with a tutor;
- Drawing up an individual lesson plan;
- Convenient platform;
- Low cost.
On TutorOnline you can find a tutor for any purpose of learning the Russian language. The minimum cost of a lesson is 650 rubles. academic hour. The service provides complete information about the teacher and reviews, and also helps in drawing up an individual lesson plan.
- Large selection of tutors;
- Availability of complete information about the teacher;
- Drawing up an individual lesson plan;
- Convenient search filters on the site.
Your tutor
The site has a wide range of tutors. With the help of filters, you can sort by subject, cost and region. Also a lot of reviews and good statistics.
- Wide choice of tutors;
- A large number of reviews.
- The bulk of tutors work for a high cost;
- Not all tutors work remotely, so there is a filter by region.
The Faculty of Pre-University Training at the National Research University Higher School of Economics teaches schoolchildren starting from the 4th grade. Lessons are held both face-to-face in the classroom and online.

- Narrowly focused preparation for a specific Olympiad;
- Highly qualified teachers of the National Research University Higher School of Economics;
- Possibility to choose between self-study and group lessons.
On the platform, you can purchase Olympiad preparation courses for grades 6-8 and 9-11. Teacher for grades 6-8 - Shirokov Ivan Alekseevich. He is an Olympiad coach, studies at the Faculty of Humanities at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the winner of the "Highest standard". Teacher for grades 9-11 - Patrikeeva Ksenia Alexandrovna. Studying at the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, winner of the Higher School of Education in the Russian language.

- Preparation for various olympiads;
- Olympiad teachers.
All online schools hold free open webinars, and you can also subscribe to a newsletter through communities on VKontakte.
There is an Examer website for exam preparation. After registration, you pass the test and receive an individual training plan. You can track your progress and see where the gaps are.
To prepare for the exams, the ReshuEge, ReshuOge sites and the FIPI open bank of tasks are suitable. On them you can solve the tasks of the real USE / OGE.
To improve the literacy of primary school students, there is an Interactive Dictation website. The simulator offers to write a text by ear, or insert missing letters in words.
Designer Ilya Birman has created a web edition of the rules of the Russian language. The site contains the entire theory, which is sorted into sections of the language.
Total dictation is a project aimed at promoting literacy among the population. You can write dictations from previous years on the site, as well as take a free punctuation course.
The application "Excellent" on the phone is a stress simulator in a game format.
RealLanguage.Club is a site for learning Russian, is a partner of TutorOnline. It is suitable for schoolchildren, adults and foreigners. The platform provides 7 resources for learning: leisure (proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, anecdotes), exams (OGE, USE, exams for migrants), for schoolchildren (program for grades 1-11), tests (testing in sections of the language), audio and video podcasts, practice and grammar.
Choose a good curriculum and learn Russian with pleasure!