
  1. How to choose the right online learning
  2. The best online vocal courses
  3. Conclusion

Ranking of the best online vocal courses for 2025

Ranking of the best online vocal courses for 2025

Song. The mood and voice of the soul, notes of joy and tears of suffering, the delight of love and folk tunes. When did man first sing? Probably, rocking the baby at night, protecting him from danger and warming him with maternal warmth. Today, thanks to the latest equipment, skill that has stepped across the borders of countries and continents, as well as endless communication possibilities, allow performers to reach the heights of vocals.
The abundance of competitions, nominations, entertainment projects, professional, pop concerts gives birth to big names, discovers talents, introduces new facets of popular people's creativity. Someone has been musical since childhood and has a good ear, someone has to try, and in someone the desire to sing is just emerging. The 21st century format has expanded learning opportunities and made it possible to achieve excellent results, both with modest starting data, and improve skills to high professionalism. The ranking of the best online vocal courses is given below.

How to choose the right online learning


All online courses can be divided into classes:

  1. lessons, video recording with several consultations with teachers;
  2. live classes via the Internet with an individual selection of programs.

A video lesson implies familiarity with the topic, possession of a skill, a report in a video format, as if it were homework. Systematization of knowledge is necessary in both formats. Step-by-step development and complication of the process is the right benchmark for evaluation. The program of the course should be clear to the entrant and described in detail.

When choosing individual lessons with a teacher, it is important to decide on the candidacy of the master. Not only his singing should inspire, but also the number of graduates with excellent results. The presence of positive feedback, analysis of author's methods and the opinion of students about them are of great importance.


As in any business, professionalism is based on honing techniques and techniques. The Law of the Mentor works in all areas. If the master is not fluent in the matter, he is unlikely to be able to transfer knowledge to the student.


Eminent schools with an excellent track record, reviews of celebrities and luminaries of the scene are the best indicators of reliability. The longer an online school exists and gains positive recommendations from graduates, the more trust it enjoys.


The author's technique or a set of techniques of certain eminent musical schools give a special style and instill a style of performance. A famous, recognizable school is worth a lot, so choosing the path of a professional stage, you should be prepared for multi-stage energy and material costs.

Errors when choosing

Age does not matter to start learning, as well as the level of training. It is logical to assume that for teaching musical notation and understanding the basics of vocals, the fate of a master of world significance is not required. To prepare for the professional stage or improve the acquired abilities - the choice of a coach is key.
We should not forget about the standard procedure for chanting, training the voice, warming up the ligaments. The virtuosity of such skills is an integral part of the high level of skill, and they can be learned without large-scale investment.

Video lessons are dangerous with the illusion of the achieved result, the preservation of shortcomings not only in terms of voice, but also in clips, stage behavior, and emotional background. It is possible to “pump” shortcomings, and most importantly, to point out them, only through direct contact with a professional.

The best online vocal courses

Adult education

Polteva Marina Courses

A teacher with 30 years of experience, he is an honored artist, a producer of more than 2,000 well-known projects and supervises many celebrities.

  • singing art is taught in 8 lessons;
  • muscle voice memory is developed in 5 sessions;
  • 5 lessons are devoted to the skills of sound extraction, diction, positional singing and articulation;
  • Rhythm and emotional background are considered separately;
  • with the development of voice power, increasing the range;
  • mastery of melismas;
  • the entire volume of training consists of 61 lessons within 9 modules;
  • a bonus is provided - the availability of a block for creating a stage image;
  • the student's initial vocal level is irrelevant;
  • with sets of exercises for individual practice;
  • issuance of a certificate upon completion of training;
  • directions for expanding the repertoire;
  • with the development of vocal techniques;
  • gifts in the form of a monthly subscription;
  • availability of seasonal discounts;
  • watching video lessons and completing assignments with video recording;
  • free access to methodological materials in your personal account;
  • high quality HD, unique sounding video format.
  • mediated online contact with the teacher.

Contact details:
☎ 8-800 775-37-68


The school prioritizes the student's goal - what level and skills he wants to achieve.
It can be both a professional stage and amateur singing with a free voice. Therefore, the key to the success of the courses is an individual approach.

  • movement from basics to techniques and emancipation of the voice;
  • free listening - the initial step with the formation of the program;
  • discounts and bonuses;
  • variable schedule of classes according to the abilities of students;
  • adequate price;
  • the teaching staff consists of musicians from the active field of the arts;
  • quick result;
  • Western teaching techniques;
  • with the possibility of changing the mentor in the process at the request of the student;
  • with the preservation of paid lessons for any period acceptable to the student;
  • technical support and restoration of communication in 10 minutes;
  • availability of exclusive chants;
  • 8 steps to create a video recording of vocals with a level worthy of mass viewing;
  • advanced vocalists are invited to study the methods of belting, cry, twang;
  • additional exercises for musicality, a sense of rhythm;
  • presence in social networks and own blog;
  • with an online check on the website of the Internet connection for the possibility of receiving lessons;
  • Guaranteed noticeable results after the first session.
  • lesson with a curator online no more than 1 hour.

Contact Information:
☎ 8-952-38-21-310

My dream

Distance lessons for any level of training with an unlimited number of lessons suggest fluency in voice in any direction of singing. From church and academic format to stage vocals and folk songs.

  • 48 hours of basic course;
  • with acting and singing techniques modules;
  • the presence of 6 training blocks;
  • you can purchase a gift certificate;
  • free choice of lesson schedule;
  • hundreds of satisfied students around the world;
  • with per-hour or monthly payment;
  • mastering the theory of music at will.
  • the cost is calculated only by setting goals and evaluating the level of the applicant.

Contact Information:

My Sound, Everyone can sing! Udemy

The authors of the programs and lessons claim that anyone can sing, it is necessary to make an effort and work with a mentor.

  • development of additional facets of the voice;
  • getting rid of stage fright;
  • revealing the possibilities of musical ear;
  • emancipation, increased self-esteem;
  • removal of fear of one's own voice;
  • budget class module for 21 days of training for 3290 rubles "Fitness for the voice";
  • 2.5 hours of lessons on the topic of "emotional singing" for 850 rubles;
  • training in shamanic and throat singing for an hour a day from 11 lessons;
  • mastering vocal techniques and dynamics in the “successful vocalist” block for 8.5 hours at a cost of 1090 rubles;
  • a certificate is issued upon completion;
  • with lifetime access to materials;
  • with the setting of breathing;
  • mastering the methods of using timbre, range;
  • hearing development;
  • possession of emotional performance;
  • with the removal of the "clamped" voice syndrome;
  • mastering articulation, melismatics, improvisation;
  • a lot of positive feedback from students who have completed online school.
  • short duration of the lecture on the subject, for example - 10 minutes "overcoming stage fright".

Contact Information:

blended learning

world of voice

The programs were developed and implemented by two venerable women teachers, each of whom leads her own musical direction, taking into account the individuality of the student.

  • the presence of a vocal direction for children;
  • basics and high class for adults;
  • level of academic performance;
  • variety singing of professional and amateur class;
  • training in logorhythmics at the age of 4 to 6 years with the development of motor skills of the speech apparatus, coordination of movements in accordance with the text;
  • regardless of the location of the student;
  • children aged 7 to 12 receive not only the development of the vocal apparatus, but also the production of breathing, learning melodies, the concept of purity of intonation;
  • for adults, it is provided for the study of musical notation, the development of voice with sound production, fluency in techniques, decorations such as vibrato, melismas;
  • with the development of speech motor skills;
  • mastering sob, cry, twang, mix, falsetto, speech techniques;
  • You can purchase discounted subscriptions.
  • short subscription period;
  • no rescheduling of the missed class if there is no advance warning.

Contact details:
☎ +7981  912 34 76; +7 905 212 32 23

Powerful voice

Immersion in online learning for several months with the analysis of mistakes, the formation of the voice and the comprehension of all the intricacies of singing under the guidance of a strong teacher allows you to achieve amazing results.

  • 30,000 graduate students from 15 countries;
  • author's technique;
  • listening at the initial stage in order to determine the level of training;
  • professional voice acting;
  • development of skills in the use of techniques;
  • voice formation by strength and power;
  • conversion to pop vocal from folk, academic, choral singing;
  • complex and individual programs are provided;
  • 2 separate classes "Sing like a star", "I want a strong voice" with the preparation of several studio vocal compositions;
  • bonus programs are provided for compiling repertoires, quick mastering of a song, vocal decorations;
  • Guaranteed performance skills after 7 lessons.
  • not found.

Contact Information:

☎ +490-176-239-644-52

Children's vocals


The disclosure of creative potential in the shortest possible time, professional voice production is available thanks to the teaching staff with higher musical education and extensive work experience.

  • the beginning of classes from the age of 8;
  • there are programs for level 0;
  • the presence of a trial lesson to determine the starting positions of the student and draw up an individual program;
  • step-by-step mastering of breathing, diction, hitting notes, with the transition at the final stage to genre performance, musical intonation;
  • the presence of the author's methodology;
  • guarantee of results for everyone;
  • with affordable payment in installments.
  • missing.

Contact Information:
☎ 8 812 243 17 95

It's easy to sing

The professional training of specialists allows, using the author's method of Zh. Seropyan and the online format, to teach beautiful singing, to reveal voice data.

  • one of the first Russian online schools;
  • more than 2000 students in 15 countries;
  • an active community of 80,000 members;
  • 12 different individual training programs in the art of music;
  • more than 1100 singers started here from scratch;
  • unique techniques for voice production;
  • with individual selection of repertoire;
  • availability of quick feedback from curators;
  • availability of recording in studios;
  • your Youtube channel;
  • with obtaining a state-recognized certificate upon completion of classes;
  • 4 modules of 4, 8, 12 and 30 lessons, divided by level of preparation;
  • VIP course worth 300,000 rubles;
  • with recording homework on video with subsequent study by a specialist;
  • It is enough to devote from 20 minutes a day.
  • limited support in your account for a period of 1 year.

Contact Information:
☎ 8-800-200-24-04

School of Marina Lavrischeva

The format allows you to conduct classes, both with a vocal teacher, and take the course on your own. Ms. Lavrishcheva has a university degree, as well as 15 years of vocal performance experience, presents her own songs and is the creator of the author's methodology.

  • 3 courses from "Good start", "Specialist" to "Professional" with basic skills;
  • obtaining in use video exercises with explanations for returning to the material covered and working out the moments;
  • budget basic module at a price of 3000 rubles from the 31st exercise;
  • mastering basic melismatics for 4500 rubles from 40 exercises;
  • the initial stage consists of providing a video recording with the performance of the applicant to determine the individual program and track the dynamics in subsequent periods;
  • with a minimum price for the course of 14,000 rubles;
  • there are free lessons;
  • with free viewing of results of graduates;
  • democratic price.
  • no.

Contact Information:
☎ 38-050-626-43-00; 38-071-321-94-18

Rating of online vocal courses     
1.Adult education
Course namePrice range, rub./sessionNecessary devices and applications Lesson duration
world of voice500-1600Skype/Zoom, webcam, stable internet, microphone, illuminated work area30 to 50
Udemy My Sound, Everyone can sing!850-1600
My dream-Skype, Zoom, FaceTime60*48
3.blended learning
Polteva Marina Courses660-900stable internet, microphonevideo lesson from 1 hour
Powerful voice500-3500--
Children's vocals
School of Marina Lavrischeva2000Skype/Viber60 minutes
It's easy to sing2000-14000Skype1,5*16


Want to sing? Need to study! At the same time, it does not matter whether there is a voice, a sense of rhythm and hearing, this is the concern of teachers and curators. Modern author's methods, together with the format of online vocal courses, allow you to do real miracles. Just a few months of work and a repertoire with a stage image and a dizzying performance is ready! You just need to choose the time and be patient.

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