
  1. Children's chess courses
  2. Chess courses for beginners
  3. Free Online Chess Courses
  4. Online chess courses for teachers
  5. Popular courses

Ranking of the best online chess courses for 2025

Ranking of the best online chess courses for 2025

Chess is an ancient intellectual game that combines elements of science and logic. It is played by two chess players against each other. The main goal of the game is to defeat the opponent in an intellectual duel. Learning to understand the principles of the game is not difficult, but it will take some time.


How to learn to play professionally, everyone chooses for himself. Some go to chess schools, wanting to learn the game directly with the help of a teacher. Others prefer to figure it out on their own. Still others simply play and, gaining experience, gradually understand the essence of the action.

There is a convenient option for those who work or cannot attend chess lessons in person. Online chess courses are a practical, comfortable option that is in no way inferior to professional training. And sometimes these courses come out on a budget.

How to choose a good and understandable course? It is worth focusing on the following selection criteria:

  1. Having a website. No one is surprised by online schools on social networks. However, before you think about paying, you should carefully study the entire training system.A detailed description should be on the official website of the school.
  2. Cost of education. For confirmed "teachers", how much education costs is written after information about the educational system. If there is no price - it is worth considering.
  3. Educational program. Teaching chess is divided into several types: for children, teenagers, adults and experienced players. In order not to be misunderstood, you need to understand whether the characteristic is suitable or not.
  4. Customer reviews. The opinions and advice of clients are a “beacon in the dark”, which will help you understand whether the course really teaches the game, or takes money “of good will”.
  5. Quality. The teacher supervising the training should adequately assess the skills of the beginner and patiently explain the principles of the game and the overall system as a whole. If the teacher does not do this, the question arises: is it really taught to play chess there?

Having understood the criteria, in this way you can find the really best online chess courses. Which is better to buy - only the buyer decides.


Children's chess courses

It is easier and more useful for children to learn chess. First, the intellectual level will be higher than that of the average child. Secondly, in the learning process, skills such as perseverance, patience, and strategic skills in general will be instilled. The rating of high-quality children's and youth sports chess schools includes:

School of Chess "Online Intellect"

The course that brought up many children-chess players. Three teachers are engaged in training, having to themselves from the first lessons. The school is licensed, after each success of the child, a diploma is awarded for excellent success. There are three rates available: training in a group, individually and up to 6 years inclusive.

  • Positive customer feedback;
  • Individual approach to each student;
  • Bonuses at the first lessons;
  • Convenient choice of tariff.
  • High prices.

Price: depending on the tariff. The average price - for one lesson - 1240 rubles.

Chess school "RShSh"

The organization has been operating since 2011. During this time, more than 10 thousand students graduated. RSHSH has developed its own special program in which children are divided into groups depending on their chess level. A convenient study schedule and experienced teachers will add productivity and better mastery of skills.

  • The schedule is built at the time when the child is most productive;
  • Experience of teachers;
  • The first trial lesson is free;
  • Availability of club cards.
  • Price (depending on the tariff).

Price: up to 4400 rubles.

School of chess "EduChess"

More than a thousand people received chess skills at the school.Clients have a positive attitude towards the institution, according to buyers, skills develop in a short time, teachers explain all the material in an accessible form.

  • Highly qualified teachers;
  • Parental trust;
  • Productive learning in a playful way;
  • Discount for the first lesson - 50%.
  • Cheap private lessons.

Price: from 1700 rubles.

Chess school "Phenomenon"

A licensed institution that works with an emphasis on experienced teachers and a game-based form of education. Master classes are actively held, and the first lesson for children is free. As a gift, students are sent by mail special notebooks with a QR code, inside of which there are video lessons.

  • Teachers find a common language with every child;
  • Warm feedback from parents;
  • Studying does not take away the desire to play chess;
  • Homework to consolidate the material;
  • Budget activity.
  • Not identified.

Price: from 684 rubles.


The program is the same for any direction. There are bonuses for large families. Classes are held both in a group and individually. Developed own methodological literature. Trainers have long experience.

  • Quality education;
  • Rapid skill development;
  • Experienced teachers;
  • Budget cost of the lesson.
  • Not found.

Price: from 300 rubles.

Chess courses for beginners

Every person begins to improve their skills from somewhere. Also for beginners in the chess field. Before a long, hard training, you need to be patient and willing to learn something new. Rating of high-quality, the best courses:

"Chess with Zhorik"

From zero to the third (adult) category - this is the "motto" of the online school.The plan is drawn up correctly, each lesson is explained in detail, and everything is fixed with homework. Duration is a year. The total number of lessons is 240.

  • A huge number of topics, each of which is fully understood, without concealment;
  • After purchasing the course, a bonus comes as a gift - a biography of great grandmasters;
  • Short but regular classes;
  • Objectively low price for a year of study.
  • The course is paid only for a year.

Price: the most inexpensive - 14990 rubles.

"Dragon Variant"

The course consists of 8 blocks, each of which is divided into topics with a detailed analysis. There are 53 lessons in the plan. Classes reveal mainly attacking positions and teach to win in any position. In case of dissatisfaction with studies, there is a 100% money guarantee. The gift comes with two bonuses.

  • The quality of the course, assessed by the participants;
  • Good explanation of chess moves;
  • Professional teachers.
  • The learning option is not for everyone.

Price: 2575 rubles.

"Space Chess"

A school that has trained over a thousand students. There are three types of rates available. Teachers have a lot of experience and are ready to pass it on to their students. Video lessons are available at any time. After each lesson, you need to do a practical part, after which a new level will be available.

  • To see if this course is suitable, a trial lesson is available;
  • Upon successful completion of training, a certificate is issued;
  • Studies are supervised by professionals;
  • A lot of practice with analysis from the teacher.
  • Limited number of places at a discount.

Price: 4990 rubles.


Online chess school, which includes both individual and group training to choose from. Also, the official website details how the training will take place, and where to start.The first lesson is free. The teacher pays attention to each student.

  • Detailed analysis of errors when choosing a strategy during the game;
  • Professional approach;
  • A review session to understand the current level.
  • Not found.

Price: About 500 rubles.


Already 14 people studying at this school have become winners of the Russian championship. The school published a book "how to learn to play chess from scratch in 21 days". It is an excellent guide to the chess world. Before gaining access to a new lesson, you must complete the previous one and turn in your homework. By the way, the student at any time can ask the teacher for incomprehensible material.

  • After purchasing the course, two additional videos as a gift;
  • After graduation, a certificate is provided;
  • The division of all material into modules.
  • Fast depleting bonuses.

Price: 1970 rubles.

Free Online Chess Courses

Among the training programs there are those that do not charge anything for their education. There are many such courses, but, as a rule, they will not provide a professional base, and you will have to study a lot on your own. What to look for:

"Chess Lessons" from d4-d5

The video course is a collection of YouTube videos that talk about chess, pieces, how to play and win. There are 200 videos in total.

  • Analysis of the right tactics;
  • A large number of lessons;
  • Free education.
  • Lack of feedback in case of misunderstanding.

"Secrets of the Endgame" by

The course consists of 7 lessons in the form of interactive tasks. To get more bonuses, you need to register.In the process of training, the coach teaches how to attack correctly with a potential defeat of the enemy. If necessary, there is a hint function, but there is no direct contact with the teacher.

  • Suitable for those who already understand chess;
  • Reveals the strategies of distant opposition;
  • Convenient interface.
  • Not suitable for beginners;
  • Lack of contact with the coach.

"Interactive Chess Lessons" by Chess Lessons

The peculiarity of this course is that with its help you can reach an advanced level. There is practice after every lesson. Registration is also required. There are 76 lessons in total.

  • Accessible and understandable material;
  • In addition, there is an assortment of useful tactics;
  • Tasks with the function of developing skills.
  • To get some lessons, you need to buy an online chess course.

"Chess School of Vladimir Kramnik"

Video course on YouTube. The emphasis is on theory rather than practice. A compact but detailed lecture reveals all the concepts and chains in the game. The lessons also analyze the games of popular grandmasters. The total duration of 20 videos.

  • Reliance on theory for those who are not yet ready for practice;
  • Small but detailed videos;
  • Detailed description of each technique.
  • Little practice.

"Chess Pieces" by org

Lessons are free and available to every user without registration. The reliance goes on basic knowledge with practical tasks. It is possible to study up to an advanced level. Each situation is accompanied by a note with an explanation. There are 16 lessons in total.

  • Suitable for both beginners and experienced;
  • Lays the foundation before deeper study;
  • Convenient application interface.
  • There is no contact with the teacher.

Online chess courses for teachers

Every employee needs to take advanced training courses, and a chess teacher is no exception. Online chess school:


This course is suitable for everyone. The program consists of 6 parts, each of which is fixed with a test. The institution has a license, which means that the purchased course will be official. At the end, a diploma is issued. The first lesson is part of the Free Online Chess Courses with Certificate series.

  • Short-term training (252 hours);
  • Discount on training;
  • Opportunity to start learning for free.
  • Outside of the discount, the course is not cheap.

Price: 7600 rubles.


The organization is licensed. The total duration of the course is from 72 to 144 hours. After professional retraining, the teacher will receive a diploma, as well as a stock of skills and abilities that are necessary to work with children. Permanent access to educational materials and help from teachers in case of questions.

  • Personal curator;
  • A large amount of practice together with theory;
  • Electronic tests, lectures;
  • After successful completion of studies, the document will be delivered to any point.
  • Not found.

Price: 4500 rubles.

"Chess teacher MAEO"

Training according to professional standards takes 3 months. Discounted, limited seats available. Each student is assigned a curator who will help and answer all the questions that have arisen. A lot of time is devoted to practice. After graduation, the course helps with finding a job.

  • Possibility of obtaining a discount;
  • No need to buy additional educational literature;
  • Curators clearly explain everything incomprehensible.
  • The benefits are quickly disappearing.

Price: 7500 rubles.

"NTsRDO Chess Teacher"

The amount of work done is 400 hours, that is, 4 months. Professional retraining is carried out in accordance with the Federal Laws, at the end of successful training - it issues licensed diplomas. Accessibility and comprehensibility of lectures.

  • Rich program;
  • Short-term training - 4 months;
  • Obtaining methods for teaching the game of chess.
  • Short discounts.

Price: 7500 rubles.

"Chess Teacher" by Prodlenka

You can improve your qualifications using the Prodlyonka portal. Training takes place in a short time. After payment, you can download the course and start learning on your own. Simple and practical in its application. Immediately after the end, the certificate is sent by mail.

  • Autonomy of learning;
  • Final testing is carried out at a convenient time for the listener;
  • Quality lectures.
  • High price without discounts.

Price: from 900 rubles.

Popular courses

The list includes the so-called "classics", that is, the best manufacturers of chess courses, which, in addition to recommendations, also have a high quality of education. Which company is better:


A well-known company that helps people acquire new skills in a comfortable environment. Lots of practice, enough theory, and for a small price.

The site is one of the few that gives a large selection of courses. There are lessons for beginners, and for professionals, and with special tactics for playing the game.


The school professionally copes with its duties, graduating every year more and more intellectually developed children with the ability to play chess.

You can learn how to play chess with the help of online courses.There are professionals who, in an accessible language, lure you into the game, explain the strategy and logic of the game and instill love and interest in it.

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