
  1. What is required for training
  2. Types of guitars
  3. How not to get married
  4. Tips for those who are going to study online
  5. Ranking of the best online guitar courses for 2025
  6. Free
  7. Paid

Ranking of the best online guitar courses for 2025

Ranking of the best online guitar courses for 2025

The guitar is a musical instrument, playing which has long attracted the attention of people of different age categories. You can learn skills both independently and with the help of specialists. If earlier the presence of a teacher and a student was required for training, then modern technologies make it possible to study on the Internet. Those who wish can familiarize themselves with individual video lessons or entire online courses, after which they will be able to master playing the guitar.

What is required for training

So, to learn how to play this instrument, you can use the services of a music school, a private tutor, or online training. But before starting to study, the student should:

  • understand how strong the desire to learn is, since learning itself will depend on it;
  • buy a guitar
  • allocate time for classes, as a rule, it does not take much, and if you want to allocate 30-60 minutes a day, you can.

You will also need to be patient, as not everything will work out the first time. These recommendations can be called general, that is, it does not matter how a person decides to learn, but he must take all this into account in advance.

Types of guitars

So, before taking lessons, you should choose the type of subject on which the training will be conducted. This tool is divided into several types:

  • Classical, has a wide neck with nylon strings, this option is ideal for those who are just starting to learn the instrument. On the classic version, the fingers get used to the material of the strings faster, and it is more convenient to clamp them. Classical models are designed to perform lyrical works such as romances, flamenco and others. Today's classical guitars have become as versatile as acoustic guitars, and can be used for strumming as well as rock, near and jazz. Of course, there is a difference, it is noticeable in the timbre and the number of frets.The sound of such guitars is much lower than that of acoustic guitars, but it is soft and deep, which attracts the attention of musicians.
  • Acoustic, models are equipped with metal strings, which makes their sound sonorous, rich and loud. Acoustic is the perfect choice for those who are going to accompany themselves, metal strings are great for using a pick, and the narrow neck makes it easy to play on it. Gorgeous sound lets you play jazz, blues, rock and more. The acoustic instrument is universal and allows you to perform everything except classical and flamenco. It is quite difficult to learn how to play fingers on acoustics, especially for unprepared people, since metal strings can cause pain in the fingers.
  • An electric guitar, an instrument for playing through an amplifier, such models are suitable for playing many genres. The presence of various sound special effects allows you to implement any musical idea.

It is also fashionable to distinguish several subspecies:

  • Electroacoustic, is considered an intermediate option between acoustics and electric. In fact, models of this type can be acoustic or classical, but at the same time have a pickup. They are connected to the speakers, while allowing you to change the sound and timbre of the sound.
  • A hollow electric guitar is a synthesis of acoustic and electric guitars, according to external data it is similar to an acoustic one, its body can be either completely or partially hollow. A specific soft timbre, allows you to use the device for playing jazz, blues, as well as rock and roll.

Customers can purchase 7, 10 or 12 string instruments, there are also Hawaiian instruments that have only 4 strings.

How not to get married

Everyone can face a defective tool, so you need to be careful when choosing. Experts recommend:

  • carefully inspect the device, it should not have distortions, distortions, scratches, chips, cracks. All edges must be glued, and the varnish on the body must not peel off or be swollen;
  • make sure that the neck is straight, to do this you need to take the guitar in your hands like a gun and examine the side line of the neck, it should be even along its entire length;
  • check if the extreme strings go beyond the plane of the fretboard;
  • twist the pegs, they should work silently and smoothly;
  • listen to the sound of the strings, the sound should last about the same amount of time for each.

Most tend to think that the more expensive the instrument, the better it is, but you should not buy the most expensive one, since a beginner will not feel the difference between an average and an expensive guitar.

Tips for those who are going to study online

The choice of a course is not the only task of the student, in addition to general recommendations, some points regarding online learning should be taken into account. So, to get the most out of the lessons you will need:

  • Self-discipline, in this case, it should be understood that, unlike live learning, online teachers will not push or force you to study. The course is paid for, classes are going on, and the student himself decides how carefully and responsibly they approach them. You should not skip lessons or join them at the wrong time, you should try to follow the schedule, especially if it can be made individually.
  • Muscle memory, regular exercises, over time, will lead to the fact that the fingers themselves will take the necessary chords in the correct sequence.Such a memory is not trained by reading or watching a video, only regular practice, which requires time and effort, contributes to its development. If the chosen course offers lessons only a few times a month, then it should be abandoned, no matter how tempting the conditions are, as it will be a waste of money. The result will be positive only if you practice at least half an hour a day every day.
  • The goal is not to grab everything. Setting specific goals during training will help you quickly get the desired result and move on, improving in the game.
  • Having everything you need for learning, for example, if we are talking about playing the electric guitar, you will need an amplifier or an acoustic system, picks, as well as the presence of spare strings will not be superfluous.

Taking into account all the tips and recommendations, everyone will be able to learn even online, the main thing is the desire.

Ranking of the best online guitar courses for 2025

On the Internet you can find a huge number of proposals for learning to play the guitar of any kind. The prices for such services are different, there are even portals that offer classes for free. Below is a list of various online portals and schools offering such courses, all of which, according to users, provide the necessary knowledge.


Free lessons are not uncommon, and many prefer not to spend money, but to use it. As a rule, classes are based on already recorded online lessons. Of course, the list is not entirely complete, since there are many channels and portals that provide such services, but the ones marked below can be called the most popular.

YouTube channel "Musician's Hut"

This channel allows anyone who wants to learn to play the guitar, even if he has never held it in his hands before. The creators of the course do not ask for money for training, offering knowledge absolutely free. In their classes, teachers analyze the correct positioning of hands, chords and how to play a fight, and also provide compositions for learning, the choice of which is quite diverse.

  • gratuitous;
  • varied course;
  • suitable for beginners.
  • no.

Portal «»

Another portal that provides an opportunity to learn guitar skills online absolutely free. This site is filled with a large number of materials that allow you to find something useful even for those who already know how to play. All posted materials are of high quality, varied and interesting, there are video reviews of musical compositions, articles on musical themes and art, all data are regularly updated and their number is increasing. The portal is suitable for those who are not familiar with the tool at all.

  • is free;
  • suitable for beginners;
  • many activities;
  • quality materials.
  • no.

The site is suitable for everyone who wants to learn how to play music on the guitar. allows beginners to get acquainted with how the instrument works and how to choose it, how to tune it, how to play chords, as well as a lot of other useful information. A series of video tutorials provide the students with the information they need in detail, while also providing a full breakdown of some of the popular songs. The portal is regularly updated with new information and lessons, and all wishes and feedback can be left in the comments and on the site's forum.

  • does not require costs;
  • competent classes;
  • Suitable for those who have never played.
  • not detected.

On this site, you can also get skills in playing the guitar, all information is provided in an understandable language. And especially difficult exercises are analyzed in detail with a detailed description of the actions. The information presented on the site can be useful not only for beginners, but also for those who are already familiar with the tool, since milestones can have gaps in knowledge.

  • detailed lessons;
  • does not require investments;
  • amount of information.
  • no. was created as a tutorial for everyone, all lessons are laid out in the form of sound files and animations, which show and tell various guitar playing techniques. The site is not intended for getting quick skills and knowledge, it tells in detail from the very beginning how to place hands correctly when playing, and only after that comes the study of chords and everything else. Experts recommend giving hand placement at least 10 hours of study and 20 hours of practice. It is also worth noting that for better assimilation of the material and the development of democracy, an opponent is provided on the site who expresses his opinion.

  • simple and understandable lessons;
  • suitable for beginners;
  • no fee.
  • no.


This site allows you to learn how to play the guitar for free, lesson by lesson describes how to choose an instrument, correctly tension the strings and tune it, and also teaches you to understand the notes. The portal will be of interest not only to beginners, but also to those who are already familiar with the tool. The creators offer many simple and complex chords for both Russian and foreign songs.

  • free;
  • a variety of both simple and complex chords;
  • suitable for beginners and experts.
  • not found.

Portal «»

This site makes it easy to learn to play the guitar for all beginners, regardless of age. The course consists of several sections, in the first the listener will be able to find out how much time and effort it will take to study. The second section introduces students to the structure of the guitar, the correct position of the hands and body during practice, and how to properly tune the instrument. But in the third, they directly teach the game, introducing them to chords, fighting, and also offer to learn the first song. Next comes the training in interruption and other more complex techniques, at the very end, students are offered to familiarize themselves with a section that provides an analysis of various songs.

  • quality course;
  • does not require investments;
  • suits everyone.
  • no.


The list of paid courses includes schools that, at the end, provide their students with a document confirming their completion. The fee for such classes can be broken down both for each lesson, and for the whole course at once, which is likely to cost even less.

Online guitar school "Guitarplay"

The online school offers training at a professional level; at the end of the chosen course, all students receive a certificate of completion. Clients are offered a choice of several training modules, the cost of each differs depending on the complexity of the lessons. The basic standard course, the cheapest one allows you to master the initial skills, the next standard course is suitable for those who are already familiar with the instrument and not, and the last “VIP” allows you to master more complex skills in the game.

  • opportunity to choose training;
  • professional studies;
  • obtaining a certificate.
  • the price for the course can reach 30 t.


The fairly popular school "Forte" offers online guitar lessons, the first lesson is introductory, and it's free. In the classroom, they will teach the correct positioning of hands, playing with fingers and a mediator, develop a sense of rhythm, and also teach you how to select songs and improvise. All classes are held individually, the teacher draws up a schedule and training program, chooses the style of play and repertoire together with each student.

  • individual approach;
  • result;
  • the ability to choose the desired style;
  • professional team.
  • price.

Pima School

This school offers a course on playing the electric guitar, which can be interesting not only for beginners, but also for those who are familiar with the instrument. In three months, students are offered to master the basic theory, learn to read and find notes on the fretboard. Regular practice of technique with the help of a special set of exercises will allow you to master about 20 cult rock compositions. Thanks to properly designed sets of exercises, every beginner will be able to master the electric guitar in a short time.

  • properly designed lessons;
  • efficiency;
  • suits everyone.
  • price;
  • only electric guitar.

MusicUp online academy

MusicUp is an online academy that teaches you how to play many instruments, including the guitar. Thanks to the online format, students can study at any time, anywhere, they only need to have an instrument and Internet access with them. In order to start studying, you will need to register on the school platform, select a course and pay for it.After that, access to a personal account will open, which will receive all the educational material, videos, theory and the rest that is necessary to gain knowledge. It also implies communication with other students and teachers using chat. For greater convenience, the school has its own mobile application. New stages open only after passing the previous ones, the teacher checks homework and opens access further. The period of study depends on the chosen direction and varies from 1 to 2 months. But access to a chat with teachers who can consult if necessary is retained for 6 months. Upon completion of studies, the academy issues an official certificate of successful completion of the course.

  • issuance of a certificate upon completion;
  • professional teachers;
  • several directions;
  • the presence of an application.
  • no.

School of Music and Vocal "Art Fa"

The first lesson at the school is free, the author's program of the school is designed to learn the guitar from scratch. It will allow every adult to master the basic technique of playing the guitar in a short time. The whole course is divided into several stages, the study begins with the setting of the hands and the correct position of the body as a whole. Then the teacher selects a set of exercises for the development of the muscles of the hands, which will allow you to quickly play by brute force. Then comes the study of chords, mastering the basics of technical playing, at the last stage of training, students are offered to get acquainted with the analysis of songs.

  • professional team;
  • informative lessons;
  • step by step training.
  • price.

Guitar lessons from scratch at

Another author's program that allows you to quickly master the guitar.By choosing this course, you can learn how to select and tune an instrument, change strings, learn basic chords, master fighting and picking. Also, the student will be able to independently select the desired search and improvise.

  • author's teaching methodology;
  • short term;
  • getting all the necessary knowledge.
  • price.

Online music school "VirtualBand"

Music School "VirtualBand" offers its customers access to articles, exercises, tips, video tutorials and help from teachers for little money. There is no boring theoretical part in the program, all tasks are excerpts from popular compositions. Students are offered more than 40 different techniques and techniques, which can be mastered by passing the exercises provided from simple to complex. All questions that arise during the learning process can be discussed with teachers in the chat. As a sign that the task has been completed, students upload a video, and teachers already evaluate what they see and point out errors, if any. Thanks to the presented videos, you can easily see the technique of performing works.

  • professional team;
  • quality material;
  • A lot of information.
  • price.

Mastering the guitar is not so difficult, the main thing is to be patient and of course have a desire to learn. Currently, a large number of ways of learning are provided for those who wish, but online courses are gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the fact that students do not need to adapt to classes, since in most cases the schedule is compiled individually.No less important is the fact that you can get knowledge in this direction completely free of charge, this is important especially if a person has a desire, but no financial opportunities.

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