
  1. What are Distance Courses?
  2. How to choose quality courses
  3. Top offers for beginners
  4. Rating of high-quality remote classes for advanced training
  5. The best programs in cooperation with leading media
  6. A few last words

Ranking of the best online journalism courses for 2025

Ranking of the best online journalism courses for 2025

Recently, the development of technology never ceases to amaze. At the moment, the search for knowledge does not require moving from one place to another, and you can learn a new profession without even leaving your home. The development of distance education in the sphere of mass media has not passed. What exactly are the advantages of such training and why screen-to-screen classes are becoming more popular. And what online courses for journalists to choose in 2025, let's try to figure it out in the review below.

What are Distance Courses?

The characteristics of this teaching method include the active use of multimedia and Internet functionality. At the moment, this is the most common way to gain new knowledge, and due to current events with the pandemic, this style of learning is even ahead of the classic face-to-face format. There are the following types.

  1. Chats - provide for communication with the teacher using a text or video message in real time.
  2. Web Lessons - includes various workshops, laboratory work and other learning opportunities using telecommunications and Internet resources. They are characterized by conducting informative web forums - with live participation of users.

They differ from the previous version in that the principle of work allows for much longer interaction between the student and the teacher.

  • Videoconferencing - conduct activities with the register of active users with the involvement of further E-mail mailings.
  • Online seminars - imply various meetings, as well as presentations using an Internet portal. This approach requires each of the participants to be near the computer at the moment. Feedback is also supported through online communication.

It is possible to single out synchronous and asynchronous education.

  1. Provides classes in groups - when the teacher speaks to a specific audience.
  2. Applicants themselves study the material provided. They also do tests on the topic.

Off- or online, where are the benefits

The following comparison table will help you deal with this issue.

Criterias of choiceremoteClassical form of education
Availability of classesUsing a normal internet connection.Depending on funding.
Repetition of the material covered, if necessary.Watching a video (included in the price).When contacting a tutor (you need to pay extra).
Time allotted for trainingThere is no strict limit. You can complete tasks at any convenient time.The action plan is drawn up in advance.
Ambient atmosphereCozy home environment.Constant bustle and noise.
RatesInexpensive. Although the courses of many prestigious online universities are quite expensive, there are also preferential, not so popular, but no less high-quality methods of online learning.Mostly paid and not always available. The opportunity to get on budget counterparts is quite small.
How interaction is carried outWebinars, as well as chats with the best teachers and world experts, wherever they are.Only through personal communication when meeting in the audience.
Binding to a specific timeThe advantage of online classes is the complete absence of the latter. You can even get trained by residents of the North Pole.Requires regular visits to a special institution.

How to choose quality courses

  1. Reviews. Here it is worth focusing on the specifics.And it is better if there is an opportunity to compare the impressions of different authors from several third-party sites, what advantages or disadvantages the course has.
  2. Description of the plan. The next thing you should pay attention to is how detailed the webinar scheme is. It is desirable that there is an indication of the exact length of time for studying the desired section, what exactly will be discussed.
  3. Teachers. It is preferable if during the training period the student will be supervised by an active specialist in this field, that is, a person who has devoted himself to journalism. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with his works and assess their relevance at a given time, the depth of research, and so on.
  4. Practice, its quality and quantity. The material learned must be put into practice. And that means there should be a lot of them with penetration deep into. If such an action is not provided during the training, it is better to pay attention to other options.
  5. Platform. Before starting the enterprise, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the base on which the course will be held. Evaluate specifications and limits. It is preferable to know about the upcoming surprises in advance, and to understand the platform of which company is better to get acquainted with the reviews of previous students.
  6. The duration and quality of training - according to what principle the classes will be held. The fact how the material will be submitted online or on recorded video. Usually video sessions have a clear reference in time and require presence. Otherwise, more freedom is provided, but you will not be able to ask a question of interest.
  7. Results of online classes. Find out exactly what you will receive at the end of the course. Will they make a mailing list with a certificate, diploma, or will you have to go for them yourself.And is there an opportunity for further cooperation in any company.

Tips for those who are just about to make a decision

  1. To begin with, you need to clearly identify the purpose for which this course is needed: whether you want to improve your existing skills or study the topic from the very beginning. What genres are you most interested in? Since there are quite a lot of branches in such an extensive discipline as journalism. It is worth realizing how you intend to subsequently use the knowledge gained. Whether they are needed for subsequent work or just for self-education. This will determine the duration and intensity of the seminars.
  2. Try to decide for yourself what you are ready for self-education. How much time can you spend on distance learning. It is also worth deciding on the financial issue. There are a lot of options, and choosing the most convenient course is not difficult.
  3. Choose how the lessons will take place. What form of submission of material will be most convenient. Will direct dialogue with the teacher be relevant, or is it better to receive assignments in the recording. And also whether you need live chatting with classmates or will it be more comfortable alone with you.
  4. Check with the organizer in what mode the tasks will be checked. Will the results be known immediately or will it take some time, and will they come to E-mail. Try to find former students on social networks and find out more about the online course you like.

Top offers for beginners

"The Study of Journalism"

This is a series of several webinars hosted on the platform. Each lesson has the form of a video chat with the teacher, during which it will be possible to ask a question of interest.And if for some reason you didn’t get to the lecture, each webinar will be recorded and available in your personal account. It also includes homework or tests. The proposed training system will be of interest:

  • those who are just trying themselves in this area;
  • future applicants;
  • current students who decide to change their specialty.
  • leading video blogging;
  • creators of news sites;
  • just for those who are interested in the profession.
  • Availability of technical support;
  • access to records of completed lessons;
  • examination tests;
  • individual approach to homework;
  • communication with teachers via videoconferencing;
  • receive a certificate of completion is delivered both by e-mil and by standard forwarding by Russian Post.
  • It will be possible to view the next lesson only after completing the homework for the previous webinar;
  • communication problems.

How much does it cost - 33,400 rubles.

"Higher education for future journalists"

The popular learning model from Moscow International University offers exposure to a range of key liberal arts disciplines, complemented by four practical sessions. The program provides awareness of both traditional and modern trends in the field of mass media. You will master different areas in the media, meet with such aspects as:

  • development of a broad outlook;
  • acquisition of practical skills;
  • workshops with teachers-practitioners;
  • development of existing information channels;
  • in-depth study of a foreign language;
  • ability to interact with modern professional equipment.

  • All knowledge is presented on a single convenient educational platform;
  • lectures can be found in your online account;
  • webinar recordings are available at any time;
  • the presence of a community with classmates;
  • communication with teachers;
  • testing;
  • works are reviewed and commented on in detail.
  • many creative projects;
  • educational materials are presented in a personal account.
  • No.

How much does it cost - from 18 to 25,000 rubles.

"Profession, SMM specialist"

Training takes place on the basis of one of the most popular educational platforms Skillbox. The course will be active:

  • those who just have to deal with network marketing;
  • acting smmschik;
  • owners of their own business.

During the course, you will learn how to write modern news, advertise yourself in social networks. Attention is paid to the development of strategies, including writing texts for targeted advertising. The applicant will be able to learn a new and sought-after specialty, as well as get more income from his business.

  • Availability of HR specialist support;
  • resume writing;
  • portfolio preparation;
  • creating an individual career plan together with the teacher;
  • advantage when applying for a job;
  • bonus system;
  • frequent closed workshops where you can ask a question to a specialist;
  • visits to partner companies.
  • Telegram chat with a teacher;
  • career advice;
  • no belt binding to webinars;
  • followed by employment.
  • Feedback problems.

How much does it cost - 3,318 rubles a month.

Full-fledged course "Journalist professional"

Innovative methods from the new business university will help you understand your future specialization. The short course will introduce you to the functions and legal norms of a journalist. They will be a great solution:

  • for those who start everything from scratch;
  • who want to refresh their existing knowledge.

In the course of training, various novelties in the field of mass media technologies are actively used. As well as a slide system that makes the program easier and richer.

  • Graduates receive official diplomas;
  • extensive video footage;
  • site with a teacher;
  • accessible presentation;
  • user-friendly interface;
  • introductory lesson for free;
  • attentive teachers.
  • Price.

How much does it cost - 19,500 rubles.

Rating of high-quality remote classes for advanced training

"Media Lessons"

Proposal from the school of professions. During the seminars, you will be told how to write an up-to-date article, you will master advertising texts and more. Learn to prepare topical reports and conduct interviews correctly. You will be able to comprehend the basics of mass media. Career advice awaits you on how to prepare commercial and advertising copy.

  • For those who want to conquer a new profession;
  • already involved in this area;
  • wants to work as a freelancer;
  • or just interested in the topic.

For those who are especially shy, individual master classes with a teacher are provided.

  • Opportunity to gain knowledge without leaving home;
  • there is an open chat with a mentor;
  • live broadcasts;
  • upon completion, a personal certificate is issued;
  • webinars are conducted by current experts.
  • Often postpone classes;
  • interruptions in work.

How much does it cost - 9,000 rubles.

Online course by Vladimir Pozner

The training system from the master of domestic mass media introduces us to the basics of the genre in its modern sense. The program is led by personal examples from the life and career of the master himself. Lectures are posted on the well-known Russian platform Lessons of Legends.During the training, the applicant is invited to immerse himself in the normative aspects, to become more familiar with the concepts of honor, duty, and responsibility of a journalist. Will be able to find the right path to the opponent, which guarantees a successful interview. But also to overcome professional challenges.

  • Relevant for beginners or practicing journalists;
  • those who are simply engaged in self-development;
  • a person who is pursuing a career in a parallel field.
  • Suitable for self-study;
  • you can practice at any convenient time;
  • access to files is unlimited;
  • author's own notes;
  • final examination;
  • the ability to maintain a workbook;
  • upon completion, a certificate is issued with the personal painting of the master.
  • Lack of feedback.

How much does it cost - from 10,000 rubles.


The course is based on one of the most popular training platforms "Netology". In the course, you will learn how to present news using modern formats, as well as prepare live broadcasts, work in the conversation genre and conduct an investigation correctly. The topic of blogging with public studies in the vastness of YouTube and Telegram is specifically highlighted. Comprehending the basics of working with informational reasons, prerequisites, as well as newfangled trends in this area. Learn how to engage and retain your audience. The course is up to date:

  • for copywriters, editors, book authors and pen practitioners;
  • content marketers, SMM, PR, brand specialists;
  • future applicants who plan to devote themselves to PR journalism.
  • Interaction with digital and interactive formats;
  • online chat;
  • obtaining a diploma;
  • portfolio design;
  • quality internship options;
  • more emphasis on practice;
  • have a personal account;
  • there are often discounts;
  • promo codes are valid;
  • further employment;
  • Lots of quality information in a short amount of time.
  • Knowledge is given superficially;
  • on the platform you can find more budget courses;
  • Not all teachers are good at what they do.

How much does it cost - 45,100 rubles for 12 months.

"Modern media and blogging" from

The system for professional retraining is designed to be optimally convenient, but extremely rich, for students who combine work with courses. Information is provided in small but understandable volumes that comply with all GEF standards.

  • After passing the seminars, all the data specified during registration are entered into the register of the Federal Information System;
  • there are 3 attempts to complete the final tests;
  • creative practices;
  • access to lesson recordings;
  • study materials are included in the price;
  • there is an option to order a mailing list with a diploma in electronic form;
  • you can retake the credits at any time;
  • correct timing.
  • Homework can be difficult.

How much does it cost - 22,900 rubles.

The best programs in cooperation with leading media

"Course of modern journalism"

The complex contains both standard training and online lectures based on the European University in St. Petersburg. In this case, it is possible to independently set the training period:

  • up to a year;
  • specialized - a little shorter;
  • a series of intensives for 2-3 days.

The chosen plan will influence the average price of the complex. Webinars are mainly held in the evening or on the weekend, which, according to buyers, allows them to be conveniently combined with work activities. It is noteworthy that the modern school of journalism does not resort to a standard form of education in the form of lectures.The emphasis is on practical tasks of searching and processing information, the basics of interviewing, and so on. The most outstanding listeners will have the opportunity to be trained in the editorial offices of St. Petersburg or London. As part of this system, master classes are regularly held by popular experts in this field. Courses are suitable for:

  • those who plan to associate themselves with the media;
  • wishing to improve the quality of their work;
  • create your own media system.
  • The visit time can be adjusted with the teacher;
  • moderately saturated lectures;
  • numerous promotions;
  • international internship;
  • bonus program;
  • discount system;
  • installment probability.
  • Expensive.

How much does it cost - 220,000 rubles per year.

"School of multimedia"

Developed by the Higher School of Economics, RIA Novosti and Interfax. The peculiarity of this program is that the main emphasis is on practice among more experienced colleagues. This project will be of interest:

  • those who wish to master new horizons;
  • expand knowledge in the field of information and multimedia journalism.

Classes are held for 10 months, during this period mandatory examination sessions are held.

  • A monthly internship is provided in partner publications;
  • a series of intensives;
  • teachers are leading experts in the field of journalism
  • there is a full and short course;
  • lessons take place in the evening;
  • lectures are conducted in Russian.
  • Lots of terminology;
  • need to travel often.

How much it costs: full - 170,000 rubles, intensive - from 7,000 rubles.

"Journalism and PR" on the basis of RUDN University

One of the most famous metropolitan universities presents its project together with the IAA and the Association of Communication Agencies AKAR.The program includes several areas at once that will be of interest:

  • budding correspondents;
  • those who wish to increase the level of knowledge;
  • seminars include trainings, as well as various master classes.

Those who have completed the training are issued a certificate, certificate or diploma of a state standard.

  • Possibility to choose a specific direction;
  • advantage in obtaining a highly paid position;
  • teacher support;
  • contacts with other students;
  • interesting program;
  • You can customize your learning style.
  • There is no individual approach.

How much it costs: from 12,000 to 100,000 rubles.

A few last words

From the above rating, it is obvious that at the moment you can easily choose and order online courses for every taste. Popular metropolitan universities remain the best venues. High-quality content can often be found on such well-known educational platforms as Skillbox or Netology. Nevertheless, even following the above recommendations does not exclude the possibility of making mistakes when choosing and encountering unscrupulous teachers or stumbling upon an inferior type of seminars. Therefore, before purchasing expensive trainings, for a start, you can purchase training short courses or intensive courses, ideally it is better to try several different ones. Even if this is a strictly targeted lesson, this approach will give you the opportunity to gain personal experience and at least visually imagine what the process of online learning will be like. Thus, approaching the selection of more serious activities and taking into account the above tips, you can safely decide where exactly you will buy the program of interest.

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