Ranking of the best online courses for students in 2025
The Internet has long been an integral part of our lives, and the aggravation of the epidemiological situation has only accelerated the transfer to the virtual space of many areas of life that were difficult to imagine in this format not so long ago. It was necessary to go to work, as well as to school, and to additional courses. Now, few people will be surprised by remote work, distance learning or attending online courses of any kind. We will discuss the best online courses for students below.
Virtual educational programs have a lot of advantages in comparison with traditional ones, in which lessons are held in person.
Opportunity to fill gaps in the curriculum. If classes are related to studying at a general education school, then they are able to increase the level of knowledge of the student in certain subjects.
Getting additional knowledge. These may be more in-depth lessons than are provided for by the school, or the acquisition of skills and abilities that are not related to the school.
No unnecessary waste of time. It is necessary to spend a certain amount of time on the road to the place of lessons and back, and if the child is accompanied by adults, then he needs to free up part of the day for this. With the virtual transfer of knowledge, these time costs are not required.
Blurred time frames. Real classes, as a rule, have a strict schedule for days and hours, their transfer or cancellation is accompanied by certain difficulties. With online lessons, it is much easier to make a flexible schedule that is easy to adjust to changing circumstances.
Focus on results. In the traditional form, teachers often just "serve hours", giving students formal knowledge and not being too interested in the results of assimilation. With online learning, there is more opportunity to convey information to everyone and help deal with what caused difficulties.
Individual approach.The online mode allows you to better assess the inclinations and abilities of each student, and, if necessary, advise him on a different pace if he does not have time or, on the contrary, is ahead of others.
Development of discipline. Classes teach the child to plan the day competently, since it is necessary to allocate time not only for them, but also for studying at school and doing homework, playing with friends and a number of other important things.
Absence of passes for various reasons. Illnesses or weather conditions during online learning do not interfere with the presence of students. This allows you to avoid skips and stay on the same level with others. Also, virtual learning allows children with disabilities to study on an equal footing.
Familiar environment without stress. Virtual attendance eliminates such unpleasant things as interpersonal conflicts or bullying due to a physical disability or any other reason that may occur in full-time study.
No connection to territory. With remote lessons, it doesn’t matter how far the courses are from home and what kind of transport goes there. They may be in another locality and even in another country, but the difference in time zones can become an inconvenience when visiting them.
Cost reduction. Often, online classes are cheaper than traditional ones, since there are no a number of costs that are mandatory with the traditional form.
Automated system. Internet technologies make it much faster to perform tasks such as testing or checking completed assignments.
Variety of ways to study.Unlike traditional methods, online learning allows you to introduce many different options for conveying knowledge in the form of online games, including the development of logical thinking, and creative tasks.
The relevance of the acquired knowledge. Online learning allows you to quickly adjust the program in accordance with the latest trends or developments in the field in which it concerns, in comparison with the traditional one.
Availability of educational materials. A huge amount of information is stored electronically, and many schools have access to the largest virtual libraries they can provide to students. This allows you to save time on finding the necessary information when performing tasks, as well as gain in-depth knowledge on the issue of interest.
Health care. Studying remotely reduces the risk of contracting viral infections, especially during an exacerbation, and also minimizes the risk of injury on the road.
Distance learning allows you to independently adjust the number and time of lessons, analyze the results and ensure close communication between the teacher and each of the students.
Cons of online courses
Despite a number of advantages, distance learning is also characterized by some disadvantages in comparison with traditional courses.
Problems with motivation. This is especially true for young children, as well as if attending classes is the initiative of the parents, and not a manifestation of the desire of the child. Getting together in a relaxed home environment is more difficult than visiting a class venue in person.
Insufficient level of knowledge of digital technologies.For a successful result, you need a confident knowledge of computer technicians and knowledge of a number of programs, which can cause certain difficulties.
Irregular working hours for teachers. This is true for those schools that recruit students from different countries, where time zones are very different.
Suitable not for everyone. The illusion of lack of control can cause some students to not take lessons seriously, or even abandon them altogether.
Lack of communication. The lack of communication with other students has negative consequences in the form of a lack of exchange of information received, which contributes to its better assimilation and consolidation. This can reduce interest in the learning process.
When choosing online courses, you need to carefully analyze whether this form of training is suitable for a particular person, and choose the direction that you need.
Rating of the best online courses for students
The list contains options of various directions, aimed at schoolchildren of different age groups, regarding the school curriculum and the development of creative abilities.
Rating of the best online courses for schoolchildren in school subjects
This rating includes online schools that offer lessons on filling gaps and in-depth study of subjects provided for by the program of general education schools.
geek school
Official website: https://gb.ru/courses/geek-school/
This online school is aimed primarily at improving knowledge in the field of IT technologies. The proposed system is deeper and more interesting than the school curriculum in computer science. Programming languages are offered, including Python. There is an age division into groups of 7-11 years old, 11-14 years old and 14-17 years old.Feedback and regular testing makes the process of obtaining knowledge effective, and the presence of a state educational license and compliance with federal educational standards presuppose a high level of knowledge.
an active educational process with the identification and correction of errors;
experienced teachers;
logical and creative tasks stimulate the development of thinking;
feedback and support of the curator;
live webinars provide an opportunity to meet and make friends with like-minded people and consolidate the acquired skills;
at the end a diploma is issued;
State license;
payment by means of maternity capital is possible;
flexible system of discounts and bonuses.
narrow specialization only in the field of IT-technologies.
Official site: https://www.novakid.ru/
Courses of in-depth study of English for schoolchildren of different ages. Classes are held both with qualified teachers and with native speakers. School branches are located in 36 countries of the world. The cost of lessons starts from 399 rubles.
free trial lesson;
it is possible to purchase several lessons, and not the entire program at once;
individual approach to scheduling;
classes are held in a playful way with the help of visual aids;
European quality standards;
immersion in the language environment;
discounts for large families.
There is no license information on the site.
Official site: https://wikium.ru/
This system is presented in the form of online simulators, which, in addition to transferring additional knowledge, increase reaction speed, as well as improve memory and attentiveness. This was achieved thanks to the participation of specialists in neuropsychology in their development.Exercise machines are designed not only for children, but also for adults. The tasks are arranged in order of increasing difficulty.
the platform is free;
need to spend about 15 minutes a day;
professional methods;
development of perseverance and self-discipline.
tasks may seem boring for children;
more motivation needs to be worked on.
Virtual Academy
Official site: https://www.virtualacademy.ru/
On this site, you can not only easily find a tutor for any school subject, but also find educational materials, most of which are provided free of charge. Grouping by discipline and class facilitates the search process. The main information is supplemented by many films and other supporting materials.
work experience since 2009;
most of the lessons are free;
convenient search system;
extensive database;
availability of additional services (search for a nanny, nurse, speech therapist, etc.).
lack of feedback;
Independent work is not suitable for all children.
Official website: https://umnazia.ru/
The courses hosted on this platform are aimed at children of primary and secondary school age. The visual process of transferring knowledge, taking place in a playful way, makes it possible not only to easily assimilate the material, but also to control the final results. Lessons are offered in such subjects as Russian language and mathematics, physics and chemistry, geography and the world around. In addition, there are lessons on financial literacy and cultural broadening. In the course of study, memory is trained, erudition and logic develop.
tasks of various levels of complexity;
development of logical thinking;
game form;
availability of discounts;
variety of curricula;
developed jointly by methodologists and child psychologists from leading world and Russian universities, including Moscow State University;
license of the Department of Education and Science of the city of Moscow;
control over the acquired knowledge.
not found.
Official site: https://foxford.ru/
There are a huge number of programs in school subjects for students of all ages. They are divided by goals: improving academic performance in a comprehensive school, obtaining in-depth knowledge or winning competitions. Paid materials are supplemented by a number of free ones. Studying is carried out on the basis of a perpetual educational license.
a large number of programs;
you can choose tasks for any age;
the online school has a state educational license;
affordable cost;
the ability to study not only from a computer, but also from a phone or tablet;
unlimited access to the knowledge base;
regular testing;
experienced teachers.
complex interface.
Official site: https://www.yaklass.ru/
This online school will help not only students, but also teachers. The courses offered within its framework will make it possible to eliminate gaps in the school curriculum, systematize the acquired knowledge with the help of online simulators, and acquire additional skills and abilities. Self-checking homework allows you to get an objective assessment of the quality of knowledge. It is possible to receive the services of a tutor and access to video lessons. The cost starts from 299 rubles per lesson.
classes in all school subjects;
preparation for passing the OGE and the Unified State Examination;
knowledge testing system;
a system of simulators and interactive tasks;
intuitive interface.
there is no information about the availability of a license.
Best Online Programming Courses for School Students
Programming and robotics today is not just an exciting hobby. The IT world and the use of high technologies are increasingly in demand in various fields. Therefore, studying in programming courses gives the child useful skills for further professional development. Below are the most popular online programming courses for children of all ages.
Online programming school for children “Pixel”
The school has been operating since 2017, educational license: 77635
This school is a federal network of 18 branches in Moscow and the Moscow region, the main areas of study in which are programming and robotics.
Programming is designed for children of all ages. The programs are designed taking into account the age of the student and, importantly, are approved by the Ministry of Education.
So for preschoolers (5-7 years old) we offer programming training in Scratch Junior, for children 6-9 years old - Kodu Game Lab programming. Children aged 8-12 learn how to create games and animations in Scratch. Program “Minecraft game universe. Python Programming. designed for children 9-13 years old. Older children can learn:
Creating games in Rolbox and programming Lua (target age 9-14 years old);
Game development with the Unity game engine (10-14 years old);
Website development, HTML and CSS programming (from 12 years old).
Online training is conducted in a mini-group of up to 8 students via video link with a teacher.For training, you will need a personal computer or laptop, a webcam, headphones if desired, and a stable Internet connection. School students have access to a learning platform that is accessible from a laptop, tablet or smartphone.
At the end of the course, each student prepares a creative project based on the chosen direction. It can be a cartoon, a game, or a site created by yourself. Also, after the project is defended, each student is given a personalized certificate.
The average cost of courses is 3500 rubles, however, on the school's YouTube channel, you can study various training lessons absolutely free. Here is one of them:
A wide range of training programs;
Learning history is saved;
The educational process is built in a playful way, which maintains the interest of the child;
The programs are approved by the Ministry of Education;
Training involves the issuance of practical homework;
A personal account is created for each student with access from a smartphone, tablet or PC;
At the end of the training, a certificate is issued.
School website: https://coddyschool.com/
This school is international and offers education to children aged 4 to 18. The company, which started its activity in 2016, is today a resident of Skolkovo and is included in the TOP-100 EdTech companies in Russia and the CIS countries.
The courses offered at this school are designed for a certain age of the student, as the student grows older, the information component expands and becomes more complicated. Among the available directions are offered: All about Python; all about Minecraft; cybersecurity courses; creation of websites, games, mobile applications; soft-skills.
Training is conducted both face-to-face and online, can be group or individual. A lesson in a group online will cost 750 rubles, an individual online lesson - from 1050 rubles.
A wide range of training programs;
Conducting practical classes;
Microsoft accreditation;
Strong teaching staff: IT business owners, leading IT specialists, the best students of prestigious universities.
Not marked.
geek school
School courses are designed taking into account the age of the student. In the classroom, the guys will learn how to develop games, websites, design a blog and draw various characters.
For elementary school students, among others, programs are offered:
For learning the basics of working on a computer, creating cartoons, games. The training lasts 11 months, includes 46 lessons and costs from 43,000 rubles.
Programming on Scratch, in 4 months, children will learn how to create cartoons on their own and make 5 games.
The first online projects, this course is also related to Scratch programming, is designed for 10 months, includes 43 lessons and costs from 43,000 rubles.
This is only a small proportion of programs for younger students, there are also courses for children 11-14 years old and older students (15-17 years old).
The final point in the training will be the creation of the final project, the preparation of a portfolio and the receipt of a diploma of completion of the course.
Large selection of training programs;
Lessons can be re-watched in the recording;
At the end of the course, a diploma is issued;
Teachers-experts with experience in teaching;
You can study face-to-face and online.
Not marked.
Rating of the best online courses for schoolchildren in creative areas
This list contains programs that will help develop certain creative abilities of schoolchildren.
Official website: https://kreativity.ru/
School of creativity for children and adults, which will allow you to master such hobbies as knitting, drawing, layout and much more. The author of the project is designer Victoria Sobolevskaya. After watching the lesson, you are expected to do your homework. The average cost is 1000 rubles.
intuitive interface;
affordable cost;
many creative directions;
accessible supply of material;
experienced teachers;
free trial lesson.
not found.
Music Center
Official website: https://musiccenter.su/online_lessons
The music studio, located in Chelyabinsk, offers a number of online lessons. Suitable for children ages 7 and up and adults of all ages. Teaching piano, drums and guitar, as well as teaching the basics of sound recording and the basics of vocal skills. In three months it is possible to obtain a certificate.
flexible individual approach;
great practical experience;
variety of areas of study;
discount system;
the more lessons are paid at once, the lower their cost.
not found.
Official website: https://skillberry.ru/
The online school of drawing and needlework for children and adults offers a variety of hobbies: drawing, plasticine modeling, origami, quilling, sketching, decoupage, making felt jewelry, etc. When you purchase an All Inclusive subscription, you get access to more than 5,000 video lessons in various creative areas. The subscription price is 970 rubles, the validity period is one month.
variety of creative directions;
money back if you don't like it;
development of fine motor skills, concentration, imagination;
lessons of various levels of complexity;
constant updating of the database.
not found.
We draw at home
Official site: https://risuemdoma.com/
Online courses for young artists to help you get started with the basics of painting. Designed for two age categories: 3-5 years and 6-9 years. There are different levels of difficulty, from beginner to advanced. In addition to the main program, there are additional video tutorials and master classes that can be purchased separately. There are free materials. The cost starts from 1200 rubles.
user-friendly interface;
free access to educational materials;
qualified teachers;
affordable cost;
free schedule;
issuance of a diploma after graduation.
not found.
The first children's online art school Khudozhka.Online
Official website: https://hudozhka.online/
These courses offer a complete academic program with a diploma upon completion. The activity is carried out on the basis of state license No. 048-20 dated September 18, 2020. The full cycle is designed for 8 years, following the results, a thesis is written. Cost - from 990 rubles per month.
complete system of education;
assistance of the curator;
live online lectures and seminars;
activity is licensed;
qualified teachers;
issuance of a diploma.
not found.
three quarters
Official website: https://trichetverti.ru/course/muzyikalnyie-kursyi-onlayn
This program can replace studying at a music school.Classes at home without the need to travel or walk anywhere will be convenient for many, and a flexible schedule will allow you to effectively assimilate the material. Students are provided with the necessary textbooks and workbooks in electronic form. Studying musical theory. The methodology is based on international standards of music education.
learning to play various instruments (keyboards, guitar, drums, etc.);
focus on results;
individual approach;
free trial lesson;
availability of discounts;
activities are licensed.
not found.
Official site: https://www.hudozhnik.online/
The tasks offered on this site are based on the foundations of the academic programs of art universities. Both full-fledged and mini-courses are offered in several areas of painting. Cost - from 690 rubles for 3 lessons. You can choose to study with feedback or completely independent.
qualified teachers;
access to educational materials without time limits;
start of studies immediately after payment;
flexible system;
you can choose a full-fledged program or a mini-course;
There are a number of free materials.
not found.
How to choose
The growing influence of the virtual sphere contributes to the fact that the number of various online courses is steadily expanding on the Internet. In order to choose the appropriate option, it is necessary to analyze a number of factors.
The age of the students. Programs have different levels of complexity and are designed for a certain age category of students. Many tasks for schoolchildren are directly or indirectly related to the school, which helps to improve the level of knowledge and improve grades.
Paid or free. As a rule, free classes contain a number of general information that allows you to determine how they meet the requirements of the student. For in-depth knowledge, you can use the paid form.
Contract. It should clearly spell out the conditions, as well as the possibility of a refund if the quantity and quality of the knowledge gained does not match what was originally expected.
License. Some types of training must be confirmed by a license for the right to conduct educational activities. It is necessary to pay attention to its graduation date and compare it with how many years the study will take.
Teachers. Lessons of any direction should be taught by experienced employees with practical experience in this field and possessing the necessary communication skills. It should also be possible to replace the teacher in case contact with the student is not established.
Lesson form. They can be carried out both individually and in a group form. Individual allow the teacher to focus on each student and build better contact with him. In group forms, in the course of communication with peers, a more lively creative environment is created, healthy competition appears, children can make friends of their own interests.
Result control. If the learning process is built seriously, it will be planned to regularly check the knowledge gained in the form of testing or in other forms.
Final document. Some programs involve the issuance of a certificate, certificate, diploma or other document upon completion.
Site interface.A friendly and intuitive interface will make the process of gaining knowledge even more enjoyable.
Availability of technical support. The presence of technical failures and malfunctions can complicate the educational process, therefore, high-level schools must have an active technical support service without fail.
Reviews. The opinion of the students who have completed the chosen course will allow a more complete and real picture to be drawn up than if we analyze only the information, mostly of an advertising nature, that the schools themselves offer.
Additional programs. The presence of additional classes on topics similar to the main one increases the efficiency of the entire educational process.
A careful analysis of the available information will minimize the risk of error and will allow you to choose those courses that will satisfy the quantity and quality of the knowledge gained on them.