Online education helps to get a second education, a chosen profession, and improve your knowledge. The rating of the best online courses for speech therapists for 2025 will help you choose the best option in terms of time, cost, and availability of promotional offers.
Speech therapists are engaged not only with small children in kindergartens, primary grades. Such services are required in hospitals, boarding houses for people who have experienced strokes, paralysis.
When choosing suitable Internet sites, you should pay attention to information about the company, reviews, availability of documents.
Main selection criteria:
Before starting studies - preparing a workplace, a comfortable chair, a PC or laptop, headphones (listening to lectures).
An additional advantage when choosing can be: a personal curator, Skype consultations, online answers to questions from specialists, free delivery of a diploma, certificates by mail (registered mail).
The review of popular online sites for training speech therapists is based on visitor reviews, choice, cost, payment terms. There are two groups according to the cost of programs: up to 20,000, more than 20,000 rubles
"MIPKIP" is an LLC (limited liability company), located in the city of Lipetsk. Founded in 2018 by Shestopalova Elena Alekseevna.The license was issued on 12/17/2019.
Offers 143 courses (professional retraining), more than 1.240 (upgrading qualifications).
There are six courses prof. retraining with an assigned qualification - a teacher-speech therapist:
The cost depends on the duration (hours\rubles): 260\3.500, 520\4.900, 630\5.500, 1100\7.500. It is possible to pay by the organization (legal entity). Then the prices look like (hours\rubles): 260\4.500, 520\7.500, 630\8.500, 1100\9.000.
20 advanced training courses (Speech Therapy) are available. There are 5 variants of each type by duration (hours): 16, 36, 72, 108, 144. Price (rubles): 690-2.200.
The main page of the site is designed on a white background. The main information is located at the top. The left side is data on the registration of LLC, license. The right part is the address, e-mail, phone numbers, work schedule.
The horizontal menu has sections: home, courses, license, contacts, payment, entrance. The right side is the “Reminder” button (time, date are entered, the letter is sent to e-mail).
The top panel is a section for the visually impaired.
The central part is data on the learning process, obtaining a diploma, certificates.
The bottom section is reviews, license photos.
Starting school - any time. Knowledge testing - testing (intermediate, final). An established sample of a diploma, certificates are sent by registered mail, with a tracker number.
LLC VNOTS "SOTech" was established in 2016 by Grigory Nikolaevich Korvyakov. Located in Lipetsk, received a license on 11/18/2019.
In the direction of "Speech therapy", prof. retraining is a choice:
Price (hours\rubles): 260\3.990-5.700, 620\6.993-9.990. There are special offers - discounts up to -30%.
Increasing q-tion - 20 options. The cost depends on the hours, the selected mode (intensive - 2, 5, 11 days, standard - 4, 10, 12, 22 days). Price (hours\rubles): 16\2.988, 2.390, 48\3.563, 2.850, 72\4.738, 3.790, 144\5.350, 4.280. There are discounts -50% (individuals).
The main page is made on a white background, with a brown highlight of the horizontal top menu.
Categories: home, courses, about the company, contacts, payment, entrance.
The middle part is information about the remote process, documentation, switching to two categories, user reviews. It is possible to download step-by-step training instructions, leave a review.
The lower part - photos of the license, samples of the diploma, certificates.
Opened on 06.11.2018 in Moscow Kurilchik Igor Alexandrovich. Obtaining a license on 05/16/2019.
Offers courses: 179 (professional retraining), 484 (upgrading qualifications).
According to Logopedia, there are 5 areas of retraining:
Prices: 3.900-4.600 rubles (-50% discount). Duration - 2 months, 270\540 hours.
Advanced training - 3 projects, cost 1.490-1.590 rubles.
Website interface - white background, blue and yellow details.
The top line is the phone number, login and registration buttons.
Under the name - the license number, the search string for the desired course.
The advantages of the company, special offers, photo documents are highlighted.
There are 4 steps of education: application, study, testing, obtaining a diploma.
The bottom of the page contains user questions and answers.
Located in St. Petersburg. It is a branch of ANO DPO "University of advanced training and professional retraining".
Has license No. 3362.
Provides courses: teachers - 53, educators - 21, teachers of secondary schools - 78.
Offered by prof. retraining: special (defectological) education: “Fundamentals of logopedic work”. Three options: 288 ac. hours, 2.5 months - 6.700-10.800 rubles, 580 ac. hours, 3 months - 9.700-15.300 rubles, 1004 ac. hours, 5 months - 12.800-18.000 rubles.
The modern interface of the site uses a white background, blue and yellow colors. There are photos of children, teachers.
The horizontal menu has categories: courses and prices, teachers, documents, contacts. Upper right corner - contact phone number.
There is a line for ordering a call, where you need to enter a name, a question, a phone number.
There are three sections on prof. level (teachers, educators, teachers).
There are reviews, the benefits of learning.
Infourok LLC was established on 10/17/2013. The head is Igor Vyacheslavovich Zhaborovsky. The license was issued on 04/02/2018.
The Internet site offers courses (advanced training, retraining), a library (educational and methodological materials), holds competitions and olympiads, offers video tutorials, webinars, websites.
Number of courses: 956 (perv. qualifications), 308 (rep.).
According to "speech therapy" there are options:
The number of hours, the full and promotional cost, the number of people who study on this option, the number of regions are described.
The main page of the site is framed on a light background, with blue, light blue areas. Important information is highlighted in orange, yellow.
It is possible to add author's materials to the library, receive an award, a free certificate.
The top horizontal menu contains categories: about the project, courses (40% discount), news, library, teacher, student, video lessons, online school, tutors (new).
The horizontal search bar for required courses is located below the menu.
Left sidebar - login (registration) to the site, use of social networks. networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Google, Yandex,
Samples of received documents (diploma, application, certificate) are highlighted.
A separate color line about current promotions - 40% discount, 25% down payment.
The central part of the page is a catalog of courses by category, basic data, license number.
Bottom – platform benefits, search bar, email, free phone number.
Right side - vertical mobile button - transition to the version for the visually impaired.
ANO is an autonomous non-profit organization that has been operating since 2015. Located in Moscow.
Has 590 educational programs.
There are 49 programs in the Speech Therapy category:
There are discounts, promotions (21-50%).
A separate section is the announcement of programs (5 types), you can leave a request.
The first page of the site is designed on a light background in blue, blue and burgundy elements.
The upper part is a toll-free phone number, work schedule, a button for questions, switching to the visually impaired version.
The horizontal menu contains categories: institute, distance programs, organizations, applicants, license, graduates, contacts, search bar.
Three interchangeable ads: program selection, selection and discounts.
Right sidebar: "installments, discounts and benefits", "access to the electronic library", "help", "perpetual access to materials".
The middle of the page is a catalog of services by destination.
There is a screen of the license, access to verify the authenticity of documents in Rosobrnadzor.
The lower part - awards, partners, news.
A separate line for questions, where you need to enter your full name, phone number, email, question.
Contact information: address, two phone numbers, links to social networks. networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram). There is a mobile application, more than 10,000 downloads.
Organization - ANO DPO "GTU" (autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education "Humanitarian and Technical University"). Start of work 06.02.2002. Located in Rostov-on-Don. The license was issued on 07/24/2020.
Offers services (all\speech therapist):
The cost depends on the duration (hours \ rubles): 16-144 \ 1.600-5.000 (PC), 252-1502 \ 6.500-33.000 (PP).
The site https://pedobuchenie.rf/ is designed on a white background with blue and green elements.
The top line is the version for the visually impaired, ordering a call through the site. Right corner - login, registration, free phone number, e-mail, order a call.
The horizontal menu has sections: about the university, catalog, entrance, legislation, contacts.
Left panel - personal account, license. The central part is the search bar, sections, checking documents. Buttons "Order a call", "Ask a question" - the top, central, bottom of the page.
10 advantages of the organization are highlighted. User reviews are on the left side.
The bottom side is a section for questions.
The full name is ANO DPO "VGAPPSSS" (Autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education "Volgograd Humanitarian Academy of professional training of social specialists").
Start of work - 2014. Obtaining a license - 26.02.2016. Located in the city of Volgograd.
There are more than 600 programs in 27 areas, the participants are experts with more than 10 years of experience, scientific titles.
In the direction of "Speech therapy" - 47 programs:
The cost depends on the duration, hours.
The modern look of the site is made on a white background with green, light green highlights. Important information (ads, discounts, expiration dates) - red font.
Information above the main menu - name, free phone number, order a call, version for the visually impaired.
The horizontal menu has categories: academy, dist. programs, admission and training, license and documents, information, graduates, contacts, search string.
Separate buttons for selecting the program, discounts, installments 0%.
Useful information: number of reviews (14.600), graduates (52.800), experts (165).
Separately, the advantages of the organization, the catalog by directions are highlighted.
There are photos, data of specialists, photos and video reviews of participants, thanks from organizations, awards, partners.
Refers to the LMS (distance learning system) of the Moscow Academy of Professional Competences. Founded on 05/08/2015, Moscow. Has a license number 036571.
There are 3 options for advanced training with different duration (72-144 hours), price (1.495-9.900), mode (normal, intensive).
Three programs of prof. retraining, costing 6.520-53.254, duration (324-1320).
The site page is made on a light background, with blue and blue elements.
The top blue line - answers to questions for applicants, organizations. There are basic contacts (e-mail), phone number, entrance to your personal account.
The horizontal menu has sections:
The advantages of the organization are highlighted. The middle of the page - screenshots of documents, licenses.
There are logos of partners, educational organizations.
The lower part is the organization of studies, blog pages. Communication through VKontakte, Odnoklassniki.
You can get additional education, new knowledge, skills at home, using the experience of proven professionals. Considering the ranking of the best online courses for speech therapists for 2025, you can choose the right option for a beginner or an experienced specialist.