
  1. How to invest?
  2. Courses for investors
  3. Rating of the best online courses for investors
  4. How to choose

Ranking of the best online courses for investors for 2025

Ranking of the best online courses for investors for 2025

The realities of recent years have forced me to reconsider a lot in my life. The restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic have affected almost all areas of people's lives: travel and travel, attending events, communication. Remote work became popular, which turned out to be convenient for many. The sphere associated with obtaining additional income using the Internet began to develop rapidly. And in order to master various classes, numerous training courses are being created that can be completed online without leaving home. The article will tell about the best online courses for investors.

How to invest?

Investments have become one of the most popular ways to make money in recent years. They represent the investment of funds in stocks, bonds, shares and other financial instruments that can generate income. This is much more profitable than a traditional bank deposit, since even the most profitable offers of banks have an interest rate lower than the rate of inflation. And, accordingly, the invested money is gradually depreciating, despite the apparent income in the form of interest received.

The services of brokers are vied with each other by the largest banks in the country, but since these organizations primarily think about their own benefit, there is no need to expect super profits from such investments. The advantage of the situation is that you can not waste time on learning and not delve into the mechanism of investing, but the disadvantage will be the profit that could be obtained by investing on your own.

There are also a large number of investment companies that are also happy to accept everyone who wants to join their ranks. But due to the large number of fraudulent structures, you can only contact those that are carefully checked for legal purity, otherwise the risk of losing money can be high. These organizations differ in many respects:

  • the size of the initial capital;
  • availability of training;
  • the presence of curators or other support for transactions;
  • investment risk insurance, etc.

Participation in investment companies can bring more profit than using the services of banks, but it is also associated with increased costs for paying withdrawal fees or other fees.

The most profitable way to invest is to take this process under your full control. But in order for such an activity to become successful, it is necessary to have knowledge that will allow you to understand the intricacies of the exchange and understand how and where it is better to invest in order to get the maximum return. Without any basic knowledge, relying only on intuition and scraps of information, investing will be more like a high-risk gamble than a systematic and purposeful creation of equity in the form of a portfolio of shares in profitable companies.

Courses for investors

Special classes that teach future investors exist both offline and online. They are paid and free, for beginners and for those who already have basic knowledge. Often, training is organized by the exchanges themselves to attract new participants to the auction.

Investment is a type of activity that does not require personal contact or the development of physical skills, all work is carried out on the Internet. Online courses in this area are more attractive in comparison with the traditional form of education:

  1. Opportunity to practice at your convenience.
  2. Comfortable access to the necessary educational materials.
  3. Possibility of online consultation.
  4. A convenient form for submitting tasks for verification.
  5. Classes are held in a comfortable familiar environment.

However, they also have a number of disadvantages.

  1. The lack of live communication reduces the quality of training, since the material is better consolidated during discussions or discussions.Direct communication with like-minded people maintains interest in the educational process, and healthy competition pushes to achieve maximum results.
  2. People with weak self-discipline may find it difficult to set themselves up to exercise, do it regularly and with dedication.
  3. Certificates and diplomas obtained in online courses are often quoted lower than similar documents issued in the traditional form of education.

Rating of the best online courses for investors

The rating includes the best online platforms that offer financial literacy training on a paid and free basis.

Ranking of the best free online courses for investors

This list contains platforms that can guide beginners in the world of investments and provide basic knowledge.



Founded by the expert of the National Center for Financial Literacy Dmitry Tolstyakov. Designed for five days, during which students are provided with basic knowledge in the field of general concepts related to investments, market analysis. The types of investments and the main mistakes made in the stock market are considered. The opening of the first brokerage account and the purchase of the first share is underway, and this start can be used for further development in this industry.

  • an accessible form of information submission;
  • teaching the necessary theoretical foundations;
  • availability of a detailed program on the website;
  • the execution of tasks is provided;
  • adaptation to Russian realities;
  • having feedback.
  • different levels of initial training of students create difficulties in the presentation and assimilation of the material;
  • intrusive promotion of other paid services.

Lectures "Investment Appraisal" by Aswat Damodaran


Lectures recorded by Professor Aswat Damodaran and posted on the most popular YouTube video hosting will be of interest to both beginners and professionals. During 25 lectures, the speaker will reveal the basic terms and concepts, explain in an accessible form the basics of working on the stock exchange, analyze specific examples of operations and give many recommendations.

  • created by a world-famous scientist;
  • convenient format in the form of small video lectures;
  • wide range of topics.
  • there are distractions from the topic;
  • insufficient adaptation to the Russian market.

Tinkoff Magazine


This site belongs to the bank, so the main goal is to attract new investors specifically for the brokerage products it promotes. Nevertheless, the program is well-written, presented in an understandable language and contains the necessary minimum of knowledge necessary to start independent work in the stock market.

  • lectures are provided in text or audio format;
  • available for beginners;
  • handy application.
  • too aggressive advertising policy of the bank in imposing services.



This company is one of the first to start exploring the Russian stock market. Vast experience is the basis of a free course consisting of 19 lessons, during which you can gain knowledge about the functioning of exchange mechanisms, get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200binvesting strategies and profitable moments of buying and selling assets.

  • convenient format of mini-lectures;
  • the presence of verification tasks;
  • Feedback.
  • the training program is aimed only at working with the Finam website;
  • simple basic knowledge is given.

Moscow Exchange School


The most popular stock exchange in the Russian Federation has developed its own free training to educate investors. Experts provide not only basic knowledge, but also talk about typical mistakes and miscalculations of beginners. The acquired knowledge can be immediately tested in practice under the guidance of experienced mentors.

  • the program is adapted to Russian realities;
  • possibility of immediate combination of theory and practice;
  • experienced teachers;
  • a convenient form of training in the form of short webinars;
  • positive reviews.
  • only basic knowledge is given.

Ranking of the best partially free online courses for investors

This selection presents options, part of the program is provided free of charge and allows you to determine the feasibility of further education for money.



This program was created by the most experienced teachers of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Knowledge about the peculiarities of working in the stock market and the principles of creating an effective portfolio is presented in an accessible form. There is a possibility of both paid and free education. The program is designed for 7 months.

  • experienced teachers;
  • the opportunity to receive some of the materials for free;
  • orientation to the peculiarities of the Russian stock market;
  • flexible schedule;
  • the presence of verification tasks;
  • certificate after graduation.
  • insufficiently deep level of knowledge, suitable only for beginners.

Global Investment Academy


This site has existed for more than ten years and has collected many positive reviews.The main difference is the focus not on daily work, but the formation of a long-term, well-composed investment portfolio, which, with minimal time spent (a few hours a month), will allow you to receive a stable income. Several paid and free programs have been developed. The first lesson is free.

  • experienced teachers;
  • the relevance of the studied materials;
  • gifts and bonuses;
  • positive reviews.
  • a large amount of lessons;
  • the imposition of further paid education.

lazy investor course


Anton Vesenniy, the author of this program, has long established himself as a successful investor. Over the nine years of the methodology's existence, practical investment experience has been complemented by teaching experience, and now this program is a full-fledged product with a wide coverage of topics and numerous specific examples. Duration - four weeks. The first week is free, then - 3900 rubles. during the week.

  • focus on real results without unnecessary promises;
  • experienced mentor;
  • money back guarantee if the training is not suitable;
  • providing a number of paid tools for work without additional payment for them;
  • assistance in the formation of an investment portfolio;
  • access to private chat.
  • materials only in the format of video lectures;
  • after a free week - too active imposition of paid education.

Maxim Petrov's course


The training program of one of the top managers of Sberbank is based on practical experience related not only to the Russian stock markets, but also to work in the CIS countries and abroad. Three free lessons will allow you to understand its essence and decide whether to continue further education on a paid basis.

  • experienced developer;
  • adequate cost;
  • lack of unnecessary information;
  • positive reviews.
  • a large amount is needed for the initial investment;
  • focus only on long-term results.

Lemon for tea


An experienced investor Evgeny Kovalenko runs not only a website where he shares his practical experience, but also a Telegram channel, which is recognized as one of the most influential in the stock markets. He also published a book of the same name. On the site you can find a free mini-course, which contains a lot of useful information. The full program, as well as the author's book, can be purchased for a fee.

  • relevance of information;
  • many useful free materials;
  • access to the latest stock market news;
  • experienced programmer.
  • little practical advice.

Rating of the best paid online courses for investors

The trainings collected in this list are able to make confident brokers out of beginners due to fundamental theoretical knowledge and serious practical skills.



This site contains trainings in various areas, including investment. The financial literacy course consists of 9 lessons lasting 20-30 minutes each and contains the basic knowledge necessary for a novice investor. The cost can be determined independently by filling out the appropriate form on the site.

  • convenient functionality;
  • interesting presentation of knowledge;
  • affordable cost;
  • verification tasks.
  • weak feedback.



This site is known for a variety of educational programs.The investment analytics course is a perfectly structured and logically built system, which is complemented by verification tasks and tests. The cost of training is 2275 rubles. per month, duration - 15 months.

  • the possibility of learning at an individual pace;
  • installment payment;
  • lifetime access to educational materials;
  • regular knowledge check;
  • obtaining a diploma.
  • not found.

red compasses


The basic course of an experienced teacher Larisa Morozova will provide the necessary initial knowledge about the possibility of earning income through dividends. The optimal size of the initial capital is considered, the risks are studied in detail. Cost - 4000 rubles.

  • lack of promises of quick income;
  • competent presentation;
  • unique program;
  • positive reviews.
  • available on the record only.

Personal finance from Netology


This program deals in detail with popular questions that may arise in the course of managing finances. It is conducted by Sergey Spirin, one of the leading Russian experts. Duration - 11 hours. Cost - 8990 rubles.

  • experienced mentor;
  • choice of pace and time of classes;
  • verification test tasks;
  • system of discounts and promotions.
  • level of knowledge - for beginners;
  • weak feedback.

Passive investments from Netology


Forming a portfolio with passive income is one of the safest ways to invest.The program teaches how to interact with the stock markets, analyzes the main risks and ways to avoid them, talks about alternative investments, as well as how to correctly file the received income with the tax office. The cost is 17500 rubles, the training period is 10 months.

  • competent presentation of information;
  • monthly payment is possible;
  • bonuses and discounts;
  • final test;
  • positive reviews.
  • not found.

How to choose

Investing free money in instruments that can multiply it is gaining popularity at a rapid pace. The Moscow Exchange keeps records of investment transactions, and, according to its data, the growth in the volume of transactions for the year may be about 14% of the market size.

If the desire to master the tricks of the exchange game does not disappear at the first acquaintance with this difficult science, you should take a closer look at various courses that will help in mastering the necessary theoretical base. The quality of teaching, the amount of knowledge, the availability of deep practical study of the necessary skills, additional support materials and manuals - all this can be found in trainings that can be beneficial.

As a rule, free courses offer a limited set of knowledge. With their help, you can determine how interesting this lesson is and get acquainted with the basic terminology. To gain in-depth knowledge, you can not do without paid lectures. Information can be obtained from a variety of sources, ranging from channels in social networks and instant messengers (Instagram, Telegram, etc.) to serious trainings from Coursera or the Higher School of Economics.

In order for training to bring real benefits, and not just get rid of excess cash, you need to pay attention to a number of points.

  1. The promise of super profits.An apartment for a year, a vacation in the Maldives every month, fabulous interest on each ruble invested - this is a reason to be wary and look for another option for studying. The specificity of investments is the lack of guaranteed income, since it is influenced by so many factors, the change of which cannot be predicted thoroughly. Experience comes with age, but the factor of unpredictability always remains. And the guarantee of profit is the best anti-recommendation.
  2. Congestion of the main page with professional terms. If, at the first glance at the site, unfamiliar terminology begins to ripple in your eyes, it is also better to refuse such courses. Attempts to create the impression of competent and knowledgeable specialists in this case are inappropriate, since first of all, beginners come to the site who need to convey information about specific learning conditions and what they will know and be able to do by the end of the course, and this is much easier to do understandable language.
  3. The material that will be given during the training. The site should contain at least a brief program with sections and topics on which training will be held. If it includes the study of the fundamentals of the stock market, algorithms of actions for short-term and long-term accumulation of capital, then such a program is trustworthy. A big plus is the presence of a description of specific steps to start investing, risk profiling, studying the theory of index funds, a description of the main bonds and dividend stocks of the Russian stock market
  4. There are no developed specific schemes, plans and investment portfolios.If the training is in the form of giving out direct instructions to “buy this, sell that,” or if the company promises to build a ready-made investment portfolio, it is better to stay away from such courses. There are no universal rules for exchange trading, so such promises are obviously false.
  5. Targeting students to active trading. This is a risky activity that can bring losses even to experienced brokers. Therefore, in high-quality trainings, students are primarily oriented towards careful investment and a passive strategy that will allow them to start mastering the world of investments with minimal risks.
  6. The presence of real reviews, better in video format. If it is possible to identify the person who left the review, for example, to find him on social networks by his first and last name, this is the best indicator that the site publishes real information, and not custom-made fake opinions.
  7. Domestic courses are preferable in comparison with foreign ones. Despite the fact that foreign trainings boast long experience and professional teachers, they often do not have an accurate understanding of the realities of the Russian stock exchange. Therefore, materials from Russian teachers are closer to the environment in which future investors will work.
  8. Absence of excessive informational noise. The presence of many chats in various social networks and instant messengers can be regarded more as a minus than a plus. As a rule, there is no consultation on specific issues, but ordinary communication. The appearance of benefit is created with its minimal presence. Therefore, it is better to focus on such trainings that have a small number of chats, but with their conduct by competent curators.

The correct selection of investment courses will allow you to gain enough knowledge to go on an independent voyage through the stock market, increasing capital with the help of a competent strategy formed by experienced mentors during training. This can become a guarantee of financial well-being and confidence in the future.

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