
  1. What to Consider
  2. Rating of the best online courses for children for 2025

Rating of the best online courses for children for 2025

Rating of the best online courses for children for 2025

Online courses are a way to gain new skills, knowledge, prepare for the exam or learn a foreign language. Well, or just to keep the child useful when it comes to creative courses. This option is suitable for those who, for some reason, cannot take their child to clubs or live in a small village where the possibilities of additional education are very limited.

What to Consider

On the one hand, online learning has many advantages. This is both availability and relatively low price. On the other hand, this format requires perseverance and independence. Therefore, it is better to choose courses together with the child.Many online sites offer free trial lessons - also a good way to understand whether this learning format is suitable or not.

And now a little about what you need to consider when choosing. Unfortunately, the network is full of scammers who offer various courses without having any special education. At best, such “professionals” will offer information that can be found on the Internet for free, at worst, they will simply disappear.

Therefore, before paying for classes, take an interest in the qualifications of teachers. Even asking to send a scan of a teacher's education document is not a big deal. In general, it is better to give preference to resources that place such information in the public domain.

Courses may require a headset or webcam to communicate with educators. If the service offers to download an application, first make sure your smartphone or tablet meets the recommended technical requirements. When choosing creative activities, it is worth clarifying in advance what materials (threads, paints, brushes) will be needed.

Of great importance is the format of training - in a group or individually. If preparation for the exam is necessary, or there are problems with academic performance, it is better to choose the latter. Such classes are practically no different from visiting a tutor. It is better to take creative courses in a group - children can communicate with each other, and healthy competition can serve as a good incentive to do homework, for example.

Consider the level of preparation of the child. Some resources offer to take a short test to determine what difficulty classes are suitable for. The service is free and non-binding.It’s good if there is a chat for parents on the site - it will be much easier and faster to resolve emerging issues than, say, by e-mail.

Making a decision about choosing a school based only on reviews is not a good idea. There are usually no negative comments on the platform’s website itself; in the reviews, users express a subjective opinion. If, for example, the negative is connected with the fact that the child could not learn the material, then this does not mean that the school is bad. So when studying reviews, pay attention only to the information that is directly related to the qualifications of teachers, the organization of the educational process.

The last point - carefully study the terms of the contract, the obligations of the parties. For example, mentioning that buyers will be refunded for a course that is not suitable for some reason, posted on the site, does not mean absolutely nothing. And if the terms and conditions for the return of money are included in the contract, then it will be much easier to return the payment.

Benefits of Online Courses

The main one is accessibility. At a price, such classes are cheaper, besides, you don’t need to travel anywhere, and the educational process can be adjusted to fit your schedule.

The second is a large selection of directions, from drawing, learning foreign languages ​​or programming. You can try several free lessons at once to understand what exactly your child will be interested in.

The third is the acquisition of new skills. Especially when it comes to platforms where you need to search for information yourself. The principle of working with such services is somewhat reminiscent of a library - you will have to look for answers to questions on your own.

Rating of the best online courses for children for 2025

Best Creative Online Courses


The founder of the platform is an experienced teacher and candidate of sciences Victoria Sobolevskaya.This is a whole online school for those who want to learn something new. Carefully designed program for children of different ages (from toddlers to teenagers), experienced teachers. Plus, convenient site navigation with the most detailed information on each direction and a breakdown of courses by age categories.

Several courses to choose from - from felting, crocheting, to layout and drawing lessons in various techniques, as well as:

  • quilling from paper, plasticine;
  • modeling;
  • collage of colored paper and magazine clippings;
  • cardboard layout;
  • decoupage;
  • soft toy.

Kids from 6 years old can study on their own, those who are younger - under the supervision of their parents or grandmothers. Lessons can be viewed from any device and at any convenient time. Finished work is photographed and sent to the teacher, who in turn will explain the mistakes and tell you how to fix them.

Access to the course is issued for up to 365 days (subscription - from 5000 rubles per one), it is possible to view the first lesson for free. By the way, the site promises to return the money for training if it seems boring and uninformative.

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  • a good site - a minimum of advertising, a maximum of information about courses, teachers, plus easy navigation;
  • the choice of activities corresponding to the interests of the child;
  • feedback from teachers, attention to each kid;
  • the child is engaged at a comfortable pace - no need to wait for those who are lagging behind, and do not try to catch up with the rest if you do not have time yourself.
  • except for the price (but given that access to the materials is maintained for a whole year, it turns out to be profitable).

We draw at home

The development of creative thinking, the development of taste, and, of course, learning to draw.Several formats to choose from - you can choose online lessons or choose the appropriate one from catalogs. Detailed master classes, creative young teachers and interesting tasks - everything you need for the development of the baby.

Plus, a large number of useful articles that will help you decide on a photo editor to make an effective portfolio of your work, choose a program for creating digital illustrations.

The catalog tab contains thematic lessons, with step-by-step instructions on how to draw a pet or a sea. By the way, when paying for a subscription, access to video classes is preserved for the whole year.

You can familiarize yourself with the content of the course in advance, the description also contains a list of materials that you will need to buy. Here you can see the work of students who have been trained.

If for some reason the course does not fit, the money is returned, just write a statement.


  • free lessons;
  • when buying a subscription - the first 3 days are free;
  • young and creative teaching staff with specialized education (artists, architects, illustrators);
  • choice of training format;
  • feedback from curators.
  • there are no significant ones.

The best training courses

Online programming school for children “Pixel”

If your child is interested in programming or robotics, then the best option is to choose a training program for him at the Pixel School. The school has been operating since 2017 (educational license: 77635) and is a federal network of programming and robotics schools with 18 branches in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The school's educational programs are approved by the Ministry of Education and are designed for children of all ages. What you can learn at Pixel in the direction of programming:

  • Programming in Scratch Junior (program for preschoolers 5-7 years old);
  • Kodu Game Lab programming (children aged 6-9 are trained in this area);
  • Creation of games and animations in Scratch (the course is designed for children aged 8-12 years);
  • Minecraft game universe. Python programming (target audience: guys 9 - 13 years old);
  • Creating games in Roblox. Lua programming (students aged 9-14 study here);
  • Game developer. Game engine Unity (training for teenagers 10 - 14 years old);
  • Creation of websites. HTML and CSS programming (this course is designed for teenagers from 12 years old).

Education at the school is conducted both in person and online. Online programming classes are held in the format of online webinars in a group with a teacher. There is no need to buy a computer with a powerful processor, a standard laptop or personal computer with a webcam and headphones is enough. A stable internet connection is essential for quality learning.

Whichever course is chosen, at the end of it the child will prepare his own creative project, cartoon, game or website. At the end of the course, the child receives a certificate of completion of the course.

The cost of training is from 3500 rubles. However, the school also offers free educational content. So on the YouTube channel you can find many free training videos. One of them:

  • The programs are approved by the Ministry of Education;
  • A wide range of online courses for children;
  • The learning process is built in the form of a game;
  • The student is issued a personal account, which can be accessed from a smartphone, tablet or PC;
  • The learning history is saved;
  • Students are given practical homework assignments;
  • Preparation of a creative project based on the results of training;
  • Personal certificate at the end of the course.
  • No.


A learning platform that offers a variety of courses for elementary and high school students. You can choose individual or group lessons. Lessons are taught by university professors.


  • preparation for final exams, olympiads;
  • assistance with admission to the university;
  • increasing the level of knowledge (tutoring).

Full-fledged online training in the “home school” format is possible, followed by offline certification. Free consultations for parents, assistance in selecting a teacher are available.
At the end of each week, parents receive a report on the progress of the child, after completing the course - the final test.

Website address

  • strong teachers;
  • convenient learning format;
  • state license, which already speaks of the high qualification of the teaching staff.
  • the opportunity to study in a group or with a tutor;
  • live communication with the teacher;
  • advice for parents.
  • not very convenient site navigation;
  • conflicting reviews - from laudatory to frankly negative (when studying, pay attention to the date and name of a particular course).

geek school

Online school specializing in IT and digital. Accepts children from 6 years of age. Here you can learn programming languages, create your own website or computer game. In addition, classes will help develop logical thinking, instill skills in solving practical problems and the habit of achieving results.
Classes are held in the format of live communication with the teacher (not recorded).After each lesson, students receive homework, which must be done by a certain date, so everything is in order with discipline.
If necessary, you can always contact a mentor who will help you deal with current tasks.
The course is suitable for children who want to understand how modern devices work, gain general and practical knowledge of programming and have fun.

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  • the school has a state license;
  • a lot of positive feedback - parents note the work of teachers, the creative format of education and the interest of the children themselves;
  • young and creative teachers who speak the same language with students;
  • a large selection of courses designed for different ages;
  • modern teaching methods;
  • discounts when buying 2 courses;
  • you can pay the cost of training from the funds of maternity capital;
  • free lessons available.
  • no - reviews about the school are only positive.


The platform with branches in 20 countries around the world teaches English to children from 4 to 12 years old. Classes are held in a playful way, which contributes to better assimilation of the material. At a free trial lesson, teachers will determine the level of knowledge of the child and offer a course that is suitable for complexity.

The training standard is CEFR, used in European countries. All teachers have specialized education and extensive work experience. Due to the fact that the lesson is held only in English, children quickly master and learn to apply the learned words in practice. The program is designed taking into account the psychological characteristics of children of different ages.For example, kids will be offered a lesson in the form of a game, using interactive whiteboards, toys, bright teaching aids.

By the way, there are a lot of options. You can take a free trial lesson, buy multiple lessons, or subscribe.


  • teachers - native speakers;
  • there is a reward system;
  • lessons in a playful way for kids;
  • classes take 25 minutes, parents make their own schedule;
  • live communication.
  • no.


Educational platform for schools, with which many educational institutions cooperate. When you subscribe, you get access to online lectures, tests and video tutorials. The starting price is 299 rubles, you will have to pay extra for connecting additional options.
The site is functional but simple. Many sections with detailed descriptions and instructions for use. In the "Change" section, for example, you can find entertaining and comic puzzles for logic and attention. And in the “Top” tab, see the academic performance rating by school.
Automatic performance statistics are kept, the results can be viewed in your personal account.

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  • convenient navigation;
  • grade statistics - almost a cool magazine for parents;
  • functionality.
  • there are no special ones, except perhaps the registration of a subscription for schoolchildren who are not participating in an educational project.

Best Free Online Courses


The service, which has received prestigious awards and prizes, is designed to enhance the overall development of users of all ages - from toddlers to seniors. To access the knowledge base, you need to pass a test that will help you choose a course and register on the site.

The training program was created with the participation of psychologists and scientists. Helps improve memory, improve school performance. In addition, the program takes into account the psychological characteristics of children of different ages, and passing tests helps to cope with attention deficit disorder.


  • learning format from simple to complex;
  • obtaining new skills and knowledge
  • passing lessons increases concentration, improves memory.
  • for restless children, such training may seem boring.

Virtual Academy

Free categorized lessons, quizzes and quizzes, plus an online textbook store. The service is more suitable for high school students who can work with information on their own.
Self-study will help you improve your grades, prepare for a test, final exams or testing. Here you can also find a portfolio of tutors, indicating work experience and qualifications. The service is paid, the cost depends on the teacher. Of the benefits - easy navigation, selection by category, extensive information base.


  • free access;
  • site design, navigation;
  • online store of textbooks;
  • convenient search for tutors.
  • The library format is not for everyone.

Children and science

Simple language about complex. Lectures on basic school subjects are conducted by scientists and distinguished teachers. Professionally edited videos with animated inserts improve the assimilation of the material.
There is also a scientific Internet club, for the participants of which contests and tournaments are held. In addition to the main ones, archival lectures on the basics of architecture, linguistics and art history are available.
The platform is suitable for purposeful, inquisitive children who clearly lack information within the framework of the school curriculum.


  • online lessons with the possibility of direct communication with teachers;
  • knowledge base;
  • group classes - it is quite possible that the child will find new friends;
  • interesting lectures and assignments;
  • an online laboratory where you can watch live how chemical experiments are carried out;
  • your science club.
  • no.

Additional online education is becoming more and more accessible. You can find both paid courses and services with free access. Such classes will help to reveal the creative potential of the child, gain new knowledge, teach how to work in a team, set goals and achieve results. In addition, they will add independence and responsibility.

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