
  1. Description and characteristics
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. Rating of quality online courses for accountants for 2025

Ranking of the best online accounting courses for 2025

Ranking of the best online accounting courses for 2025

Distance learning has long been perceived as optional and ineffective. However, times are changing, and today online courses are very popular not only for retraining, but also for complete immersion in the profession. In the article, we will consider how to choose an online course for accountants, how much each course costs in different schools, what mistakes can be made when choosing, and the main recommendations for studying information.

Description and characteristics

Face-to-face classes in various specialties are a thing of the past. In the modern world, more and more people prefer to save their time, choose remote study of information. In a short time, you can achieve great success, get a state-recognized diploma on completion of courses, and most importantly, you can study information in any convenient place, at a convenient time for you.

Many online schools provide adult education in various industries, accounting is no exception. The best companies are innovating their reporting process, such as online teamwork, live webinars, or on-the-job training.

Accounting services are quite in demand on the market, so every year there are more and more schools and companies that provide training services, as well as retraining of accountants.

Advantages of distance learning:
  • You choose the place and time yourself, all the material is available in the student's personal account. The main thing is a stable Internet, as well as the desire to learn new things.
  • You will be able to manage the lessons, you yourself determine how much you study information, at what pace to work.
  • High qualification of teaching staff. As a rule, for such classes, schools select the most “high-quality” teachers who have extensive experience and the ability to explain the material.
  • Abstracts, add. materials. All the necessary additional materials, notes, you can download to your computer, print if necessary and use for a long time.
  • Several tries.In order to get a diploma, you must pass the final test, if you make a mistake, do not pass it the first time, it's okay, you will have a sufficient number of attempts. Also, all the results are anonymous, you will not have classmates around who will rejoice at your failures.
  • You can get a full refund. If the training is not paid for by the firm (as is the case in most cases), you yourself can return it by obtaining a tax deduction from the Internal Revenue Service.
  • Low cost. If we compare the payment for distance courses with full-time education, then the “remote course” is much cheaper and more profitable.
  • there is no live communication with teachers, classmates.


  1. Format of lectures and abstracts. In this option, you will be asked to print or download lectures to your computer, study them yourself, and also answer questions after studying the information or ask questions to the curator if you have any in the process of studying.
  2. Video format. The lectures are voiced by the teacher, he describes the topic in detail to you on camera, possibly using handouts, graphs, tables, after which you answer the necessary questions or ask the teacher your incomprehensible questions that might appear during the study. Some schools practice online communication with the curator, through, for example, Skype.

Criterias of choice

Tips on what to look for when choosing:

  1. License. A prerequisite is that the organization has a license, otherwise, your diploma will not have any validity.
  2. The relevance of the material. It is necessary that the material contains all the latest changes and additions in your specialty, otherwise the effectiveness will be zero.
  3. Qualification of the teaching staff.Pay attention to who will be your curator throughout the time, it is important that the person has teaching experience, preferably a high degree.
  4. Availability of abstracts, handouts. After studying the information, your knowledge may be forgotten, and the practice will disappear from your head. It is important that after passing the material, you have handouts and notes with examples in your hands, then it will be easier to apply knowledge in real conditions.
  5. Official representative. Official firms are the best, software producers cooperate with them, therefore, their methodology contains the latest information. Therefore, which company is better to buy, choose not only according to the price range, but also whether the company is an official partner of the manufacturer of accounting programs.
  6. Functional. Material with the function of additional packages and the most popular topics, they allow you to select an individual format, and study only what is really important.
  7. Convenience of payment. It is convenient when the course can be ordered online on the company's website and paid immediately using the application. It is quite laborious when a receipt is sent to pay for the courses, which must be paid at the bank.
  8. The popularity of presentation models. Choose a study system for yourself, perhaps the format proposed by the company for presenting information or the topics voiced in it will not suit you. For example, if you don't care about taxation or don't need the knowledge to provide economic information, then discard it and try to find other material in another school, or suggest changing topics (if possible) just for you.
  9. Submission of information. It's good to have everything you need right at your fingertips.If the school has a mobile application, it is very convenient. You can use the information no matter where you are. Even in the subway or in a cafe for a cup of coffee. If the submission of information requires the presence of a laptop or computer, this may complicate the process of your retraining. It is not always convenient to use laptops, and even more so a computer.
  10. Availability of installment payments or discounts. Quite often, popular companies hold seasonal sales of their courses, or provide an interest-free installment plan for several months, without overpayments. This is quite convenient if you pay for advanced training yourself and want to save money. Also, the company can provide a discount for collective classes, provided that the employer sends a group of its employees for retraining at once to the same course.

Rating of quality online courses for accountants for 2025

The rating includes novelties and popular courses, which, according to buyers, are the most effective. Type, review and customer reviews were taken as a basis. The rating was divided into 2 categories by price.

The best inexpensive (budget) courses

Cost up to 15,000 rubles.

Accounting online school "Accounting to the people"

The first lesson is free of charge, then they offer to purchase a basic course, you can also add additional handouts (not included in the cost of the basic course) for ease of use. After registering on the portal, you can communicate with the teacher individually, using instant messengers, and ask all your questions. Additionally, you can purchase the support of the curator within a month after completing the course and employment. The cost is from 11,000 rubles.



  • support of the curator after receiving the diploma within a month;
  • simple supply of material;
  • optimal combination of price and quality;
  • not identified.

MSUTU Training Center

Conducts online classes for accountants of various categories and professional skills. After studying the information, knowledge control is provided, and after that a certificate of MSUTU or a certificate of advanced training is issued. You can study information online (connect to a real face-to-face lesson and see the teacher and classmates) or remotely (view the material at a convenient time). The price is from 3900 for 1 block.

☎:8 (495) 660-36-72

  • 2 learning formats;
  • feedback with the teacher via chat or skype;
  • possible virtual presence in the classroom.
  • each course is paid separately.


The company conducts classes in prof. retraining in the specialties of chief accountant, accountant-economist, accountant. Depending on your choice, you will be offered a course for a month, 2.5 months and 4 months. The application goes through the official website of the project, after payment, the modules of work are immediately opened, after studying which, testing will be offered. After passing the certification, a scan of the diploma will be sent to your e-mail in a few days. The original is sent by mail, delivery is free. Cost: 9000 rubles.

Website: https://pedobuchenie.rf
☎: 8 800 551 30 40

  • free delivery of the original diploma;
  • optimal price;
  • 24/7 access to modules.
  • no tax information.

"Academy of Accountants"

Suitable for both novice accountants and professionals to improve their skills.The center began its work in 2005, during which time more than 16,000 people underwent retraining. You can pay both in cash in the center (located in the center of Moscow), and on the website using the application or through a Sberbank receipt. The cost is from 10,000 rubles.

☎: + 7 495 120 42 93
Address: Moscow, Dmitrovskaya metro station, Novodmitrovskaya street, 5A, building 2, office 627 (Sixth floor).

  • often hold promotions and give discounts on their classes;
  • is an official partner of 1C;
  • highly qualified teachers.
  • bad website design.

Alpha School of Business

The school's classes are compiled in accordance with the professional standard "Accountant" and approved by the ISP of Russia. The company offers free courses (demo versions). Information includes lectures, teaching aids, independent work. Access to the material around the clock, you can view an unlimited number of times. The price of training is from 12,000 rubles.

☎: +7 (495) 765-71-00

  • convenient presentation of information;
  • detailed training on information gathering;
  • optimal price.
  • not identified.

ECC "OnLine Accountant"

Classes in the training and consulting center include extended information with taxation and reporting. After learning 1 C and other functionality, the materials remain on your computer, with convenient access to them. It is possible to test the learning system and take the first lesson for free. The format of training can be chosen from 2 options: lecture notes and video lectures. Cost - from 10,000 rubles.

☎: +7 (953) 866-27-94

  • individual approach;
  • 80% of training is practice in 1 C;
  • convenient study schedule.
  • not identified.

The best courses costing from 15,000 rubles


The company offers materials for both beginners and accountants who need advanced training. The program contains practical exercises based on real cases. The lesson includes accounting, taxation, warehouse operations, etc. The price is from 18,600 rubles.

Address: Moscow, Leninsky prospect, building 6, building 20
☎: +7 (495)120-40-96

  • repetition of lessons, an unlimited number of times;
  • there are discounts on programs;
  • material is presented in a convenient way.
  • not identified.

Kontur.School (SKB Kontur Training Center)

The school organizes online courses for budgetary and commercial organizations for the retraining of accountants. After completing the training, a state diploma is issued. Choose the study format that suits you. You can listen to information even from a mobile device. The school offers live broadcasts, webinar recordings, prof. retraining and other formats. The company's website provides contact information, such as email, company address, and a phone number for communication. Average price: 32,000 rubles.

Address: m. Maryina Roshcha, Suschevsky Val, 18
☎: +7 (495) 660-06-18, 8 (800) 333-06-17

  • convenient learning format;
  • wide choice of material;
  • high professionalism of teachers.
  • price.

ANO "Professional Standard"

With the help of this company, you will undergo retraining without leaving your workplace. The program for the course of accounting, analysis and audit lasts 3 months, where the legal foundations of prof. activities, fundamentals of economics and management, finance and statistics, accounting and reporting. The cost of the course is from 15,000 rubles.

Website: https://accounting.professional-standard.rf
☎: 8 800 234 17 05 (toll-free within Russia) Calls are accepted from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00 Moscow time.
Address: 410065, Saratov, prospect them. 50 years of October, 93G.
✉️: professional-standard.rf

  • individual support of the curator;
  • short course duration;
  • high qualification of teachers.
  • material contains outdated information.

National Research Institute for Further Education and Vocational Training

Correspondence form, the course covers a large area of ​​accounting and tax reporting. You can study information at a convenient time. After studying the information, a test will be offered, according to the results of which a diploma of training is issued. To complete the tasks, files are loaded from the 1C program, for this you need a computer or laptop. The mobile app is not supported. Average cost: from 3,000 to 16,000 rubles.

☎: 8 (800) 707-52-87

  • fast assimilation of the material;
  • extramural studies;
  • price.
  • You can study only from a computer or laptop.

Training center "Profacademy"

Classes are held remotely, the teaching staff uses modern technologies, this guarantees the high quality of the presentation of the material and the promptness of answers to questions of interest. The company can be obtained as an ordinary material for accounting. accounting, and undergo retraining in various specialties. Offer separate courses for leadership positions. The average price is up to 26,000 rubles.

☎: 8 800 100-31-02
Address: Moscow, Barabanny lane, 3 (ground floor)

  • a diploma of the established sample is issued;
  • prompt response of curators;
  • convenient supply of material.
  • not identified.

Training center "Dia Active"

The course is based on practical assignments from real companies, duration: 4 weeks. The videos will be available for 6 months after the end of the study. As a result, they will offer to perform a practical task, after checking which, they issue a state diploma. Average price: 16,000 rubles.

☎: +79184004223

  • convenient learning format;
  • high qualification of teachers;
    real examples for practical work.
  • access to the materials is retained for six months.

The article examined what types of distance learning are, where it is more convenient and efficient to buy courses, which course is better to buy under certain conditions, what documentation is needed to apply. Popular learning models vary from school to school, look at 2-3 options before making a decision.

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