
  1. Type of fire extinguishers by type of filling
  2. Classification according to fire fighting standards
  3. Rating of the best fire extinguishers for an apartment and a private house in 2025
  4. Summing up

Rating of the best fire extinguishers for an apartment and a private house for 2025

Rating of the best fire extinguishers for an apartment and a private house for 2025

Recently, not a single news release is complete without reports of a fire. The reason for the latter is the poor awareness of the population about fire safety measures and the low availability of fire-fighting devices in apartments and private houses. To protect your life and loved ones, install fire extinguishers. After all, as the popular proverb says: “God protects those who are safe.” Buying several cylinders is cheaper than restoring the acquired good after a fire.

By law, a vehicle must be equipped with a fire extinguisher. But does a fire happen exclusively on the road? Fire in the apartment, due to a short circuit in the wiring, in the country, when kindling a wood stove. A spark can form anywhere and from anything. If you react quickly and use the production means of localizing the fire, the consequences can be minimized.

How to choose the right small fire extinguisher for an apartment or cottage, we will consider in this material.We will rank high-quality models in different price ranges, by manufacturers, by type of filler and efficiency.

Type of fire extinguishers by type of filling

The four most popular:

  • powder;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • air-foamy;
  • air-emulsion.

Powder fire extinguishers. Operating principle

The trigger valve releases a chemical mixture under high pressure, which cuts off the oxygen supply to the burning area. The cheapest of all on the market have a good ability to extinguish the flame, but at the same time spoil the property as much as possible. Fine powder penetrates everywhere, it is difficult to clean it, even in dry cleaning. Most of the furniture and carpeting can no longer be saved, only thrown away. The resulting cloud reduces visibility during operation, the temperature does not decrease, there is a risk of secondary ignition.

Powder filler easily extinguishes flammable liquids, including gasoline. They are placed at gas stations, parking lots.For a country mansion and an apartment, it is better to choose a device with a different active composition. The white chemical cloud that forms after the ejection of the jet is hazardous to health, it is recommended to work in a protective suit and mask. Knowing all the nuances, think about whether you need it at home.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. Principle of operation

Units with a composition based on carbon dioxide give out a stream of cold air (-72 degrees), which instantly cools the place of ignition and prevents smoldering.

They are more expensive, but have a number of advantages:

  • do not emit hazardous, toxic substances, it is possible to eliminate the flame without special equipment;
  • after the elimination of the fire, the evacuation of residents is not required, it is enough to ventilate the rooms;
  • easy to use, but strictly follow the rules of operation, so as not to get frostbite of the limb (hands or body part, on which the refrigerant accidentally got on);
  • does not leave dirt and marks like a powder base.

The best option for living space, instantly put out a short circuit, sparking in the wiring or ignition of an electrical appliance.

The disadvantage is that it cannot cope with a large area engulfed in fire.

Air Foam Fire Extinguishers

Extinguish the fire with a powerful water-foam pressure. Most effective when extinguishing wooden structures and buildings.

We advise you to equip them with a wooden frame. Water with foam penetrates into the smallest cracks in the wood, thereby preventing residual smoldering and re-ignition. Firefighters advise keeping two types of fire extinguishers in a suburban building, since air-foam will not cope with an electrical appliance, and refrigerant with wood. Get a few to be at full strength in any emergency.

The air-foam filler is safe for humans, but after its application, all things in the room will remain wet, the equipment will be flooded. Wooden furniture will be damaged after water and foam hit. It is allowed to store a fire extinguisher indoors with a positive temperature. In winter, in frost, the water will freeze, in an emergency, the device will not work.

Air emulsion fire extinguishers

The principle of operation is similar to water, but the emulsion does not spoil things. Ideal for an apartment or cottage. It does not harm the human body, does not damage property, extinguishes various sources of ignition and prevents smoldering. The only negative is the high cost. The high cost is due to a shelf life of up to ten years.

Classification according to fire fighting standards

  • A - solid combustible masses;
  • B - flammable liquids;
  • C - gaseous substances;
  • D - metal, in ordinary practice it is extremely rare, this type of fire protection systems is installed in production;
  • E - electrical installations.

A model that falls under classification A, B, C, E is considered universal. Suitable for living space, garage, car. Fire extinguishers of class B, C, E are cheaper, but it is better to refuse them in the choice, since class A plays an important role. Compounds according to the requirements of standard A not only isolate the heat and block the access of oxygen to the source of combustion, but also prevent smoldering, which can develop into a new fire.

We got acquainted with the technical aspects, now we will present to your attention worthy options for the home.

Rating of the best fire extinguishers for an apartment and a private house in 2025

TOP 3 best carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

We will move from cheap to expensive, list the pros and cons, according to buyers, and make a brief overview of the brand and technical characteristics.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher - a red cylinder, charged with liquid carbon dioxide, under high pressure, indicated by the abbreviation OU and a number. The number is the mass of the charge of the fire extinguishing reagent. The main task is to bring down the flame and isolate the source. You can extinguish office equipment, household appliances under voltage. For an apartment or a small house, OU2 and OU3 are considered the norm.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-2 Yarpozhinvest

Price - 950-1050 rubles / piece.

Domestic portable fire extinguisher, fire extinguishing hazard category B, C, E. You can extinguish electrical appliances, the filling composition is CO2 dioxide. Popular budget model. The case is made of durable metal, equipped with a plastic bell, the lever is protected from accidental pressing by a pin. Unlike powder, it does not lose efficiency when the nozzle design is bent. Does not pass gas, keeps the filled volume as long as possible. According to reviews, Yarpozhinvest products refuel soundly, without underweight. Flames are dealt with in minutes thanks to excellent working pressure and powerful exhaust jet.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-2 Yarpozhinvest


ProductionYaroslavl, Russia
The weight8 kg
Pressure5.88 MPa
Processing area 20 m2
Charge mass2 kg
Jet length2 m
  • price;
  • good capacity;
  • brings down the heat quickly.
  • not detected.

OU-3 carbon dioxide fire extinguisher Yarpozhinvest

Price: 1550-1680 rubles / piece.

The portable unit of the Yaroslavl plant is a "classic" option for office and residential premises. Able to eliminate the fire at an early stage, including the ignition of household and computer equipment.By diluting the combustible medium with an inert substance, carbon dioxide. The reagent is harmless, leaves no residue, completely disappears within 30 minutes.

Features of the use of the OU-3 system:

  1. It is possible to work with the OU-3 system only in gloves, so as not to get frostbite, and at a distance from fire of more than one meter.
  2. Be sure to ventilate the room after the localization of the fire.
  3. Distribute it is forbidden to aim at a person.

Ignition sources that this model can cope with are B C E. The OU-3 differs in weight and charge mass. It is recommended to install in residential premises more than 30-80m2.

OU-3 carbon dioxide fire extinguisher Yarpozhinvest

Technical specifications

Manufacturer countryRussia
The weight of the charged cylinder 10 kg
Pressure5.88 MPa
Protection radius30 m2
Extinguishing jet length3m
Volume3 kg
Full gas output 8 s
  • decent protection radius;
  • high-quality shut-off valve;
  • buyers praise the device, there are no negative reviews;
  • storage without refilling - 10 years.
  • standard for carbon dioxide cylinders - freezing, can cause thermal burns.

Fire extinguisher HORROW OU-2

Price - 2166-2400 rubles / piece.

Mobile fire extinguisher, Belarusian plant CJSC "POZHTEHNIKA". Suitable for urgent localization of small areas of fire, class B, C, E. It is used to equip office, residential premises, warehouses. It can be stored and used in a wide temperature range: from -40 to +50 degrees. Extinguishing a flame with carbon dioxide does not harm property or health.An indelible inscription with information about the manufacturer, serial number, date of issue, working pressure and weight is applied on the upper part of the case. Sold loaded and sealed. The service life before the first recharge is 5 years. The case is made of thick metal in accordance with GOST 949, equipped with a brass lock.

Fire extinguisher HORROW OU-2


Manufacturer countryBelarus
Weight of filled cylinder 7.5 kg
Operating pressure5.88 MPa
Protection radius30 m2
Thread length2 m
Volume2.9 kg
The duration of the supply of fire extinguishing solution at least 6 s
  • long warranty period;
  • quickly copes with small fires;
  • quality valve.
  • the balloon freezes quickly;
  • quite high price.

Precautionary measures:

  1. Hang the water cannon in an easily accessible place, at eye level.
  2. It is necessary to recharge regularly, according to the instructions.
  3. You can't water a burning person.
  4. Avoid direct sunlight on the case.
  5. Wear protective gloves to avoid frostbite. The temperature of the refrigerant is -70 degrees.

For a city apartment and a country cottage, not only carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are suitable, but also air-emulsion ones.

Consider the TOP 3 best air emulsion fire extinguishers in 2025

Air-emulsion fire extinguishers are the most effective, harmless, the only negative is the cost of one unit - from 3500 rubles. But you should not save on the safety of your home, so there are several excellent options for consideration, according to users.

Fire extinguisher air-emulsion OVE-1 Ratoborets

Price: 3200-3400 rubles / piece.

Modern type of equipment, highly efficient, environmentally friendly, safe.Approved for use in any premises (both residential, working, industrial). The emulsion composition effectively and quickly eliminates fire, creates a vapor-tight film. The film prevents the formation of vapors, cools the burning component and eliminates the source of smoldering. Class A, B, C, E (except metals). The cost of the equipment is not budgetary, but the cylinder is designed for refueling up to 40 times. Maintenance is carried out every ten years.

Fire extinguisher air-emulsion OVE-1 Ratoborets

Technical specifications

Country of OriginRussia
Charge mass1 kg
Operating pressure1.85 MPa
Protection radius10 m2
Thread length7 m
Volume2.8 kg
Flow time 10 s
Operating temperature range -40 to +50
  • easy, a woman and a teenager can handle it;
  • long service life;
  • extinguish an electrical appliance connected to a 220 v network;
  • harmless, non-toxic.
  • price;
  • small radius of protection.

TD Rusintek OVE-5

Cost: 5200-5400 rubles / piece.

The fire extinguisher is filled with the composition "BS-01", the main ingredient is magnesium chloride. Received a certificate of quality and safety. Operating temperatures: up to -40 degrees, this indicator is not particularly important for an apartment, but if the fire extinguisher hangs in the country, in winter, in an unheated room, it will not freeze and will be ready to work in any emergency. It has increased extinguishing properties, classifications A, B, C, E. Refueling after ten years is an excellent period for air-emulsion equipment. The price / quality ratio is optimal - the choice of citizens who value security, do not save on it.

TD Rusintek OVE-5

Technical specifications

Pressure1.85 MPa
Jet length 9 m
Volume5 kg
Reagent supply duration 18 s
The weight10 kg
  • harmless when used in an enclosed space;
  • long shelf life - 10 years;
  • does not smoke the premises during use.
  • price.

Fire extinguisher air-emulsion OVE-2 Bontel

Price: 6200-6300 rubles / piece.

It differs from the above models in design, the seamless case is made of stainless steel. Modern design will fit into any interior. It is used to extinguish fires A, B, E, super effective and safe. Comparable with Rusintek OVE-5 in terms of parameters, but more expensive. Overpay or not, everyone decides for himself. If the external design plays a role, then you should choose Bontel.

Fire extinguisher air-emulsion OVE-2 Bontel

Technical indicators

Protected area 40 m2
Full cylinder volume3.9 kg
Charge weight 2 kg
Reagent supply duration 10 s
Pressure 1MPa
Life time 10 years
  • design;
  • versatility in application;
  • large protected area;
  • the safety of fire extinguishing reagent brand Bontel.
  • high price.

Summing up

One of the best in its class are air-emulsion and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers TD Rusintek OVE-5 and Yarpozhinvest OU3. The cost of one cylinder: 950 - 6500 rubles, you can pick up for any budget. Powder is not recommended for home installation, they:

  • toxic;
  • pollute everything around;
  • eliminate spot fires;
  • require additional personal protective equipment (mask and suit, which will not always be at hand).

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations recommend keeping several fire extinguishers, one near the entrance, the second in the kitchen and in the living room. Count the number of equipment for rooms of different sizes. When choosing a means of protection for giving several floors, install cylinders on each floor.

Before buying, check and carefully inspect the cylinder, ask to put a passport in the kit. The first thing to pay attention to is the integrity of the seal and the release date. Cylinders must be recharged, at intervals of once every four to ten years, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Fire safety equipment must be constantly checked, follow the indicators on the pressure gauge, for air-foam and emulsion models it is mandatory. If the pressure gauge needle drops down after a couple of months, contact the warranty. Such a device is considered unreliable, at the right time it will be inoperative. The pressure gauge reading is an important criterion for cylinders that eject the reagent using gas pressure. In this regard, the most reliable carbon dioxide models. Experts advise considering all factors when choosing effective equipment.

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