
  1. The principle of operation and types of device
  2. Air cleaner selection criteria
  3. Rating of the best manufacturers of air purifiers in 2025
  4. The best air purifier models of 2025
  5. Conclusion

Ranking the best air purifiers in 2025

Ranking the best air purifiers in 2025

Air pollution is a global problem that many scientists have been struggling to solve for many years. The air we breathe is a significant component of our health. Since the average person spends most of their time indoors (at home or at work), residents of large cities are increasingly thinking about buying air purifiers. They allow you to clean the air not only from bacteria, but also from tobacco smoke, unpleasant odors. Experts recommend using this device for allergy sufferers and people with weakened immune systems. In order for you not to make mistakes when choosing this device, we have compiled a rating of the best air purifiers in 2025.

When choosing an air purifier, one should be guided not only by design, color preferences and interior, but also by the functionality of the device, its purpose and features of future operation.

The principle of operation and types of device

The principle of operation of the device is based on passing air through a special filter, on which harmful polluted particles remain. By purpose and depending on the type of filters included in the device, the following types of air cleaners are distinguished:

  1. with mechanical filter (prefilter). Such a filter is a fine mesh, which mechanically traps dust particles, small debris.
  • low cost;
  • the possibility of reusable use, which indicates the possibility of long-term operation of the device without the need to purchase a new filter;
  • easy to clean - does not require additional devices for washing, just vacuum and rinse the filter with running water.
  • increased noise level during operation;
  • the passage of small particles that do not linger and enter the surrounding air.
  1. with charcoal filter. Carbon filter air cleaners are equipped with the function of cleaning the air from unpleasant odors and gas particles. When buying such a filter, you should pay attention to the number of pores - the more there are, the better the device does its job.
  • small size;
  • budget price;
  • long service life.
  • not able to retain some gases (formaldehyde, etc.);
  • does not perform its functions in a humid room.
  1. with HEPA filter. It is considered a filter that passes the minimum amount of contaminated particles (holds up to 99% of small elements). The filter is based on a material similar to fiberglass. Most of all, a cleaner with such a filter is suitable for medical institutions. It is also suitable for an apartment where small children, allergy sufferers, people with diseases of the upper respiratory tract live. According to customer reviews, this is one of the most popular models.
  • high air purification performance (qualitatively cleans a large volume of air in a short period of time);
  • the ability to maintain cleanliness in the house due to the low transmission of pollution;
  • silent operation, so that the device can always be left on;
  • long service life;
  • the ability to eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • superior in price to other types of air purifiers;
  • high maintenance cost, exactingness for regular filter cleaning.
  1. with an electrostatic filter (filter with ionization). The principle of operation is based on the attraction of oppositely charged particles. Initially, dust and dirt particles enter a special chamber, where they are charged with a positive charge. In this case, special plates are negatively charged. After the particles approach the plates, they settle on them and linger. Some air purifiers with an electrostatic filter are additionally equipped with an ultraviolet lamp, which can disinfect the room from harmful microorganisms.
  • ease of cleaning (just rinse with water and detergent);
  • long period of operation.
  • high price;
  • exactingness to frequent cleaning, change of plates.
  1. with water filter. Such purifiers are also called air washer. They not only humidify the air, but also purify it, which compares favorably with traditional and ultrasonic humidifiers. The principle of operation of an air purifier is similar to that of an electrostatic filter purifier. In the drawn air, dust and dirt are charged with a positive charge, and after passing through the chamber with a negative charge, the pollution is attracted to a special disk and washed into the tank.
  • the ability to clean the filter at home;
  • average price with good functionality;
  • high-quality air purification;
  • low power consumption;
  • low noise level.
  • slow mode of operation, in connection with which, the serviced area cannot be cleaned in a short time;
  • according to some buyers, such air purifiers can promote the growth of bacteria and their spread throughout the room. However, experts believe that if the device is used correctly and guided by the description of the correct washing indicated in the instruction manual, there will be no problems.
  1. with photocatalytic filter. This type of device consists of a catalyst (which acts as a filter element) and an ultraviolet lamp. Ultraviolet rays start the process of oxidation, as a result of which organic substances begin to decompose, resulting in the formation of carbon dioxide and water. Also, these rays have a bactericidal effect. After passing through such a filter, the air becomes not only purified, but also humidified.
  • the required humidity in the room is maintained;
  • water consumption for room humidification is not required;
  • a purifier of this type is able to purify the air not only from dust, unpleasant odors and debris particles, but also from bacteria, which is important in the season of increasing colds;
  • high rate of air purification in the room;
  • low power consumption;
  • there is no need to change filters, as pollution decomposes in them without residue;
  • ease of operation.
  • low efficiency against non-biological pollution;
  • in addition to harmful microorganisms, the device destroys useful ones, making the air in the room sterile. This negatively affects the immune system, reducing its protective properties. Sterile air is especially dangerous for the immunity of children.

The best air purifiers are climatic complexes, which include several filters and an air humidification system at once, so that they not only purify the air, but also humidify and aromatize it.

Air cleaner selection criteria

A large selection of air purifiers often confuses buyers, because it is not enough just to figure out what they are, it is necessary to correlate their characteristics with the needs of a particular user.

Room area

Before you decide which air purifier is better to buy, you need to decide for which room it will be used. If the device is purchased for only one room (for example, in an office), when choosing a device, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room must be taken into account. If the device is bought for different rooms (after cleaning the air in one, it is transferred to another), when calculating the required power of the device, you need to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe largest room in the apartment.

Advice! If the area is very small, you can buy a car air purifier, which will save the family budget, as it is inexpensive compared to its more powerful competitors.

Dustiness of the room

Before choosing an air purifier, it is necessary to find out how dusty the room to be cleaned is, since the filter used in the air purifier affects its cost. The most inexpensive and popular models are with a carbon and mechanical filter. According to the recommendations of experts, for dusty rooms it is best to buy devices equipped with HEPA filters, photocatalytic or electrostatic filters.

Allergies and diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Since small dust particles are provoking factors for the occurrence of allergic reactions and complicate the course of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for domestic use it is recommended to buy air purifiers with filters that allow the minimum amount of small particles to pass through and can kill pathogenic bacteria. These include air purifiers with HEPA filters, electrostatic filters and air washers. It is advisable to choose an air washer with a humidistat. This device allows you to set a certain humidity in the room and maintain it at the required level.

Tobacco smoke and dust mites

Allergic reactions can be caused not only by dust, but also by various microorganisms, such as fungus and dust mites. Also, a common problem for people with allergies is the presence of a smoker in the family, because of which the rest of the family is forced to breathe tobacco smoke. In this case, you should pay attention to cleaners with a photocatalytic or electrostatic filter.

Unpleasant odors and harmful microorganisms

The apartment is often filled with various smells, many of which are not very pleasant. Until the invention of air purifiers, unpleasant odors were a big problem that spoiled the lives and moods of many people. Ventilation is not always possible due to the characteristics of the room, as well as the ambient temperature outside the window. Now you can get rid of odors simply by turning on the air purifier for a short period (usually 30 minutes is enough). If family members often get colds, the use of an air purifier will not be superfluous, especially if there are small children. In such cases, experts recommend buying photocatalytic, carbon, and electrostatic air cleaners.

Rating of the best manufacturers of air purifiers in 2025

Consider which air cleaner company is best to buy. Among the many devices on the market, the models of the following brands have gained the most popularity - Sharp, Panasonic, Philips, Venta, AIC, Daikin, Ballu, Boneco.

  1. Sharp.

Sharp is a Japanese manufacturer that tops the list of quality air purifiers and washer. A wide range of offered models will suit even the most demanding customer. A distinctive feature of this brand is energy efficiency, due to which the devices of this brand consume a minimum amount of electricity, while the quality of air purification is at its best.

  1. Panasonic.

Second in order, but not in terms of quality in our ranking is another Japanese manufacturer - Panasonic. Cleaners of this brand are high-tech and reliable, have a beautiful appearance and look good in any interior.

  1. Philips.

The Dutch manufacturer Philips has been on the market since the 19th century. Initially, the company was engaged in the production of light bulbs, but then began to deal with household electrical appliances, including air purifiers. In addition to quality, the company also chooses a pricing policy as a priority in its activities, thanks to which the devices of this brand are available to a wide range of consumers. Buyers are attracted by the excellent value for money of products produced by this brand.

  1. Venta.

The next in our roundup of the best air purifier manufacturers will be the German company Venta. The company is relatively young, but it is very popular with customers due to the fact that it specializes only in the production of air purifiers and air washers, produces high-quality products at a low price. This company has patented economical filter consumption, thanks to which it manages to maintain the required quality while lowering the price relative to its competitors.

  1. AIC.

The Chinese company AIC (AirInCom) is also relatively young, but dynamically developing. Due to the fact that the company is actively studying new technologies and applying them in production, as well as selling devices at a low price, the products of this company are always in demand.

  1. Daikin.

Another Japanese company is Daikin, widely known in the household goods market. It produces not only air purifiers, but also other household appliances in a wide range. Like all Japanese brands, Daikin is known to the customer for its excellent quality and reliability.

  1. Ballu.

The multinational company Ballu has been operating since the 1990s of the last century.It is engaged in the production of a wide range of climatic equipment, including air purifiers. This company is known for the quality of its equipment, as it uses the latest developments and technologies in the manufacture of its products. The production of brand products is based in different countries; when buying brand products, it is advisable not to buy appliances made in China.

  1. Boneco.

Boneco is a Swiss brand specializing mainly in the production of climate control equipment. The products of this brand are known for their unusual design and workmanship. At the same time, the cost of the devices of this company is quite high and is not available to the average buyer.

The best air purifier models of 2025

Consider the most purchased air purifiers. Among the presented models will be both domestic and imported models.

AIC S055

The device of the Chinese company AIC tops the list of the most purchased air purifiers. The most popular among buyers is the S055 model, which is an air conditioning unit that combines a humidifier and an air purifier, with the following technical characteristics:

Power28 W
Served area35 sq.m.
Filterwater, coal
Ionization functionthere is
Noise level50 dB
Control via WiFiNo
AIC S055
  • rapid humidification of the room;
  • interesting design;
  • Quiet night mode for comfortable sleep
  • filtered water is not required;
  • availability of day and night operation.
  • the inconvenient shape of the water tank - since it is pulled up, it will not work to draw water from the tap;
  • a loud signal when the device is turned on and off;
  • high price for a device of this level (about 8,000 rubles);
  • inaccurate readings of the built-in hygrometer;
  • poor quality plastic, too fragile and thin.

Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier Pro

The Chinese company Xiaomi over time is gaining more and more popularity among buyers. This company is engaged in the production of electronics and home appliances, and its products are presented in almost every niche. She did not bypass the sphere of production of air purifiers. Among the best-selling products of this brand is the Mi Air Purifier Pro air purifier. It has the following technical characteristics:

Served area60 sq.m.
Filtermechanical, HEPA filter, carbon
Ionization functionNo
Noise level68 dB
Control via WiFiYes
HXiaomi Mi Air Purifier Pr
  • the presence of a timer;
  • the ability to control via smartphone and Wi-fi;
  • interesting design;
  • quiet night mode;
  • availability of an ambient air analyzer.
  • the filter requires replacement in six months, while its cost is quite high;
  • the device comes with a “Chinese” plug, which does not fit into a Euro socket;
  • bulky;
  • some users had problems connecting to the application on their Mi home smartphone.

Panasonic F-VXH50

The quality of Panasonic devices has been tested for many years, which is why buyers prefer this brand when buying sophisticated household appliances. One of the most popular models is the Panasonic F-VXH50 climate control system. Its characteristics:

Power45 W
Served area40 sq.m.
Filtermechanical, water, coal
Ionization functionYes
Noise level51 dB
Control via WiFiNo
Panasonic F-VXH50
  • fully autonomous operation (night mode, the presence of a timer);
  • rare replacement of filters according to the regulations (service life - 10 years);
  • interesting design;
  • quiet work.
  • difficulties with the purchase of components, filters;
  • small volume of the water tank (only 2.3 liters);
  • too bright backlight in night mode;
  • high price.

Ecology-Plus "Super-Plus-Turbo"

The model of the Russian manufacturer Ecology-Plus "Super-Plus-Turbo" is also in demand by buyers. Basically, it attracts with its price (about 4,000 rubles) and small size. Due to the fact that the device is equipped with an electrostatic filter, it does not need to be replaced, and it is easy to maintain - it is enough just to wash it with soap and water and dry it. Due to the fact that the device has the function of ozonization and ionization, it disinfects the air in the room. Device Specifications:

Power10 W
Served area35 sq.m.
Ionization functionYes
Noise level7 dB
Control via WiFiNo
Necology-Plus "Super-Plus-Turbo"
  • low cost;
  • low noise level;
  • compact size;
  • washable filter - no need to buy replacement filters;
  • poor quality plastic;
  • during the operation of the ionizer, there is a smell of ozone;
  • does not collect dust very well;
  • during operation, a slight crackling is heard;
  • short cord.

Venta LW15

The device of the German manufacturer Venta LW15 is a fairly compact air conditioner, which, thanks to the presence of a water filter, can also act as an air humidifier.A feature of this device is the possibility of washing the body of the device in a dishwasher. Specifications:

Power4 W
Served area20 sq.m.
Ionization functionNo
Noise level32 dB
Control via WiFiNo
Venta LW15
  • interesting design;
  • quiet operation in all modes;
  • low power consumption;
  • simple design;
  • reliability.
  • high cost of the device;
  • bright light indicators in the night mode;
  • some users report clicking when the device is running.

Boneco W1355A

The principle of operation of this device is based on the rotation of special disks that are wetted with water and fill the surrounding air with moisture. The design of the device is quite simple, but attractive. A feature of the device is the presence of a special silver rod in the water tank, which disinfects the water. Specifications:

Power20 W
Served area50 sq.m.
Ionization functionNo
Noise level25 dB
Control via WiFiNo
Boneco W1355A
  • automatic shutdown in the absence of water in the tank;
  • quiet operation at night;
  • there is no need to buy replacement filters, since it is enough to wash the main filter in soapy water;
  • well collects dust in the room.
  • gurgling water during work;
  • if you do not wash the discs for some time, or do not wash them very carefully, an unpleasant odor appears;
  • rather high cost.

Tefal PU4015

The French manufacturer Tefal is also well established in the air purifier market.This model has a beautiful appearance, relatively small size, the possibility of air ionization. Specifications:

Power30 W
Served area35 sq.m.
Filtermechanical, HEPA filter, carbon
Ionization functionYes
Noise level45 dB
Control via WiFiNo
Tefal PU4015
  • interesting design;
  • quiet work;
  • notification of filter contamination;
  • automatic air pollution sensor, which turns on the device as soon as the air in the room becomes polluted;
  • 4 stages of air purification.
  • rather high price;
  • glossy plastic on the control panel, on which fingerprints remain;
  • the need for periodic replacement of filters, which are quite expensive (about 2,000 rubles per 1 pc.


An air purifier is a necessary device in the house, especially if there are allergy sufferers, small children, people with diseases of the upper respiratory tract among family members. It is also useful for lovers of pets, from which a lot of wool is produced. You need to choose an air purifier consciously, having studied all the variety of models presented and finding out for what purposes it is bought, since the functional purpose of these devices is very different. If you need complete air purification, it is best to pay attention to climatic complexes that not only purify the air, but also moisturize it.

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