
  1. Cleansing Strip - What is it?
  2. Types and characteristics
  3. Rating of the best cleansing nasal strips

Ranking of the best cleansing nasal strips for 2025

Ranking of the best cleansing nasal strips for 2025

Clear skin is one of the goals of every woman since she was a teenager. For the sake of achieving it, cosmetic procedures and products are used, many of which cost a lot of money. But the insidious T-zone can spoil the result.

The nose and the middle part of the forehead are a special area with an increased tendency to form acne and inflammation. In the T-zone, the sebaceous glands work several times more actively, so the risk of accumulation of excess sebum in the pores is higher. As a result, comedones form more often. At the same time, not only in adolescents during the age-related restructuring of the body, but also in adult women (and even men) with an incorrectly functioning hormonal system.

In this case, the usual daily facial skin care becomes of little use. You need a more serious remedy - a cleansing strip or a sticker for the nose. It will save on expensive visits to the beautician. It remains to understand how to choose a tool, given the manufacturer, form of release and composition.

Cleansing Strip - What is it?

If you give an accurate description, the sticker looks almost like a band-aid. It has a dense rag base, and the reverse side is adhesive, protected by a film. The impregnation of the adhesive side contains natural or chemical ingredients. The base material is paper, viscose or non-woven material. It all depends on the manufacturer.

Each strip is individually packaged. A certain amount is packaged in boxes. Where to buy cleaning stickers is not the most important question. They are sold in pharmacies, cosmetics stores. They can be ordered online from the online store. For example, on iHerb. But there is only one type of product on the site - Nu Pore, and the number of negative reviews exceeds positive ones.

Therefore, before rushing to the pharmacy for strips, it is important to find out what stickers are and what to look for when buying. Some are hard to find in a specialized store. This often happens with Purederm, which cleans well. But to be convinced or disappointed, they have to be looked for.

The functionality of the cosmetic

Uncomplicated, at first glance, the product is specially designed for cleaning the nose. With it, the arbitrariness (squeezing out the comedone), due to which the pores remain enlarged, will stop. The pores will be able to get rid of impurities and narrow them. Why the nose will become smooth and beautiful.

What is a cleaning strip for?

  • elimination of oily skin problems (black dots, oily sheen);
  • prevention of enlarged pore problems;
  • the appearance of micro-inflammation on the nose.

The product is also useful for those who like to often use dense decorative cosmetics. Such as highlighter, foundation, powder.

How to use

To understand what and which side to stick the strips on, you need to read the instructions for use. It is available in any brand. But the effect will be genuine if you know how to use the strips correctly.

This includes a few simple steps:

  1. cleanse the face of impurities using a tonic or washing gel;
  2. slightly moisten the epidermis of the nose or at least wipe the area with a cotton pad;
  3. stick the strip with the sticky side;
  4. let dry and carefully remove the strip;
  5. wipe the treated area with a tonic to more quickly narrow the harmful recesses.

Frequent use of a cleanser is highly undesirable. The best option is in 1-2 days.

After removing the “patch”, the epidermis on the nose may turn slightly red. This is a normal reaction. It will return to its normal color in 30 minutes.

For even more successful removal of blackheads, you should steam the T-zone immediately before using the strip. And then support it longer. For example, leave it on all night. However, this method is only suitable if there are no contraindications.


Cleansing strips only seem harmless. In fact, they must be used carefully. You should not buy the first package that comes across, hoping that it is suitable for all skin types. It may happen that this patch is absolutely not compatible with your type of dermis.

After familiarizing yourself with the function of the product, you should understand how best to use it.So, not every person should steam the epidermis before gluing. It is strictly prohibited if there is:

  • rosacea;
  • vascular problems;
  • sensitive thin skin.

In this case, the nose area should simply be moistened with water.

Do not use a cleansing patch if:

  • have an allergy to at least one of the components;
  • there is a skin disease, acne with pustules;
  • there are microtraumas.

By avoiding errors in the selection and using the tool correctly, then it will be possible to eliminate the existing problem.

Types and characteristics

There are a lot of popular models on the market. Therefore, it is easy to find a tool that solves the problem to the maximum. Which strip is better to buy depends on the existing shortcomings of the epidermis. But you also have to look at the price. The most expensive product is not always the best. It happens, on the contrary, that the budget analogue copes with the task much better.

Nasal strips are classified into the following types:

  • from black dots;
  • for precise cleansing;
  • to remove dirt and grease.

But the most important difference lies in the impregnation. It is also, according to cosmetologists, the most valuable part of the product. The best manufacturers try to outdo each other and offer incredible impregnations.

The best composition is:

  • with fruit acid extract;
  • with coal dust;
  • with plant extracts;
  • with an extract from representatives of the kingdom of flora;
  • with clay.

Stickers vary in price. The more extravagant the composition, the higher the cost. However, no one forbade inexpensive, but high-quality products. They are listed below.

from black dots

When deep cleansing is required, cosmetologists recommend products based on:

  • corner. The adhesive base contains fine dust from bamboo activated carbon.Stickers quickly clean the recesses on the face, have an antibacterial effect. That is, they relieve inflammation, as they do not allow bacteria to develop after removing the patch.
  • plant extract. Due to the variety of ingredients, it will be possible to find a product that is suitable for facial care and cleansing pores at the same time. The most common extract of green tea, aloe and lotus.

Stickers also vary in size. There are products that cover the entire area of ​​the nose and areas around it, and there are those that affect only a part, for example, the wings of the nose. The selection criteria include not only the size, color and composition of the impregnation. It is important to check the expiration date. If it turned out to be expired, then it is better to throw the packaging in the trash. so as not to aggravate the condition.

From pore cleansing

Thanks to clean pores, the epidermis “breathes”. Therefore, it is important to remove sweat and sebum in time with cleansing strips. Overall pore cleansing is best achieved when the adhesive contains plant extracts.

Chamomile helps with spots and pigmentation, brightening them. The extract also has an antiseptic effect. Aloe and green tea additionally moisturize, soothe the epidermis and relieve redness.

Deep cleansing patches should be used no more than once a week. If the skin condition is simply terrible, then 2-3 times. They deeply cleanse the epidermis, smooth the skin and tighten pores.

To remove grease and dirt

Oily skin is characterized by fatty plugs. Especially a lot and often they appear on the wings of the nose and chin.

There are special stickers against acne and oily sheen that cleanse the skin, tighten pores and tone them. Therefore, new pollution is not formed in the depressions on the face.

Rating of the best cleansing nasal strips


Strips attract with variety, so it is easy to find the option that suits a particular skin. The manufacturer offers a patch for general or deep cleansing of the face.

There are green tea stickers that cleanse the pores of various impurities, as well as refresh, moisturize and soothe it. Charcoal patches are designed to remove comedones that are deeply embedded in the pores. In addition, they free up pores. Means reduce the likelihood of a new formation of sebaceous plugs.

nose propeller
  • a large assortment;
  • tightly glued to the nose;
  • do not harden after drying;
  • budget.
  • not found.

Average price: 140 rubles \ 6 pcs.


Strips that have no analogues (or have not yet been found). The patches have a unique shape, so they are most conveniently placed on the area in need of cleaning. In the packaging, the manufacturer put more strips for the forehead and chin. So not a single area where there are enlarged and polluted pores is left without attention.

The patches have a mild effect, which distinguishes them from analogues. Indeed, their impregnation contains fruit acids, which contribute to the rapid and high-quality softening of sebaceous plugs. Why are they easily removed from the pores! Users recommend that you first steam the T-zone well, then wash it and only at the end attach the patch.

Nivea for the nose
  • suitable for thin sensitive skin;
  • verified manufacturer;
  • nice smell;
  • deep cleansing;
  • gentle cleansing;
  • remove dirt from hard-to-reach places;
  • contain fruit acids that act on the pore from the inside.
  • not the lowest price;
  • are produced in only one version.

Average price: 215 rubles / 6 pcs.

Bon Voyage agiotage

It doesn't take much effort to attach the strips. It is enough to moisten the skin of the nose a little, and they will hold perfectly.

A special patch exactly repeats the shape of the nose. It is made of soft material and has an antiseptic effect. Therefore, the pores are not only cleansed, but also do not clog for a long period after cleansing. Because all microorganisms that cause inflammation are removed from them.

Bon Voyage agiotage for the nose
  • the presence of an antiseptic effect;
  • exact repetition of the shape of the nose;
  • convenient gluing;
  • average thickness;
  • virtually painless removal after drying.
  • high price.

Average price: 900 rubles \ 5 pcs.


The strips are available in two types: white with hazelnut extract and black with charcoal. They are best used at the initial stage of pollution. They are also suitable for teenagers who do not have severe problems.

To soak, keep the patches under water for a longer time so that they get wet well. On the nose should not be kept for 15 minutes, but for half an hour. According to buyers, the shape of the patch is not very convenient. Somewhere there is not enough paper, and somewhere it can touch the upper lip.

Cettua for the nose
  • budget price;
  • narrowing of pores due to hazelnut extract;
  • remove gray dots from clogged pores.
  • thick paper;
  • do not adhere well to the skin of the nose.

Average price: 239 rubles / 6 pcs.

Etude Organix

Surprisingly, a product from a Chinese manufacturer got into the rating of quality strips. However, legally. The patch well relieves the pores of impurities and especially black dots.

The peculiarity of the tool is that it is divided into two parts. The first prepares the skin for the procedure. It expands the pores and softens the sebaceous plug. The second part has a sticky gel base that draws impurities out of the crevices in the skin.

The patches are made of medium density material. They have an antibacterial effect. The impregnation includes green tea extract, which soothes and moisturizes the skin. Another component is the extract of volcanic ash, which qualitatively removes all impurities. To get a visible effect, you should use the product 2 times a week.

Etude Organix for the nose
  • pleasant, unobtrusive smell
  • easily and painlessly removed;
  • antibacterial action;
  • high-quality cleansing of pores from sebaceous plugs.
  • not suitable for dry and sensitive skin;
  • a little glue may remain on the face, but only with abundant wetting or incomplete drying.

Average price: 134 rubles / 5 pcs.


The South Korean manufacturer offers strips with the best composition. Therefore, the tool is in demand. The main components are snail mucus filtrate, panthenol, various plant extracts, activated carbon. Thanks to the latter, a pronounced effect is achieved.

The patch also nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Snail mucus filtrate is capable of this. It is not every day that such a substance comes into contact with the face. But what can you do for the beauty of the skin! The product constantly appears in the advice of those who use South Korean cosmetics.

Luke for the nose
  • balanced composition;
  • good narrowing of pores;
  • do not cause irritation;
  • wonderfully cleanse the skin.
  • sometimes stick unevenly;
  • there have been cases when black marks remain on the skin.

Average price: 260 rubles / 10 pcs.

The Faceshop JEJU Volcanic Lava Pore Clear Nose Strip

Another tool from South Korea, which received a lot of positive feedback. The composition includes volcanic ash and bamboo extract. The first eliminates oiliness and deeply cleanses the pores. The second acts soothingly and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The patch has good adhesiveness, so you don't need to press hard on your nose to attach it. Thanks to the components, the skin will be cleared of most blackheads after the first procedure. It is only important to carefully remove the patch so that irritation does not appear. Therefore, the skin should be well steamed beforehand.

The Faceshop JEJU Volcanic Lava Pore Clear Nose Strip
  • anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and cleansing action;
  • good stickiness;
  • quality composition;
  • tight fit to the skin;
  • slightly overpriced.

Average price: 310 rubles.

Nasal cleansing patches and strips allow you to properly care for this delicate area of ​​the face, keeping the skin clean and fresh.

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