For many working people, the abbreviation NPF does not mean anything at all. However, it is they who should think about what they will live on when they reach retirement age. The system of accrual of pensions established in Soviet times does not work today, and this is due, first of all, to the ratio of the number of pensioners and workers.
According to statistics, in the 1970s, there were about 2.5 workers per pensioner, thanks to which he could receive a decent pension that allowed him to live and buy everything he needed.
In modern realities, due to an increase in the number of elderly people and a decrease in the number of children born, this ratio has changed for the worse - there are about 1.12 employees per pensioner. In connection with the current trend, this ratio will decrease, due to which an increasing burden falls on working people to provide for pensioners, and the latter begin to suffer due to a lack of funds.
In order to solve this problem, the state carried out a pension reform.Its essence lies in the fact that now a person's earnings are divided into two parts - distribution and accumulation. The first of them is proportionally divided among existing pensioners, and the second remains in the possession of the worker, and will be paid to him when he reaches the required age. In order to avoid inflationary losses, these funds must be in circulation.
In order to ensure the safety of the funded part, special non-state pension funds (NPFs) were created to manage it. This part of the money is not spent, but is saved through investment. The system is organized in such a way that a person can independently choose to whom to entrust the funded part of the deductions. The firm that manages this part of the savings is called the mandatory pension insurance insurer.
If a person does not take any action regarding the funded part, it is sent to the disposal of the Pension Fund of Russia. This organization makes a savings deposit with Vnesheconombank. The yield on such a deposit is about 7% per annum. The non-state pension fund provides a yield of about 10% per annum, which compares favorably with the state fund. It is also worth noting that a state institution can invest money only with the involvement of one firm, while a non-state institution is not limited to any number of counterparties. The investor should be aware that it is impossible to make a fatal mistake when choosing such a company due to the peculiarities of its functioning, since all of them obey the legislation in this area and undergo annual checks at the Central Bank.Each such firm without fail provides the depositor with a guarantee of the safety of funds.
In this article, we will find out why NPFs are needed, what they are, what to look for when choosing such a company, and we will rank the best institutions that provide quality services to save and increase the savings of employees.
An important nuance. You can change the pension fund no more than once a year. However, if 5 years have not passed during the period of work with the company, you lose all interest on investments. Many do not know this nuance, as a result of which they lose significant amounts of money that could work and earn income. In order to find out what is the period of your work with the insurer, you need to go to the website of the State Service in the section "Notice of the status of the personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation." After receiving the document, you will find out how much savings you have and with which organization you have a contractual relationship. Here you can find out the date of conclusion of the contract with the fund.
It should be noted right away that there is no single and universally recognized rating for reliability and profitability. Most analytical agencies are guided by ratings compiled by an independent credit agency called Expert RA, according to the Central Bank and other well-known sources. All accredited funds according to the “reliability” parameter are divided into four types of categories, each of which is assigned a letter designation. Thus, institutions that have been assigned the AAA category have the best reliability. In 2025, according to the Expert RA agency, 5 companies were included in this category: Gazfond Pension Savings JSC, VTB Pension Savings JSC, Gazfond JSC, Sberbank JSC, Evolution JSC. Let's consider them in more detail.
Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 31 G, entrance 4, 3rd floor.
Phone: ☎ 8 800 555 00 41.
Working hours of the central office: Monday-Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00, Friday - from 09:00 to 16:45, Saturday, Sunday - day off.
Official website on the Internet:
The foundation was founded in 1995 and has been operating for more than 25 years. The company has more than 10,000,000 depositors and has earned the trust of not only the public, but also rating agencies. According to the company's management, all investments are made only in highly profitable projects that have proven themselves not only as reliable, but also profitable. The investment strategy is developed and approved by the General Board of Directors. Basic principles of investing: transparency, accountability, honesty.
All actions related to the pension savings of the population are regularly published on the official website, and are annually reviewed by supervisory authorities in accordance with Russian law. The shareholder can check this information once a quarter, the Board of Directors - once a month, the Investment Committee - once a week, the Management Company - every day. This fund cooperates only with those organizations that are included in the list of the largest in Russia. It has three main management companies - Region EsM JSC, Management Company Pension Savings LLC, Management Company Sistema Capital LLC.
After the conclusion of the contract, each client receives access to the Personal Account, where he can control his savings. The organization has an ergonomic and understandable official website where you can carry out all the necessary actions regarding deposits, as well as get an online consultation with a specialist of the Fund. Here you can also order online the creation of an individual pension plan, according to which the client can independently make profitable investments. The deposit account can be replenished independently through the form on the site using a bank card. Here you can also make a transfer from the FIU to Sberbank.
Address: Moscow, st. Vorontsovskaya, 43, building 1.
Phone: ☎ 8 (495) 668-61-11.
Working hours of the central office: Monday-Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00, Friday - from 09:00 to 16:45, Saturday, Sunday - day off.
Official website on the Internet:
The company is also well known in Russia, the head office is located in Moscow, there are a large number of branches in the regions. The company has an official website where you can calculate the amount of non-state pension depending on gender, age, retirement period, number and amount of contributions. You can earn income from savings regardless of government contributions. This means that the contributor is entitled to receive payments 5 years earlier than the official retirement age.
The company has a sole shareholder - VTB, and also assures that the accumulated funds cannot be included in the bankruptcy estate. It is possible to replenish the account not only with money, but also with the help of bonus points (“Multibonus” program).
The process of creating savings in the fund consists of several stages: after concluding an agreement with a depositor, a special account is opened, into which funds can be deposited, depending on the financial capabilities of a particular person; as a result of the investment activities of the fund, each contributor receives a certain income at the end of the year, according to which, upon reaching the retirement age, a person is assigned a pension (in addition to the state one).
The contract can be drawn up both in the office and online (which is especially convenient in a pandemic). Replenishment of the account is also possible online. Each client is given access to the Personal Account, where you can track the status of the account and movement on it. It is also possible to order a full statement of cash flows on a monthly basis.
Address: Moscow, st. Sergei Makeev, 13.
Phone: ☎ 8 (495) 644-20-79.
Working hours of the central office: Wednesday-Friday - from 09:30 to 17:00, Saturday-Tuesday - day off.
Official website on the Internet:
The company is in the TOP 3 most reliable according to Expert RA. The organization has more than 50 own offices where you can conclude an agreement or resolve any emerging issue regarding pension savings. The choice of the right direction of the institution's activities in the field of investment ensures the profitability of depositors' reserves at a level exceeding the inflation rate by 2 times, which indicates that these are really profitable investments.
The organization declares the following principles that guide its work: Progressiveness (the ability to meet new trends in the field of financial literacy, save and increase earned capital), ease (delivering all the necessary information to customers in a simple and understandable language), creativity (search and creation of new ideas, thanks to which the organization is able to reach a new level of development), humanity (understanding that each client is a separate person, and the desire to do everything possible to help him if necessary).
The organization has its own customer support service, which operates around the clock.The Fund is the winner of a large number of various awards and ratings, and occupies a leading position in them.
Address: Moscow, Simferopol Boulevard, 13.
Phone: ☎ 8 800 700 8383 (toll-free within Russia).
Opening hours: Monday-Friday - from 09:00 to 17:30, Saturday, Sunday - day off.
Official website on the Internet:
Another representative of the gas industry, Gazfond, continues the review. Its largest shareholders include such giants as Gazprom PJSC, SOGAZ JSC, Leader CJSC, etc. The fund was founded in 1994 and has been successfully operating to this day. For the placement of reserves, the company attracts only those enterprises that have proven themselves over a long period of work.
The procedure for working with an institution consists of several components: choosing the amount and frequency of contributions, determining the conditions for paying a non-state pension by the client, receiving payments in the period specified by the client. There are several ways to transfer contributions: through bank terminals, using ATMs, the payment collection functionality also allows you to deduct a certain percentage of wages automatically using the Internet.
The contribution of funds to the fund allows you to receive a tax deduction of 13% of contributions. The accumulated funds can be inherited.The contract with the institution is drawn up in such a way that it can be terminated, while receiving not only the full amount of the deposited funds, but also the accumulated income for the entire period of cooperation. There is a personal account with the function of technical support by a consultant.
Address: Moscow, Kosmodamianskaya embankment, 52, building 5.
Phone: ☎ 8 800 700-65-54 (toll-free within Russia).
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday - from 09:00 to 18:00, Friday - from 0:00 to 16:45, Saturday, Sunday - day off.
Official website on the Internet:
The representative in question was previously known as Neftegarant JSC. Like other institutions, it is one of the largest in the industry. Since April 2025, the institution through reorganization included such organizations as Soglasie JSC, Education JSC, Social Development JSC.
The official website of the company has a pension calculator, a customer support section, a personal account, as well as information about changing an insurer under an OPS. The organization offers both individual pensions and corporate, as well as social insurance. Depending on the type of contract concluded, the client's relatives are given the opportunity to inherit during the accumulation period, or during the accumulation period and during the period of pension payment.You can terminate the contract at any time, while receiving not only the accumulated part, but also investment income.
In order to understand the real profitability of non-state funds, we will make a rating based on the profitability of investing pension savings minus remuneration to management companies, a specialized depository and a fund. According to these criteria, at the moment, the most profitable institutions include: JSC NPF "Gefest" (12.88%), JSC NPF "Volga-Capital" (11.37%), JSC NPF "Surgutneftegaz" (13.10% ), JSC NPF Otkritie (11.97%), JSC NPF Evolution (11.66%). We considered the last representative in the previous rating according to the criterion of reliability, so we will not repeat ourselves.
Address: Moscow, Ozerkovskaya embankment, 28, building 1.
Phone: ☎ +7(495) 730-05-97.
Opening hours: Monday-Friday - from 09:30 to 17:30, Saturday, Sunday - day off.
Official website on the Internet:
The fund was established in 1993 for workers in the mining and metallurgical industry. In 2015, the institution was transformed into a joint-stock company. In addition to the head office in Moscow, the organization has 9 more branches in the regions.The main investors of the fund are United Metallurgical Company JSC, Vyksa Metallurgical Plant JSC, Chusovsky Metallurgical Plant JSC, Trubodetal JSC, Blagoveshchensky Valve Plant PJSC.
The institution offers the following types of services: non-state pension provision, pension co-financing program, compulsory pension insurance. The first type allows you to conclude a security agreement not only for yourself, but also for any other close person. You can pay contributions by writing an application to the accounting department at the place of work, as well as through bank branches. The contributor independently determines the amount of contributions and their frequency.
Pension co-financing is possible only for those contributors who joined the state savings co-financing program before December 2014. The third type of service speaks about itself by its name.
Each client can use a personal account, which reflects all the necessary information. There is a technical support service that will help you deal with all the nuances of working with it.
Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. N. Ershova, d.55E.
Phone: ☎ 8 800 555 35 50 (toll-free within Russia).
Official website on the Internet:
The organization has been on the market for over 10 years. According to expert advice, it is more profitable to keep your savings here, compared to budget organizations, since the percentage of profitability is higher by an average of 3-4 points.Each client of the fund annually receives an account statement indicating the balance, as well as the income received from investments. You can also control the growth of savings using the Personal Account on the company's website.
Payments of additional pensions start from the moment the relevant grounds arise. The amount will depend on which accrual scheme the client has chosen, as well as on the amount of contributions. According to the description on the organization's website, the client can terminate the contract at the NPF at any time, having received the redemption amount in hand, or transferring it to another fund.
The company's website is simple, contains a minimum of necessary information. For new customers, it will be a problem even to find out the working hours of a particular office, not to mention how to solve emerging technical issues. For a person savvy in this regard, it will not be difficult to deal with all the nuances.
Address: Surgut, st. Enthusiastov, 52/1, office 209.
Phone: ☎ 8-800-200-14-29 (toll-free within Russia).
Opening hours: Monday-Friday - from 08:30 to 17:00, lunch from 12:40 to 14:00, Saturday, Sunday - day off.
Official website on the Internet:
The history of the fund begins in 1995 - the date of establishment and legal registration of the institution. The first payments of non-state pensions were made in 1999, since 2008 the organization has been providing compulsory insurance services.
An NGO (non-state pension provision) agreement can be concluded not only for yourself, but also for a loved one. All funds on the depositor's account are subject to inheritance not only during the period of accumulation, but also during the period of payments. The organization states that even in a force majeure situation, when an investment may not generate income, 0.01% of income is necessarily credited to the depositor's account. The contract can be terminated at any time at the request of the client, while he will receive not only the amount of savings, but also the accrued profit from investment.
You can pay contributions in the following ways: by writing an application to the employer's accounting department - in this case, payments will be made automatically, through the Personal Account using a Visa or Maestro card, through any bank branch, through branded ATMs. Employees of “Surgutneftegas” PJSC can take part in the “Partnership” program, in which not only the employee, but also the employer ensures the accrual of an additional non-state pension.
Address: Moscow, st. Gilyarovsky, 39, building 3.
Phone: ☎ 8 800 200-5-999 (toll-free within Russia).
Hours of Operation: Admission is by appointment.
Official website on the Internet:
You can conclude an agreement with the company online without visiting the office, which is especially important during a pandemic.The same can be done with changed phone numbers, address of residence / stay, etc.
The organization's website has an online calculator, which, depending on a small list of characteristics entered, will allow you to determine the final amount of the pension. All emerging issues can be resolved using the hotline, which operates on weekdays from 08:00 to 20:00 Moscow time. Unlike other similar organizations, on the official website of Otkritie, in the most prominent place, there is a button "Contact the quality service", where you can complain about any difficulties in working with NPFs. Also, many customers note the convenient section "General Questions and Answers", where you can find almost all the information of interest.
The fund has been operating in the investment market for over 25 years and has proven itself well. During this time, more than 7.1 million Russians acted as clients. The volume of pension savings currently stands at 516 billion Russian rubles. More than 230,000 people are already receiving their accumulated pension.
Before choosing an NPF, we recommend understanding what it is and what advantages it has compared to government institutions.
It is important to find the right balance between the profitability of the company and its reliability, because no one wants to lose all the accumulated funds, and an innate sense of greed does not allow to get less than it was possible.
It is not always possible to choose the conditions of which company is better, because many companies openly declare their advantages, but are silent about their shortcomings. The main problem is that the client learns about unpleasant moments only at the stage of concluding a contract, when a consultant is nearby and convincingly tells that you will not find a better company.
We recommend that you approach the choice of NPFs in a balanced way, and not make rash decisions, since the money you want to entrust to them is earned by hard work. We hope that our article will help you make the right choice!