
  1. How to choose the right notary
  2. The best notaries in Samara

Rating of the best notaries in Samara in 2025

Rating of the best notaries in Samara in 2025

The profession of a notary is mentioned in the history of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, even then documents were drawn up for certain circumstances, the authenticity of the signature was checked. The services of notaries have expanded and become more complex over time. Today, all transactions with real estate, other property, often - interpersonal relationships, travel, authentication will not do without the help of a notary.

Samara, like any large city, has a network of notaries, which includes more than 50 offices. Several notaries work in each district, this is connected with inheritance and alienation contracts, which are certified at the location of the property.

Private notaries bear property responsibility for their activities. In 1993 the Notarial Chamber of the region was established. In 2003, a start was made on the conclusion of collective insurance contracts on the liability of all private notaries in Samara and the region. Such an agreement is a guarantor of protection against professional errors.

How to choose the right notary

Gone are the days when notarial services were as centralized as possible, and a person had practically no choice.

If a resident of the city finds it difficult to independently choose a notary, then the Notary Chamber of Samara and the Federal Registration Service of the region will advise whom to contact in each case. Notaries have a division of powers to resolve certain issues.

Payment for notarial services is registered in the register, which acts as a reporting document, and confirms the authenticity of the service provided, certified by the client.

Errors in contracts and documents can be too costly, so it is important to carefully and thoroughly check all items, prints.

With a large offer of services, you should follow some rules for making a decision.

Criterias of choice


Certain types of contracts, documents are "linked" to the location of the property or property. If we are talking about the presence of several persons at the registration, then it is desirable that the office be located at an equidistant distance from the place of residence or work of the people concerned.

Terms of registration

Notarial documents, in their belonging to a particular type, have various restrictions on action and execution. When obtaining travel permits or property division before departure, timing is also of great importance.

An important fact is the possible additional provision or execution of documents, which will require time.

It is useful to make a preliminary call to the notary with a preliminary agreement on the terms and the list of necessary documents.


A modern person is accustomed to paying for services by bank transfer, flexible working hours of a service point and competitive prices. It will not be superfluous to refer to the list of notaries and their prices.


The term for the provision of independent notary services is not directly related to the quality of services provided. Often, private practice is preceded by long work in legal bodies, justice bodies. Knowledge of the laws is developed over time.

Reviews and reputation

According to the Federal Law of April 23, 2018 N 102-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Enforcement Proceedings "and Article 151 Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection"" comments on the activities of notaries are prohibited. Literally, it sounds like “deletion of information distributed on the Internet that discredits the honor, dignity or business reputation of a citizen or the business reputation of a legal entity.”

Some sites refer to the above law, others publish reviews.

A review, like a recommendation, is a serious selection criterion. It has become a common occurrence to have a family notary who is familiar with the events of the family and helps at the right time.

The notarial service, along with private medical practice, is highly dependent on reputation. As a theater begins with a hanger, so a private office begins with external design, junior staff and the availability of an initial consultation.Who will go to a specialist whose subordinates are rude on the phone, get confused in the answers, and the office is in the basement. Serious business, serious attitude.

Customer Care

The duration of a customer visit is difficult to accurately calculate, so often the next person in line has to spend time waiting.

Pleasant little things such as Wi-Fi, a water cooler, comfortable upholstered furniture, a spacious room, a payment office and a toilet room will make your visit as comfortable as possible. A person will be pleased to return to the office, provided that the professional help was also on the level.

The best notaries in Samara

Peterson Inga Vladislavovna

The status of a notary is approved by the Notary Chamber of Samara. Inga Vladislavovna began her activities in 2000, she has a license. Draws up contracts for the purchase, sale, mortgage, exchange, marriage, for the payment of alimony.

Makes powers of attorney:

  • on the use and disposal of property;
  • for cars;
  • on registration of property rights;
  • for court proceedings.

The entire document flow for wills is the execution of an open and closed type of will, services for drafting and amending, as well as canceling.

Registration of consents for the sale of property values, for the departure of a minor citizen, temporary registration.

  • fast paperwork;
  • high level professionalism;
  • strict confidentiality;
  • providing an algorithm of procedures for each specific case.
  • does not work on weekends.

Contact Information:

443013, Samara,

Leninsky district, Moscow highway, 17,

office center, office 501
☎ (846) 379-01-01

Opening hours: from 9-00 to 18-00

Kashirina Lyubov Emelyanovna

He has been working as a notary since 1994.

The status of a notary is registered in the Notary Chamber of Samara, has a license.

Registration of all types of contracts from sale and purchase, mortgage to exchange and marriage contracts.

Procedures for issuing powers of attorney, wills, the following statements:

  • about the reason for the inheritance;
  • about citizenship;
  • about the absence of marital obligations;
  • all types of property rights.

As well as services for the storage of documents, authentication, all the hassle of inheritance, the protest of bills, the provision of evidence, the issuance of extracts from registers of pledged movable property.

Counseling is available by appointment.

  • a competent explanation of the rights and opportunities of clients;
  • goodwill;
  • clarity in work;
  • professional literacy.
  • no home visit.

Contact Information

443111, Samara,

Industrial area,

Moscow highway, house 87.

☎ 8-846-247-13-47

Opening hours:

  • from Monday to Wednesday from 9:00 to 17:00;
  • Thursday 13-00 : 17-00;
  • Friday 9-00 : 17-00.

Lunch break 13:00 : 14:00.

Efanova Anna Ivanovna

The notary opened its activities in 2014, has a license, is registered with the Notary Chamber of Samara.

The office provides services for official consents, contracts, execution of applications, copies and powers of attorney, certification of facts.

For legal entities, services are provided for the registration, liquidation and reorganization of enterprises, as well as all kinds of legal advice.


  • competent specialist;
  • strict adherence to deadlines and plans;
  • the best advice on probate cases;
  • has experience as a legal assistant;
  • has the rank of "Counselor of Justice of the 3rd class";
  • holder of the scientific degree "Candidate of Economic Sciences";
  • modern office.
  • little experience as an independent notary.

Contact Information:

443082, Samara,

Industrial area,

st. Gubanova, house 30.

☎ 8-846-200-8-200.

Opening hours:

8-00 :18-00.

Break for lunch 13-00: 14-00.

Sunday, Saturday - days off.

Leonty Semyonovich Wagner

The notary is registered in the Notary Chamber of Samara, has a license. Has been in private practice since 1994.

The office provides services to certify the authenticity of documents, certification of powers of attorney, certifies the authenticity of signatures, a standard set of contracts, wills, extracts from registers.

Prices for notary services
Name of serviceprice, rub.
Signature of an individual - authenticity500-800
Signature of a legal entity - authenticity1200
departure to the client, individual3000-4000
departure to the client, legal entity8500
marriage contract5000-10000
  • extensive work experience;
  • the possibility of visiting clients;
  • moderate prices;
  • good feedback;
  • literacy and professionalism;
  • free consultations.
  • no.

Contact Information:

443068, Samara,

Oktyabrsky district,

st. Novo-Sadovaya, house 139, office 12.

Metro Russian.

☎ 8-846-270-32-02

Opening hours:

9-00 : 18-00.

Break 13-00 : 14-00.

Saturday and Sunday are non-working days.

Sheifer Marina Mikhailovna and Sheifer Anna Mikhailovna

Individuals are offered services for issuing a power of attorney:

  • on registration and registration of ownership;
  • on privatization;
  • documents on registration of rights to social payments;
  • by order of deposits;
  • on receipt of pensions in post offices;
  • for all types of property management;
  • on refusals of inheritance of all kinds or acceptance;
  • for driving and disposing of a vehicle.

All contracts for actions with property - apartments, plots of land, houses, garden houses, garages.

Among which are the main ones:

  • sale and purchase;
  • exchange;
  • donation;
  • rent;
  • transfer for use;
  • order;
  • content.

Accompany the main contracts or are independent - marriage contracts, loan contracts, agreements on deposits.

For maternity capital, they draw up obligations for use.

All paperwork by inheritance:

  1. wills;
  2. statements;
  3. power of attorney.

The notary's office draws up applications for the issuance of certified copies of documents.

Evidence securing services use:

  • protocols of interrogations of witnesses;
  • declaration of inspection of evidence (material, written);
  • expertise.

Also drafting and notarial registration of all types of applications.

Commonly used forms:

  • non-permanent registration - consent, residence;
  • renunciation of citizenship;
  • waiver of rights to a purchase advantage;
  • the absence of one of the spouses;
  • exit from the register;
  • issue of a duplicate.

Legal entities are provided with services for certification of a power of attorney - for representing the interests of individual entrepreneurs, LLC, CJSC, OJSC at enterprises.

Services for the execution of pledge agreements for a share or purchase and sale of a share.

A large list of applications for legal entities:

  • appeal to the tax service;
  • refusal of the founder, owner of the right to the advantage of the purchase;
  • refusal of equity participation;
  • absence of a spouse. Confirmations of authentic signatures of employees of enterprises or a private entrepreneur are compiled for operations with bank cards.

A number of documents under the agreement of the spouses - one of the parties for the alienation, donation, pledge and purchase of shares in LLC, as well as for the recovery of property under pledge.

  • pre-registration in a convenient electronic form;
  • a wide range of documents to be drawn up;
  • service of legal entities and individuals;
  • clear, coordinated work;
  • convenient location.


  • updating of information on the website is irregular.

Contact Information:

Sheifer Marina Mikhailovna

Samara, 443009,

Physical culture street. House 113.

☎ 8-846-995-66-32


Opening hours:

Weekdays 9-00 : 18-00.

Break 13-00 : 14-00.

Saturday and Sunday - 10-00: 16-00, without a lunch break.

Day off is Monday.

Sheifer Anna Mikhailovna

Prospect Volzhsky, house 33-A.

☎ 8-846-242-12-13; 8-927-692-17-62

Opening hours:

Weekdays 9-00 : 18-00;

Saturday and Sunday are days off.

Toropova Marina Vladimirovna

The notary opened private activities in 1993, has a license, is registered with the Notary Chamber of the Samara Region.

A wide range of notarial services from registration to full support in inheritance cases.

In particular, you can contact the following questions:

  • gift agreements;
  • all transactions with maternity capital;
  • powers of attorney of all types.

Extensive experience and competent construction of the workflow ensures the demand for services.

  • high professionalism;
  • fast, coordinated work;
  • quality work with clients;
  • home visit.
  • There are cases when the client could not get through.

Contact Information:


Prospect Kirov House 201.

☎ 8-846-933-03-74,

☎ 8-846-933-03-75

Metro Kirovskaya, Bezymyanka.


From Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00.

Lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00.

Saturday - from 9-00 to 13-00.

Efremova Daria Alekseevna

Has been operating since 2007. The notary has a license, registered with the Notary Chamber of the Samara Region.

The whole range of contracts, execution of powers of attorney, statements, inheritance.

  • extensive experience in notarial services;
  • moderate prices;
  • good feedback;
  • smart approach;
  • deadlines.
  • Weekends are non-working days.

Contact Information:

443013, Samara,

Kyiv street, 14.

Leninsky district.

☎ 8-846-202-77-57

Metro Moskovskaya

Opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8:00 a.m.: 5:00 p.m.

break for lunch 13-00: 14-00.

Sunday and Saturday are non-working days.

In the city, the network of notary offices is a uniform, rich web.

Notary services in the city
NamePrice, rubles
Power of attorney for a car, child, apartment, notary1300(+)150
Gift deeds, notarial4400(+)250
sale, purchase contract8700(+)2900
Marriage11400 (+) 450
Departure Agreement1300 (+) 120
Apartment ownership, decoration8700 (3500)
Apartment ownership, registration of a share4300 (+) 250
Maternity capital obligations, equity relations in maternity capital, sale, purchase4300 (+) 450

Given the ever-changing legal framework for transactions, operations, inheritances, responsibilities and relationships, it is not easy to keep your finger on the pulse. Notaries of Samara, apparently, are coping with this task and quite successfully.

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