Rating of the best self-leveling floors for 2025

To get a flat surface and avoid mistakes when choosing or laying a laminate, other types of coatings use dry mixes, which are called "self-leveling floor". Their base is more liquid compared to the screed, and due to the absence of large granules, systematic spreading is ensured.
The top layer has a smooth structure, so the finished coating looks great and does not need special treatment with additional products. The article presents a rating of the best self-leveling floors for 2025, an overview of popular brands that produce their products to create solid foundations.

What are the types of self leveling floors?

Dry mixes are suitable for those who decide to try to level the floors in the apartment with their own hands. To understand which company is better to choose products, you need to study all the varieties and advantages of the product. The main materials used by modern manufacturers for the manufacture of self-leveling surfaces are:

Gypsum compositions

Most often they are used when working with a wooden surface, while the room must be dry. Their main characteristics are fast drying and good thermal conductivity. Not suitable for grouting industrial floors.

Main functionality:

  • Quick hardening of the layer, the coating will be ready in 3 hours;
  • Products are absolutely harmless to humans when laying with their own hands;
  • No shrinkage;
  • Gypsum is able to absorb moisture from the air, so you can create an ideal microclimate inside the apartment.

The main thing you should pay attention to is the inability to use the gypsum composition in the kitchen or in the bathrooms. To protect the coating from abrasion, experts recommend applying a primer and a top coat.

Cement compositions

The popularity of models is due to the plasticity of the solution due to the introduction of additional impurities into its composition.As a result, during construction, the base is wear-resistant and can be additionally painted with special means. The main advantages of cement mixtures are:

  • Humidity will not affect the quality of the coating, so it can be used in kitchens, bathrooms or other "damp" areas;
  • High strength;
  • Minimal shrinkage due to the introduction of additional components into the composition of the solution.

Despite the large number of advantages, this type of mixture has a number of disadvantages. These include:

  • High consumption of material;
  • The solution can be poured onto a base of combined materials;
  • Long drying time and possible cracking during curing.

Polymer compositions

Today, there are many varieties of polymer coatings: quartz-filled, polyurethane and others. They are based on binders. Popular models differ in the number of components. In an apartment for pouring a self-leveling floor, it is recommended to buy two-component mixtures, which include a hardener and plasticizing additives.

How to make a ready solution? It is obtained by mixing the components in a given amount.

The main advantages of polymer mixtures include:

  • Self-leveling floors are wear-resistant;
  • The composition is suitable for any type of room;
  • Able to endure sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • High aesthetic properties due to the use of dye.

However, polymer floors have some disadvantages:

  • Unaffordable price for most users;
  • The advice and experience of many buyers suggests that during the execution of work it is necessary to strictly observe the specified proportions;
  • Filling should go continuously.

The best manufacturers involved in the production of self-leveling floors

The modern market is replete with a variety of coatings from different manufacturers with which they level or decorate the surface. But not every branded product has the appropriate quality. In order not to make a mistake and purchase the best mix, it is necessary to give preference to companies specializing in the production of building dry mixes. These include:

  1. Ceresit/Moment. The brand produces products that are used for initial processing. It is based on gypsum, so the thickness of the applied layers will be small, from 3 to 75 mm. The brand is focused on the production of thin-layer products for final finishing. Solutions are not recommended for use as a top coat. They have a short curing time, and most often they are chosen, if necessary, to complete the repair as soon as possible. The manufacturer produces various types of goods for repair work in residential and industrial premises.
  2. Knauf. The company produces goods based on sand, gypsum and is considered the best in its business. It is focused on products designed for rooms with a high level of humidity. Dry mixes can be independently combined with a finishing layer from any manufacturer. Those people who cannot decide on the choice of a self-leveling floor should take a closer look at Knauf.
  3. Ivsil. The range of products is quite large. From screeds to high-density mixtures with a function that provides a perfectly even coating. The most purchased are quick-setting compositions "Express", as well as solutions of the "Termolight" line, which provide good sound and heat insulation.
  4. Bolars and Volma. These two firms produce inexpensive dry mixes. The specialization of the first is coatings with good sound and heat insulation.The second produces universal products focused on rooms with a high level of humidity.
  5. Prospectors. The company also produces budget goods and is engaged in the production of self-leveling floors used in facade insulation systems for buildings and structures.
  6. A relatively inexpensive solution is Hercules mixtures. Despite the fact that the products do not have special properties, they are several times cheaper than foreign analogues in terms of the price of goods and material consumption. With a started repair, it can become indispensable.

Rating of the best universal mixtures

They are used at different stages of construction work. The composition evenly fills all cracks and roughness, instantly spreads, dries forming a flat and smooth surface.

Weber Vetonit Fast Level

The product, according to buyers, is considered one of the best for large rooms, where it is not at all easy to achieve an even base. The composition of the working solution contains small granules of about 0.6 mm. This innovative solution made it possible to obtain rapid dissolution and self-alignment during movement. Building material used as a base layer for any type of flooring. Packing 20 kg in one package.

Weber Vetonit Fast Level
  • The working composition instantly hardens, and after 4 hours it will be possible to walk freely on the coating;
  • The final layer is applied after one day;
  • Finishing material is easy to use;
  • The mixture can be laid on concrete, gypsum, cement bases;
  • The consumption of the finished composition is 16 kg per square meter;
  • Poured in apartments with high humidity;
  • Wide range of layer thicknesses.
  • The price of one package is 355 rubles;
  • Short shelf life, only 6 months;
  • The solution hardens within 30 minutes.

Knauf Tribon

The manufacturer claims that the dry mix is ​​only suitable for wood and concrete floors. It consists of gypsum, cement and is used in different conditions, that is, in absolutely dry apartments or with high humidity. Also combinable with accessories. Self-levelling screeds cure within 60 minutes, so large areas can be covered. Technological passage is made in 6 hours. Compatible with any type of base.

Knauf Tribon
The main advantages include:
  • High crack resistance;
  • Grabs quickly;
  • It spreads well;
  • The product is universal, as the screed and leveling agent are presented in one package;
  • Helps to improve the microclimate in the apartment;
  • Layer thickness - from 10 to 60 mm (in some cases and more);
  • In one package 30 kg.
Of the minuses can be identified:
  • The high price of 300 rubles;
  • When creating a screed on a wooden surface, it is necessary to arrange a separating or insulating layer. The base must have a high level of strength to protect against any biodamage.

Universal Blend Found Skorline FK45 R

The solution is used at all stages of surface leveling.

Universal Blend Found Skorline FK45 R
  • The layer thickness reaches 100 mm;
  • The mixture is used in offices and residential areas;
  • Compatible with different types of base;
  • In one package 20 kg;
  • Affordable price - 275 rubles.
  • The solution becomes unsuitable for further use after 40 minutes;
  • It is applied only in dry or damp rooms.

Universal composition Ceresit CN 175

It is suitable for concrete floors, cement-sand, gypsum, as well as other types of rough coatings and is intended for laying linoleum, ceramic tiles, carpet, laminate in residential and administrative premises.

Universal composition Ceresit CN 175
  • Can be poured onto fragile surfaces;
  • Crack resistant;
  • Used on heated screeds;
  • Due to the absence of harmful components, the mixture is absolutely safe for humans;
  • Can be applied manually or mechanically;
  • You can walk on the finished coating after 6 hours.
  • High price - 350 rubles;
  • Suitable for indoor work only;
  • The maximum viability of the solution is 30 minutes.

Rating of high-quality finishing self-leveling floors

They are the best polymer mixtures, forming an even, defect-free coating when dried. First, a universal mortar is applied, and on top of it a finishing self-leveling floor.

Weber Vetonit Finish Level

This ultra-thin, self-levelling floor allows you to get a level floor in one day after the end of the work. It has positive user reviews and can be used for laying tiles, carpet, parquet, laminate. Despite the fact that one package costs 597 rubles, it can be applied with a layer of 1 to 5 mm on an inexpensive screed, which will significantly save the budget.

Weber Vetonit Finish Level
  • Economic consumption;
  • Technological passage is possible in three hours;
  • The internal heating of the underfloor heating system does not affect the coating in any way;
  • The mixture is water resistant;
  • One package requires only 5 liters of water;
  • The floor covering can be laid the next day.
  • High cost - 597 rubles.

Finishing mixture Volma Leveler Express

The self-leveling floor consists of a gypsum base, quartz sand, a polymer modifying additive and binding components. Thanks to this combination, the solution has a high plasticity, which provides an even and smooth base.The layer thickness is from 7 to 100 mm, thus it is possible to level surfaces with pronounced defects. In one package - 20 kg.

Finishing mixture Volma Leveler Express
  • No need to sand finished layers;
  • The floor covering is suitable for different types of substrate;
  • Curing time 7 hours;
  • The average price is 240 rubles;
  • Foot load after 6 hours.
  • Rapid hardening of the mixture. If the floors are not filled within 60 minutes, then the solution is not suitable for further use.

Finishing mix Weber 3000

It is a finishing bulk floor. The thickness of each individual layer is between 0 and 5 mm. Experts recommend using it as a basis for laying thin, lining coatings. Thanks to its low consumption, it is economical to use.

Finishing mix Weber 3000
  • Quick-drying, you can walk on the coating after 4 hours;
  • Has high strength characteristics;
  • Thanks to good spreading, the mixture is easy to work with.
  • An unaffordable price for most buyers, which is 662 rubles.

Finishing mix Ceresit CN 68

To understand which product is better to buy, it is worth considering that these products are used only on fragile grounds. A professional composition is useful if it is necessary to level surfaces made of concrete, gypsum or cement-sand bases. Suitable for laying all types of flooring, except for parquet. Not intended for use in damp and damp apartments.

Finishing mix Ceresit CN 68
  • Easy to lay down and level;
  • Can be applied mechanically;
  • Technological passage is possible after 4 hours;
  • The building material can be used on heated screeds;
  • Does not contain harmful substances for humans.
  • Not intended for outdoor decoration, damp, wet rooms;
  • The high price is 474 rubles.

Cons and pros of self-leveling floors

Why you should opt for self-leveling flooring:

  • Appearance. The finished coating should be smooth and shiny. Can be dyed in any color if desired. In addition, matte or vice versa glossy compositions with the addition of decorative elements are now being sold, allowing you to create 3D floors.
  • Easy care. Flooring is often used in facilities with high hygiene standards, but since the finished surface has no seams, it is much easier to care for. In addition, the features of polymer floors do not contribute to the appearance of fungi, harmful bacteria and other microorganisms.
  • Durability. A well-executed filling technology will ensure a long service life of a self-leveling floor, about 40 years.
  • Fire safety. Polymer components are highly flammable and do not emit harmful substances during combustion. Different types of dry mixes can be resistant to frost, sunlight, moisture and aggressive or chemical environments.
  • High level of adhesion. Possibility to get grip with different bases.
  • Easy installation. Observing the rules indicated by the manufacturer, any person who does not have any special skills can equip a self-leveling floor at home.
  • The packaging contains step-by-step instructions for pouring the floor for those who carry out repairs on their own.


  • A difficult initial stage, where it is necessary to prepare the base and choose a pouring method.


How to choose a self-leveling floor is not a difficult question. The main thing is to determine the main selection criteria: where the coating will be used, how much it costs, etc.The more requirements, the higher the cost of a self-leveling coating and the more authoritative the manufacturer.

When choosing, consider the shortcomings of the product. So for most of them, careful preparation of the base is required. The coating does not have a special design and is not natural, which can be seen simply by looking at the photo. Despite this, if desired, the self-leveling floor can be replaced by simply laying parquet or other flooring on top. In addition, dry mixes are often used instead of floor screed.

Before starting work, you should carefully read the product description, instructions and try to follow it in the future. Dry mixes love precision. Epoxy self-leveling floor has more design solutions. Today, self-leveling bases allow you to complete the work in the shortest possible time, while obtaining the perfect coating, which will become a reliable base.

It is worth studying the novelties of domestic manufacturers. The quality of finished products is no worse than foreign brands.

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