
  1. General information
  2. Difficulties of choice
  3. Rating of the best overhead locks for 2025
  4. Conclusion
Rating of the best overhead locks for 2025

Rating of the best overhead locks for 2025

Overhead locks are considered the simplest locking structure. Their main advantage is that the base part does not need to be cut directly into the door leaf, but only needs to be fixed from the inside. This installation method is very easy, unlike other mechanisms. Different types of locking devices of this group are widely used to protect residential and administrative premises, in industrial buildings and in retail areas. Overhead mechanisms are perfect for entrance and interior doors and it is even possible to install them on furniture doors. They are able to show sufficient strength and reliability when mounted on metal, wood, plastic, MDF, and composite material.

General information

An "overhead" is a lock that is mounted directly on the surface of the door leaf. From the outside, it is locked only with a key, but from the inside it can be unlocked either with a key or a latch. Devices of this type are most often used as an additional security mechanism with which entrance groups are equipped. During installation, they almost do not cause critical deformations to the door leaf and are easy to maintain.

This type of constipation is widely used by apartment owners. It will equally provide reliable protection on both wooden and metal doors. The popularity of overhead models is due to their affordable price, simple installation and unpretentious maintenance. Installation is carried out by the owner independently, without the use of particularly complex tools. However, if fastening is carried out on a metal sash, then welding will be required. An extensive range of overhead locking devices, presented on the market today, will allow you to easily select the right model.

Modern types of overhead locks

Currently, eight types of overhead locks are especially popular with buyers.

  • Level.

They are considered the most reliable among today's external locking devices. Their internal mechanism is quite complex in its design. Most often, such a sample is installed on the garage door if there is an expensive car inside. The internal system is a set of blocking bolts, which are presented in the form of plates with a complex shape. They are placed in the proper order and at the same time hooked into the desired slot in the constipation. A suitable key will quickly put all the plates in the right order, but choosing the correct position through a master key is almost impossible. The advantages of these devices include:

  1. Wide scope of use;
  2. The complexity of hacking;
  3. Use of an anti-vandal system.

Among the shortcomings can be noted:

  1. The key has a large length, which is some inconvenience;
  2. Considerable cost;
  3. Relatively difficult dismantling.
  • Code.

This type of protective device is usually installed on the access doors or gates of private houses. Code models are executed in two variations - electronic and mechanical. To open the latter, you will need to press a combination of several keys at the same time, which does not make the model reliable enough, since over time the keys wear out and it is easy to determine the given code by places of abrasions. Electronic variations are used in intercom systems. They are made of high quality metal, the keys on it are not abraded. Reliability is determined by the possibility of changing the input combination. However, the lack of electrical power will make it useless - it turns off and the emergency unlocking of the door occurs. The advantages of code models include:

  1. Comfort of use;
  2. Ease of installation;
  3. Unpretentiousness in service;
  4. Reliability of electronic stuffing (for relevant devices).

The disadvantages include:

  1. Abrasion-resistant material for the manufacture of mechanical specimens;
  2. Possibility of selecting the input combination;
  3. Emergency opening in the absence of power (for relevant devices).
  • Mechanical.

These samples are usually equipped with entrance doors to residential premises. Installing a mechanical lock on a gate or door is very simple, locking it from the outside with a key, and locking it from the inside with a latch. They are characterized by the following positive qualities:

  1. Small cost;
  2. Easy installation;
  3. Completely removable design.

Cons can be called:

  1. Weak degree of protection;
  2. Short operational period;
  3. Often poor quality materials.
  • Electromechanical.

Such models are frequent companions of intercoms. They include a control unit and a special scanner. Inside them is a mechanical locking structure. Programming the input code provides a high level of protection, so it is almost impossible to choose a combination. Benefits include:

  1. Increased degree of reliability;
  2. Possibility of tandem application;
  3. Resistant to hacking procedures.

Of the shortcomings stand out:

  1. Often overpriced;
  2. Complexity of assembly/dismantling works;
  3. Relatively short service life.
  • Crossbar.

They have the simplest locking structure, so they are not installed to provide entrance protection to houses or apartments. Most often, they lock utility rooms, entrances to attics, technical areas that do not contain valuable property.The device of the crossbar model does not involve the rotation of the mechanism, but functions on the principle of a simple valve. The key is inserted and moves in line with the door plane. Among the advantages can be distinguished:

  1. Extremely affordable price;
  2. Easy installation and dismantling;
  3. Wide scope.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Weak reliability;
  2. Inconvenient key.
  • "Invisibles".

These designs are very similar to automotive locking mechanisms. The device of such a patch lock involves the unlocking process using a key fob button. They do not have a keyhole as such, hence the appropriate name - "invisible". It is impossible to pick up a master key or a similar key to them due to the design features. In comparison with electronic and electromechanical locks, they have an undeniable positive quality - they are able to work autonomously. Their advantages include:

  1. Increased degree of protection;
  2. Possibility of completely autonomous work;
  3. Anti-vandal type of construction.

The disadvantages include:

  1. overpriced;
  2. The complexity of the installation;
  3. If you lose the key fob, you will have to change the entire mechanism.
  • "English".

Inside their body are protective cylinders of a special type. English castles are considered quite simple in terms of maintenance and possible repairs. If the internal parts break down, only the core needs to be replaced, moreover, if the key is lost, it will not be necessary to change the lock itself. The advantages of this type of model include:

  1. Low price;
  2. Ease of use;
  3. Long service life;
  4. Easy repair and low maintenance.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Often low-quality metal production;
  2. Weak resistance to breaking.
  • Rack.

Another very common option. It is a housing with a rail, mounted on the door leaf, on the inside of which a locking handle is attached. From the inside, it functions as a latch, and from the outside, it is unlocked and locked with a key. The rack design is not particularly resistant to burglary, so experts do not recommend it for protecting residential premises. Benefits include:

  1. low cost;
  2. Easy installation;
  3. Long term operation.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Poor security against hacking;
  2. Small scope.

Safety classes of overhead locks

The level of security of the overhead lock will determine the amount of time that will be spent on opening it. In accordance with this criterion, four classes of burglary resistance are distinguished:

  1. The first group consists of the most vulnerable and simple constipation, the unauthorized unlocking of which will take literally a couple of seconds. These devices have an extremely low price and they are placed in rooms where there are no special material values. Most often, they simply block access to some rooms within the same building, so they are most suitable, for example, for interior doors.
  2. The second class of security for overhead locks will require hacking within 5 minutes. This is optimally sufficient if the door is under visual control of security or video surveillance. A burglary attempt will not go unnoticed. Locks of the second class represent a budget price segment.
  3. The third class of protection is the most popular. It is the perfect combination of high reliability and affordable price.Locks of this type are most often used in pairs or groups; they can be equipped with the front door to the dwelling, and the garage door, and the gate for entering the estate. Hacking such a mechanism should exceed 15 minutes.
  4. The fourth class is considered the most reliable and it fully justifies its high price. Such locks are able to withstand burglary for half an hour or more. It is almost impossible to pick up master keys for this type of constipation, and their opening is permissible only through the application of force or through cutting through the locking elements. All parts of the mechanism are made of durable and high quality materials.

Installation Features

It is extremely important to correctly mount the external locking fittings, because not only the convenience of its use, but also the reliability of protection and the length of the service life will depend on this. It is worth mentioning that overhead models are not recommended to be installed on door leaves that open inward. Otherwise, their installation (both for wooden doors and for metal ones) is not particularly difficult:

  • First of all, the field is marked for installation and a comfortable height is adjusted - a height of 140-150 centimeters from the floor will be considered classic;
  • Further, relying on the marked corner points, holes are made in these places that are suitable in length for fixing screws;
  • Then, by applying the template, the central part is marked - it will be used to insert the keyhole and it must be drilled only to the appropriate diameter;
  • As a result, the entire structure of the lock is simply superimposed on the intended place and screwed on with self-tapping screws.

Operational safety

In order for the overhead lock to remain serviceable and protect the door with high quality for a long time, it is necessary to carefully handle its mechanism. You should not slam the sash strongly when closing - it is best to install a door closer that would prevent the leaf with the lock from hitting the wall due to draft or human negligence. The closer is generally considered an extremely recommended attribute for doors made of solid wood or thick metal. The lock should be unlocked only with a native key - no need to try to check it for compatibility with other analogues, even if they are visually very similar. Before turning the key in the well, you need to make sure that it is inserted all the way, because otherwise there is a risk of bending or breaking its body. At the same time, it is necessary to remove the forced blocking of the lock, which is produced by a latch.

It is recommended to periodically lubricate the secret (protective) part of the lock with engine oil - this way you can suppress the formation of corrosion manifestations. This is especially true for doors that face the outside directly to the street, and not to a closed room (for example, an entrance).

Difficulties of choice

Before buying a padlock, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Information about the complexity of the locking mechanism - the manufacturer must indicate the structural uniqueness of the device, the total number of possible positions of levers or cylinders. Modern locks must have at least 2,500 options for the positions of the locking mechanism, and the most expensive models “step over” the barrier in tens and hundreds of thousands of variations.
  • The degree of secrecy of the mechanism - the greater it is, the better the lock.According to the state regulations of the Russian Federation, it is determined by the corresponding class, where a higher class number means the greatest security. Regarding foreign products, it can be noted that they have a different standardization, which depends on the specific country. From this it is clear that you will have to choose a foreign model based solely on positive reviews about the manufacturer's brand.
  • Type of locking structure - it can be simple crossbars in the form of cylinders in the amount of two to five elements. Sometimes constipation is represented by the only element - the tongue. For metal doors, a crossbar structure is more often used, and for wooden doors - a reed;
  • The design features of the door leaf - they should fully contribute to the smooth installation of the product. In this case, one should not forget about the orientation of the lock - it can be right or left. Accordingly, for interior doors, you can get by with cheap models, and for entrance groups - more durable and reliable.
  • The principle of operation of the mechanism - it all depends on the preferences of the future owner. Mechanics, electronics and electromechanics are different and each have their own advantages and disadvantages. In any case, the more modern the purchased product, the higher the security of the door.

Rating of the best overhead locks for 2025

Budget segment

3rd place: "Ermak-600", art.4"

This mechanical product is designed for direct door mounting. From the outside it is locked with a key, and from the inside it can also be closed with a latch. It can be used as an additional locking and unlocking device, which is equipped with the entrance group. During installation, the integrity of the canvas is practically not violated, the sash remains the same strong.The recommended cost for retail chains is 630 rubles.

"Ermak-600", art.4
  • month warranty;
  • Possibility of use as an additional constipation;
  • Easy installation.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "ZN-067, 5 keys, Stalf (Selmash Kirov)"

This sample is suitable for protecting entrance groups, including especially reinforced ones, and can be installed on doors to offices and apartments. The location is possible both on the left and on the right side. Opening/closing occurs with a full turn of the key. In terms of secrecy, the keys correspond only to the native lock. The locking mechanism is single-cylinder one-sided, has protection against drilling. It is possible to additionally close the bolt from the inside when moving it to the extreme position. The recommended cost for retail chains is 800 rubles.

ZN-067, 5 keys, Stalf (Selmash Kirov)
  • Possibility of additional closure from the inside;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Factory long lasting lubrication.
  • Somewhat soft metal workmanship.

1st place: "For a door with a turntable ALLURE ZN 1-3A"

The model is designed for installation on a wooden canvas. It consists of two cylindrical crossbars with a diameter of 14 mm, with a maximum overhang of 30 mm. The tongue hole can be removed by 60mm. The kit includes the device itself, 5 keys, a striker plate and an overlay. The lock mechanism is “English”, closing / opening from the inside occurs through a turntable, and from the outside only with a key. The recommended cost for retail chains is 990 rubles.

For door with revolver ALLURE ZN 1-3A
  • Extended rods;
  • Good value for money;
  • Compact dimensions.
  • Not detected.

Middle price segment

3rd place: Zenit ZN 1-3-3 (copper)

The product is intended for installation in steel or wooden doors, the leaf of which does not exceed a thickness of 45 millimeters. The body is made on the basis of TsAM alloy. The type of secrecy in the mechanism is cylinder, however, there is no automatic locking in it, as well as a chain with a latch. From the inside it closes with a turntable, and from the outside - only with a key. It is possible to remove the key hole to a distance of 60 millimeters, the type of crossbars used is round, their number is 3 pieces with a diameter of 12 mm. Type of keys - "English", 4 copies are included. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1100 rubles.

Zenith ZN 1-3-3 (copper
  • The second class of protection;
  • Full turn of the key;
  • Convenient use.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "Chelyabinsk RIF-1, black"

This model is characterized by increased reliability and is recommended for installation on garage doors. The mechanism is based on lever technology, locking is carried out by means of cylindrical bolts. Easy to install and does not require much maintenance. The warranty period is one year. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1650 rubles.

Chelyabinsk RIF-1, black
  • Reliable and durable design;
  • Not too bulky key;
  • High-quality fastening to a cloth of a shutter.
  • Not detected.

1st place: LAZURIT-1.02.61.KMA

The sample is intended for universal doors made of metal or wood. High-quality steel is used as the base material for it, and the body has an additional anti-corrosion coating. The mechanism of secrecy is 8 levers, closing is carried out with a turntable and a key.It is allowed to remove the key hole by 58 millimeters, the keys in the set are 5 pieces, the type of crossbars used is cylindrical, their number is 3 pieces with a diameter of 14 millimeters. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1750 rubles.

  • Easily gets into regular places;
  • Special reliability;
  • Adequate ratio of quality and price.
  • Not detected.

Premium class

3rd place: "Code" Rigel "

The sample is intended for both left and right opening. It can be installed on a door leaf with a thickness of 40-50 millimeters. The case is made of steel, has a galvanized coating. Type of secret mechanism - code, combined in the case. The valve is not provided by the design. It has the first class of safety according to GOST RF. The operating panel is equipped with 10 buttons for entering the input combination, there is the possibility of recoding. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2200 rubles.

Code "Rigel
  • Rugged housing;
  • Provides rust protection
  • Focus on street use.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "ISEO 51N115 (electromechanical universal external)"

This model is equipped with an internal cylinder. It is the optimal solution for equipping both the entrance doors to the dwelling and the gates of the estate plots. Characterized by versatility, reliability, ease of maintenance. It can be controlled by a key fob or be a component of any intercom system. It is possible to install both on the left and on the right side. Possesses the resource for performing a reversible tongue control configuration.The opening option can be set independently: only the key, only the button, or both the key and the button. The recommended cost for retail chains is 14,750 rubles.

ISEO 51N115 (electromechanical universal external
  • Possibility of point configuration of work;
  • Complete versatility;
  • Reliable body design.
  • High price.

1st place: "GERDA TYTAN ZE-1 ZP (GT 8) WITH ALARM"

The sample is equipped with an alarm system and provided with a steel stop slider which is designed to safely open the door without the risk of intrusion. The steel structure is made as a "monolith" and can successfully withstand force breaking. The alarm system is directly connected to the crossbars and, if the pressure exceeds 50 kilograms, an audible signal is triggered with a power of 115 dB. The model is focused on outdoor use, although it can be used indoors. The built-in alarm system can be operated autonomously or be connected to a common system. Protection class - 4th. The recommended cost for retail chains is 31,000 rubles.

  • The 4 billion possible combinations are opposed to trying to match;
  • Availability of own alarm;
  • Ability to integrate into centralized security systems.
  • High price.


Today's overhead locks are a strong and reliable guarantee of protecting the home from intrusion and the safety of the property located in it. The main thing is to properly weigh all the pros and cons regarding the chosen model before buying and decide on the necessary technical parameters.Installation of overhead constipation is not particularly difficult, as well as their dismantling, if necessary.

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