Ranking of the Best Primary Schools Online for 2025
The problem of education is a topical issue for families in which children grow up. The closer the school age, the more parents are puzzled by the question of where to send their child to study.
Nowadays, distance education is gaining popularity, which allows children to gain knowledge, in the truest sense of the word, without leaving home.
Getting an education in an online school has a lot of advantages over a classic visit to a regular general education institution. The main ones include the following.
Saving time. This applies not only to children who do not waste time on packing and traveling, but also to their parents accompanying them.
No time limits. Unlike ordinary schools, children are not constrained by the scope of lessons and breaks, and can study without experiencing the stress of not having time to meet the strictly allotted time.
Focus on results. Unlike classical institutions, where a lot of attention is paid to student attendance, in online schools, the emphasis is on the result, and not on the amount of time spent on classes. If necessary, you can reduce or increase the initially planned number of hours for the development of a particular material, without prejudice to the educational process as a whole.
Individual work. One-on-one communication allows you to find an approach to any student. This is especially important for timid and shy children who are embarrassed to show knowledge in the presence of other, more lively classmates.
Development of self-discipline. Classes are partly a process of self-education, and in order for it to be successful, it is necessary to cultivate organization, purposefulness and self-discipline in oneself. Subsequently, these qualities can be very useful in adulthood.
No absence due to illness.Diseases in which the student would not be able to attend classes in a regular institution, provided that they do not interfere with the acquisition of new knowledge, and do not become an obstacle to online classes.
Comfortable environment. This means not only finding the student in familiar home conditions, but also psychological comfort. The problem of bullying is very acute, and distance learning allows you to avoid conflicts with other students, which has the most favorable effect on learning outcomes.
No territorial connection. With remote lessons, it does not matter where the teacher and student live, since there is no connection to the territory or locality.
Financial savings. The absence of such expenses as the purchase of a uniform and the mandatory wearing of it, which can also cause discomfort, the absence of the need to invest in ongoing activities, in the purchase of paper textbooks, etc. will save money and recoup part of the cost of distance learning.
Process automation. The use of Internet technologies allows teachers to cope much faster with such routine tasks as distributing homework, checking their completion, compiling reports, keeping statistics, etc.
A wide variety of tasks. Online games, quizzes, tasks for logic and ingenuity are much more interesting for a child than ordinary written and oral lessons from textbooks.
Relevance of knowledge. The absence of the need to follow established programs makes the learning process more mobile and allows teachers to share the latest knowledge in subjects, as well as adjust it in accordance with the real needs for certain knowledge of each individual student.
Availability of databases and necessary materials. A huge amount of educational information can be found electronically in online libraries. This option is much better than the range offered by school libraries and allows parents to save money on buying additional books.
Other benefits include reducing the risk of becoming infected during an exacerbation of influenza and other viral infections, minimizing the risk of injury in class or on the road, self-regulation of the number and time of classes, etc.
Disadvantages of distance learning
Despite the undeniable advantages described above, there are also a number of disadvantages.
Organizational difficulties and low motivation. This is especially true for elementary school students. It can be difficult for children to break away from play or other favorite activities and motivate themselves to study. By middle and high school, the ability to self-control may already be developed to a sufficient extent, but it will be difficult for elementary school students to do without parental supervision and without motivation from the teacher.
Mastery of digital technologies. In order for the educational process to be effective, both the student and the teacher must be a competent Internet user. This can become an obstacle both for experienced teachers with a long work experience, who find this knowledge difficult, and for elementary school students who, due to their age, still do not have good computer skills.
Irregular working hours for teachers. This factor can negatively affect the quality of the educational process and the level of knowledge that the teacher passes on to the student.
Not suitable for all children.Some students, taking advantage of the lack of direct control, may feel permissive and not study.
Lack of personal communication. This form of knowledge acquisition does not contribute to the formation of communication skills in a child. Partially, this problem can be solved with the help of communication in collective chats, but it will not be possible to completely eliminate it with this form of education.
When choosing a form of education for a child, it is necessary to analyze what would be better for him, classical classes or a distance option, taking into account his individual characteristics and character.
Ranking of the best primary schools online
An important indicator when choosing an educational institution is the period of its activity. The larger it is, the more experience has been accumulated in the educational process, and the clearer the results that this or that educational platform can help achieve.
Ranking of the best online primary schools less than 5 years old
The educational services market is a popular field of activity, and new online schools appear frequently. In this category are presented those of them that have the best results based on the results of their activities.
Official site — https://stimul.spb.ru/
Cost - from 10,000 rubles. per month
This platform offers educational services not only for primary school students, but also for older students. Despite the fact that it has been operating only since 2018, the educational process is seriously put in it, which can be a worthy alternative to classical institutions.
individual approach to each student;
programs are compiled in accordance with GEF standards;
the author's program "Your incentive to success" was developed;
further study after the end of primary school;
small groups;
many additional programs;
the possibility of payment at the expense of maternity capital;
discount system.
short working time.
60 minutes
Official site - https://lp.60mn.ru/
Cost - from 75,000 rubles. per class
This online platform, which has been operating since 2019, is primarily motivated by results. A distinctive feature is the absence of homework, since the repetition of the material occurs during the lesson. The recommended duration of classes is 60 minutes a day.
attention is paid to the motivation of children;
an effective program built on the leading type of perception;
free trial period of 14 days;
simple interface;
an agreement with educational institutions in which a child can be enrolled upon transition to a full-time form.
high price;
insufficiently tested program.
PROschool online
Official site - https://www.proschool-online.com/
Cost - from 5500 rubles. per month
This platform, which has been operating since 2020, started as a base for grades 1-4, a little later a program for students in grades 5-8 appeared. The main emphasis is on creating a comfortable environment. All subjects are interconnected with each other, due to which the transmitted knowledge is built into a logical chain, which is much better absorbed by children in comparison with the usual, not interconnected process.
logically built system;
accompaniment of the curator for each student;
quality materials;
lessons are held in the form of small blocks and in formats that increase interest in the material;
many tasks are interactive and creative;
convenient schedule;
intuitive interface.
short period of work;
lack of information on the site about the availability of a license and accreditation.
Official site - https://school-bit.ru/
Cost - from 2240 rubles. per month
This online platform, registered in 2018, was the first to receive state accreditation among Russian Internet schools. A convenient platform, interesting classes and a working feedback system make the learning process simple and enjoyable.
state accreditation;
choice of time for classes;
affordable cost;
availability of a system of discounts;
materials comply with Federal State Educational Standards.
in the reviews there are complaints about the quality of the educational process.
House of Knowledge
Official site - https://domznaniy.school/
Cost - from 7220 rubles. per month
Despite the relatively short period of work, since 2019, this organization offers a complete educational course not only for primary school students, but also until the end of grade 11. Here are collected all the advantages that distinguish good online schools: individual support for each student, assistance in career guidance, a huge educational base.
issuance of a state certificate;
development of an individual lesson plan;
a large number of benefits;
extracurricular activities and additional courses;
support of a psychologist;
attaching a personal curator.
complaints about the quality of education.
Ranking of the best online primary schools operating from 5 to 10 years
In this category, platforms have been selected that have a sufficiently long period of educational activities.
Learn at home
Official website - https://www.doma.uchi.ru/
Cost - from 720 rubles. for one session
This platform has been around for nine years.Offers in-depth study of English, mathematics and programming for students aged 6 to 17 years. Programs for continuing education after the end of primary school have been developed.
an exciting approach to the educational process;
teaching the most modern material;
qualified teachers;
free introductory lesson;
money back if the educational process is unsatisfactory;
refund for unused lessons.
not all the necessary basic subjects are taught.
Online school №1
Official site - https://online-school-1.ru/
Cost - from 18500 rubles.
This platform, which has been operating since 2012, offers various options for educational programs. This can be the help of tutors in certain subjects, a family form of classes, individual lessons, or a full-fledged online school with the issuance of a state-recognized certificate.
development of individual plans;
curator support;
high results of graduates;
the opportunity to continue their studies until the end of grade 11;
various formats of classes;
state certificate.
not found.
Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education
Official site - https://mano.pro/
Cost - from 12,000 rubles. in year
This platform combines not only the full course of the general education program from grades 1 to 11, but also college and academy. The system of professional training courses, a serious approach to the educational process and experience since 2016 allow teachers to achieve high results with students.
free schedule of classes;
day school mode and rehearsal mode for individual subjects;
competent teachers;
attention is paid to the development of creative abilities;
legal information about the organization is freely available on the site.
lack of interactive lessons;
lack of exact dates for the delivery of verification and control work.
Official website - https://www.tutoronline.ru/
Cost - from 450 rubles. for ak. hour
This site offers online lessons with a tutor in the subjects included in the compulsory program of a daytime comprehensive school. This allows students to consolidate their previously acquired knowledge, or to fully study here in all subjects.
many good reviews;
affordable cost;
flexible system of classes;
free introductory lesson.
to obtain a certificate, you must attach to a daytime educational institution.
Official site - https://home-school.interneturok.ru/
Cost - from 2500 rubles. per month
On this platform, you can both study in the format of a full-fledged school, and study the chosen subject using an express method based on video lessons. The long term of work allowed to accumulate a sufficient base of knowledge and experience.
enrollment is possible at any time of the year;
it is possible to continue studies in middle and high school;
Russian state certificate;
the first week is free;
support 24 hours a day;
personal mentors for each student;
the program complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation.
not found.
Ranking of the best online primary schools operating over 10 years
Here are online schools that are leaders in the duration of activity in the educational services market, have good customer reviews and high student results.
Official website - https://foxford.ru/
Cost - from 1500 rubles. per month
It is one of the leaders in distance learning. Has been operating since 2009. It offers several options for educational programs for primary grades: "Standard", "Premium" in the format of a webinar and "Premium" in a mini-class with no more than 15 students.
the educational process is accompanied by a class teacher, tutor, mentor and psychologist;
teaching staff from the most prestigious Russian universities;
official resident of Skolkovo;
a full package of necessary disciplines in the compulsory program;
choice of additional programs;
the opportunity to continue their studies up to grade 11;
friendly interface;
the presence of a mobile application;
availability of different formats: individual, group, training courses.
not found.
Our Penates
Official website - https://ibls.one/
Cost - from 3000 rubles. in a year
One of the very first Russian correspondence schools, which has been operating since 1991 on the IBLS educational platform. During this period of work, a highly professional team has been formed, unique educational programs have been developed. Much attention is paid to the psychological comfort of students.
the opportunity to receive funding for most of the cost at the expense of the budget of Moscow (for students with Moscow registration);
the presence of not only correspondence, but also a family form of education;
availability of state accreditation and a license to conduct educational activities;
educational programs are developed in accordance with the standards of the Federal State Educational Standards;
technical support and assistance of curators;
continuing education until the end of grade 11;
high results of graduates;
positive reviews.
not found.
Online Lyceum No. 1
Official website - https://online-licey.ru/
Cost - from 16400 rubles. per month
This correspondence institution allows students to master the program not only of primary school, but also to continue further education up to passing the exam. Interestingly designed lessons and feedback make the educational process fun.
highly professional teachers;
an interesting program for children;
individual programs;
state certificate.
sometimes there are errors in the materials.
International School of Tomorrow
Official website — https://distant.isotm.ru/
Cost - from 40500 rubles. in year
This platform differs from other similar correspondence systems in that it has a strict class schedule, and the educational process is based on ordinary textbooks. The term of work since 1992 has allowed to gain experience in matters of distance teaching.
the quality of education;
free programs for students from Moscow;
a system of intermediate tests and control works has been developed;
availability of additional education programs;
legal transparency of aspects of educational activities.
inability to control the pace of the process;
missed lessons are not saved in the form of video recordings, and you will have to master this material on your own.
Secondary school. N.I. Lobachevsky
Official site https://externlobach.ru/
Cost - from 2600 rubles. per month
This institution, which has been operating since 1997, has been accredited and issues state certificates to students. The program is designed not only for primary grades, it is possible to continue studies until the end of grade 11.
the program is compiled in accordance with state educational standards;
professionalism of teachers;
interactive presentation of material in the form of video lectures, simulators, electronic textbooks;
affordable cost;
state certificate.
not found.
Rating of the best programming schools for students.
Programming is a skill without which a modern person cannot be imagined, therefore, many parents want to teach their child its basics in parallel with general education, so we will talk about the best online programming schools for children below.
Online programming school for children “Pixel”
The cost of training is from 3500 rubles.
This school is not primary in the generally accepted sense, when the child learns all the prescribed general subjects. However, programs that are designed for students of various ages are approved by the Ministry of Education. The PIXEL School is a federal network of 15 branches in Moscow and the Moscow region that offers full-time and online education in programming and robotics.
Online lessons are conducted using the ZOOM platform. The connection does not require any complex technical manipulations or a powerful PC from the student. To work, a regular computer, smartphone, tablet or laptop is enough, the presence of a stable Internet connection and a headset (if desired).
Online programming training is carried out in 7 areas:
Programming in Scratch Junior (the program is designed for preschoolers 5-7 years old);
Programming Kodu Game Lab (target audience - children 6 - 9 years old);
Creation of games and animations in Scratch (children aged 8-12 are accepted for the course);
Minecraft game universe. Python programming (the program is designed for children 9 - 13 years old);
Creating games in Roblox. Lua programming (the direction is designed for children 9 - 14 years old);
Game developer.Game engine Unity (course for teenagers 10-14 years old);
Creation of websites. HTML and CSS programming (suitable for children from 12 years old).
At the end of the course, each student prepares a creative project. Depending on the chosen direction, it can be a cartoon, a game or a website. Each student also receives a personal certificate after completing the training.
In addition to paid programs, the school posts free programming lessons on its YouTube channel, of which there are more than 300. Here is one of the lessons:
Lesson number 1 - creating the first project:
The school has been operating since 2017 and has an educational license No. 77635.
The program is approved by the Ministry of Education;
Personal account with access from a computer and smartphone;
Educational process in the form of a game;
The learning history is saved;
Practical homework assignments are provided;
A certificate is issued at the end of the training.
geek school
An online school for teenagers where children will learn how to develop games, create websites, draw characters, design their blog and even resist hacker attacks.
For primary school students aged 7-10 years, the school offers the following programs:
The first steps in development, where the basics of working on a computer, creating cartoons, game programming are taught. The program is designed for 11 months, includes 46 lessons and will cost from 43,000 rubles.
The first online projects are Scratch programming. The duration of the course is 10 months, the number of lessons is 43, the price is from 43,200 rubles.
Minecraft: the basics of programming - in 4 months of training, children will get acquainted with the basics of programming, learn how to write code. At the end of the course, students defend their final project and receive a certificate of completion of the course.
Computer graphics - the program is designed for 3 months, during which children will learn how to draw on a computer and make an art project for a portfolio.
Programming on Scratch - a course for 4 months, during which time children create cartoons and five games.
Computer literacy - in 3 months, children will learn how to independently and safely use a computer and the Internet, master the main programs: from Word and Excel to a search engine, mail and Zoom.
Among the programs offered, there are also directions for older children, 11-14 years old and 15-17 years old.
Lessons are held on the ZOOM platform, at the end of each course, children prepare a final project, collect a portfolio and receive a certificate of completion of the course.
Large selection of courses;
Lessons are saved in the recording;
Teachers are experts in pedagogical experience;
Having a diploma at the end of the course.
International programming school, where children aged 4 to 18 can study. The company began its work in 2016 and today is included in the TOP-100 EdTech companies in Russia and the CIS countries, and is also a resident of Skolkovo.
Education in this school can be taken both face-to-face and online. In this case, you can choose a group format of training or individual lessons. Group online lesson will cost from 750 rubles, individual - from 1050 rubles.
Available areas of study include:
All about Python;
All about Minecraft;
Cybersecurity courses;
Website development;
Creation of games;
Creation of mobile applications;
Studying at this school, a student by the age of 15 will already be ready to enter one of the leading Russian or Western universities, is able to start creating his own business, and can also work in an IT company.
Courses vary depending on the age of the student and become more difficult as they grow older.
Teachers are IT business owners, leading IT specialists, the best students of prestigious universities;
Wide choice of courses;
The school is accredited by Microsoft.
How to choose
The steadily growing popularity of online learning contributes to the fact that the number of correspondence schools is constantly increasing. Therefore, the problem of choosing a suitable educational institution is becoming more and more urgent.
In order to select an Internet platform that meets all the requirements, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors.
Having a license. In the absence of a license, the organization does not have the right to carry out educational activities, regardless of whether it is an elementary level or senior classes. If this information is not indicated on the organization's website, you can check it on the Rosobrnadzor website. There you can also make sure that the license will expire no earlier than the end of the child's education, because if the license is not renewed, the received document on education will not be considered valid.
The quality of the teaching staff. It is necessary to carefully read the information about the teachers who teach various subjects, and make sure of their high qualification.
Replacement of the teacher. It is necessary to clarify whether it is possible to replace one of the teachers if he fails to establish contact with the child, or if a conflict situation arises.
Certification and testing of knowledge. In good schools, three types of assessments are practiced: current, intermediate and final. This allows you to identify gaps in knowledge at an early stage and prepare the student for the final knowledge test.To pass certification in grades 9 and 11, you will need to attach to an accredited school, so if you plan to study a child remotely throughout the course, you need to find out if the chosen system helps in this process.
Final document on education. It is necessary to make sure that the certificate received by the child will meet the requirements for further education in other institutions.
Friendliness of the interface. The simpler and clearer the system designed to support the process, the better for both the teacher and the student.
Availability of technical support. Without fail, there should be feedback from customers and technical support should be provided in resolving emerging issues. Communication with the educational and methodological department, which is responsible for educational programs, as well as with a child psychologist, is important.
Reviews. The opinion of real users on specialized sites will allow you to get a complete picture of the quality of the educational process.
Results. This is a clear indicator of quality, which in the best way indicates how well children are prepared in a particular institution.
Additional programs. The presence of extra-curricular activities of a gaming, entertaining or educational nature makes the process interesting and allows you to increase the motivation of students.
Carefully studying the above criteria will allow you to avoid mistakes in the choice and choose the right distance learning institution for your child.