
  1. History of appearance
  2. Types of saucers
  3. raw material
  4. Rating of the best saucer sets for 2025

Rating of the best saucer sets for 2025

Rating of the best saucer sets for 2025

As was customary from ancient traditions, when drinking tea, cups were served along with small plates so as not to spill the hot drink on the tablecloth or clothes. Many of the participants in this ceremony drank and still drink fragrant tea from the saucers themselves. So, in their opinion, it cools down faster and gives more pleasure and enjoyment. At present, the purpose of these utensils has expanded significantly and they began to be used when serving jam, cakes, parts of a cake, and so on. What varieties of them are, as well as what they are made of, will be discussed later in the article.

History of appearance

Initially, saucers resembling bowls, but without a stable bottom, appeared among the inhabitants of Asia in the 19th century and were used to drink liquid substances. Basically, these were mixtures with the presence of alcoholic beverages. It was in such dishes, according to Asians, that it was most convenient to mix liquid ingredients.

Further, these items reached the Europeans, but caused misunderstanding and denial of their use, as among the inhabitants of Asian countries. European manufacturers have modified the appearance of saucers, which eventually acquired a stable bottom and became a little smaller. They began to drink hot drinks from them, since the large surface of the dishes allowed them to cool quickly and not burn their lips when drinking.

Further, this tradition spread throughout the world and in some countries became a very serious ceremony.

Types of saucers

In addition to the standard, round plates familiar to society, in fact, there are several other varieties of them. They differ from each other not only in shape, size, composition, pattern, but also in their direct purpose. Knowing this information will help not only expand your horizons, but will also be useful in practical application.

So, according to the purpose, the items of utensils of this category are divided into:

  • coffee

Such devices are in most cases sold directly in a set with cups and match their design and pattern. They have a smaller diameter than tea leaves and range from 80 to 100 mm.

  • teahouses

These items are also included in the tea set and are presented as coasters for cups. They are in harmony with the main pattern and the design of other items. Their diameter can vary from 110 to 170 mm, depending on the purpose.

  • For jam

Any festive tea party is not complete without delicious, sweet jam, jam, marmalade or jelly. For this variety of dishes, special saucers are designed, which differ in shape, size and depth. The peculiarity of such a piece of dishes is a higher side along the edge of the product. Such devices are made mainly from different types of ceramics, glass, and also crystal. The second name for jam saucers is rosettes. It is crystal products that look especially solemn on the table, the outer side of which is decorated with an openwork, carved pattern.

  • For cakes

The diameter of this type of saucer depends on the size of the cake or piece of cake. It should not be almost the same as the amount of sweetness, since during the meal, broken off slices and crumbs can fall outside of it and get on the tablecloth or clothes. Therefore, the size of the dishes is selected strictly individually in each individual situation.

  • For milk

In the common people, such a product is called a milk jug. It is a device with high sides and a recess in the form of a "spout" on the edge of the upper rim. This nuance was invented for the convenience of adding milk to tea or coffee without possible streaks and contamination of the tablecloth. For added comfort during use, a handle is attached to most of these products. Another distinguishing feature of milk appliances is the slightly narrowed or diverging upper edge of the saucer.

  • For champagne

Devices for sparkling wine in appearance resemble goblets of victors of the past. Only they are made mainly of glass or crystal. Such a saucer-glass has a stable, wide, small leg; a small bottom, low sides and a wide diameter of the top edge.This form of device allows champagne to more fully reveal its taste and deliver maximum pleasure.

  • For pistachios

This type of twin saucers is quite new, but already very popular. It consists of two objects, identical in shape but different in size. The smaller one is for pistachios or seeds, and the larger one is for shells. Such saucers-stands are made either from wood or from ceramics.

raw material

For the manufacture of saucers, depending on their application, various natural materials and their mixtures with artificial additives are used.

So, for products of tea, coffee ceremonies, it is used:

  • porcelain,
  • faience,
  • high quality ceramics
  • glass or glass ceramics.

For other types of devices, as well as their decorative representatives, the following is used:

  • clay,
  • glass,
  • crystal,
  • wood,
  • metal.


This is the highest quality and most expensive material. It provides the product with a snow-white color, a smooth surface, some transparency and thinness of the walls. Porcelain saucers on the consumer market are presented in a wide range and are included in exclusive, unique and elegant gift sets or sets.

Products from this material come in various models:

  • with round, smooth edge and surface;
  • with embossed edge;
  • with a wavy surface;
  • with a relief pattern on the outer edge;
  • square, oval or other shape.

Porcelain objects, as a rule, have a minimal pattern or ornament, since the main focus is on the very form and quality of the instruments.


This material is in second place in terms of cost and quality characteristics after porcelain.Additives from other components that do not contradict quality standards give faience objects greater strength and increased purchasing power.

Dishes made of this material have a less wide range than those made of porcelain. It does not contain a variety of relief options, and the bulk of the products are products with smooth, round edges and surfaces with an unpretentious, simple pattern or ornament.

According to the size range, the product is divided into:

  • saucers for jam (from 90 to 100 mm);
  • standard tea utensils (from 135 to 140 mm);
  • tea items of medium size (from 150 to 155 mm).


The most common utensils are made from this material. In terms of quality, ceramics are close to porcelain and faience, but with the help of additional ingredients and special technological processes. Saucers, like other devices made of this material, are very popular in public drinking establishments due to their budgetary cost and stereotype. It is rare to see an artistic drawing or ornament on ceramic products, since their main part is made in a standard white color. For this reason, there is no need to buy a whole set of items to replace one broken device, but you can only purchase a separate product that matches the shape and size.


Recently, durable dark glass utensils have burst into modern society and quickly gained popularity among consumers. Diverse in shape, size, design of the underside, they have become attributes of almost every family.

The production of glass saucers is divided into two options:

  • blown,
  • pressed.

Blown products are made of homogeneous colorless glass mass or lead glass (crystal). They have an exceptionally smooth, even, shiny surface and thin walls. The outer side of the crystal devices is made out only with patterns of high complexity.

A distinctive feature of pressed saucers is the thickness of the walls of the products. They are much thicker than blown ones. In turn, the process of manufacturing pressed objects is divided into two methods:

  • manual,
  • mechanized.

During manual pressing, the dishes require additional processing, which consists in reheating and rolling. After such a procedure, the walls become much thinner, and the gloss of the surface also increases. If the model provides for the application of a pattern, then it is carried out in the process of molding the product according to the ornament on the surface of the press.

Unlike tea saucers, jam containers are decorated not with a pattern, but with the introduction of colored inclusions into the glass mass, as a result of which the products acquire light light shades:

  • pink,
  • violet,
  • blue,
  • green.

To extend the life of such glass products, manufacturers recommend following some simple rules:

  • Wash the surface with a pattern with a brush dipped in soda.
  • Avoid abrupt movement of appliances from hot to cold water.


Products made from this material are mainly used for decorative purposes. Most often they are made in folk style, emphasizing ethnicity. Such objects decorate the walls in a room to create a common interior or serve as a decor for museum expositions to enhance the ethnic orientation of a particular exhibition material.

Depending on the quality of the raw materials and the method of processing, such items can be used for their intended purpose. If there are several such items and they are harmoniously combined with other elements of the set or service, then such a composition may well serve for a family tea party.


Wooden saucers are purely decorative. Of particular value are devices decorated with an exclusive artistic drawing of the master and presented as a gift or souvenir.

Also, these items are great for serving as coasters for all kinds of spices, spices or flavored sticks.

Rating of the best saucer sets for 2025

According to connoisseurs and lovers of varieties of dinnerware sets, as well as sellers of stores of the corresponding category, the following companies with their products have reached the leading levels of quality and popularity.



This set of saucers is made by the largest Czech company Klasterec-Thun, which specializes in the production of high quality porcelain tableware. It was this company that made the famous Tun service in 1794. After many years, the level of quality and excellent design are at the highest level. Klasterec-Thun products are exported to various countries of the world and are in rather high demand. Many members of the governments and elites of world states have in their possession the inventions of the famous Czech company.

The set includes 6 high-quality porcelain saucers with a diameter of 155 mm.

Unprinted gold, platinum or silver items can be used in the dishwasher and microwave.

Saucer Bernadotte
  • high quality production;
  • safe composition;
  • sophistication and uniqueness;
  • the possibility of using products without a pattern in kitchen appliances.
  • high price.

"Anna Amalia"

For two centuries, the products of the German company Weimar Porzellan have been distinguished by the highest quality and craftsmanship. The very concept of "German quality" for the masters of this brand has a special meaning and meaning. All products of this manufacturer are made by hand, according to special ancient technologies, which provide the product with magnificent elegance and snow-white color. Thanks to a special glaze recipe that covers the product, it retains its original quality and glossy smooth surface for a long time.

The set "Anna Amalia" is designed for 6 persons and consists of round saucers with a diameter of 150 mm, decorated around the edge with decorative gilded flowers.

Products of this company without decorating with a pattern can be used in microwave appliances and dishwashers.

saucers Anna Amalia
  • exclusivity of each set;
  • high level of quality;
  • handmade;
  • great decor.
  • high price.

Maria Gold

This set is the "brainchild" of the Chinese manufacturing company "Lenardi". Products of this brand are especially recognizable in the Russian markets. They are distinguished by their unique melody, thin-walled composition and whiteness. It is also worth noting the lower cost of goods in relation to previous brands. But it also depends on the quality of the raw materials (the degree of presence of white clay in the raw mass), from which the products are made. All Lenardi cutlery is exquisite and unique. They will truly become an adornment of any festive table and satisfy the most stringent requirements of connoisseurs of tea utensils.

The Maria Gold set is designed for 6 persons. The parameters of each item are 130 x 35 mm. Saucers are decorated with gilding in various variations.

Maria Gold saucers
  • high quality goods;
  • value for money;
  • sophistication and sophistication;
  • original decor.
  • not identified.

"Yuvel" (blue)

Another masterpiece of the German company "Weimar Porzellan" is the presented model. Impeccable quality, high-quality porcelain, unique technologies, "golden" hands of craftsmen create truly magnificent items. The products of this brand are known all over the world and enjoy high popularity among consumers in Europe, America and the Middle East. Weimar Porzellan values ​​its name very much and places high demands on its employees. High responsibility and understanding of one's own importance in the process of making masterpieces stimulate masters to create more and more new inventions.

A set of saucers "Yuvel" (blue) includes 6 items, 130 mm in diameter, with gold decor.

saucers Yuvel "(blue)
  • the highest degree of quality;
  • uniqueness;
  • thoughtful design;
  • original design.
  • quite high price.

"Cream Gold"

The young German company Falkenporzellan, founded only 20 years ago, thanks to the diligence and hard work of its founders, has rapidly increased its production and entered the world market. Using high quality porcelain, advanced equipment, unique technologies, as well as showing care and thoroughness in the preparation and development of product design, she became known in many countries of the world.Even many collectors liked the products of this brand.

Using the classic form of devices, but manually decorated with expensive materials in the form of platinum and gold, manufacturers achieve the perfection of their ideas.

The presented set "Crem Gold" is one of the magnificent products of this company. It is designed for 6 persons. Each product is decorated with gilded decor.

This company's products are not intended for use in a microwave oven or dishwasher.

Saucers Cream Gold
  • high quality;
  • elegance and uniqueness of decor;
  • the use of expensive materials for decoration;
  • thoughtful design.
  • not found.

Constanza Cream Imperial Gold

This set model is also a representative of the previous company. It is declared in the amount of 6 pieces, with a diameter of 150 mm. Such a set will decorate any feast and add solemnity even to everyday tea drinking. The classical shape of the devices, decorated with ornate gilded ornaments, gives greatness and pomposity to the products. "Constanza Crem Imperial Gold" is a great gift option for any occasion.

saucers Constanza Crem Imperial Gold
  • unsurpassed quality;
  • timeless classics in expensive decor;
  • versatility of application.
  • not detected.


The production of unique utensils by the Japanese company Narumi dates back to the 20th century. But for more than 50 years they settled on the domestic market, providing the wealthy segments of the population with magnificent, sophisticated handmade services.After the complete saturation of its own market, these products began to be exported to the countries of the world, where they gained well-deserved popularity. During its existence, the company has tirelessly maintained a high quality brand, and its dishes are a symbol of luxury and wealth. Numerous prestigious hotels and restaurants treat their visitors to the devices of the Japanese brand "Narumi".

The set consists of 6 items, 160 mm in diameter. Undecorated dishes can be used in the microwave and dishwasher.

Saucers Forte
  • bone china;
  • original design;
  • rich and luxurious look;
  • can be used in kitchen equipment.
  • high price.


"Arnstadt Palais"

A repeated winner of international exhibitions is the German factory "Arnstadt Kristall", "giving birth" to the light of unique masterpieces from elite crystal. Devices made of this material are of excellent quality and magnificence. Many years of painstaking work and accumulated invaluable experience improve the manufacturing technology and increase the uniqueness of the produced masterpieces. In this production, along with modern equipment and advanced technologies, ancient glass blowing is also used, which makes the brand unsurpassed. The special types of crystal polishing used give the product an unusual and wonderful brilliance. Additional gold-plated appliances look even more luxurious and richer. Packed in a beautiful box, any product of this company will make a wonderful gift option for loved ones and loved ones.

This product cannot be used in the microwave and dishwasher.

saucers Arnstadt Palais
  • uniqueness;
  • high-grade crystal;
  • magnificent decor;
  • wonderful design.
  • not identified.

Buying a beautiful set of kitchen utensils is not so difficult. The main thing is not to be mistaken with its quality. With a large number of fakes, finding a real exclusive option is quite difficult. Therefore, experts do not recommend purchasing such goods in spontaneous markets or trading floors, but it is better to contact experienced consultants in specialized stores. And additional acquaintance with the information presented in this article will enrich knowledge in this matter and concretize the search circle.

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