
  1. How to choose a music school?
  2. Why send your child to a music school?
  3. The best music schools in Rostov-on-Don
  4. Choice of musical instrument

Rating of the best music schools in Rostov-on-Don in 2025

Rating of the best music schools in Rostov-on-Don in 2025

The development of creativity and talents of the child is always of interest to parents. Do you dream that your child will grow up to be a famous musician? In fact, every child is born with creative abilities. What can help uncover them? For these purposes, there are various educational schools in the city.

In Rostov-on-Don, there are a large number of educational institutions where children of different ages are taught to play musical instruments. For adults who are interested in their own development, the following list of the best music schools in Rostov-on-Don will help you choose an institution.

How to choose a music school?

How to choose the best school for children? The collected material will tell you what schools are, what to look for.

  1. Price. The type of educational institution affects the cost of classes. The average price for education depends on the expenses that will be spent on the student.
  2. Location. Schools are so conveniently located in the districts that there is no need to spend a lot of time on the road. You can find the address on the map.

You need to start studying at the beginning of the school year. Therefore, it is worth worrying in advance about the documents that will be required for admission. Acceptance of documents to the school begins at the end of the school year. All important information is contained on the boards in the room, the websites of organizations.

Having decided to send the baby to a music school, carefully study the teaching staff. The teacher plays an important role in learning. This is the person who transfers knowledge. The best way to find out is to take a trial class.

Why send your child to a music school?

Why teach a child music if there are no plans for further development in this area? Do you hear similar questions from others? Let's try to understand them.

At all times, children from aristocratic families were taught creative disciplines. Classes contribute to the development of volitional abilities. The persistence with which the young talent studies the subject can only be envied. To achieve certain results, you will have to work hard. At the same time, memory and thinking develop. You will need to memorize notes, text or movements, their sequence. Playing instruments develops activity, children's fingers, coordination, dexterity of movements.

Attending classes opens up new opportunities, increases the circle of friends. Constant communication with peers or elders broadens one's horizons. This will significantly affect the future life of the child. After all, in everyday life you constantly have to contact other people, often even strangers. The child will not feel embarrassment, constraint, fear. Singing in a choir helps prevent colds. There is a training of breathing, expansion of the diaphragm.

Choreography forms a beautiful posture, back muscles are strengthened.

Do you know that one of the skills for IT-specialists, programmers when applying for a job is knowledge of music.

An interesting fact is that music brings up a real man in a boy, strong in spirit, strength, endows with compassion and patience.

Let the above arguments inspire the development of creativity in the child.

With many advantages, you should consider the downside. Try not to impose classes at school. Otherwise, the child will resist attending classes, in every possible way will begin to come up with excuses. Combine classes with walks on the street, children playing in the yard, then you will quietly find that interest in studying at a music school will appear.

Vocal therapy can be singled out among modern methodological courses. The uniqueness lies in the fact that thanks to sound vibrations a person copes with mental disorders, fears, depression. Improves mood, the state of internal organs.

The best music schools in Rostov-on-Don

We give an overview, a brief description, contact details of musical institutions.

Children's Music School named after M.F. Gnesin, Rostov-on-Don

The oldest school among other general educational institutions is located in the Proletarsky district of the city. It was founded by the famous composer, teacher M.F. Gnessin. To date, all traditions in the field of education have been preserved.

  • 10 departments;
  • 75 experienced teachers;
  • the best general education program.
  • possible denial of admission.

Rostov-on-Don, Komsomolsk street, 6
☎+8 (863) 251-37-22

Children's Music School No. 10 named after S.S. Prokofiev, Rostov-on-Don

A school with a high level of accreditation has existed since the late 90s. Among the graduates are laureates of All-Russian regional and city competitions and festivals. Training is conducted by teachers with many years of experience, artists of the Philharmonic Society, the Musical Theater.

The school provides training in the following departments:

  1. piano;
  2. folk (accordion, button accordion, folk singing);
  3. vocal and choral;
  4. musical-theoretical;
  5. synthesizer;
  6. pop-jazz.
  • The school holds the title of the best musical institution.
  • not detected.

Rostov-on-Don, st. Patsaeva, 5
☎ +8 (863) 235-96-66

Children's Music School named after M.M. Ippolitova-Ivanova

The fame of the institution extends far beyond Rostov-on-Don and Russia. Among the teachers are graduates of the school. The training program includes author's unique techniques.This is evidenced by the collections for piano issued in the printing house, anthologies for balalaika players.

Main courses:

  1. piano;
  2. string/folk/wind and percussion instruments;
  3. solo singing;
  4. music in theory.
  • the park of musical instruments was replenished at the school;
  • young musicians learn to play modern models.
  • not enough parking space

Rostov-on-Don, st. Serafimovich, 96
☎+8 (863)240-18-65, (863)262-07-46

Children's Music School named after P.I. Tchaikovsky

The musical institution, founded during the war years and consisting of 5 classes, today has the title of the best educational institution in the city. More than 85 experienced teachers, 7 departments where students can choose any of 24 specialties. There are orchestras, which include various types of instruments (folk, symphonic), including the choir of senior and junior classes.

The structure consists of departments:

  1. piano;
  2. orchestral;
  3. string-plucked;
  4. folk;
  5. pop;
  6. solo singing;
  7. theoretical.

Graduates who have opted for a musical profession work in schools, philharmonic societies, theaters throughout the country, beyond its borders.

  • in the children's music school, all conditions for the creative development of students have been created;
  • teachers are proficient in modern teaching methods;
  • take courses to improve their skills;
  • shift work schedule, individual or group lessons.
  • not detected.

Rostov-on-Don, Voroshilovsky Ave., 34/125
☎+8 (863) 240-79-67; 267-98-88

Children's Music School named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov

Music school teachers ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov teach children music, adhering to the system of an individual approach to each student.Professionalism, the experience of teachers, modern methods allow graduates to become a holistic, developed personality in the field of music.

Main departments:

  1. piano;
  2. string/folk/percussion/wind instruments;
  3. choreography;
  4. solo;
  5. theatrical, folklore art.

A special role is given to collective music-making: choirs, orchestras, ensembles. There are competitions among students.
Among the famous graduates: Vladimir Edzhik, professor, founded the Don Brass Band. Andrey Pisarev - Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of competitions. Pavel Klinichev - conductor of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia. Sergey Zhigunov - Honored Artist of Russia, actor, producer.

  • the school is located in a new building of three floors;
  • equipped with modern furniture and tools.
  • not detected.

Rostov-on-Don, st. Serzhantova, 10
☎+8 (632) 254-79-33

Rostov State Conservatory named after S. V. Rachmaninov

Rostov State Conservatory S.V. Rachmaninov offers to get a specialized musical education, to learn the science of music. 6 faculties, 17 departments train future professional musicians. Every year, graduates achieve recognition in countries such as Italy, Spain, Germany, USA, Switzerland, Japan and others.

The conservatory offers to receive:

  1. secondary professional (piano, orchestral strings, wind, percussion instruments, folk orchestra instruments);
  2. higher education.

Higher education can be obtained in the following types of art: pop, instrumental, theatrical, vocal, folk singing, musicology and applied music, conducting, the art of concert performance, artistic direction of the opera and symphony orchestra and academic choir, musical sound engineering, musicology, composition, production , art criticism, the art of musical and instrumental performance, the art of composition.

  • the highest level of education;
  • professional teaching staff.
  • not detected.

Rostov-on-Don, Budennovsky Ave., 23
☎+7 (863) 262 36-14, +7 (863) 262 35-84

Rostov College of Arts

Rostov College has been opening its doors to new applicants for more than 115 years. During this time, the name, status, location changed.

The college teaches the following arts:

  1. piano;
  2. orchestral strings/winds/percussion instruments;
  3. folk orchestra instruments;
  4. vocals;
  5. solo and choral folk singing;
  6. choral conducting;
  7. musical art of variety;
  8. theoretical knowledge about music;
  9. ballet;
  10. department of general education / humanitarian / socio-economic disciplines.

College graduates: Kim Nazaretov, professor of pop and jazz music, Elena Obraztsova, opera singer, Nikolai Sorokin, People's Artist of Russia, Alexander Polyanichko, conductor of the Mariinsky Theater.

  • the popularity rating of the school is quite high;
  • ranked in the top 100 schools.
  • paid education system;
  • tiled floors;
  • there is no gym.

Rostov-on-Don, per. Semashko, 132/141b
☎+7 (863) 232-28-90

Children's Art School No. 7 named after. G.M. Balaeva

The school adheres to traditions aimed at developing talents in children, contributes to the development of morality and spirituality.

At the very beginning of development in the 70s, the school had several departments: piano, strings, folk instruments. Thanks to the professionalism of the teachers, the prestige of the educational institution has grown many times over.

The educational program includes modern methods, optimal forms of education. Children learn the world of music, visual, theatrical art.

The school has departments:

  1. keyboard/folk/bowed/percussion/wind instruments;
  2. solo/choral singing;
  3. folklore;
  4. choreography.
  • professionalism of the teaching staff.
  • among the teachers are young graduates.

Rostov-on-Don, md. Western, Communist Ave., 13
☎+7 (863) 222 07-71, +7 (863) 222 07-70

Music school for children and adults "Solo"

The main activities include courses:

  1. vocals;
  2. playing the piano/guitar;
  3. vocal therapy;
  4. recording studio.
  • training is carried out individually;
  • flexible work schedule;
  • even if you don't know how to sing today, tomorrow you will start doing it;
  • convenient location allows you to get from anywhere in the city;
  • budgetary prices for education;
  • accepting children from 2 years old.
  • not detected.

Rostov-on-Don, Kirovsky Ave., 51/1
☎+7 (950) 848-60-55, +7 (863) 273-34-01

Music school for adults and children "Virtuosos"

Virtuosi is a world-famous institution in Russia. The staff is staffed by professionals in their field. This is evidenced by master classes, open lessons, concert performances.

The private music school offers courses:

  1. solfeggio;
  2. academic vocal;
  3. piano;
  4. acoustic/electro/bass guitar;
  5. saxophone;
  6. accordion / button accordion;
  7. percussion instruments;
  8. pop-jazz vocals;
  9. oratory;
  10. beatbox;
  11. ukulele.
  • you can try your musical abilities at the first free lesson;
  • individual lessons with students at a convenient time;
  • techniques that combine classics and modernity;
  • the opportunity to demonstrate skills on the stage of the school;
  • recording a song in his own performance.
  • cancellations are possible.

Address: Rostov-on-Don, per. Dolomanovsky, 55a
☎ +7 (863) 279-65-09

Children's Art School No. 8

The activity of the school is aimed at obtaining additional education in the field of culture, as well as further admission to higher institutions.

Branches open for applicants:

  1. piano;
  2. folk/string/bow/wind/percussion instruments;
  3. solo singing;
  4. art;
  5. choreography;
  6. theatrical art.
  • the school building is new;
  • spacious classrooms;
  • experienced teachers.
  • not detected.

Rostov-on-Don, avenue 40th anniversary of Victory 65/15
☎+7 (863) 210-20-21

Music school for children and adults "Maestro"

"Maestro" will turn your passion for music into a professional activity. Professional teachers select an individual training program for each student. Flexible working hours will allow you to choose the most suitable time for classes. Go to the site, leave a request for a free trial lesson. The application will be processed as soon as possible, wait for a call. The best feedback left after training is the best reward for teachers. Give your friends a gift certificate for music lessons.

Offers the following courses:

  1. vocals;
  2. vocal therapy;
  3. playing instruments (guitar, piano, synthesizer, violin);
  4. theoretical course.
  • free trial lesson;
  • students take part in competitions, concerts;
  • recording studio rental.
  • not detected.

G.Rostov-on-Don, Voroshilovsky Ave., 12/85
☎+7 (988) 536 10-10, +7 (918) 554 00-91

Choice of musical instrument

Studying at school requires the presence of their own musical instrument. What selection criteria are taken into account when buying? What are the popular models?

Among the variety, it is quite difficult to figure out which tool is better to buy. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing, pay attention to the main characteristics, functionality, popularity of manufacturers.

Before going to the store, study the rating of quality instruments of the chosen direction, but at the beginning of your musical career, buy inexpensive instruments, and if you continue at a higher level, the criteria for choosing an instrument will be tougher. Familiarize yourself with each function in advance.

Which company is better to buy inventory? Recommendations and advice from experts will help in resolving this issue. Talk to your teacher about this topic. Specify how much the price of the proposed equipment costs. Very often, the best manufacturers in stores offer discounts.

Let music become one of the best and favorite activities in life!

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