Many children show a talent for music at an early age. It is very important to discover and develop these abilities in time, to enable the child's talent to open up. In order for the first musical experience to leave positive impressions and not discourage all the desire of the child to continue to develop in this direction, you need to pay special attention to the choice of a music school or a private teacher.
Professional musicians recommend choosing a specialized institution where adults and children are taught by teachers with many years of experience, accumulated material, and unique methods of work.
First of all, learning should bring joy and satisfaction from the work done, so before choosing a musical institution, you need to decide on the direction that the child is interested in, find out what classes are, study the reviews, advice and recommendations of parents and choose the best teacher, after all, the desire of the future musician to continue his studies will depend on him.
This article will compile a rating of the best music schools in Perm for 2025 with a study of the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. We will also consider what to look for when choosing a music school in order not to make mistakes when choosing and not turn your child away from music.
Address: Perm, st. Ekaterininskaya, 71, 1st floor
Phone: ☎+7 (342) 237-74-18.
Working hours: Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 18:00, Saturday 09:00 to 17:00, Sunday is a day off.
Official website on the Internet:
The history of the college has almost 100 years - it was founded in 1924. During this period, the institution produced hundreds of talented musicians, singers, performers, and became famous throughout the Urals. It trains specialists on the basis of basic, general, secondary education.
The form of education is full-time, with a period of 3 years 10 months. Training is offered in the following specialties:
In addition to the main program, the institution conducts a variety of advanced training and retraining courses. Students are paid a scholarship depending on their grades, and nonresident students are provided with a hostel. Graduates studying on a free form of education have the opportunity to find a job in musical institutions, schools, kindergartens, colleges in the city and region.
According to the feedback of the students, the level of professional training of students is at a high level, the teachers are experienced and able to find an approach to each student. Many individual disciplines have been developed, where each student can show their creative abilities. The school has an interesting social life - various competitions, concerts are held, projects are being developed.
The exterior of the building is well-groomed, while inside there is devastation, most of the offices and corridors require major repairs.
Address: Perm, sh. Cosmonauts, 205a.
Phone:☎ +7 (342) 226-03-07.
Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 18:00, Saturday, Sunday - day off.
Official website on the Internet:
The main direction of the institution is teaching children from 1 to 18 years of age music.There are several directions, ranked by age groups of children:
Many creative groups have been organized at the school: the exemplary choir group "Inspiration", the concert choir of boys, the orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Serpentin", the guitar ensemble "Rainbow", the violin ensemble "Violino", the chamber orchestra "Serenade", pop instrumental ensembles "Vernissage" and “Girls”, piano duets, cello ensembles “Melody”, etc.
Students have a rich creative life - constant performances at various venues in the city. All students take part in various festivals, competitions not only in Perm, but also in all districts of the region.
Address: Perm, st. Shvetsova, 50.
Phone:☎ +7 342 244-32-55.
Working hours: Monday-Saturday from 08:00 to 20:00, Sunday is a day off.
Official website on the Internet:
The convenient location of the educational institution - in the very center of the city of Perm, experienced and professional teaching staff have won wide popularity among music lovers.
About 600 children study at the school every year.Students of the institution constantly participate in various concerts and events of the city, regional and world scale. Many students have awards won at world famous competitions.
Training is conducted in the following areas:
The school has many awards, including the medal "National Treasure of Russia", the title of winner of the All-Russian competition "50 Children's Art Schools". Five teachers of the institution have the title of "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation".
The institution constantly holds competitions and projects between students, the most interesting of them are: Young Virtuoso (violinists and cellists participate), Conversations at the piano. Children to Children, Magical Instruments (separately conducted for stringed bowed instruments (violin, cello) and stringed plucked instruments (guitar, domra)), Tender Mama (musical concerts for mothers and babies), etc.
In addition to free classes, additional electives are organized at the school. How much each of them costs can be found on the institution's website. The average price of classes is 3,000 - 4,000 rubles per month. The cost of training is calculated based on the teaching load for the whole year, discounts are not provided. Recalculation of the cost is carried out only in case of illness upon presentation of the relevant document.
The institution has a convenient website, on the map of which it is easy to find all the information of interest - the plan and rules for admission, areas of study, organized competitions, contacts, an application form for paid classes, etc.The functionality of the site allows you to change the font size and other characteristics to improve visibility for visually impaired people.
Address: Perm, st. Petropavlovskaya, 59, 1st floor.
Phone:☎ +7 342 207-02-06.
Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00.
Official website on the Internet:
The Virtuosa Network is one of the few private schools in Russia that teaches music. Both a child and an adult with any level of musical skills and abilities can sign up for classes here.
The institution conducts both group and individual lessons in the following areas: piano, acoustic and electric guitar, pop and classical vocals, button accordion, accordion, violin, flute, drum, saxophone. Has its own recording studio. Free group solfeggio classes are held.
Those who know how to play musical instruments well will be interested in performances in ensembles organized by the studio. You can show your skills at monthly concerts held at different venues in the city. At each concert, professional photographers take photos and videos, all the footage is distributed free of charge to the artists.
For children, educational activities are organized, which can be held together with their parents.Toddlers are invited to classes, starting from 3-4 years of age. At this age, children will be most interested in singing (vocal). In rare cases, if the child wishes, you can try piano lessons. From the age of 4-5, children become interested in such musical instruments as a flute, ukulele. Also, children of this age love to practice vocals and play the drum kit. From the age of 6-7, groups of children are recruited to learn to play the piano, violin, guitar, and drum set. After changing the front teeth at 8-9 years old, you can start learning to play the orchestral flute and saxophone.
The studio's regular customers will be interested in the loyalty program, which provides for a monthly discount on the subscription price, which reaches 10% if the continuous training period is six months or more.
In order for the future student to evaluate the teaching methodology and immerse himself in the atmosphere of the studio school, a free first trial lesson is offered. Experienced teachers will advise which brand of musical instrument is better to buy, and how to properly tune it to get the best sound.
Address: Perm, st. Sokolskaya, 8.
Phone:☎ +7 342 253-34-63.
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 08:00-20:00, Saturday 09:00-15:00, Sunday closed.
Official website on the Internet:
The RONDO children's school continues the rating of institutions providing quality services for obtaining musical knowledge. The educational institution is located in the Sudozavodsk microdistrict and serves not only it, but also the nearby villages - Kirovsky, Vodniki, Novye Vodniki.
The institution has developed general educational and pre-professional programs. General education: piano, 5-year-old piano, academic vocals, general musical development, studying the basics of musical art. Pre-professional: solfeggio, music history, musical literature, piano, violin, cello, violin, flute, saxophone, clarinet, balalaika, domra, guitar, accordion, bayan, choir.
Children are accepted for training, starting from the age of 3 - a group of "General musical development" is organized for them. Children 7-9 years old are recruited into groups with an 8-year period of study free of charge in piano, violin, domra, cello, balalaika, button accordion, accordion, saxophone and clarinet. Children 9-12 years old can be trained on a paid basis in the class of guitar, button accordion, accordion, flute, vocals. Children of all ages and adults can sign up for lessons on learning to play any instrument for a fee.
Scholarships are provided for talented students. There are several types of them: from the administration of the city of Perm "Young Talent", the nominal award of A.I. Motrich and N.M. Roslyakova, as well as the annual school scholarship of the MAU DO "DMSh No. 8" Bravo ".
According to the feedback of students and their parents, only professional teachers work in this school, who put their soul into teaching children, and sincerely worry about the result. School students constantly participate in various competitions and win awards. Among them: the "Golden Certificate" of the Children's School of Art "Code of Mastery", diplomas of the Regional Tour of the Festival of Arts for Children and Youth of the Perm Territory, an open city competition for the youngest musicians "Music of Poems and Sounds".
Address: Perm, st. Uralskaya, 109.
Phone:☎ +7 342 60-34-39.
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 08:00-20:00, Sunday is a day off.
Official website on the Internet:
The educational institution is named after Evgeny Pavlovich Krylatov, a Russian composer who wrote music for more than 140 films and cartoons. Previously, it was the children's music school №2. This school has an almost 100-year history, and released from its walls many talented musicians, singers and composers, among them A. Nemtin, D. Batin, O. Izotova, E. Zayakin, and others.
Here, children are trained in the following specialties: piano, violin, cello, flute, button accordion, accordion, synthesizer, guitar, domra, balalaika, choral department.
Group classes are organized in the following forms: the exemplary academic choir "Mlada", the bayan and accordion orchestra "Prikamskaya Fantasy", ensembles of violinists and cellists, flutists, domrists, guitarists, instrumental duets, trios and ensembles.
Toddlers are invited to general musical development groups and a preparatory class, starting at the age of 4.5 years.
On the Internet, the school has its own website, which is conveniently organized. On it you can find out all the information of interest, download the application form, or contact the administration through the feedback tab. Here you can find out the number of vacancies for students.
The cost of paid services is low: choir department - 1,000 rubles per month, individual training in playing a musical instrument, solo singing or theoretical disciplines - 1,500 rubles / month, general musical development group - from 2,000 to 2,300 rubles / month ., preparatory class - from 2,800 to 3,200 rubles / month, pre-professional program - 3,400 rubles / month.
Choosing a music school for a child is not an easy task, and it must be approached responsibly. First of all, you need to pay attention to the wishes of the child in choosing a musical instrument, teacher, team, because it is he who will have to study musical science. It is important that he likes what he does, because often the ambitions of parents do not coincide with the desire of the child, because of which the latter has an aversion to music, which does not at all contribute to successful studies.
Before deciding on a music school, we recommend that you communicate not only with the teacher, but also with the parents of the students studying in his group. As a rule, they can tell about the nature and methods of teaching the teacher, as well as how the students feel about him.
If it is possible to educate a child for a fee, it is better to send him to a private school, which does not have a strict program and the attitude towards students is more loyal. In such institutions, they try to interest the child, and not “pressure” him with grades.