
  1. What is a motor pump?
  2. Types of water pumps
  3. Criterias of choice
  4. The best motor pumps for water
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best water pumps for 2025

Rating of the best water pumps for 2025

Having a cottage or a house in the private sector, we get a lot of positive things. For example, the opportunity to have your own garden, enjoy the fresh air, fry kebabs on the weekends. But in parallel with this, there are disadvantages, the main of which is water, or rather its absence. Not everywhere there is a central water supply, and the purity of water sometimes leaves much to be desired. It is possible to deal with this problem. This is where a water pump comes in handy. This device is a pump that pumps liquids. And his work is based on an internal combustion engine. Therefore, it will be possible to obtain water regardless of the source of the power grid.

What is a motor pump?

The motor pump is a pump with a metal frame, running on gasoline or diesel. You can also find electric or gas models.

Motor pumps powered by electricity are not widely used, since their range is not large, and there may also be problems with the availability of electricity. Such variants of devices are usually used for pumping liquid indoors, where exhaust gases cannot be allowed to appear.

In the design of any motor pumps, two short tubes are provided, where the sleeves are connected. Liquid is pumped into one sleeve, and output from the other. It is also worth noting the metal frame or frame, which protects the device from vibration during operation.

During operation of the appliance, dirty water enters the inner chamber through the liquid suction hose. In this chamber, the wheel rotates due to the operation of the motor. At this moment, the centrifugal force begins to act on the liquid, increasing its pressure and throwing it against the walls of the inner chamber. And as a consequence, the liquid is pushed out through the second sleeve.

Types of water pumps

The main distinguishing feature of this device is the type of engine. For short work and relatively infrequent use, gasoline motor pumps are used. Such units can be used in any weather conditions, and even at negative temperatures. If a gasoline motor pump has a high pressure, then it can even be used to extinguish a fire. The operation of such equipment does not require additional knowledge and skills. But we should not forget that it must be turned on at least once a month. Otherwise, it will be necessary to completely change the fuel, otherwise the unit may not start working.

Diesel-powered devices are more efficient and more economical to use. Due to this quality, they can be used for a longer period of time. It is also worth noting that they can be in standby mode for up to six months. At the same time, as in gasoline, they do not need to be turned on periodically, or to replace the fuel. But diesel units are usually operated only in temperature conditions from +5 to +30 degrees. In the cold season, it will not work with them. Also, during their work there will be a large output of exhaust gases, which can adversely affect the state of health.

In addition to the type of engine, these devices differ in the type of tasks being solved. It depends on the type of liquid and the degree of contamination. To work with pumping clean water, units with a small capacity, having a two-stroke engine, are used. They have a fine mesh filter and are mobile. Also, high-pressure motor pumps are used for water with small impurities or, if it is necessary to supply it to high floors or long distances. This option is very heavy, so it does not have much mobility. If it is necessary to pump heavily contaminated water or a rather thick liquid, devices with a diaphragm motor are used. This option is characterized by high power and very heavy weight.

Criterias of choice

Before buying this unit for working with water, you should decide on the tasks that you are going to solve with the help of a motor pump. Since the device is responsible for pumping liquid, you need to pay attention to performance. Those. how much liquid the unit can pump in one minute.When using the device for watering the garden, about 200 liters per minute will suffice. If the motor pump will be used to collect water from flooded premises or a pool, then a capacity of up to 1000 liters per minute is suitable here. For use in the construction industry or pumping water from reservoirs, a motor pump with a capacity of at least 1500 liters per minute should be taken. Also, the performance of the device is affected by the diameter of the nozzles where the sleeve is connected. The larger the diameter, the faster the process will proceed.

The next criterion that requires attention is pressure. This parameter can also be called the height of the water column. It should be borne in mind that 1 meter in height will be 10 times higher than this value in a horizontal position. For example, if the pressure is 10 meters, then it will be able to supply water at a distance of about 100 meters.

The suction depth is also an important parameter, given that the device itself will be on the surface. If the motor pump is used for domestic purposes, 7 or 9 meters will be enough.

The motor power of these units ranges from 2 to 12 kW. If the device is needed for irrigation, a small motor power will be enough. If you plan to pump out thick and viscous liquids, you should purchase models with high motor power.

Pay attention to the amount of fuel consumed per hour of work. For devices with high performance and high motor power, this parameter will be higher. It is usually considered normal if a household unit consumes about one liter of fuel per hour.

The best motor pumps for water

Hummer MTP165

Such a device for pumping water will be a useful acquisition for people who have a summer cottage or a garden. "Hummer MTP165" works with clean and slightly polluted water. Suitable for garden watering or pool filling/draining.

With the "Hummer MTP165" you can overtake up to 7800 liters per hour. The suction depth is 8 meters, while its pressure is 30 meters in height. This will be enough to provide water for a house of several floors.

The motor-pump has a reliable and strong metal frame which is established on the rubberized legs. Thanks to this, unnecessary vibration will not be created during operation, and the device will stand steadily throughout the entire operation process. The main parts of the Hummer MTP165 are made of metal that does not corrode and is also resistant to mechanical stress. An air filter is provided to protect the mechanism from dust or solid particles. Thanks to the modern ventilation system, you should not worry about overheating of the unit.

"Hummer MTP165" has a two-stroke engine, the volume of which is 43 cc. while the volume of the fuel tank is one liter. This device works from a mixture of gasoline and two-stroke oil. The proportions should be 25 to 1. A canister is included in the kit to prepare the necessary fuel mixture.

The average cost is 8400 rubles.

Hummer MTP165
  • Light weight;
  • Has good water pressure
  • Convenient management;
  • The best option for watering the garden.
  • For operation, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of gasoline and oil.

Champion GP27-II

"Champion GP27-II" is a household appliance that is lightweight and compact in size. But despite this, it has excellent performance.

"Champion GP27-II" has a two-stroke engine, the volume of which is 32.6 cm3, while its power is 900 watts.It should be noted that the maximum productivity of the device is 133 l / min., while the pressure head is 30 m. Therefore, such a unit can be easily used both for irrigation and for filling large containers with water.

The design of Champion GP27-II has no frame, for the stability of the device there are metal legs. It also does not make a lot of noise during operation and has a system for damping vibration. Thanks to this, you can safely be near the device during operation and not experience discomfort.

The Champion GP27-II size is 37*39*28 cm and weight is 7 kg. In this case, the volume of the fuel tank is 0.95 liters.

The average cost is 6400 rubles.

Champion GP27-II
  • It works silently and has a vibration damping system;
  • Compact size and light weight;
  • Good performance for home use.
  • It has no frame, it is installed only on legs.

Huter MP-50

This motor pump is designed for pumping clean or water with a small amount of pollution. The Huter MP-50 is powered by a 5.5 HP gasoline engine and a centrifugal pump. With it, in one minute you can overtake up to 600 liters of water. Moreover, the suction depth can be up to 8 meters, and the head height - 32 meters.

It is worth noting that the engine of this model is four-stroke and has one cylinder, while it has an overhead valve layout. The tank can hold almost 4 liters of gasoline, while the device has an economical fuel consumption, which together gives a long continuous operation of the device. "Huter MP-50" has a metal frame, it gives stability during operation, protects against damage.

The device is started using a manual starter, which is a lot of work.Before starting work, the suction line and the pump must be filled with water. This is done using a special hole, which is located at the top of the unit. If the device runs "idle", it may cause damage. Also, in order to prevent the device from exiting the working state, a filter is installed at the inlet. Thanks to the filter, solid particles will not get into the motor pump.

The average cost is 8600 rubles.

Huter MP-50
  • High performance;
  • Made from quality materials;
  • Durability;
  • The device is stable during operation;
  • Doesn't make much noise
  • Has a good lift height;
  • Popular brand.
  • Not found.

Zitrec PGT700

This motor pump from the Czech brand "Zitrec" is designed for pumping water with severe pollution. However, the particle diameter should not exceed 20 mm. "Zitrec PGT700" is suitable for work in rural areas, as well as on a construction site or an accident site.

"Zitrec PGT700" has a four-stroke engine with a capacity of 163 cc, while its power is 4 kW. The device at maximum load can pump 700 liters in one minute. It is worth noting that the suction depth is 7 meters, and the head is 23 meters.

The size of the Zitrec PGT700 is 41*38*48 cm, the weight of the device is 23 kg. The volume of the tank is 3.6 liters.

The average cost is 10,000 rubles.

Zitrec PGT700
  • Good performance;
  • Four-stroke engine;
  • Mobility;
  • Czech brand.
  • Many users complain about increased noise during the operation of the device.

Carver CGP6080

With the help of "Carver CGP6080" it is possible to pump clean fresh water from reservoirs, wells, flooded premises.The device is not designed to work with contaminated liquids containing particles larger than 5 mm in diameter. It is also not allowed to pump sea water, flammable liquids or liquid foodstuffs. Although the machine works with clean water, this water should not be supplied for drinking, as it is not sufficiently filtered and may be harmful to health.

"Carver CGP6080" has a gasoline four-stroke engine, the volume of which is 210 cc. while the volume of the fuel tank is designed for 3.6 liters, this will be enough for two hours of continuous operation. After this device should "rest" for about 20 minutes. Refueling should be carried out only after the engine has completely cooled down. "Carver CGP6080" has a capacity of 1000 l / min, while the suction depth is 7 m, and the head is 30 m. Operation is allowed at temperatures from +5 to +40 degrees.

The size of "Carver CGP6080" is 52*38*45 cm, and the weight is 25 kg.

The average cost is 7500 rubles.

Carver CGP6080
  • Good pressure;
  • Ability to work 2 hours without refueling;
  • Price;
  • Good performance.
  • No.

Huter MPD-80

"Huter MPD-80" is designed to work with clean and contaminated water. With this device, you can drain a pool, a flooded room or a small pond in a short time. In addition, this motor pump can be used as the basis of an irrigation system on farm plots.

"Huter MPD-80" has a four-stroke gasoline engine with one cylinder, the volume of which is 208 cc. You can start work using a manual starter. This model has a self-priming pump that does not require pre-filling with water.The maximum performance of the pump is 3600 rpm, under such conditions the Huter MPD-80 can pump up to 900 liters of water per minute. The device has a maximum suction depth of 8 meters and a maximum head of 30 meters. The housing can be easily opened without additional inventory for cleaning from contaminants. Check the engine oil level every time before starting operation. If it is not enough, it will lead to premature failure. After starting the engine, it is necessary to warm it up for 1 minute.

The size of "Huter MPD-80" is 45*46*59 cm, and the weight is about 30 kg.

The average cost is 15500 rubles.

Huter MPD-80
  • Strong frame;
  • Suitable for clean and contaminated water;
  • Simple operation;
  • Does not require pre-filling with water.
  • No.


You should purchase this device for pumping water in trusted stores. So you will not encounter a fake and will not receive a poor quality product. Reliable manufacturers give a guarantee of 12 months for this device. And with proper operation, following all the rules, the motor pump will serve you for more than one year. The main thing is to correctly determine the purpose of the acquisition and the performance of the unit before buying.

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