
  1. Types of walk-behind tractors
  2. Motoblocks Salyut
  3. Rating of the best motoblocks Salyut in 2025

Rating of the best Salyut walk-behind tractors in 2025

Rating of the best Salyut walk-behind tractors in 2025

Most modern people spend their free time at their summer cottage. Own territory, the ability to grow vegetables and fruits independently expanded the range of human labor. It's not enough to go to work and get paid. For a small savings of your own funds, a summer cottage is perfect. In order to slightly facilitate human labor on earth, it is recommended to use walk-behind tractors. Below we will talk about the best Salyut walk-behind tractors.

Types of walk-behind tractors

Motoblock is a versatile machine that performs a huge number of auxiliary actions in the garden. The walk-behind tractor is designed for developing virgin lands, caring for flower beds, harvesting, cultivating, planting various crops, caring for the lawn and garden beds, and other works. It is known that many use this type of technique in a specific time period, namely spring and autumn.Despite the seasonal list of work performed, with the use of additional attachments, walk-behind tractors are easily able to perform work all year round. If you expand your thinking a little, then walk-behind tractors are also actively used in the winter, for example, for snow removal. The versatility of machines depends entirely on the experience and ingenuity of the owner. And the presence of a special adapter will help turn the walk-behind tractor into a small tractor, which improves productivity and increases comfort.

The most common type of classification for this technique is the division into

  • Lungs;
  • Medium;
  • Heavy.

Let's analyze each type separately:

Light options are equipped with a weak engine up to 6 horsepower. Used to cultivate small plots of land. They are also great for working in the adjacent areas, which are many times smaller than the garden. On average, their weight does not exceed 80 kilograms, due to which problems of transportation from one place to another should not arise. The average cultivation depth reaches 17 centimeters, and the width is no more than one meter.

The middle blocks are a little more massive, they work well in difficult weather conditions. The engine is often up to 8 horsepower. And the average total weight is about one centner. Capable of cultivating medium-sized areas of land. The depth during cultivation reaches 21 centimeters, and the width is almost 130 centimeters. An ideal solution for summer residents who grow vegetables and fruits in large quantities in their garden. On average, they work a third more intensively than light walk-behind tractors.

Heavy variants have a powerful engine, at least 8 horsepower. Often used on farms and large plots for farming.Heavy walk-behind tractors are called professional, as they are most often purchased by entrepreneurs who grow a product on the land for sale. Cultivation allows you to cultivate land from 130 centimeters deep, and a width of more than 1.5 m. A hardy technique that also does a good job of working with difficult soil, after rain and so on. The average weight of a piece of equipment is over 120 kg.

Despite the main types, motor-cultivator equipment is also distinguished as a separate type. This is a simple machine, which is inferior in power to light walk-behind tractors and is intended only for processing beds, flower beds and flower beds. But their long work allows you to cope well with small plots of land.

How to choose the right walk-behind tractor?

It is rather difficult to choose a suitable model that would not hit the pocket and could solo perform all the work assigned to it. To realize this, it is necessary to choose the right walk-behind tractor, taking into account a number of factors:

If the planned area for processing has not been previously cultivated, that is, virgin lands, then a light or medium walk-behind tractor is unlikely to be able to cope with the complexity. It is necessary to buy a heavy machine with correctly selected attachments. If the site has been previously processed, then you should not spend money again. It is enough to buy an average option. Light options are perfect for small areas up to 15 acres, beds and areas reserved for greenhouses.

It is important to pay attention to the type of engine. There are options with a gasoline engine that do a good job, economical. There are diesel options. They are slightly more expensive, can easily withstand long periods of operation, and also consume much less fuel than gasoline options.For large farmlands, heavy motoblocks with a diesel engine are most often bought.

Motoblocks Salyut

On the territory of the country, the Salyut technique has gained wide popularity. More than twenty years of work on the market has allowed us to create a good product range. Motoblocks of this manufacturer are distinguished by their universal move, ease of use and low prices.

For a summer resident or a farmer, the Salyut equipment will allow replacing tractors and combines. Motoblocks are able to perform work in vast areas, without additional devices and repairs.

High-quality parts in the assembly guarantee several years of work without breakdowns, even with constant intensive use. Despite the specifics of the creation of equipment, the manufacturer "Salyut" ranks second in popularity in Russia, behind the "Neva". But that doesn't make it worse. "Salute" always aims at the quality of the goods. Therefore, new models are rarely released. The developers of the equipment have created universal walk-behind tractors that can easily cope with many tasks, so there is no need to expand the model range, which cannot be said about competing companies.

All Salyut walk-behind tractors are divided into two branches:

  • Salyut-5;
  • Salyut-100.


The features of this line lies in the production. All parts, with the exception of the engine, are created in Russia. Designed for medium and large areas, they can easily cope with virgin soil. The well-coordinated work of an imported engine significantly reduces fuel consumption when compared with domestic counterparts.


A special line, which was originally intended as an anniversary limited collection of walk-behind tractors. However, the product turned out so well that the developers decided to put several models into mass production.Differ in the increased dimensions, huge physical force of cultivation of the earth, the minimum fuel consumption. Unlike Salyut-5, almost all production is concentrated in China. However, quality control is always carried out manually by the company's employees. That is, it makes no sense to doubt the quality of the assembly, parts or work. Many people call Salyut-100 a modernized version of Salyut-5, but this is not so. When assembling the Salyut-100, they tried to expand the capabilities with the help of attachments, which is why the functionality is completely different.

If we draw parallels, then Salyut-5 is intended for small farms, private territories and summer cottages, and Salyut-100 is used in mass agriculture, where it becomes necessary to process impressive areas.

Rating of the best motoblocks Salyut in 2025

For an experienced worker, the selection of a competent machine for processing and cultivating land does not take much time. Beginner's Day is a complex and tedious process. I do not want to buy equipment that will not be used to its full potential. This is a waste of money and resources. I would like to purchase the ideal solution, in which the potential of the walk-behind tractor will be fully realized, and at the same time sky-high sums of money will not be spent. We offer to consider several excellent options for walk-behind tractors that are suitable for both beginners and experienced farmers.

Salut 5BS-1

Universal, medium power unit, which will not be equal in small areas. The compact machine easily and simply cultivates the land, creates excellent soil for planting and developing production.The depth of weeded land reaches 26 centimeters, which is sufficient for most grains and legumes. The unit is light, only 78 kilograms, so transportation over medium and long distances will not cause any problems. There are two forward gears and one reverse. This allows you to process different areas with optimal speed. If virgin lands need to be cultivated gradually, slowly in the first gear, then for other lands that are actively used, a faster gear will do.

Particular attention must be paid to the engine. Its power is 6.5 horsepower. Runs on gasoline fuel, the total power is 4800 W, which is enough for an undemanding worker. On average, this walk-behind tractor will cost 27-28 thousand rubles.

Salut 5BS-1
  • Practical;
  • Compact;
  • Easy to work.
  • Narrow track width (88 cm);
  • Difficult to steer around corners.

Salut K2-SH-01

An excellent option with a reverse gear allows you to quickly work any land. In general, the walk-behind tractor operates in one forward gear and one reverse gear, which is why the speed of preparation for cultivation is the same for any difficulties: virgin land or already prepared territory. With a width of one strip, 95 centimeters, the depth of cultivation is not impressive enough and is only 25 centimeters. For some plant species, this is not enough, which will require additional manual preparation. Thanks to the lateral rotation of the handle, the device is easier to control when turning and turning. The total of all equipment will be 65 kg, which is why, when used at full power, significant vibrations will be given to the hands.

The engine is gasoline and holds 3.6 liters of fuel. A powerful enough walk-behind tractor, 7 horsepower, which is enough for any job, even during the dry season, when the earth is taken with a thick and durable crust. The power exceeds 5 kW, and this allows you not to worry about virgin areas. The device is on sale with an average price of 33 thousand rubles.

Salut K2-SH-01
  • Powerful;
  • Volumetric tank;
  • Easily managed.
  • Insufficient depth of processing;
  • Too light.

Salut 5L-6.5

Multifunctional, with the possibility of choosing the processing width, a walk-behind tractor that can cope with any task. This model is designed with the possibility of reverse, and has two forward gears, can change speed when working in different areas. And one reverse gear allows you to slightly adjust the movement. There is a good function of adjusting the handle, both in height and on the sides. Due to the height adjustment, you can slightly adjust the depth of the rows. This allows you to optimize the soil for growing certain types of plants, including cereals. Impressive dimensions and weight of 82 kg completely minimize vibrations. When working, pushes in the hands are not felt, and the rubber handle completely relieves the worker from discomfort.

The engine runs on gasoline, and with a power of 6.5 hp. consumes about 4.8 kW. This is enough for small and medium-sized areas. The tank capacity is 3.8 liters, which is enough for several hours of non-stop operation. The imported Lifan LF168 F-2 engine, which was used in the walk-behind tractor, can withstand heavy loads well. The efficiency is not reduced. The average cost of a walk-behind tractor will be 28 thousand rubles.

Salut 5L-6.5
  • Width adjustment;
  • Processing depth 31 cm;
  • Heavy.
  • Not intended for large areas;
  • Not powerful enough.

Salut 100L-6.5

A great option for true connoisseurs of productive work. This model can easily cope with a variety of complex and not very jobs. Despite the relatively shallow processing, the width can be adjusted. There are three different options - 30/60/80 cm. That is, with its help you can prepare the ground for planting any crops. There is not only a side turn of the handle, which allows you to turn and turn while working without turning off the unit, but also a height variation. That is, the depth can also be controlled. There are 4 forward gears, which significantly saves the time of cultivating the land for cultivation, and two reverse ones - in order to quickly change directions, correct weeded beds. Weight is 72 kg, which is an average.

The engine runs on gasoline fuel, consumes 1.4 liters per hour at maximum work intensity. The total volume of the tank is 3.6 liters. Power indicators do not strike records. Average consumption of 4.8 kW at 6.5 horsepower. However, the number of gears allows it to be used on any area of ​​land. The price for such a car will be around 30 thousand rubles.

Salut 100L-6.5
  • Track width adjustment;
  • Multiple transfers of work;
  • Handle control in any direction.
  • Low power;
  • Small depth of processing.

Salut 100-K-M1

A strong middling, who is able to perform large amounts of work. The list of features includes the ability to turn the handle in any direction.It copes well with virgin soil and cultivates land up to 30 centimeters deep. The row width is stable and is 90 centimeters. There are two forward gears, allowing you to work at two different speeds, and one reverse. The number of cutters is six, thanks to which it is easy to make several rows in one pass. The 78-kilogram car handles the raging engine just fine.

The engine consumes 4780 W, and at 6.5 hp. handles small areas. The volume of the tank is 3.6 liters. With a uniform maximum load, the unit will work for about three full hours. The average cost of such a device is 28 thousand rubles.

Salut 100-K-M1
  • Easy to use;
  • Deep processing;
  • Excellent management.
  • No width adjustment
  • Weak technical indicators.

Agat L-5

A new, more advanced model of the Salyut walk-behind tractor, which perfectly copes with a variety of tasks. High-tech production, quality parts and competent assembly allowed this variant with average technical characteristics to work at the limit for several hours without loss of productivity. The walk-behind tractor is equipped with the ability to shift gears up to several levels. There is also a reverse gear that allows you to level the tracks if necessary. All tracks are stable, with one passage they make up a 60-centimeter strip. The depth of processing is more than 25 centimeters. This is enough for a simple summer resident, but for working on huge farms it is recommended to choose a different option.

Gasoline engine, about 6.5 horsepower. The average power consumption is 4.8 kW.However, due to the presence of high-quality cutters, even with such parameters, it perfectly processes large areas. The volume of the tank is 3.6 liters, and the flow rate is not more than 1.4 l / h. On average, for this technique it will be necessary to pay from 36 thousand rubles.

Agat L-5<
  • Heavy;
  • Easy to manage;
  • Economical.
  • Band cannot be adjusted.
  • Expensive.

We demonstrated several excellent models of Salyut walk-behind tractors, which will make it a good idea to simplify work in a summer cottage or farm area.

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