
  1. Types of tillage equipment
  2. Motoblock functions
  3. How to choose a walk-behind tractor?
  4. TOP 8 best motoblocks Neva
  5. Technical characteristics of Neva walk-behind tractors

Rating of the best Neva walk-behind tractors in 2025

Rating of the best Neva walk-behind tractors in 2025

The most basic form of tillage is simply turning over large areas of land with a garden shovel. Specialized tillage tools lift the soil, turn over and break up the dirt clods into smaller particles. Tillage not only improves the workability and quality of the land, but also allows the compost and fertilizer to be effectively mixed into the native soil. Special tillage tools, called motoblocks and cultivators, are produced both manual and mechanical. The best Neva walk-behind tractors will be discussed below.

Types of tillage equipment

Tillage equipment is used to turn over hard earth in preparation for planting. This process breaks up the soil to break it up and remove rocks, roots, or plants that might interfere with the planting process. Equipment for agricultural work is divided into 2 types: motorized and manual cultivators.

Walk-behind tractors (motorized cultivator) are generally more powerful and faster than manual cultivators, which do not have motors and must be manually driven.

The motorized cultivator includes the basic equipment plus additional attachments that can be used in conjunction with the implement arrangement. Motoblocks are usually equipped with gasoline engines that rotate an axle on which several blades or cutters are installed. These sharp rigs have teeth that will cut into the ground when rotated at high speeds. These cultivators are useful for larger jobs that need to be done quickly, or for heavier jobs when the ground is overgrown with weeds.

Hand held equipment will include metal teeth or blades, a handle that is often made of wood or metal, and any other accessories used in conjunction with the tool. Some blades, for example, may have rubberized handles that make it more comfortable and workable. The handle can be changed to a straight or T-handle, which makes the tool much lighter. Sometimes the teeth can also be replaced. The straight teeth of the blade can be replaced with curved or angled teeth, which make twisting and breaking up the soil much easier.

Motoblock functions

The main task of the unit, first of all, is tillage, which includes hilling, harrowing, plowing and much more to prepare the land. Also, the machine can be used for snow removal in winter and garden debris in spring.
3 groups of attachments can be attached to agricultural equipment:

  1. Front. It is an active tool, except for the blade-blade, driven by a belt transmission of torque from the power take-off shaft to the hitch in front. Such an attachment performs the functions of a snow blower and a rotary brush.
  2. back. The device is attached to the back of the walk-behind tractor using a special hitch. Such attachments are most often sold separately. It has a fairly wide range of settings and adjustments. With rear attachments, you can perform the tasks of a digger, a plow and others. It is advisable to additionally install wheels on the walk-behind tractor. Which, due to their metal construction, are firmly and tightly mated with the soil to ensure the best possible traction.
  3. On the axle. Are established directly on an axis in the form of mills or grousers.

Agricultural equipment walk-behind tractor performs the following functions:

  1. Cultivation. To perform this type of work on the unit, the wheels are replaced with sharp cutters, which, when rotated, mix the upper layers of the soil, thereby filling the earth with fresh oxygen. This function is very useful for preparing a vegetable garden or garden for planting agricultural products. This quality of land preparation cannot be achieved using an ordinary shovel.
  2. Plowing. With a walk-behind tractor, such a rear attachment as a plow is used.The powerful engine provides deep plowing and loosening of the soil or virgin soil.
  3. Harrowing. A special device with teeth attached to the rear of the machine, called a harrow. It processes the edge of the soil, hard from the hot sun and dry wind, which prevents the oxygen and water from reaching the roots of plants, which are so necessary for a rich harvest. An additional advantage of harrowing is the destruction of weeds and grass.
  4. Landing. For example, a device such as a potato planter is mounted on a walk-behind tractor, which has a small container into which about 2 buckets of potatoes are poured. Further, each tuber is placed on a special tape at a certain distance into pre-dug furrows. Special blades, following in the design of the potato planter, bury the potatoes. The almost automated process significantly saves both time and effort.
  5. Care. This function of the unit is carried out using the front attachment in the form of a rotary mower, which easily equalizes the ornamental grass of the lawn, and also saves the garden or vegetable garden from unnecessary and interfering shrubs. And if you attach a water pump connected to the engine to the unit, you can water the plants and pump out water, for example, from flooded premises.
  6. Cleaning in spring, summer, autumn. To collect garden waste in heaps, a device such as a shovel-dump is used. For sweeping, for example, brick or concrete paths use a device in the form of a brush.
  7. Winter cleaning. The machine copes with such a problem as snow.There are three attachments to help with snow removal: a rotary brush that sweeps freshly fallen snow; shovel-dump, raking heavy wet snow; a snow blower that removes snow from concrete or asphalt areas, such as paths or parking lots.
  8. Shipping. This type of work can be carried out by attaching a small cart to the walk-behind tractor. That allows you to transport various goods, take out garbage. There are many types, designs and designs of such trucks, which have their own load capacity, dimensions and other characteristics. But such additional equipment is not included in the package, but is purchased separately. Since it may not be suitable due to the engine power and the weight of the unit itself, as well as due to different types of coupling.
  9. Hilling. Basically, this type of work is used for processing potato bushes.

How to choose a walk-behind tractor?

When choosing such agricultural equipment as a walk-behind tractor, it is necessary to determine the type of work performed and the area of ​​cultivated land. For example, someone wants to plant potatoes on 6 acres using a walk-behind tractor, and someone needs to plow the soil for corn on 2 hectares of land. Therefore, you should pay special attention when choosing a walk-behind tractor to the following criteria:

  1. Reducer. The quality and reliability of the work performed and the long-term use of agricultural equipment directly depend on this element of the unit. It is an intermediate link between the power drive shaft and the working units of the unit. Certain models do not have the ability to self-repair the gearbox due to its illegibility.
  2. Engine.Power drives are divided into household, semi-professional and professional. They differ mainly in power, the number of cycles (2 or 4 cycles). A 2-stroke drive is less powerful than a 4-stroke drive, but costs less. Engines can also be petrol or diesel.
  3. PTO. Provides the performance of several functions by the machine, thanks to additional devices. The range of such functions is wide, from sweeping concrete areas, asphalt to snow removal.
  4. Trailer. Some models have the ability to attach a small trailer, thereby turning the walk-behind tractor into a cargo conveyor. To ensure good transportation performance, a sufficiently powerful engine with a considerable number of transmission speeds is required.

We recommend reading the article - Rating of the best cultivators and walk-behind tractors for summer cottages.

TOP 8 best motoblocks Neva

8 - Neva MB1B MA

In eighth place is the Neva MB1B MA tillage equipment, which is equipped with a Briggs and Stratton RS950 4-stroke gasoline engine with a capacity of 6.53 hp. The motor-block is applied to performance of all range of works on tillage in the field of agriculture. The scope of delivery includes additional accessories, such as tillers for cultivation, a plow for processing virgin soil, blades for mowing grass and weeds, and many other attachments.

Neva MB1B MA
  • 8 speed manual transmission;
  • Due to the large weight, it does not jump, it keeps firmly on the ground;
  • Low noise level during operation of the unit.
  • Poor quality packaging.

7 - Neva MB-1B-6.5

In seventh place is the Neva MB-1B-6.5 walk-behind tractor equipped with an imported gasoline engine.The developed design of this model is intended, first of all, to ease the load on the operator's body when performing agricultural work. The unit is equipped with a chain gear reducer, which is protected by an aluminum housing. The model has an American Briggs & Stratton RS950 engine with a power of 6.5 hp, which ensures reliable, high-quality, long-term operation at maximum operating load.

Neva MB-1B-6.5
  • The start of the power drive is facilitated;
  • Pneumatic wheels release function for easy turning;
  • Balanced center of gravity.
  • There is no separation of the wheels.

6 - Neva MB-2B-6.5 RS

In sixth place is the St. Petersburg motorized unit of the middle class Neva MB-2B-6.5 RS. The model is perfect for performing such work as plowing, hilling, cultivating various types and conditions of the soil. The equipment includes an American Briggs & Stratton RS950 4-stroke gasoline engine, which provides 6.53 hp of thrust. Also, with the help of this unit, you can easily transport loads of various weights, it accelerates up to 12 km / h. Despite the fact that the machine has a considerable weight, it has small overall dimensions.

Neva MB-2B-6.5 RS
  • When connecting additional devices, the power take-off shaft works;
  • Fuel economy;
  • Tires with a special tread pattern for self-cleaning wheels.
  • Starts up for a long time.

5 - Neva MB-23-Y

In fifth place is the Neva MB-23-Y tillage walk-behind tractor, equipped with a Japanese high-power Yamaha MX300 engine.Such an engine has a number of advantages, such as 12 hp power, fuel economy, an automatic rotation speed controller that adjusts the speed depending on the load, and many other advantages. This model of the manufacturer Neva of the city of St. Petersburg has the largest number of speeds. 12 speeds, 8 forward and 4 reverse. This number of rotation speed switching allows you to perform agricultural work more efficiently and more productively.

Neva MB-23-Y
  • There are extensions of the axle shafts of the wheels;
  • There is a set of keys for repair;
  • Disconnection of wheels.
  • Slight steering wheel play.

4 - Neva MB-B6.5 RS

In fourth place is the wonderful, in terms of processing the upper layers of the earth, Neva MB-B6.5 RS. Optimization of the developed design of the unit allows the use and use of this agricultural equipment in all weather conditions, as well as on virgin soil, muddy soil, rough terrain, and so on. The mode of operation of the machine depends on what attachments are installed on the walk-behind tractor. A variety of accessories make this model versatile.

Neva MB-B6,5 RS
  • Convenient location of the lever for switching speeds;
  • Chain drive;
  • Good tillage width, from 65 to 100 cm.
  • There are 3 speeds in total.

3 - Neva MB-23B-10.0

In third place is the universal, high-power walk-behind tractor Neva MB-23B-10.0. This agricultural equipment is powered by a high quality 7400W Briggs and Stratton I/C gasoline engine.Due to the fact that the delivery set includes a variety of additional equipment, the walk-behind tractor will ensure the performance of a variety of works in the field of agriculture: weeding, hilling, plowing and other types of work. Also, the walk-behind tractor can be used as a snow cleaner, carrier, water pump. With its weight and robust construction, it can handle virgin soil and hard clay soil.

Neva MB-23B-10.0
  • Gear reducer;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Differential lock.
  • High price.

2 - Neva MB2-B MA V

In second place is the Neva MB2-B MA V motorized cultivator used in agriculture. It is a very popular equipment among agricultural equipment due to its performance and reliability. Excellent for processing various soils, even master virgin soil. The model remarkably performs such functions as hilling, cultivation, plowing and much more. The design of the walk-behind tractor provides for the use and use of 8 cutters, which ensures high performance.

Neva MB2-B MA V
  • 8 mechanical speeds: 6 - forward, 2 - back;
  • There is a reverse mode;
  • 4-stroke type gasoline engine.
  • Capricious to filled with combustible fuel.

1 - Neva MB-2KS-(168FA)

In the first place is the tillage equipment Neva MB-2KS-(168FA), which is an easy-to-use walk-behind tractor designed to fulfill a variety of goals and tasks in the field of agricultural work. This model of the unit has a fairly high application properties. The walk-behind tractor has the ability to be equipped with additional and auxiliary attachments and trailers.The design includes a 6.5 hp Kasei engine. The high-strength handle is supplied with mechanical switching of speeds.

Neva MB-2KS-(168FA)
  • Minimum vibration level;
  • The absence of an intermediate module between the drive and the frame;
  • Various delivery packages.
  • The aluminum case deformed at mechanical damages.

Technical characteristics of Neva walk-behind tractors

Motoblocks NevaMotor typeNumber of gearsPowerReverseEngine volumeVolume of the tankDepthWeight
MB-2KS-(168FA)petrol4-forward, 2-way6.5 HPthere is196 cu. Cm3.6 l20 cm85 kg
MB2-B MA Vpetrol6-forward, 2-back6.53 HPthere is208 cu. Cm3.1 l20 cm90 kg
MB-23B-10.0petrol4-forward, 2-way10.06 HPthere is306 cu. Cm5.3 l20 cm105 kg
MB-B6.5 RSpetrol2-forward, 1-back6.5 HPthere is208 cu. Cm3 l16 cm70 kg
MB-23-Ypetrol4-forward, 2-way12 hpthere is305 cu. Cm3 l25 cm86 kg
MB-2B-6.5 RSpetrol4-forward, 2-way6.53 HPthere is08 cu. Cm3.1 l20 cm100 kg
MB-1B-6.5petrol2-forward, 1-back6.5 HPthere is208 cu. Cm3.6 l20 cm75 kg
MB1B MApetrol6-forward, 2-back6.53 HPthere is208 cu. Cm3.1 l20 cm85 kg

The variety of the range and line of Neva walk-behind tractors is amazing. Various models include a huge range of functions for the application and use of the unit, additional and auxiliary devices in the form of attachments. So any person can easily choose the right Neva walk-behind tractor, which will meet all the requirements for quality and price.

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