
  1. Purpose of equipment
  2. What types are
  3. How to choose a device
  4. Where can I buy
  5. Rating of the most popular low-cost models of online cash registers
  6. Rating of the best models of cash registers on a tablet

Rating of the best online cash desk models in 2025

Rating of the best online cash desk models in 2025

In order to start an entrepreneurship, you need to learn a lot of new information. In addition to analyzing the market in the selected area, you should familiarize yourself with the laws of trading activity, and make comparative characteristics of the necessary equipment. One of the important devices that entrepreneurs cannot do without is an online cash register. Cash register equipment helps to keep records of goods and sales, and also transfers activity data immediately to the tax service, which greatly facilitates the work of a businessman. Consider what types are and what qualities this technique has.

Purpose of equipment

An online cash register is a device that records money transactions between a seller and a buyer. Since 2020, all private entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities, must have such a device. Information passing through the online cash desk is transmitted to the tax service. In other words, this device is necessary for state control.

In addition to the main function of transmitting information to the Federal Tax Service, the device stores the received information on a fiscal drive, prints checks and can send them to the buyer upon request. The service life of the fiscal drive can only be 13, 15 or 36 months. But for how long to acquire depends on the type of business. For example, if this is a trade, then you need to install a drive for 13 or 15 months. If the activity is to provide services - then for 36 months. There are some nuances in choosing the right fiscal drive. After the service life of the FN has ended, it must be stored for at least 4 years.

For full-fledged work, cash register equipment is connected to the Internet. After the transaction is completed, the information is encrypted and sent to the fiscal data operator (a legal entity that processes the information received and sends it to the Federal Tax Service).

Installing equipment has certain advantages for the entrepreneur. One of them is a significant reduction in paperwork. Also in the program, you can keep records of received and sold goods, see the balance and purchase them if necessary.

All cash transactions are recorded in the online cashier, and by which cashier they were carried out.In other words, you can monitor the quality of work of employees.

Another function that the device has is that data can be integrated into accounting programs, for example, 1C.

Online checkout is also widely used in online stores. The advantage in this area is that there is no need to train other employees to use it; one user can handle all the goods.

Some types of trading activities can be transferred to online mode: the buyer orders any product via the Internet and pays with a card. The money is credited to the account, which is displayed in the online checkout, and the goods can be sent to the buyer.

But the equipment also has disadvantages. The price of the most powerful and functional device reaches 70,000 rubles. If you need to purchase several units, then the costs increase significantly, which is financially expensive for the entrepreneur.

Training of working personnel also takes a certain amount of time and material costs. It is worth taking care of the Internet, because without it the program will not be able to fully work.

As with any equipment, technical failures can occur in online cash registers, as a result, the data may not match the real information. This may raise some questions from the Federal Tax Service if the data is not noticed and corrected in time.

What types are

Before acquiring specialized equipment for trading activities, it is worth understanding its varieties. Some online cash registers are designed to sell certain products. Consider what types are and their purpose.

  • Stationary

Such models are powered by the mains, sometimes they can be equipped with a battery. Connected directly to a working computer. Usually installed in supermarkets, shopping centers and institutions to pay for public services. In addition to the device, you can connect a scale, a barcode scanner or other equipment. Their cost is relatively low, associated with a small functionality.

  • Mobile

An online checkout of this type is battery-powered, as it is designed to work in courier services, taxis and other similar types of trade that carry out field activities. Some models are equipped with a cashless payment function (acquiring). Therefore, depending on the type of sales or services provided, a cash register is selected.

  • POS systems

Such an online cash desk consists of several additional devices, such as a computer, a keyboard and a fiscal registrar. With the help of this system, all sales, canceled purchases are recorded. As well as sending a report to the Federal Tax Service (FTS). In some models, additional devices are included in the package: a barcode scanner, a cash drawer or a display for the buyer.

The cost of the set is high, but POS systems greatly facilitate the work of the entrepreneur, which fully justifies the price. The main installation site of the equipment is large supermarkets, shopping centers and other stores with a large amount of goods and frequent sales.

  • fiscal

The fiscal registrar is controlled using a laptop, tablet, phone or POS system. Its main purpose is to save all transactions performed on the fiscal drive, issue a check and send data to the Federal Tax Service.

Fiscal registrars are used in both small businesses and large enterprises.

  • For marking

Entrepreneurs who sell controlled groups of goods must have this type of equipment. Such products include tobacco products, medicines, shoes, car tires, bicycles and more. More and more products are labeled, so their list is constantly growing.

Such checkouts read special codes on the product, which are called Data Matrix. These images are product identifiers.

In addition to the fact that online cash registers for labeling store all information in the fiscal data operator and send it to the tax office, they also notify the sale of labeled products to the national information system Honest Sign.

The device is suitable for work with unmarked goods.

  • For EGAIS

If an entrepreneur is engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages, then for accounting and quality control, his online cash desk must support the installation of a special application of the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS). This system records all receipts and sales of alcohol.

The expiration date of fiscal drives for EGAIS is no more than 15 months.

The essence of the system is as follows: in the production of strong alcohol, all products are entered into the EGAIS database. Further, the products enter the point of sale and are also scanned. When buying an alcoholic product, the online cash register first submits a request to the application, and only after its permission issues a receipt.

The entire system is designed to minimize the sale of counterfeit or substandard alcohol as much as possible. All participants in the production and sale of alcoholic products must register in this application: from manufacturers to entrepreneurs and retailers (retailers).

How to choose a device

The choice of a cash register directly depends on the type of activity carried out. For small organizations with a small number of customers and goods, it makes no sense to purchase a multifunctional device, the capabilities of which the entrepreneur will not even use. In this case, it would be optimal to choose a budget option that will include everything you need.

If alcohol or labeled products are traded, then in this case a device must be purchased that supports software with EGAIS, reads and decrypts codes from goods.

For traveling trade, as well as for the provision of transport or courier services, you should choose a device that works autonomously for a long time. Here you should pay attention to the battery capacity, the temperature range of operation and it is desirable to have acquiring for cashless payments.

But for a business with a constant flow of customers, a wide range of products and frequent issuance of checks, more functional equipment should be purchased. Such cash registers support a barcode scanner, scales, acquiring, and are connected to a computer. With their help, it is much more convenient to keep track of all goods and sales. Such devices are most often installed in supermarkets, shopping centers.

Particular attention should be paid to the equipment manufacturer. The most popular brands that have proven themselves to be quality products are ATOL, Mercury, Elwes, Evotor. It is better to choose models that are similar in functionality from the listed list of manufacturers, as they have many positive reviews from other buyers.

Where can I buy

A user who wishes to open his own business is provided with several options where you can buy a device. One of the most budgetary is the purchase of a used online cash register on classifieds sites. But in this case, there is a high probability of buying equipment with a defect that will not be immediately noticeable.

The best option is to purchase a cash register through special service organizations. They will help you choose the right equipment for a particular type of activity, fully equip it with all the necessary additions, as well as register the purchased equipment with the tax service in a short time.

Prices in such service centers are slightly lower than in other places of sale, while the product warranty and a large selection are provided.

Banking organizations can provide services for the sale of online cash registers. They may offer to rent the device or get it on credit, which can be convenient for the user, since starting a business requires certain costs. In addition, the bank can immediately draw up the necessary documents for opening an account, connect acquiring.

But there are certain disadvantages in purchasing goods from a bank. Firstly, they do not provide a guarantee, and secondly, all additional tools will have to be looked for and purchased separately. The range of cash desks is also small, while the price is too high. Moreover, information entered through the online cash register will go not only to the tax service, but also to the bank itself.

It is also possible to purchase goods through online stores. Their prices are relatively low, but usually this is the cost for a cash register without all the additional parts, which, as a result, you still have to look for and purchase.

Therefore, the best option is still considered to be a purchase at service centers that deal specifically with the sale of online cash registers and can provide quality advice on the product.

Rating of the most popular low-cost models of online cash registers

Mercury 115F

The device complies with all requirements of legislation 54-F3. Thanks to a powerful battery, you can pay for the services provided in the field trade and in the transport sector - approximately 1,500 checks without additional charging of the device.

The device operates at temperatures from -20 degrees to +45. The receipt tape has a width of 57 mm, the print speed is 7 mm per second. For data transmission it is equipped with GSM and Wi-Fi. Additionally, there are connectors for connecting a keyboard, scales, a barcode scanner, and also supports an SD card up to 32 GB. The LED screen is convenient to use for the cashier. The weight of the device is 1.2 kg.

The cost of an online cash register is within 5000-6000 rubles.

Mercury 115F
  • Long operating time without recharging;
  • Compact;
  • Easy to use.
  • Great weight;
  • Slow receipt printing speed.


Works both from an electric network, and from the accumulator. It is recommended to purchase for private entrepreneurs with a small number of sales or services per day, for example, those who were previously on a single tax on imputed income (UTII). Data transfer is carried out via Wi-Fi, GPRS or Bluetooth. There are special connectors for connecting a barcode scanner or scales. Prints a check at a speed of 50 mm per second.

Rubberized buttons do not allow moisture and dust to pass through, can be used outdoors in bad weather conditions.You can not work with the device at a temperature of less than 5 and more than 45 degrees Celsius.

Receipt tape 44 or 57 mm. The weight of the device is only 390 grams.

The price of the device is about 6000 rubles.

  • Light weight;
  • Easy to use.
  • You can not work at sub-zero temperatures;
  • There is no automatic check cutter.


It is intended for work in small business, as well as traveling trade, as it is equipped with a battery. Without additional charging, the ability to issue up to 350 checks. Internet connection occurs only through Wi-Fi. Additionally, a barcode scanner is connected. It is possible to connect to a computer or laptop to add products or change product data.

The receipt tape has a width of 57 mm, dust and moisture protective buttons. The display is black and white. The receipt printing speed is 45 mm per second.

It can work at a temperature of -10 and up to +40 degrees. Device weight: 900 grams. Cost: up to 5000 rubles.

  • Compact;
  • Resistant to sub-zero temperatures;
  • Waterproof buttons.
  • The package does not include a cable for connecting to a computer;
  • Slow receipt printing speed.

Mercury 185F

Receipt tape 57.5 mm, print speed - 8 lines per second. The built-in battery allows you to work up to 16 hours and issue up to 500 checks without recharging. Therefore, it is suitable for traveling trade, courier services, as well as stores with a small flow of customers.

Easy to manage. Designed for 16 cashiers. Supports SD card up to 32GB. To connect to the Internet, Wi-Fi or mobile Internet is used. The temperature range of operation is from -20 to +45 degrees. Device weight 1 kg.Conforms to all requirements of the legislation 54-Ф3. The device allows you to work with marked goods and integrate information into 1C.

The price of the device without a fiscal drive in the configuration is from 6000 rubles.

Mercury 185F
  • Easy to manage;
  • Wide operating temperature range;
  • Powerful battery.
  • Great weight;
  • Often there are technical failures in the work.


Cash register equipment is ideal for work in small and medium-sized businesses, but is not intended for EGAIS. This fact should be taken into account by entrepreneurs who sell alcohol-containing products.

The rechargeable battery can withstand up to 24 hours of operation. The width of the printed ribbon is 57 mm. There is a connector for connecting a barcode scanner and a cash drawer. It can work at temperatures from 0 to 40 degrees. The keyboard is waterproof. Product weight less than 400 grams. The device complies with the standards 54-F3.

The package does not include a fiscal drive and a cable for connecting to the Internet.

The cost without a fiscal drive is from 7000 rubles.

  • Light weight of the device;
  • Protection against moisture and dust;
  • Long battery life;
  • Easy to use.
  • Not suitable for the sale of alcohol-containing products;
  • Cannot be used in sub-zero temperatures.

Rating of the best models of cash registers on a tablet

ATOL Sigma 10 (ATOL 150F)

The device complies with the norms and requirements of 54-F3. With the help of this equipment, a record of all received and sold goods is kept. Allows you to work with labeled products. Information can be integrated into the 1C program.

The smart terminal is suitable for keeping records in grocery stores, catering establishments and when providing various services (beauty salons, workshops).

The tilt angle on the 10-inch monitor is adjustable for user comfort. Touch screen control. The amount of RAM is 1 GB. Runs on battery for a short time in the event of a power outage. The check printing speed is 100 mm per second, there is an automatic check cut.

Cost: 23,000 rubles.

ATOL Sigma 10 (ATOL 150F)
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Quick receipt printing;
  • Easy to use.
  • Short battery life;
  • Paid programs for full-fledged business.

Mercury 105F

It is adapted for keeping records in various fields of activity: sales of food, clothing, cosmetics, sporting goods, transport services and others.

The device is equipped with acquiring, which allows you to pay for purchases with a bank card. Battery life is 15 hours. The barcode scanner is already built into the equipment.

One fiscal drive can be used at more than 10 cash desks. More than 500 cash transactions can be carried out in one work shift.

The program runs on Android version 5.1, RAM is 1 GB. Additionally, you can install an SD card.

Supports WiFi, Bluetooth and 4G. 5.5 inch touch screen. The price of the cash register is about 15,000 rubles.

Mercury 105F
  • Built-in acquiring and barcode scanner;
  • Easy to use;
  • Long work without recharging.
  • Not detected.


The device also has built-in acquiring, which allows you to pay for goods with contactless cards and magnetic tape. Complies with the requirements of the law on online cash registers 54-F3. A clear interface allows you to quickly understand the operation of cash registers.

The equipment is equipped with a barcode scanner. Works on Android version 7.0. All programs necessary for work are installed free of charge. It is possible to integrate data into 1C.

RAM - 1 GB, there is a slot for an SD card up to 32 GB, two slots for SIM cards. Wireless connection is via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or 3G. The width of the receipt tape is 44 or 58 mm, the print speed is 70 mm per second. The screen size is 5.5 inches.

Thanks to the powerful battery, the operating time without recharging is about 14 hours. The cost of the device is about 17,500 rubles.

  • Compact;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Built-in barcode scanner and acquiring;
  • Free software.
  • Problems in the work of acquiring;
  • Bad tech support.

Evotor 7.2 54FZ

Cash register equipment is ready to work with marked goods and EGAIS. Conforms to all norms 54-F3.

It runs on Android 5.1, has a 4-core processor, 1 GB RAM, 8 GB internal memory, which can be increased with an SD card up to 32 GB. There is a slot for installing a SIM card.

7 inch color display, touch control. Additionally, you can install scales, a barcode scanner, a terminal for paying by card. Internet connection is via Wi-Fi or mobile Internet.

A smart terminal allows you to integrate data into 1C, but only after purchasing the software.

The width of the printed ribbon is 57 mm, the print speed is 70 mm per second. In addition to the cash register, the kit includes a SIM card, a printed tape, a device for connecting to the network, instructions. The fiscal drive must be purchased separately.

The cost of equipment is from 16,000 rubles.

Evotor 7.2 54FZ
  • Works with EGAIS;
  • Easy to use;
  • The presence of a SIM card in the kit;
  • Installation of additional equipment.
  • Paid software;
  • Works only from the network.


The smart terminal allows you to receive goods, check the excise tax, scan data from products, and also monitor the balance. The powerful built-in battery lasts up to 14 hours, so it can be used for field sales or transport services.

The model has an application store installed, with which you can choose a convenient way to work. There are connectors for additional equipment: terminal, scales. There is a slot for a SIM card.

The monitor has a size of 7 inches, touch control. Operating system - Android 7.0. Receipt tape size 57 mm.

Data can be transmitted via Wi-Fi, mobile Internet or Bluetooth. RAM 1 GB, built-in - 8 GB. You can install an SD card up to 32 GB. The device is not difficult to use.

The cost of the model is more than 10,000 rubles.

  • Easy to use;
  • Installed app store.
  • There is no possibility to connect a barcode scanner;
  • The display is dirty.

The user is provided with a wide range of online cash registers, which differ in their functionality, appearance, cost. The main criterion is the choice of such equipment that will meet the requirements of a businessman.For example, when selling branded goods or alcoholic products, you need to make sure that the chosen model supports working with these systems. The larger the business, the more functions an online cash register should have. Ultimately, it will greatly simplify and speed up the process of entrepreneurial activity.

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