Mixing consoles, this name is often found, but not many people have an idea of what it is, why it is needed and where it is used. In fact, this device is quite popular among people who are professionally fond of music, not a single night passes without it in a club, bar, and it is also difficult to imagine working without it at radio stations and concerts.
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So what is a mixing console? This device has been designed to sum and route multiple audio signals. The mixer itself, as well as its individual channels, are often equipped with equalizers, since frequency correction is very important when summing channels and sounding musical instruments. In addition, modern mixers have additional digital effects such as chorus, delay, reverb and many others. Some models provide phantom power at 48 volts, as well as the ability to record a signal to a computer and access the Internet.
Modern mixers are not just routers at concerts or studios, but real digital consoles.
Consider the functions of the mixing console:
It is possible to connect any device to the console, it can be like a guitar, microphone, phone or even an mp3 player.
Currently, mixers are used in many areas that require high-quality processing of audio signals with their subsequent amplification. So the consoles are applied:
After processing on a mixer, the sound becomes of excellent quality, which makes the device quite popular among professional users and not only. It is not difficult to learn how to use the technique, you just need to carefully study the instructions offered for it, familiarize yourself with the design of the purchased model and the principle of its operation, and also know why this or that input is needed on it.
The mixing console is divided depending on what tasks need to be performed, there are several main ones:
There are also DJ consoles, they are distinguished by the presence of additional functions, for example, the ability to connect a vinyl player. DJs using these consoles provide smooth transitions by applying real-time effects to signals.In addition, the user can play non-playing sounds into headphones, create crossfades and much more.
Mixing consoles are also subdivided depending on their capabilities:
When dividing mixing consoles, it is impossible not to highlight that all models are divided into analog and digital. Digital ones are expensive and are used, as a rule, in high-budget recording studios or expensive projects. They are connected to the control computer and allow you to work in a given program, while analog models do not have such an opportunity. Also, digital ones are able to work with tablets when connected via Wi-Fi and organize access that analog ones cannot provide. They memorize the settings automatically, which is very important when working with a large number of projects; analog ones have to do this separately. Finishing the classification, the devices should be divided according to the principle of their operation:
Despite the classification, they all have a number of common features, for example, the presence of input cells, master sections. When choosing one or another model, you should pay attention to the fact that each of them has its own purpose, since their parameters will still be very different.
Mixing consoles are devices that are widely used, but before purchasing them, you should consider some points:
Before purchasing a particular model, the buyer should clarify whether there are service centers for maintenance, since it is unlikely that anyone will want to buy a model that will not be repaired in the event of a breakdown.
So, despite the extensive offers of mixing console manufacturers, based on user feedback, you can compile a list of those models that, in their opinion, can be called the best. In this case, the list of devices should be divided into categories in accordance with where it would be more appropriate to use them.
This section contains models that are suitable for use in large halls. To control such devices, good skills will be required, beginners will not cope with them. It should also be noted that the cost of such devices can be very high.
Allen & Heath from the dLive series, is endowed with increased performance, features touch controls and a very high price, which makes the installation accessible only to high-income studios. It is considered professional equipment, 28 channels are built in, it is possible to adjust the color gamut. A signal generator is built in, the user can also name channels, insert expansion boards, which makes the device suitable for use in all musical fields.
The Roland MX-1 is a setup that is only suitable for use in professional music studios and concert halls. The developers have created a device that combines quality and great technical capabilities.A feature of the console is the ability to unanimously manage not only all the instruments, but also the entire studio. Such a device is endowed with the ability to use additional sound effects, remember the settings for their further use. Of course, such functionality should have significantly affected the cost of the remote control, but despite this, it is quite affordable.
The German company is engaged in the production of high-quality mixing consoles, one of which is Xenyx X1222USB-EU. Reliable equipment with excellent technical capabilities and low cost has long taken its rightful place among users. The device is equipped with 14 inputs for various instruments and microphones, has a reduced level of noise and interference, which often interferes with professional DJs when working in difficult conditions. The device allows you to quickly and efficiently process and record sound.
This model has been produced for a long time, but has not lost its popularity among users.The unit is of considerable size and endowed with great functionality, a powerful built-in processor, 16 special effects and is perfect for use in large and small studios. Zed60-10fx is very popular among guitarists, this is due to the fact that it is possible to connect several types of instruments to the device at the same time, and then correct and record the sound.
The list of this section includes mixers that are suitable for work in restaurants, bars, as well as for broadcasting on radio stations. The list is based on customer reviews and comments.
One of the models of the Russian manufacturer Pioneer, DDJ-200 is used as a DJ console. Stylish appearance and the presence of various functions make the device popular among beginners and those who can be attributed to intermediate users. The DDJ-200 is suitable for parties and small recording studios; if desired, it is possible to connect a smartphone to it and broadcast sound through it. The instructions for this device are simple and accurate writing, which allows even a beginner to deal with it.
Another Russian brand, IMG Stageline, produces the MMX-22UFX model, which is distinguished by low cost, ease of use and good performance.The device of this company due to its ease of use is perfect for both experienced users and beginners. The small size and high quality of the device attract the attention of users. MMX-22UFX allows you to connect any other recording equipment and re-record sounds in real time mode. Considering the technical characteristics of the model, we can say that they are average, it has only 4 inputs and 4 outputs, about 100 sound effects, and it is also possible to connect to the phone.
Professional audio matrix/preamplifier CVGaudio MCP-8 allows you to organize high-quality broadcasting of music and voice announcements. The equipment has 8 to 8 channels, allowing you to send a signal from any input to any, several or simultaneously to all outputs. It is possible to connect external wall controllers for each zone, local signal sources for any zone directly in the console. In addition, cascade connection of up to 4 matrices is allowed, which increases the number of channels to 32, as well as the connection of an emergency broadcast microphone. The device can be powered by a 24V emergency battery.
Another device that enhances the performance of the microphone, this model is popular among buyers, because it is equipped with powerful hardware. The processor helps to create high-quality compositions, is easy to operate, which allows it to be used not only by professionals, but also by amateurs. A large number of various functions, the ability to save individual settings, the presence of three regulators and LED indicators for notification, all this and much more attracts buyers, forcing them to choose this particular model.
The category of home mixers includes small, budget devices that are quite easy to use and have a slight weight, which is important if they are often moved.
The MACKIE brand has released a 4-channel compact model of the 402 VLZ 4 mixer, it has collected the best technical innovations, thanks to which the performance of the device has increased significantly and at the same time the cost has remained affordable. The device has reduced noise level and at the same time increased dynamic range. The built-in block and equalizer have been updated and brought to a new level of quality. A low-pass filter is installed in each channel, and the first two have switching of the input mode from linear to instrumental. On the body there are rotary sealed switches that are resistant to dust and dirt.The successful placement of the handles of the controllers allows you to notice them even in poor visual conditions. The device is perfect for home use.
The low cost of this model allows it to be purchased by any novice user. The device belongs to amateur and therefore the sound will not be ideal; it can rather be attributed to the average. ALTO ZMX52 can be connected via 5 channels, the model also has good noise reduction and a sound calibration function for each channel. 5 channel mixer with high headroom for extra dynamic range.
A small professional console that is suitable for use both at home and in medium-sized concert halls. It allows you to easily achieve high-level sound, due to the built-in preamplifier. The professional compressor allows you to easily control the equipment, the built-in USB interface, all this provides the technical tool with innovative functions and the best software. An analog remote control with a very low noise level will help you make a mini studio at home.
Model AG06 of the famous Japanese company YAMAHA will allow anyone who wants to feel like a real DJ. It differs in quality, budget price, small size and original design, so it will fit perfectly both at home and in a small-sized studio. 6 channels allow you to simultaneously connect several different instruments, and the presence of a built-in amplifier allows you to use a microphone. I would also like to highlight the fact that the mixer is suitable for use on radio stations, as it has a built-in Internet broadcaster that allows you to broadcast and receive music.
Mixing consoles, devices that are gaining popularity every year. Thanks to them, the sound of melodies becomes clear and clear. It is quite difficult to use some models, but manufacturers produce devices that any beginner can handle, you just need to study the instructions. Before purchasing a console, the buyer must clearly determine where it will be used and compare it with the capabilities of the devices, and a consultant in the store will always help to figure this out.