
  1. general information
  2. A bit of history
  3. Kinds
  4. Ranking of the best measuring cups for 2025
  5. Terms of Use
  6. Where else is it used?
  7. Conclusion

Ranking of the best measuring cups for 2025

Ranking of the best measuring cups for 2025

Our today's review will be of interest to a housewife and those who like to cook according to a recipe and delight their household. There are dishes that you simply cannot do without in more than one kitchen. This applies to both knives and other cutlery, and dishes that are directly involved in cooking. Here we will touch on the topic of measuring cups. What are they? What types are there? How to take care of this type of product? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

general information

Some dishes are prepared exclusively according to a specific recipe in compliance with clear proportions. Sometimes the taste depends on it, and if something is not put in the amount that the recipe requires, the dish can be completely spoiled. What does it mean? This means that each ingredient must be added in a certain proportion. And just for this, a measuring cup will be an indispensable helper. With it, you can accurately measure the amount of cereals, seasonings, milk or butter and other products of a similar consistency.

This glass differs from the classical one in that it has measuring scales. They can be expressed in different equivalents. Each type of product has its own scale.

A bit of history

According to some scientists, the bowl served as the first measuring cup. It was made in the distant past. This view was used by the tribes of the Turkic peoples, or rather, the tribes. Already over time, mankind has come up with a glass as we all imagine it today. The most different material was used then:

  • Glass;
  • Plastic;
  • Metal;
  • Paper.

Under Peter I, the famous faceted glass that exists to this day appeared. The pioneer in this sense was the plant in the city of Gus-Khrustalny. It still exists, by the way.

The measuring cup appeared because of the need to follow the exact recipe when preparing a dish.


The main difference between one glass and another is the material. Let's consider each type in a little more detail.

  • Plastic

This is the most common option.And this is understandable, because it is stronger than some other types. It costs less. You can choose from a wide range of them. But, along with these advantages, there are two significant disadvantages - this is a possible smell that can be transferred to some products. And the second is intolerance to high temperatures, with them it can be deformed.

  • glass

This type is slightly more expensive than the previous one. But, despite this, it has an attractive design. Plus, it's more hygienic. It is difficult not to comply with any sanitary standards. This parameter is especially significant for those people who use such glasses in catering places.

Glass has one significant disadvantage - it is fragility. One awkward movement, and the dishes are shattered. And this fragility is also manifested in the situation of measuring very hot liquids. Although now there are already models that are resistant to any temperature.

  • metal

This is a more modern version. As practice shows, it is combined with almost all styles that are used in the kitchen. Modern technologies make it possible to produce metal that is absolutely safe and does not emit any substances.

Resistant to any drops, but with a strong impact can be deformed.

  • Ceramic

Not a very popular type of material. It is very fragile and not suitable for all types of products. But it still has a place in the kitchen.

  • Silicone

Those who have children often purchase these models. They are sold at an affordable price, exclude deformation during a fall, impact or other actions. These glasses cannot be called universal. They often give measurement errors.

Consider representatives of each type.

Ranking of the best measuring cups for 2025

plastic models

Sunnex 518612

Model made in China. The volume of the glass is one liter, which is quite normal. Using the printed scale, you can measure various substances, both liquid and bulk. There will be no errors in cooking, because. the measurement here is accurate.

measuring cup SUNNEX 518612
  • The minimum cost, a little less than 150 rubles;
  • Quality product.
  • Not detected.


Another representative of the plastic type of glasses. Here, the volume is already half as much as the previous sample, namely 500 milliliters. Manufacturers have taken into account the comfort and convenience of use, and have made a comfortable handle and spout here. In addition to the classic scale, a scale in ounces is applied to the surface.

The price of this sample is on average only 80 rubles.

measuring cup LASELLA
  • A budget option;
  • Convenient to use.
  • Not detected.

Tescoma Delicia 630408

The country of manufacture of this model is the Czech Republic. It is more suitable for various cereals, seasonings, sugar and other products of similar consistency, but liquids can also be measured without errors.

Dishes are cleaned in the usual way, manually using detergent. The use of various chemicals is prohibited, as they can not only damage the surface, but also leave residues of their elements, which can then react with the food being measured in it. The manufacturer also does not recommend heating the liquid in the microwave. This may lead to deformation.

A copy costs more than its other counterparts - 470 rubles.

measuring cup Tescoma Delicia 630408
  • Versatile in use.
  • There are care restrictions.

glass models

MATFER 553295

600 - milliliter glass of French production. In most cases, this instance is used by bartenders to make cocktails. They use them to measure the exact amount of alcoholic and non-alcoholic products to serve to their customers.

Several measuring scales are applied to the model, which provides ideally measured proportions of the future drink or dish.

The manufacturing company is considered one of the best manufacturers of specialized utensils for the kitchen.

The cost is about 500 rubles.

beaker MATFER 553295
  • High quality product;
  • Versatility.
  • Not detected.

Simax Classic

This sample is made of heat-resistant glass, which is not afraid of temperature changes.

In this regard, this glass can be placed in the microwave, oven and freezer. There, the material will not melt, crack, or create an unfavorable environment for the contents themselves.

The applied scales are provided for measuring liquids and cereals.

The product is unpretentious in care. It can be washed both by hand and in the dishwasher using various detergents.

The cost is 620 rubles.

beaker Simax Classic
  • Made of glass resistant to both high and low temperatures;
  • Affordable price.
  • Not detected.


A common model that is preferred by most consumers. As noted by some of them, the divisions printed on the glass case are well read, you do not need to strain your eyes to see the desired mark.

This model is not picky about washing; you can send it to the dishwasher without fear for integrity. But it is better not to put in the microwave, there is a chance of damage to the container.

The average price is 500 rubles.

measuring cup Pyrex
  • High-quality drawing of a measured scale;
  • Convenient form.
  • Not detected.

Mason Cash

This is a miniature representative of glass measuring cups. It measures liquids and bulk solids. Heat-resistant glass already familiar to us is applicable here. We will not repeat its advantages.

If you need to measure a small volume, for example, to measure out the proportions for making a sauce, then this sample will come in handy. You can also use a glass to determine the exact dosage of the medicine, which is also a plus.

Despite the small size, the divisions are bright and clear. Resistant to shocks and falls.

measuring cup Mason Cash
  • High quality paint used
  • Multifunctional.
  • For some, the font may seem small.

metal models

Lind 2040226 512205-03

Outwardly, this glass looks quite roomy, because you can measure 1.5 liters of either liquid or bulk products.

The design itself is very reliable and stable due to the thick bottom. Because the glass is made of stainless steel, it will serve in the kitchen for a long time. Yes, and will fit in style with any interior.

Another plus of this model is the lack of interaction with the product that we are measuring. No chemical reaction takes place.

measuring cup Lind 2040226 512205-03
  • Quality material;
  • Easy care;
  • Large volume;
  • Minimal risk of shape change on impact.
  • Not detected.

The price is 1750 rubles.

Paderno 2040244

The option is slightly smaller and cheaper than the previous one. The volume is 1 liter, and the scale is applied from the inside, not the outside. But do not think that this method of application is inconvenient. Because the shape of the product is conical, so the view is not obstructed.

The cost is 1300 rubles.

measuring cup Paderno 2040244
  • Optimal form for use;
  • Italian production;
  • Strong steel.
  • Not detected.


The Swiss-made sample is applicable for the manufacture of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Its capacity is 500 ml. A fairly narrow focus of kitchen utensils, but still has a place to be in our rating.

Of all the samples presented, this one is more budgetary, its price is only 800 rubles.

measuring cup COM- 02040224
  • Durable material;
  • Acceptable price.
  • Not universal in use.

Models of different price categories

Gipfel 5378

The most expensive mug, worth 2920 rubles. What distinguishes it from all previous samples? It has an electronic display, which reflects all the data. It contains 800 ml. The most comfortable size. The material used is plastic.

measuring cup Gipfel 5378
  • Innovative technologies in the form of a digital display;
  • Versatility in use.
  • Overcharge.


Plastic measuring cup with a volume of half a liter. It cannot be said that it is only for any one product. Can be applied to anything. The convenient form and interesting design distinguish model from all others. The scale is clearly marked, well visible from different angles.

Yamazaki measuring cup
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Acceptable price - 1300 rubles;
  • Durable plastic.
  • Not detected.

Nice&Price ПЦ3052

This model is more like a jug. A very budget option for those who do not want to spend extra money for design. It is roomy and practical. Despite its price of 79 rubles, the material used here is of high quality, namely durable plastic.

It has a handle and spout for easy pouring. The measurement scale is clear and easy to see.

Used for any kind of products. But most of all, housewives prefer to use it when cooking baking.

measuring cup Nice&Price ПЦ3052
  • Low price;
  • Large volume - 1 liter;
  • Quality plastic.
  • Not detected.

Terms of Use

In order to prepare a dish according to the recipe in compliance with all proportions, of course, you need to choose special dishes specifically for those products that will be used in the recipe. But it will be equally important to properly care for the dishes so that they last a long time. We will now present a number of recommendations relating to this issue.

  • It does not matter what material the glass is made of, it must first be washed and dried. The product can only be used dry.
  • Before starting the measurement, place the cookware on a flat surface to avoid distortion in the measurement.
  • When measuring loose or viscous products, stack them with a spoon. This minimizes the risk of creating an absolutely unnecessary air gap. In addition, this way the vessel is filled more evenly.
  • Liquid products must be poured carefully, along the wall of the vessel.
  • If you need to measure the exact amount of butter, then it is first divided into medium pieces, and only then placed inside.
  • After the measuring cup has been used, it must be rinsed well. The instructions have recommendations on whether it can be washed in a dishwasher or absolutely not.

Where else is it used?

The scope of the type of goods we are considering is large. We considered exclusively the culinary sphere, and now we will consider a few more areas of application:

  1. Bar. Surely, all of us were at the bar of some club or restaurant, where we ordered alcohol for ourselves. So the bartender uses a small measuring stick in order to accurately calculate the amount of alcohol in a cocktail or pure.
  2. Research. In this area, dipsticks are used as a tool to accurately measure chemicals that are mixed with other substances to achieve the desired result. Despite advanced technology, this method is still in demand.
  3. Pharmaceutics. Everything is simple here. In the manufacture of medicines, it is definitely impossible to do without an exact dosage. It is worth making a small error, and the medicine may not work out and not go on sale.

These are the main areas of application, there are many more industries.


Summing up our article, we summarize some points that, in our opinion, are key.

Start over. The choice of one or another mernik will come from the purely personal preferences of each hostess. If you need a durable sample that will not stand in a closet, but somewhere in a conspicuous place, while being a piece of furniture, then you should pay attention to stainless steel models.And if the product is planned to be stored on a shelf where it will not be visible at all, and they will use it a couple of times a month, then you can consider the plastic version.

Now, as for the cost. As we could already see, expensive samples have wide functionality. Such models are preferred for purchase by professional chefs and cooks, as well as those who use them in the kitchens of a restaurant or cafe. You should not overpay for a beautiful appearance if a cheaper model has the same functionality. But do not forget that its price directly depends on the chosen material. Plastic is the cheapest and metal is the most expensive. We have discussed the prices for each type above.

We hope our review was helpful to you.

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