
  1. What equipment is needed for cleaning and lubricating medical tips
  2. Turbine and mechanical handpieces: general recommendations
  3. Main advantages
  4. The best cleaning devices: rating

Rating of the best medical devices for cleaning and lubricating handpieces for 2025

Rating of the best medical devices for cleaning and lubricating handpieces for 2025

Medical instrument tips can wear out fairly quickly. One of the main reasons for their failure is improper care. According to statistics, about 75% of the tips have become unusable for this very reason.

What equipment is needed for cleaning and lubricating medical tips

To keep medical handpieces in working condition, they must be regularly cleaned and lubricated using a special apparatus.It helps to remove absolutely all impurities, thoroughly lubricates the tips and prepares them for subsequent use.

What the machine does:

  1. This device is primarily used for cleaning handpieces. It is able to remove a variety of contaminants, even in the most inaccessible places. This is possible thanks to special cleaning agents and advanced technologies that are used during the operation of the device.
  2. The device is able to provide high-quality disinfection of equipment. This fact is very important, because the hygienic condition of any medical instrument must meet all existing requirements.

It is worth noting the fact that cleaning a lot of equipment, including medical tips, takes a lot of time. The thing is that such devices have many areas that are difficult to reach. Cleaning them by hand is very tedious, so the desire to simplify and improve this process is fully justified.

Today, there are a huge number of companies that specialize in the manufacture of devices for cleaning medical tips. They differ from each other in many ways, including:

  1. Dimensions. These devices can be of different sizes. The market is full of both compact and very large devices. Sufficiently dimensional devices are able to simultaneously process a large number of tools, while compact ones can process only a few units.
  2. performance. Device performance depends on several factors. One of them can be called the number of tools that can be processed at the same time.
  3. Manufacturability. Modern manufacturers strive to improve equipment as much as possible.Each of them is trying to make their own additions to the operation of the device and do everything possible so that the result obtained is the best.

Turbine and mechanical handpieces: general recommendations

Today, the considered devices are used in all medical institutions.


Cleaning and sterilization of NSK turbines can be carried out using a thermodisinfector. After thermal disinfection, the device is used in accordance with all recommendations given by the manufacturer.

Autoclaving (sterilization)

All types of tips can be autoclaved, but only if preliminary preparation is carried out. After sterilization, it is extremely difficult to remove dirt from the instrument. This fact cannot be ignored. It is worth noting the fact that oils retain all their properties even after sterilization.

Main advantages

The service life of any medical equipment directly depends on how well it is cared for. This fact forces manufacturers to pay special attention to improving existing equipment and to find ways to sterilize and clean instruments that cannot have any negative impact on them. At the same time, certain solutions are applied for each field of medicine. For example, when processing the tips of instruments used in dentistry, it is important to consider that they need to be pre-cleaned and lubricated. If you neglect this rule, it will be impossible to call sterilization safe.

To perform such procedures, separate devices have been created. They perform internal cleaning and lubricate the handpieces. Such devices have many advantages, including:

  1. The ability to extend tool life.
  2. Significant reduction in repair costs.
  3. Quick tool cleaning.
  4. Cleaning of tips of any type.
  5. Full automation. The device automatically performs all necessary operations.
  6. Easy to use.
  7. Good performance.
  8. Low consumption of oils used for tool lubrication.
  9. Safety of processed tools.

When choosing a device, pay attention to:

  • cycle duration;
  • types of tips that can be placed in the cleaning apparatus;
  • device price;
  • the experience of the company that produces it;
  • the amount of oil used;
  • need for compressed gas.

The best cleaning devices: rating

For the care of medical handpieces, special disinfection - lubricating autoclave equipment is ideal. It is capable of not only removing contaminants that are on the surface and in the internal channels in one cycle, but also lubricating and sterilizing the instrument. Often, such devices can process tips of any company. However, their price is quite high. In one working cycle, which lasts about 40 minutes, the device can process no more than 6 tips. At a time when simpler devices can only perform one operation - cleaning, flushing or lubrication.

Assistina 301 Plus

This model is considered the best option. The device is fully automated and has a number of advantages - ease of use, reliability of the apparatus and cost-effectiveness.

Assistina 301 Plus is air driven and suitable for:

  • tips of straight and angular type;
  • turbines;
  • tools that are used to remove tartar;
  • pneumatic motors.

This device should be used only after preliminary treatment, namely, removal of contaminants from the surface of the instrument and disinfection. Such events allow you to create optimal conditions for the processing and storage of medical instruments.

Assistina 301 Plus can be called a unique device that has no analogues. It helps to save a lot of costs for one treatment and pays for itself in a year after the start of its use.

Assistina 301 Plus
  • the ability to increase the operational period of the tool, which is subjected to regular processing;
  • no need for regular repairs and maintenance. This is possible through the use of;
  • W&H oil and its optimal distribution;
  • the ability to separate dirt from the surface of the tool, and then remove it. This guarantees minimum friction, minimum wear and increased tool life;
  • economical use of oil;
  • the use of a special, alcohol solution for washing spray channels;
  • preventing lime build-up, which is possible by blowing the channels with compressed air.
  • not found.

This device has earned the title of one of the best, thanks to the ability to clean and lubricate tools with high quality. The manufacturer was able to achieve this result thanks to the introduction of a new care system. It is fully automated and performs all tasks perfectly.

KaVo QUATTROcare® Plus 2124A

QUATTROcare PLUS 2124A is used to process instruments such as:

  • turbine and contra-angle tips;
  • heads.

This device managed to prove itself and take one of the leading positions.It is used for processing tips of any type and is able to perform it efficiently, quickly, and also reliably.

The device is able to carry out additional flushing of the spray channels and remove excess oil from the surface of the tips, but only if it is connected to a source of compressed air.

The tools that are produced by this company have established themselves as the highest quality and durable. However, statistics show that more than 50% of breakdowns occur due to their contamination. This device will clean the best quality, and the automated system will adjust the amount of oil supplied, which can guarantee the correct lubrication of the tool.

KaVo QUATTROcare® Plus 2124A
  • high quality of the device;
  • the ability to supplement the device with adapters that allow you to process a variety of tools;
  • the ability to independently control and regulate the oil supply;
  • simple use;
  • the ability to process up to 4 tools within 1 minute;
  • you can connect an adapter for the device;
  • the ability to reduce or increase the amount of oil supplied to the tools during lubrication;
  • ease of use.
  • not found.

Assistina 3×2

This device can be called one of the most high-performance. It is equipped with an air drive that allows you to clean and lubricate all types of handpieces, air motors, scaling instruments and surgical handpieces automatically. The only exception to this rule are air bearing turbine tools.

This device is fully automated. He independently performs all the preparatory work that must be done before placing the instrument in the autoclave.With it, the process of cleaning tips becomes much easier and faster.

Assistina 3×2 is able to thoroughly clean any tool and ensure its normal operation throughout the entire operational life.

Assistina 3×2
  • Simple use. This device is equipped with a clear interface that is perceived at an intuitive level. No training is required to operate this device. You can launch it with the click of a button.
  • Proper lubrication. Instruments are lubricated automatically, and the use of F1 oil significantly increases the service life of medical instruments.
  • Fast cycle. A complete cycle is about 6 minutes. After this time, the instrument is ready to be placed in the autoclave.
  • Nice price. This device is distinguished by its affordable price, but this does not affect its quality. It is able to clean medical instruments as efficiently as possible, despite the minimal cost of its purchase.
  • Quality assurance. Experts confirm the fact that this device is able to clean the tool with high quality. The confirmation sticker is located in the loading chamber.
  • not found.

NSK Care3 Plus C1

High and low speed handpieces can be placed in this machine at the same time. It not only cleans, but also lubricates the tools. At the same time, its daily use helps to extend the life of the tips.

One of the biggest benefits of NSK Care3 Plus C1 is the integrity of the tool cleaning and lubrication process. The device rotates the tips. At this time, a special solution and lubricating oil penetrate into all the holes of the tips.This guarantees high-quality processing of tools.

This device is perfect for processing low-speed handpieces. The instrument system port rotates the gear mechanism inside the handpiece, which allows for good cleaning and thorough lubrication.

NSK Care3 Plus C1
  • convenient use of the device;
  • the ability to rotate the mechanisms located inside the tip, which improves the quality of cleaning;
  • fast cleaning;
  • cost savings;
  • safety;
  • rotation with filtered air;
  • an indicator that allows you to control the level of the solution;
  • oil filter system;
  • the presence of air purge, which allows you to remove the remnants of the solution from the surface of the tips;
  • easy cleaning at the end of use.
  • not found.

Woson LUB909

Woson LUB909 is an analogue of NSK Care3 Plus. It is able to clean and lubricate no more than 3 tools in one cycle.

This device is designed to prepare handpieces for sterilization in an autoclave. One of its main features and distinctive characteristics is the simplified filling of the tank with oil and the presence of a removable panel that allows you to easily clean the device.

Woson LUB909
  • the possibility of its use for cleaning and lubricating tips used in dentistry;
  • the possibility of processing 3 tools in one cycle;
  • the presence of a rotary mechanism that allows you to clean and lubricate the tips at different angles;
  • the ability to adjust the processing modes, depending on the tool being processed. Can be set to short, long or extra long.
  • not found.


This device, like the previous one, is able to clean 3 tips at the same time.You can put in it:

  • 2 high speed tools;
  • turbine high-speed handpieces;
  • 1 low speed tool;
  • handpiece straight, angle type or motor.

Among dental instruments, the most important and in demand are precisely rotating ones, which indicates the need for proper and high-quality care. In addition, they require a lot of money, especially in cases where the dentist prefers options that are produced by world-class companies. The BTY-700 is designed to clean such instruments. Its main distinguishing characteristic is that in addition to performing basic tasks, it is able to remove excess oil by blowing it out. However, this does not affect the speed of the device. Processing takes only a few minutes and is performed with the highest quality.

  • convenient container for oil;
  • an indicator that allows you to control the amount of oil;
  • the ability to remove the front panel;
  • 750 ml oil included.
  • not found.

Handpiece cleaners are similar. When buying them, the main emphasis should be on the number of tools that the machine is able to clean at the same time.

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