
  1. Description and characteristics
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. Rating of high-quality ointments for herpes in the intimate area for 2025

Rating of the best ointments for herpes in the intimate area for 2025

Rating of the best ointments for herpes in the intimate area for 2025

Genital herpes causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms that need to be stopped at the very beginning of their appearance. As part of complex therapy, it is recommended to use special ointments that contribute to a quick recovery. In the article, we will consider recommendations on how to choose the right ointment for the price and effect, what new and popular models are on the market, what mistakes can be made when choosing.

Description and characteristics

Herpes infection is the most common and socially significant infection of modern man. It can be of several types, occur in the mouth, nose, ears, and also on the genitals.

The intimate area is exposed to the virus during any form of sex (oral, anal, traditional). Genital herpes can be passed from mother to child during the baby's passage through the birth canal. Once a person has contracted herpes, it is no longer possible to get rid of it. It can not manifest itself for a long time, doze in the body for several years. Sooner or later, he will manifest himself, then it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible, not to start the disease.

Genital herpes refers to the type of herpes of the first and second types. In hibernation, it is located in the ganglia of the lumbosacral spine, with a decrease in immunity, it penetrates into other areas when the focus of infection grows.

A distinctive feature of this type of virus is its multifocality. It can concentrate in blood cells and lead to a decrease, destruction of immune mechanisms. This is manifested by an increase in lymph nodes, a decrease in working capacity, a deterioration in the general condition. If it hits the lining of the brain, then meningitis, various types of nervous disorders, VVD can develop.

Reasons for the appearance:

  • chronic stress;
  • prolonged depression;
  • emotional burnout;
  • menstrual cycle in women;
  • surgical interventions of various types;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • colds;
  • avitaminosis;
  • decreased general immunity

There are dozens of reasons why a dormant virus can manifest itself.

The main symptoms of the manifestation of the disease:

  • redness, itching, swelling;
  • rash of groups of bubbles with a clear liquid, on the genitals and buttocks;
  • the appearance of ulcers, the leakage of fluid from bursting bubbles;
  • bleeding of burst ulcers, severe pain.

If you do not respond in time to the onset of symptoms, then the human reproductive system will also suffer.

Diagnosis of the disease:

  • delivery of a general blood test;
  • studies for the presence of latent infections;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • diagnosis of the microflora of the genital organs, by taking a smear;
  • if necessary, consultation of narrow specialists, such as a gynecologist, urologist, cardiologist and neuropathologist.

Incubation period for disease development

The virus can stay in the body for a long time (sometimes even a lifetime) and not manifest itself in any way. At the same time, the carrier is able to transmit it to others.
The incubation period differs depending on the type of disease:

  • with primary infection, it is 10 days;
  • chronic appears within 3-5 days after the “exciting” factor.

Primary herpes does not always manifest itself in the form of vesicles upon infection, therefore it is not possible to determine it immediately (only when additional tests are taken).

How to cure herpes

Herpes is not treatable, it can only be stopped until the next attack. Most people get this virus in childhood, from parents, when kissing.It was believed that herpes of the first type does not develop on the genitals, but, as practice shows, this can happen.

The main method of preventing genital herpes is sexual intelligibility, the absence of casual sex, the use of condoms. The presence of a condom does not give a complete guarantee against the disease. It can get on the skin unprotected with latex and begin to develop.

In therapy, there are 2 directions of treatment:

  1. Appointment of antiviral drugs of different forms of release. Combine tablets with ointments and sprays for greater effectiveness.
  2. Comprehensive treatment aimed not only at fighting the virus, but also at maintaining and strengthening the overall immunity of the body. Then various immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, and diet are added to the treatment.

Complications of genital herpes

If you let the disease take its course and do not take the road treatment, it can cause a number of serious diseases, such as:

  • meningitis;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • nerve damage in the pelvis;
  • complications during pregnancy, up to the death of the fetus;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • blindness;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • infertility, etc.

When the first signs appear, you should immediately contact a specialist to pass the necessary tests and identify the problem.

Criterias of choice

Tips on what to look for when buying:

  1. The composition of the drug. Many medicines have a number of contraindications, so you need to carefully consider the components. The best option would be to consult with your doctor, he will select the most suitable option.
  2. spectrum of action. Some ointments have a wide functionality, not only stop the disease, but also improve overall well-being, raise the level of immunity, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Consistency and ease of application. Most products (oxolinic ointment, acyclovir) are easy to apply, have a viscous texture that does not drain and is quickly absorbed. Such options are the best and most practical. There is not always time to wait until the applied layer dries.
  4. Release form. Preparations of this type are most often produced in the form of tablets (capsules) and ointments. To achieve a quick result, you must use them in combination.
  5. The best manufacturers. Consider the main companies that, according to consumers, produce high-quality and efficient products. Domestic firms: Crimean herbalist, Rassvet, Evalar, Farmcenter Vilar, Vertex. The best foreign producers: Biogal, Glaxo Wellcome, Bausch & Lomb. It is impossible to say for sure which company is better to purchase the product. It is necessary to select drugs individually, the manifestation of allergic reactions is possible, both in adults and in children.
  6. Where could I buy. Most ointments are sold without a doctor's prescription, so you can buy at any pharmacy chain, or order online with delivery in an online store. For comparison, you can see how much the same drug costs on different resources and choose the appropriate option.
  7. The cost of drugs. Most of the options are inexpensive, and have 1-2 active ingredients. Ointments with immune modulation function will cost a little more. Also, the price is influenced by the popularity of models and brands, market demand, composition. Which drug is better to buy, proceed from your capabilities, the current situation and preferences.

Rating of high-quality ointments for herpes in the intimate area for 2025

The rating includes the best options used for genital herpes.The basis was the popularity of models, review and consumer reviews, as well as the type of drugs produced.

The best domestic ointments for herpes

Acyclovir ointment for nar. approx., 5%, 10 g

Acyclovir guarantees a quick visible result, completely copes with the problem in 4-7 days. Crusts quickly form at the site of acne, preventing them from bursting and spreading over the skin. For a cumulative effect, it is recommended to apply for 2 weeks. The drug is quickly absorbed, has a soft texture, practically does not cause allergic reactions. Average price: 40 rubles.

Acyclovir ointment for nar. approx., 5%, 10 g
  • high efficiency;
  • availability in the pharmacy network;
  • fast result.
  • not recommended for every inflammation.

Herpferon ointment for places. and Nar. approx., 20000 IU / g + 30 mg / g + 10 mg / g, 5 g

The drug effectively suppresses genital herpes and other infections of the skin and mucous membranes. Lidocaine, which is part of the composition, quickly relieves pain and itching. The herpetic rash is stopped at the initial stage, preventing the virus from spreading further. Price: 262 rubles.

Herpferon ointment for places. and Nar. approx., 20000 IU / g + 30 mg / g + 10 mg / g, 5 g
  • pleasant, delicate texture;
  • small expense;
  • excellent immunomodulator.
  • not identified.

Crimean herbalist HerpesNet, 20 ml

Cosmetic preparation on herbs, which has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Suitable for daily use, for all skin types. Can be used 2-4 times a day. It is quickly absorbed, has a light texture and a delicate aroma. Price: 203 rubles.

Crimean herbalist HerpesNet, 20 ml
  • convenient packaging;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • soft, light texture
  • hard to find in retail.

Melmur Ointment Propolis with Mumiyo 20% 47 gr for herpes, psoriasis, fungal dermatitis

The drug based on natural ingredients effectively heals wounds, relieves pain in herpetic infections, and prevents the infection from spreading. Suitable for daily use, as an additional therapy during treatment. Volume: 47 gr. Average price: 508 rubles.

Melmur Ointment Propolis with Mumiyo 20% 47 gr for herpes, psoriasis, fungal dermatitis
  • natural composition;
  • wide functionality;
  • can be used during pregnancy.
  • is not a drug.

Alpizarin ointment for places. and Nar. approx., 2%, 10 g

Antiviral drug approved for children from 1 year. It is prescribed at the first signs of the disease. It acts extracellularly, protecting the genitals from the spread of infection. It is recommended to use 7-10 days, until complete recovery. If necessary, the course can be extended up to 2 weeks. Price: 105 rubles.

Alpizarin ointment for places. and Nar. approx., 2%, 10 g
  • approved for admission for children from 1 year;
  • optimal cost;
  • a wide range of activities.
  • not identified.

Bacinetsin ointment for external use, 20 g

An effective ointment contains two bactericidal antibiotics, neomycin and bacitracin. Due to the complex action, the effect is achieved after several applications. Expiration date: 1 year. Average price: 370 rubles.

Bacinetsin ointment for external use, 20 g
  • combined antibacterial agent;
  • quick result;
  • rare occurrence of side effects.
  • not identified.

Dawn Cream Hygiene-Herpes

A fast-acting ointment is recommended as an additional therapy for any type of herpes. The tube is designed in such a way that the application becomes as convenient as possible. It is necessary to apply 3-5 times a day, in a thin layer. Average price: 287 rubles.

Dawn Cream Hygiene-Herpes
  • convenient to apply;
  • natural composition;
  • suitable for daily use.
  • not identified.


The ointment allows you to protect intimate places from the spread of the virus during pregnancy and lactation. It has a tonic, immunomodulatory effect. Reduces recurrence rates in the future. Apply a thin layer, for 5-7 days, 3-4 times a day. Weight: 12 gr. Price: 235 rubles.

  • allowed during pregnancy during lactation;
  • safe components;
  • good immunomodulator.
  • must be stored in the refrigerator.

Zinc ointment

Effectively eliminates vaginal herpes, prevents it from penetrating into the cells, blocks and reduces the level of recurrence. Zinc dries the bubbles, preventing them from spreading. It is applied in a thin layer 2-3 times a day for 1 month. Price: 85 rubles.

Zinc ointment
  • dries and heals wounds in a short time;
  • safe components;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.
  • slowly absorbed.


Herpes ointment for local and external use. Active ingredient: Helepin-D dry extract (desmodium herb dry extract). Shelf life: 3 years. Penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, blocking the spread of herpes. Has a cumulative effect. Price: 832 rubles.

  • without age restrictions;
  • practically no side effects;
  • antimicrobial action.
  • price.

The best ointments for herpes from a foreign manufacturer

GLAXO WELCOME OPERATIONS Zovirax cream for nar. approx. tuba, 5%, 5 g

An effective drug for external and local use, quickly fights the problem, relieves the symptoms of any type of herpes in women and men. Promotes the development of immunity to block recurrence. Country of origin: UK. Cost: 200 rubles.

GLAXO WELCOME OPERATIONS Zovirax cream for nar. approx. tuba, 5%, 5 g
  • ease of use;
  • optimal combination of price and quality;
  • fast effect.
  • not identified.

Abhaibhubejhr, Payayor Abhay Cream Payayor Relieve Herpes Virus, 10 g

Ointment based on Thai herbs, including Clinacanthus, known for its antibacterial properties. Not only fights the virus, but also quickly restores damaged areas. Suitable for all skin types. Weight: 10 gr. Country of origin: Thailand. Cost: 355 rubles.

Abhaibhubejhr, Payayor Abhay Cream Payayor Relieve Herpes Virus, 10 g
  • large volume;
  • Asian cosmetics;
  • convenient application.
  • allergic reactions are possible.


An effective antiviral drug based on acyclovir protects against the spread of infection. Easy to apply, quickly absorbed, does not leave marks on clothes. The package contains detailed instructions for use. Country of origin: India. Cost: 84 rubles.

  • a wide range of activities;
  • visible effect;
  • optimal cost.
  • not identified.


Antiviral drugs from Biogal have a wide spectrum of action, fast results and minimal allergic reactions.If you start taking it early, it will relieve the disease in 10-12 days. Active ingredient: Epervudine. Country of origin: Hungary. Cost: 350 rubles.

  • fast visible result;
  • famous brand;
  • convenient bottle.
  • dispensed by prescription.

Viru-merz serol

The ointment fights the virus and protects the labia from the spread of the disease. The virus does not develop resistance to active ingredients, regular use prevents recurrence in the future. Approved for use by persons over 18 years of age. Country of origin: Germany. Cost: 430 rubles.

Viru-merz serol
  • released without a prescription;
  • effective at any stage of the disease;
  • blocks the attachment of the virus to the cells.
  • not identified.

The article examined what types of herpes are? and how to smear more effectively in different situations. The material is for informational purposes, before buying it is necessary to consult with a specialist about possible contraindications.

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