Paintings made with a palette knife are particularly realistic and stylish. This technique of work is much more complicated than the usual brush painting. But to learn how to work with this tool, it is not necessary to be a professional artist. It is enough to have a desire to develop and receive practical training.
In this article, we will talk in more detail about the palette knife tool, its varieties, as well as which models of art products have become the most popular among buyers in 2025.
To create picturesque masterpieces, there are many different accessories. And not every beginner in the artistic field may know about their existence and purpose. Considering products for creating paintings, many are wondering - what is a palette knife, and what is it for?
A palette knife is a special spatula with a small wooden handle, which is designed for mixing paints with each other, removing its remnants from the work. You can also use this tool to create paintings: using only one spatula and paint materials on the canvas, the result will be an original painting with a special relief that will add realism.
Some novice artists have no idea how to create with a metal spatula without using the usual brushes. But after they master this drawing technique, their professionalism will grow significantly. To get started, you should purchase several tools of different blade shapes and show your imagination. The pleasure of the result will contribute to the further development and study of this technique.
The undoubted advantage of using a palette knife is its care. After drawing, it is enough to rinse the tool with water, there is no need to resort to the help of solvents or other chemicals that are used when working with paints.
There are many different palette knives on sale, which differ in size, spatula shape, and numbers.But still in the varieties there is one main distinguishing feature - this is what kind of work the subject is intended for.
Models for painting at the transition point from the handle to the blade have a rather curved shape. This is necessary so that during the creation of a masterpiece, the artist’s hand does not accidentally touch the canvas while drawing. The spatula with paint applied to it has the necessary elasticity, so the material is applied to the canvas smoothly and accurately.
Picturesque palette knives are produced with a variety of blade shapes - in the form of a rhombus, oval, drop, rectangle, with jagged edges. Different shapes will help create a unique pattern with the necessary brightness and contrast.
Also, sculptural painting and bas-relief are indispensable without the use of palette knives - decorative plaster is painted in the desired color and applied to the product with a spatula, creating the necessary relief. After complete solidification, a beautiful composition is obtained. It can be both a picture and a wall decoration, a mirror and other items.
Painting on canvas with a palette knife is gaining popularity, but these spatulas were originally designed to work on a palette.
To mix colors and get the desired shade, artists use a product that most resembles a knife in shape. Also in the models for the palette there is no bend in the transition from the handle to the blade itself. In addition to mixing, the palette knife will help clean the palette or canvas from the dried remnants of the colorful material, since the edge of the blade is slightly pointed.
Looking at the artistic assortment, the user sees a huge number of tools with different sizes, blade shapes, and handle lengths.Therefore, before buying, it is better to familiarize yourself with some criteria that will help you make the right choice. Here are a few tips to help you avoid erroneous and unnecessary purchases.
Drawing is a fairly lengthy process. Therefore, it is important that the tool sits comfortably in the hand throughout this time. It is desirable that the palette knife has a small weight, since during long work every gram will be felt.
Usually, stainless steel is the material for making the blade of an artistic tool, and wood is used to create a comfortable handle. Sometimes on sale you can find a product made of plastic. But it is still better to give preference to a metal spatula, since during operation it has the necessary flexibility. And the service life of steel tools will be much longer than plastic equipment.
Tools with small blades are designed to draw small details on the canvas. There are many different forms of the blade itself, but the most practical are considered to be in the form of a diamond, knife or fish. But it will be impossible to draw a picture with a tool of only one form - some elements require some smearing, others require a clear outline of the boundaries. Therefore, it is worth purchasing several different models: one of them should be with a pointed blade, and the other should be larger and rectangular or diamond-shaped.
There is no single answer to the question - which blade shape is better? Only by starting to master the technique of drawing, the artist will be able to understand what form of tool will allow him to create and emphasize this or that element in the picture.The size of the user's hand is also an important factor - some are comfortable working with a tool with a short handle, others will need a larger size.
As for manufacturers, it is better to consider trusted companies that produce high-quality tools. These include the companies Malevich, Gamma, Calligrata, Nevskaya Palitra. All products of these brands are in a price category that is pleasant for the buyer.
The American firm Liquitex produces already more expensive goods, while their art supplies have a more original design. Another manufacturer whose production cost is quite high is Winsor & Newton.
The tool of which company is better and to choose as a result depends on the opinion of the buyer, but the listed manufacturers are considered the best in terms of the quality of the produced art products.
To purchase a really high-quality product for mastering the technique of drawing with a palette knife, you should pay attention to the above tips.
Unfortunately, not every city provides a huge selection of materials and supplies for the professional development of creative abilities. Therefore, the best option is to purchase goods through an online store.
To get acquainted with the entire range, just select the desired section. Under the photo of the product there is all the necessary information about the product: the dimensions of the product and the shape of the blade, the materials of manufacture, the manufacturer, the price. Having studied what characteristics a palette knife has, the user is already thinking about purchasing a particular model.
If the artist has not made a choice, perhaps new items or popular models will arouse a certain interest in him. If there are product reviews, we strongly recommend that you read them: sometimes they contain more useful information than the description itself.
You can order online both one and several palette knives of various spatula shapes and sizes of the entire product. Also on sale there are special sets that include several blades with different or identical shapes.
Size #4 painting accessory weighs only 19 grams. Recommended for use by professional artists. The material of manufacture, like most models, are stainless steel and red wood. The length of the structure is 17 cm.
A flexible blade will help you create paintings with the necessary relief of the pattern using acrylic or oil paints. You can buy a palette knife for 205 rubles.
The spatula for creating picturesque masterpieces has a wooden handle made of lacquered beech, a 5 cm long fish-shaped blade. There is also a special small hole on the handle for hanging the product.
The stainless steel blade allows you to accurately apply paint or primer on the painting, mix them together. The length of the entire structure is 22 cm. It is produced in a special blister. Suitable for professional use. The manufacturer offers sizes 1 to 22 with different blades.
The cost of the goods is 255 rubles.
The Italian-made palette knife has a rectangular blade shape. The handle is made of wood - natural beech lacquered. It is possible to store the product in a hanging form thanks to the hole on the handle.
The blade is made of stainless steel with a glossy finish. A convenient tilt level will help you create beautiful canvas compositions. The length of the rectangular blade is 52 mm, the width is 9 mm. Also on sale are models with a diamond-shaped, oval, teardrop-shaped and in the form of a "fish". This palette knife corresponds to the number 11.
You can buy a rectangular model at a price of 419-450 rubles. Similar products with a different blade shape have the same cost.
The presented model is particularly resilient and flexible, thanks to which it is convenient to apply paints with a spatula in the shape of a “fish”, create the necessary relief and remove paint residues from the composition.
The brown wooden handle has a hole for suspension, the spatula is made of stainless steel. The length of the working part is 5 cm, the length of the entire structure is 15 cm.
The cost of goods - from 390 rubles.
Spatula for working with oil and acrylic paints from the well-known manufacturer "Malevich" is made of stainless steel and beech. The length of the spatula in model number 4-1 is 6.5 cm, the width is 1.3 mm, the weight of the entire structure is 50 grams.
A slight bend on the metal part contributes to the smooth movement of the spatula across the picture. Also on sale there are models with different shapes and sizes of the blade, a total of 12 options. In addition to drawing on canvas, these palette knives can be used to mix paints and create the desired color.
You can buy goods of the SIMPLE-LINE series for 313 rubles.
The package includes 6 tools of completely non-standard shapes. With the help of them you can create an original composition. Recommended for use with acrylic or oil paints.
The black flat handle is made of beech and has a smooth texture. The stainless steel blade is flexible and resilient. The connection between the handle and the blade is soldered.
The palette knife numbers in the set are from 1 to 6. The cost of the set is from 1259 rubles.
The three-piece painting set includes a diamond-shaped, trapezoid-shaped palette knife and a fish, popular among artists.
Wooden handles made of beech painted brown, each has a hole for hanging the product. The blade material is stainless steel. Palette knives are suitable for working with oil and acrylic paints.
Blade sizes: 1-1, 2-1 and 3-1. The price for a set of three items is almost 400 rubles.
A set of five artistic elements designed for professionals. Palette knives are presented in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 sizes. All forms in the set are different from each other. Are issued in a cardboard box.
Spatulas for working with oil or acrylic are made of stainless steel, smooth flat handles with a hole for suspension are made of natural beech. On sale there are sets with black or brown handles.
You can buy this set of palette knives at a price of 750 rubles and more.
The set consists of tools with the most sought-after and popular spatula shapes, as well as a model with rounded edges.
The presented sizes are from 1 to 5, that is, in the set there is a small spatula for small details on the canvas and the largest one, which is designed for a large amount of drawing. In addition to drawing, these tools can remove the remnants of colorful material from the picture and palette.It is possible to use not only when working with paints, but also with pastes or gels.
It should be noted that there are no holes on the handles on the tools, so the blades are not intended for hanging storage.
Like most models, palette knives are made of wood and stainless steel. The weight of the whole set is 64 grams. The cost of the kit is from 1000 rubles.
Paint tools are designed more for professional use, but are also suitable for beginners.
All metal blades have different sizes (from 1 to 5) and blade shapes. A comfortable wooden handle and a flexible spatula will simplify the artist's work and help create perfect lines and outlines of the composition.
The product is produced in a blister, the weight of all tools is 119 grams. There are no special holes for hanging. The cost of the kit is within 900 rubles.
This article provides an overview of the most popular palette knives that are designed for painting on canvas. The considered models have become the most popular among buyers-artists in 2025.
Manufacturers offer a variety of accessories of various shapes and sizes, which are necessary for the development of artistic talent, unlocking potential, creating original compositions.
Even inexperienced, novice users should try to master the technique of drawing with palette knives. With a little effort and creativity, the artist can create paintings, bas-reliefs or sculptures, and even develop his own memorable style.