
  1. The role of oil in a lawnmower engine
  2. Oil (and gasoline) for two-stroke engines
  3. Oil for four-stroke engines
  4. Ranking of the best lawnmower oils for 2025
  5. Instead of an epilogue

Ranking of the best lawnmower oils for 2025

Ranking of the best lawnmower oils for 2025

A lawn mower is a very useful piece of equipment for mowing grass when you need to constantly maintain parks or lawns. Thanks to it, it is possible in the shortest possible time to give a smoothed look to the vegetation cover, which is rather difficult to do with a manual scythe. In order for the lawnmower to last longer and not require constant repairs, it is necessary to maintain it properly. One of the permanent procedures for these purposes is an oil change. Depending on the design of the motor, the lawn mower can run on clean fuel or use an oil mixture. The choice of the appropriate oil and fuel for the considered garden unit is of qualitative importance, because the life of the engine will directly depend on such materials.

The role of oil in a lawnmower engine

Gasoline mowers can be equipped with four-stroke or two-stroke engines (ICE). The rotation/movement of the cutting elements is provided by the energy transmitted to them from the engine. Energy is generated as a result of the expansion of gases created during the explosion of gasoline or a fuel mixture in a combustion chamber. The very same compression of the created gases is provided by the movement of the piston. In general, a simple principle of operation of an internal combustion engine.

For the proper functioning of such a system as a whole, there should not be too large gaps between its mating elements. If the dimensions of the gaps are increased due to the wear of the working units, then this will lead to a deterioration in the operation of the entire engine, and over time to a simple impossibility of starting it. The problem will be related to the fact that the system will not be able to achieve the required pressure for combustion of the fuel mixture mixed with atmospheric air.

Engine oil is designed to coat engine components with a thin film in order to slow down the process of their wear, and also to prevent the formation of burrs on the metal surfaces of mating parts. This is the main function of the oil in the operation of the gas lawnmower engine. However, it should be understood that oil does not completely stop the destruction of working units caused by their friction with each other, but only significantly slows down this process.

In addition to reducing the coefficient of friction between the mating working parts of the engine, the oil contributes to:

  • Ensuring better cooling of the drive unit during operation, while simultaneously increasing the level of heat exchange processes between atmospheric air and metal;
  • Performing work by the motor during its operation at the maximum level of intensity, which increases the efficiency of the activity and reduces time costs;
  • Protecting the metal of the drive device from corrosion during the downtime of the device in the cold season.

Thus, engine oil is a special material that can ensure the trouble-free operation of the motor, as well as other systems in the mower. If you neglect the quality of this material, then the device will become more prone to various breakdowns.

Design features of four-stroke and two-stroke motors

According to the principle of their work, these motors have much in common. The peculiarity of the difference lies only in the fact that the working stroke of a two-stroke motor occurs in two cycles, and in a four-stroke - in four. Under one stroke is meant a single movement of the piston down or up. In this case, two strokes are performed for one revolution of the crankshaft.Under the working stroke of the piston is meant its movement, during which the energy of the gases is converted into useful work of the engine (its rotation), as a result of fuel combustion.

According to the operational and design characteristics, two-stroke and four-stroke engine models differ from each other according to the following criteria:

  • For two-stroke engines, the value of specific / liter power is approximately 1.5-1.8 times higher.
  • They differ in the way they are lubricated.
  • Four-stroke engines are characterized by increased fuel efficiency (its consumption is reduced by 20-30%), and in addition, exhaust gases contain less toxic substances.
  • The methods of supplying fuel mixed with air into the cylinder and exhaust gases are also different. For four-stroke engines, a gas distribution mechanism serves for this, which opens / closes special valves at the right time, while two-stroke models do not have it - “working out” simply leaves through stationary holes.
  • Four-stroke models are characterized by less noise.
  • The overall design of two-stroke models is simpler.
  • An improved lubrication system in four-stroke models significantly extends their service life. Also, this period is extended for them due to the fact that the crankshaft turns at lower frequencies.
  • Two-stroke engines rev up faster and accelerate more easily.
  • The periodic frequency of maintenance will be easier for two-stroke models and it is quite possible to do it yourself.
  • Four-stroke motors are heavier and cost more.

IMPORTANT! It is the absence of a gas distribution mechanism equipped with valves that makes two-stroke motors simpler and lighter from a structural point of view.Filling the cylinder with an air-fuel mixture, as well as cleaning it from gas, is carried out by compressing/expanding the mixture and releasing/inletting it through special openings.

Lubrication methods in different types of motors

The use of oil in various types of engines to lubricate internal parts is an essential point in the maintenance process and consists in the fact that two-stroke models are not filled with pure gasoline, but with a mixture of it with engine oil in appropriate proportions. Such a mixture, when combined with air, turns around in the piston assembly, while lubricating the cylinder walls, together with the connecting rod and crankshaft bearings, as well as the pistons themselves. During the ignition of the fuel mixture, the oil, which is part of its composition in tiny drops, also ignites. The combustion products are converted into exhaust gas and thrown out through open holes.

IMPORTANT! There are models of two-stroke engines in which the elements of the fuel mixture (oil and gasoline) are supplied separately, but such internal combustion engines are not installed on lawn mowers.

In a four-stroke internal combustion engine, oil is supplied separately, without mixing with gasoline at all. The lubrication process takes place through special pipelines, valves and a filter, as well as an oil pump. The filter is designed to clean the oil from the smallest metal fragments that are formed during the friction of metal components.

From this it is clear that in two-stroke engines the oil will burn out during operation, but not in four-stroke engines, while it remains in the system for a long period. Therefore, the requirements for the performance of oil for different types of internal combustion engines are different.These qualities include the fact that oil for two-stroke devices should leave as little carbon deposits as possible, and for four-stroke devices it is necessary that the oil substance retains its beneficial physical and chemical properties for as long as possible.

Oil (and gasoline) for two-stroke engines

As mentioned above, two-stroke models run on a fuel mixture only. The replacement of the lubricant in such a lawn mower is not carried out separately - it is mixed in appropriate proportions with gasoline. At the same time, the propulsion system can only work on the proper type of mixture.

It is impossible to use oil according to the principle - "the more it costs, the better it is." The types of oil substances used for two-stroke devices according to the method of their production can be divided into:

  • Mineral;
  • Synthetic;
  • Semi-synthetic.

The lubricating qualities of the substance will depend on their base component, its ability to remain in a liquid state with a decrease in the operating (ambient) temperature, while not increasing its viscosity. Typically, the lubricant composition includes from 5 to 15% additives of various sizes, which are designed to increase the effectiveness of the substance used. Additives will allow:

  • "Stretch" the period of complete formation of traces of corrosion on metal surfaces where redox reactions can occur;
  • Raise the thermal stability of working elements;
  • To make the viscosity index of the substance stable, leaving it at the initial level when the temperature regime changes (on a certain scale).

Lawnmower manufacturers generally recommend in advance the most optimal grade of lubricant for use in their machine in their manuals.In cases where it is difficult to obtain the recommended variety, it is possible to use its best analogues (even incomplete ones). However, it will be necessary to pay attention to the degree of viscosity in any case - it should be as close as possible to the recommended one. In the fuel mixture, gasoline is considered the main component, so its grade must fully comply with the option established by the manufacturer. The time of its combustion will directly depend on the value of the octane number, and the higher this number, the longer the fuel burns. Thus, if you use gasoline of a higher quality grade than recommended, then a conventional two-stroke internal combustion engine will quickly fail.

Fuel mixture manufacturing

To obtain this two-component fluid, engine oil must be mixed with gasoline in the prescribed proportions. For each two-stroke apparatus, these data are given in the instructions. For example, mineral lubricants and gasoline interfere in proportions of 1 to 35, and synthetic ones in a ratio of 1 to 50.

In practice, the mixing process consists of the following steps:

  • The required amount of gasoline is poured into a special container;
  • Further, in the same container, using a dispenser, add the required amount of lubricant;
  • The container is tightly covered with a lid;
  • The entire substance is shaken for 1-2 minutes (depending on the volume).

As a result, the mixed substance is poured into the lawn mower tank, using a watering can for convenience.

It is recommended to store the prepared mixture of lubricant and gasoline in metal or polypropylene containers, but not more than 14 days. Such a mixture is not designed for long-term storage, because gasoline will begin to react with the container material and the products of this chemical reaction will enter the mixture, which can reduce its quality to zero.Using an overexposed mixture in a mower, an incredible amount of soot will form during its combustion. It is worth remembering that refueling with a newly prepared mixture is possible only in the device, whose engine has already completely cooled down. In addition, filling the tank to the brim is also not recommended, because it is necessary to leave space for the thermal expansion of the fuel.

IMPORTANT! Always in the process of preparing the fuel mixture, it is necessary to comply with fire safety rules, performing all operations away from open sources of fire!

Oil for four-stroke engines

For lawn mowers with a four-stroke engine, the lubricant must be poured into a special hole in the crankcase, and gasoline into the appropriate tank. The operating instructions for each specific gas lawn mower contain recommendations regarding the frequency of changing the lubricant. However, it must be remembered that the effectiveness of lubrication decreases after about 50 hours of total operation of the machine. In cases where it is required to mow small areas, then even in one season so many working hours may not be accumulated. This means that the lubricant will need to be changed only to preserve the device for the cold season.

The process of changing the lubricant step by step is as follows:

  • First of all, the engine of the unit is started for 15 minutes of idling in order to warm it up (in this case, the viscosity of the old substance will decrease, and its fluidity, on the contrary, will increase);
  • Next, the oil hole plug is unscrewed on the crankcase;
  • The lawn mower itself is tilted towards this drain, after substituting a container to collect the used lubricant;
  • After draining the waste material, the cork is twisted;
  • The device is installed on a flat base;
  • The upper crankcase opening opens and a new lubricating substance is poured into it, while its level is periodically checked with a dipstick;
  • When the level reaches the desired mark, the filling hole is tightly screwed with a cork (the standard amount of lubricant can vary from 500 to 600 milliliters).

Professionals believe it is possible (and this is justified by practice) to use in four-stroke internal combustion engines not only the branded samples of the oil substance recommended by the mower manufacturer, but also their close analogues. For example, the brand "10W40" may well replace "SAE-30". For most modern mower models, almost any lubricant from the “SF” category and above is suitable. In cold weather and for conservation purposes, special frost-resistant grades should be used.

Masters advise not to drain the waste liquid directly into the soil - this causes great harm to the environment. It is better to use special containers to collect "working off" and dispose of them at special landfills.

Ranking of the best lawnmower oils for 2025

Oils for four-stroke engines

4th place: "G-Energy G-Motion 4T"

This lubricant has several degrees of protection at once, so buying it in almost any store, you can be sure of the quality. Judging by the responses, this fluid is of high quality and can be successfully used on the corresponding motors. It contains a balanced set of additives that provide increased efficiency, and a medium consistency significantly expands the temperature regime of application.The established cost for retail chains is 340 rubles.

G-Energy G-Motion 4T
  • Compatible with diesel engines;
  • Excellent balance of additives;
  • Good consistency.
  • Not suitable for SJ class ICE.

3rd place: Gazpromneft Moto 4 T 30

This sample has the lowest thickening index, which means that it can be used even at sub-zero temperatures. The composition contains innovative additives from foreign manufacturers, which significantly affects the characteristics of combating the formation of carbon deposits and corrosion manifestations. In general, it is characterized as a substance that can extend the life of the mowing unit at times. The recommended cost for retail chains is 360 rubles.

Gazprom Neft Moto 4 T 30

Video review:

  • Adequate cost;
  • Wide operating temperature range;
  • Normal consistency.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "LIQUI MOLY Universal 4-Takt Gartengerate-Oil"

An excellent option from a German manufacturer, characterized by general versatility. Ideal for both petrol and diesel models. The composition is based on a mineral substance and it includes the maximum set of additives that can work with any type of fuel. However, due to its popularity, this brand often suffers from fakes. The recommended cost for retail chains is 700 rubles.

LIQUI MOLY Universal 4-Takt Gartengerate-Oil

About this and other brand products for garden equipment - in the video:


  • Large volume for an adequate price;
  • Versatility;
  • Suitable for all ICEs.
  • The stamp is often counterfeited.

1st Place: BRIGGS & STRATTON 4 Stroke

Although this product is not a product from a well-known brand, most experts consider it a reliable alternative suitable for any motors. The substance itself is of very high quality, the set of additives present is fully balanced. Even if you use the lawn mower in intensive mode for a long time, this lubricant will not give any critical deposits and soot. The established cost for retail chains is 580 rubles.


Useful tips for changing oil, in this case BRIGGS & STRATTON 4 Stroke oils:

  • High quality;
  • Practical universality and interchangeability;
  • Ability to maintain an intensive work regime.
  • Not detected.

Oils for two-stroke engines

4th place: "LIQUI MOLY 2-Takt-Motoroil"

This sample is very popular among lubricants used in two-stroke motors. Its main feature is the fact that it can be poured into any internal combustion engine with a volume of up to 100 "cubes". Thus, it is suitable not only for a lawn mower, but also for a chainsaw, and for a moped, and for a motorcycle. Supplied in an extremely convenient container, the volume of which starts from 0.5 liters (maximum - 5 liters). However, due to its wide distribution, this variety is most often faked. The recommended price for store chains is 430 rubles.

LIQUI MOLY 2-Takt-Motoroil

Video about this oil:

  • The possibility of using in the internal combustion engine up to 100 "cubes";
  • The container is equipped with a convenient dispenser;
  • Adequate cost.
  • High probability of counterfeit.

3rd place: "Huter 2T"

This lubricant is a product of a well-known brand, but for all its quality, it does not have an overpriced price. The company "Huter" is closely associated in Europe with the concept of "quality garden equipment and consumables for it." This material is an example of an excellent combination of price and quality. The composition includes its own original set of solvents, which are responsible for the full mixing of the material with the fuel. The work is characterized by almost complete burnout of the mixture, practically without residue, which means that carbon deposits cannot accumulate on the working parts of the engine. It can be used perfectly as a complete analogue for most types of oil. The established cost for the retail network is 220 rubles.

Huter 2T
  • The best value for money;
  • Interchangeability;
  • Almost complete burnout during operation.
  • Not suitable for engines with more than 50 "cubes".

2nd place: Husqvarna HP

This product belongs to the category of especially expensive, which is fully justified. This composition contains the maximum amount of original additives from a world famous manufacturer, which allows the substance to be perfectly mixed with fuel. The entire mixture will burn almost without the formation of soot, which will ensure a long service life of all working parts of the unit. Completely interchangeable. There are no restrictions on balance. The recommended cost for retail chains is 800 rubles.

Husqvarna HP

How to distinguish an original product from a fake - in the video:

  • Improved protection against counterfeit;
  • Original set of additives;
  • Versatility.
  • High price.

1st place: Motul Garden 2T Hi-Tech

The lubricant is a universal type and is suitable for almost any gardening device using a two-stroke internal combustion engine. The substance contains an innovative type of additive that allows it to mix with fuel as efficiently as possible, making the resulting mixture almost a single mass. Characterized by great popularity. The established cost for retail chains is 860 rubles.

Motul Garden 2T
  • Versatility;
  • Excellent mixing ability;
  • Innovative additive.
  • High risk of counterfeiting.

Instead of an epilogue

An analysis of the market of the materials under consideration has established that more than a third of it can be counterfeit samples and outright fakes (without preserving useful properties) under well-known brands. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase oils for lawn mowers in specialized retail outlets that inspire confidence. At the same time, experts note that the purchase of lubricants through online stores is a guarantee of an almost guaranteed unsuccessful purchase.

Regarding the brands on the market, it can be noted that the Russian manufacturer has taken far from the last place there, although the variety of products from it leaves much to be desired. And yet, to a greater extent, Russian samples have the best combination of price and quality indicators.

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