
  1. General information
  2. Compound
  3. Beneficial features
  4. What goes into the store
  5. Criterias of choice
  6. What to buy
  7. Where could I buy
  8. Best Frozen Shrimp Brands for 2025
  9. Conclusion

Rating of the best brands of frozen shrimp for 2025

Rating of the best brands of frozen shrimp for 2025

The exquisitely piquant taste of these small crustaceans has always attracted seafood connoisseurs. Shrimps are good as a delicate snack, and as an excellent ingredient in soups, main courses or salads.

Unfortunately, freshly caught specimens rarely appear on our market. However, they can be purchased frozen - small or large, boiled or raw, loose or packaged. Therefore, the table will always have the necessary products, as well as new items on the counter. At the same time, everyone hopes that they will get a juicy and tasty delicacy, and not pieces of ice with broken heads and tails. Help in choosing delicacies will be provided by a rating of quality brands of frozen seafood, containing a list and description of the best products.

General information

Shrimps are representatives of the family of decapod crustaceans, numbering a wide variety of species, of which only a few dozen are of commercial importance.

In appearance, they are very similar to marine crustaceans, but larger - from two to 30 centimeters. The body, laterally compressed, consists almost entirely of a massive abdomen, and the head and chest are much shorter. On the first pair of legs are small pincers. Swim with the help of hind pairs of legs and tail plates.

They are divided into groups according to their habitat.


They live in the northern waters of the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans. The main industrial fishing is carried out off the coast of Denmark, Canada, Norway. They are distinguished by a fragile shell, a short length of up to 12 cm and a delicate taste.

Under artificial conditions, this type is not bred, and the food base is high-quality natural plankton. Fishing is carried out at great depths with nets with minimal damage. These include:

  • white northern

  • red comb

  • red langoustines


  • northern chilims

  • pink


In the natural environment, they are usually found in the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the Mediterranean Sea. The main industrial breeding is carried out in Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, China. Grown on artificial farms, they are distinguished by large sizes up to 37 cm long, strong shell and sweetish taste. These include:

  • royal

  • southern deep sea

  • brindle


In nature, the largest shrimp are tiger shrimp. They can be found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas.


The chemical composition of seafood contains many useful elements, vitamins and minerals. They are rich in protein, easily digestible by the body, while the amount of carbohydrates and fats is negligible.

Shrimp is a unique storehouse of biologically active nutrients that are necessary to maintain the health of the body.

One serving weighing 100 grams provides up to 47% of the norm of protein per day, up to 32% of vitamin D, up to 100% of iodine, up to 250% of potassium.

Fresh crustaceans are low-calorie, depending on the species, contain from 73 to 107 kcal. However, during cooking, the calorie content increases. In addition, their allergenicity is minimal and they are great as an alternative dish for allergy sufferers.

The chemical composition is presented in the table.

Composition, gContent per 100 g
Minerals, mgContent per 100 g
Vitamins, mgContent per 100 g
Vitamin E (tocopherol)2,27
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)1.4
Vitamin PP (niacin)1
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.11
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.06
Vitamin A (beta-carotene)0.01
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)0.01

Beneficial features

1. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Regular use lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol with an increase in "good". A positive effect on B vitamins, which counteract the harmful effects of homocysteine, which impedes blood flow and damages blood vessels.

2. Prevention of neoplasms and antioxidant properties.

Akstantin and selenium prevent the formation of cancer cells, slow down growth and destroy weakened cells with a disturbed gene structure. In addition, they enhance anticarcinogenic properties.

3. Improving the activity of the nervous system.

Fatty acids do not allow a decrease in the quality of mental functionality, protecting against the development of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, mood is lifted and depression is reduced due to the excellent anti-stress properties of magnesium.

4. Antimicrobial properties.

The chitin contained in the shell, due to its high antimicrobial properties, helps to quickly heal wounds and cuts.

5. Strengthening the bone structure.

This seafood is excellent for patients suffering from arthrosis of the joints and osteoporosis due to the high content of calcium and vitamin D. Regular presence in food reduces the risk of bone and muscular dystrophy, increases the elasticity of joints and ligaments, and also strengthens the skeleton bones.

6. Benefits for women.

The rich composition of seafood has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetus during pregnancy, improves metabolism, strengthens nails and hair.

7. Benefits for men.

The hormonal background is normalized, mood improves and sexual desire increases. Stimulation of male strength is due to selenium and zinc, and fatty amino acids are involved in the production of testosterone.

Potential Harm

  1. Gastrointestinal dysfunction - an excess of protein contributes to intestinal disorders, manifested in the form of diarrhea or constipation.
  2. Visual impairment - excessive consumption (more than two kg at a time) of neuroactive substances contained in meat can cause temporary visual dysfunctions: disturbance of accommodation, double vision.
  3. Allergic reaction - often occurs with individual sensitivity of the body to proteins. Deviations manifest themselves in different ways: from nasal congestion and tingling in the mouth to Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

What goes into the store

In the seafood departments, crustaceans in assortment:

  • not peeled - shell on the head

  • cleaned:
    • with or without an alimentary tract;
    • with or without ponytail

  • in brine

  • raw-frozen

  • boiled-frozen

  • packaged

  • by weight

Seafood has a long way to go before reaching the counter, which increases the price, which is made up of many factors.

  1. Shrimps must be caught by special vessels or grown on a farm. At the same time, fishing from the natural environment increases the cost.
  2. The harvested seafood is boiled, frozen and glazed.
  3. For transportation, special vehicles with equipment to maintain the temperature regime are used.
  4. The distance of transportation increases the price - the farther to carry, the more expensive the goods;
  5. The cost includes customs fees, supplier and distribution network margins.
  6. The price is affected by the size, which is reflected in the numbers on the packages - the number of copies per pound (peeled) or kilogram (unpeeled). The cheaper ones are labeled 90/120, the more expensive and larger ones are 40/60.

Criterias of choice

1. By appearance.

When bought by weight, seafood looks smooth, clean, free of stains and impurities with no visible damage to the shell.Quality shrimp have curved tails. A straight tail shows the freezing of stale products.

The ice layer cannot be more than one millimeter, and the presence of snow flakes indicates violations of the temperature regime of storage. Unscrupulous sellers increase the layer of ice to increase the mass of goods.

According to the legislation, no more than 7% of ice glaze is allowed!

2. By color.

Fresh products have a greyish-green appearance, while cooked products have a light pink appearance. Pregnant specimens with caviar and delicious meat and gives out a red-brown head. The greenish tint shows that plankton formed the basis of the crustacean food, which does not impair the beneficial properties. White spots on the shell indicate frostbite. A sign of a sick individual is the black color of the head.

Don't listen to the sellers and don't waste your money on hot pink or orange shrimp!

3. By size.

Representatives of the same species have the same size, so when buying, you need to pay attention to the digital designations:

  • small, suitable for salads - 90/120;
  • medium - 50/70, 70/90;
  • large - 40/60;
  • brindle - 21/25.

The more instances, the smaller the numbers!

4. By packaging.

It is better to choose crustaceans in labeled packages with detailed information about the product and manufacturer, production time and expiration date. When buying by weight, you can choose by the piece and they will not cost so much.

5. By packing.

The material is selected durable and provides vacuum storage of products. However, unscrupulous suppliers regularly try to hide substandard goods in an opaque plastic bag. You should be careful and know what to look for in order not to make a mistake when choosing.

No need to buy a product that cannot be considered!

What to buy

  1. The most delicious are those that lived in the natural environment and were caught in cold waters. According to Roskachestvo, the Fish House brand has the highest rating.
  2. The most inexpensive - in large supermarkets Auchan, Karusel when buying by weight.
  3. The most useful - caught in ecologically clean cold waters, where they fed on plankton. It is better to give preference to unpeeled and raw-frozen, which have retained useful properties.

The popularity of models is due to the maximum combination of the best qualities and properties. Packaging from many manufacturers contains ready-made recipes - how to cook at home and how much to cook frozen crustacean dishes yourself.

If you are prone to allergies, be careful when eating shrimp!

Where could I buy

Frozen crustaceans can be found in almost all fish stores and large supermarkets. On the shelves there are different types of products from various manufacturers - budget by weight or premium. With such a variety of choices, it is important to know how to choose a natural product, which one is better to buy, how much it costs and characteristics.

In addition, frozen products are easy to order online from the online store of suppliers or official distributors. In this case, you can use the Yandex.Market aggregator, which presents the best manufacturers with direct links to sellers' offers, as well as tips and recommendations - which company is better to buy goods.

Best Frozen Shrimp Brands for 2025

The review is made up of the best brands, the rating of which is based on popularity in the opinion of buyers in the Yandex.Market service, research results according to Roskontrol and Roskachestvo.Customer reviews on the pages of suppliers and supermarkets were not ignored. The list includes popular models of the main types of products by processing method: raw-frozen and boiled-frozen.

TOP 5 best brands of raw-frozen shrimp

Forstar Headless Vannamei 16/20

Brand - Forstar (India).

An Indian-made product with Vannamei headless seafood, grown in warm waters of aqua farms and characterized by large sizes with a reduced fat content. Juicy and tender meat is rich in high-grade proteins, iodine, calcium and zinc. The use of technology with the function of instant freezing preserves useful trace elements for a long shelf life.

It can be used on its own or as a main ingredient in salads. The best specimens are best grilled, steamed, used as a filling for sushi or decorate different dishes.

Shelf life - 24 months. Sold at a price of 1150 rubles per kilogram.

frozen shrimps Forstar, headless vannamei, 16/20
  • safe;
  • large size;
  • juicy tender meat, saturated with useful substances;
  • long shelf life.
  • high price.

"Ocean of Taste", headless brindle, 26/30

Brand - Ocean of Taste (Russia).
Producer - OOO "Novo-Mar" (Russia).
Growing area - the states of Southeast Asia.

Large decapod crustaceans with dark stripes on the body are grown on aqua farms in the Pacific Northwest (FAO61), including those produced in China. Differ in the big sizes, juicy and gentle meat.The special freezing technology preserves most of the nutrients and trace elements. Glaze content complies with the established norms of 7%.

Such specimens are especially tasty when fried in a pan, grill or in the microwave. Suitable for independent use or as an addition to warm salads.

Sold at a price of 840 rubles per pack of 850 grams.

frozen shrimps "Ocean of Taste", headless tiger shrimp, 26/30
  • safe;
  • large sizes;
  • tender tasty meat;
  • high content of useful trace elements;
  • not much frosting.
  • explicitly expressed for their class were not found.

Horeca Select, royal, 26/30

Brand - Horeca Select (Russia).
Producer – Metro C&C
Growing area - aqua farms in India.

Exquisite large-scale products of the Russian brand on raw materials from India. On large specimens, there is a little glaze in accordance with the norm of 7%. The form of release and processing allows you to save tails and whiskers without damage.

In the distribution network are sold at a price of 910 rubles.

frozen shrimps Horeca Select, king, 26/30
  • excellent appearance;
  • excellent taste with delicate aroma;
  • high content of nutrients;
  • fast cooking;
  • good quality.
  • high price.

Vici, Priority, 20/30

Trademark - Vici (Lithuania).
The manufacturer is Vichyunai-Rus LLC (Russia).
The catch area is the Argentinean waters of the South Atlantic.

Caught large specimens were immediately deep-frozen, thanks to which they retained their delicate texture, taste and color. Products of the Lithuanian trademark, but not of Argentinean production, but of Russian. Without foreign impurities, odor and taste.

The cost in the absence of shares is from 1290 rubles.

frozen shrimp Vici, Priority, 20/30
  • safe;
  • non-rubber delicate taste;
  • a lot of meat, useful minerals and vitamins;
  • little moisture;
  • fast cooking.
  • complex cleaning;
  • high price.

Agama, royal, size 8

Brand - Agama (Russia).
The manufacturer is Agama Royal Greenland LLC (Russia).
Growing area - inland waters of Indonesia.

Juicy raw-frozen specimens weighing up to 18 grams are perfect for a picnic or country table. Natural large products without dyes and preservatives. Grown in artificial conditions on aqua farms.

frozen shrimp Agama, king, size 8

Shelf life 9 months. In stores without a promotion, it is sold at prices from 1480 rubles.

  • do not stick together;
  • safe;
  • fresh;
  • high quality.
  • without a promotion, the price is too high;
  • glaze content exceeds the norm of 7%.

comparison table

TrademarkCompound  Calorie content, kcalSize rangeWeight, g 
SquirrelsFatsCarbohydratesgeneralwithout glaze
Forstar17.30.40.977large, 16/201000930 (-7%)
"Ocean of Taste"19.20.6089large, 26/30850790 (-7%)
Horeca Select17.30.30.373large, 26/30860800 (-7%)
vici24.30.81.5110large, 20/301000930 (-7%)
Agama17.31.1079.1size no. 8850794 (-7%)

TOP 7 best brands of boiled-frozen shrimp

"New Ocean", unrefined, 90/120

Brand - "New Ocean" (Russia).
Producer - LLC "Promore" (Russia).
The catch area is the North Atlantic (Greenland).

Fresh and clean Russian-made products without damage to a small size range. There are no excesses in the composition of heavy metals and toxic substances. Caught in the natural environment, the presence of antibiotics was not detected.

Values ​​of microbiological indicators in accordance with established standards. Glaze content is within the norm of 7%, but there is a lot of moisture present. Unpleasant smell with extraneous aftertaste is absent. The total weight corresponds to that indicated on the packaging.

Sold at a price of 510 rubles per kilogram.

frozen shrimp "New Ocean", unpeeled, 90/120
  • without dyes and preservatives;
  • safe;
  • not affected by parasites;
  • foreign impurities are absent;
  • lots of phosphates.
  • a lot of moisture;
  • the protein content does not correspond to that indicated on the label according to the examination of Roskachestvo.

"First of all", North Atlantic, 90/120

Brand - "First Business" (Russia).
The manufacturer is Agama Royal Greenland LLC (Russia).
The catch area is the North Atlantic (Greenland).

Clean and fresh Russian-made products without exceeding the norms for the content of toxic substances. Caught in an ecologically clean area of ​​the North Atlantic, feeding on natural plankton, no antibiotics.

Microbiological indicators within the established norms. Glaze content is normal 7%. There are no foreign impurities and no smell. Lots of phosphorus. The actual weight corresponds to that indicated on the package.

You can buy a package weighing one kilogram for 580 rubles.

frozen shrimp First of all", North Atlantic, 90/120
  • safe;
  • without dyes and preservatives;
  • fresh;
  • are not affected by parasites;
  • foreign impurities are absent;
  • rich in phosphorus.
  • a lot of moisture;
  • the declared protein content does not always correspond to that indicated on the package according to the examination of Roskachestvo;
  • appearance is sometimes unpresentable.

"Bay of Plenty", selected "Northern", 70/90

Brand - "Bay of abundance" (Russia).
The manufacturer is Agama Royal Greenland LLC (Russia).
The catch area is the North Atlantic (Greenland).

Fresh products caught in an ecologically clean region of the North Atlantic. The content of toxic substances and heavy metals is not exceeded. No signs of the presence of antibiotics.

The values ​​of microbiological parameters are within the normal range. Dyes and preservatives were not found according to the results of research by Roskachestvo. Free from foreign odors and impurities. However, the number of crustaceans in the package did not correspond to that indicated. After defrosting, the products are undamaged, fresh and clean. Actual weight as indicated on the label.

You can buy at a price of 980 rubles for a package of 850 grams.

frozen shrimps "Bay of abundance", selected "Northern", 70/90
  • safe;
  • fresh;
  • without preservatives and dyes;
  • are not affected by parasites;
  • harmful impurities are absent;
  • humidity is normal;
  • glaze according to the norm.
  • sometimes the quantity does not correspond to that indicated on the package;
  • the protein content differs from that indicated on the label according to the examination of Roskachestvo;
  • high price.

Fine Life, royal, 41/50

Brand - Fine Life (Russia).
Producer - OOO "Novo-Mar" (Russia).
Growing area - farms in the waters of Ecuador.

Pure products of the same size without damage to the Russian-made shell. The values ​​of microbiological parameters are normal. Foreign impurities are absent. Glaze content is not more than 7%. There are no parasites, the presence of antibiotics has not been detected.

Shelf life - 9 months. In the store you can find a package of 850 grams for 618 rubles.

frozen shrimp Fine Life, royal, 41/50
  • safe;
  • fresh;
  • without dyes and preservatives;
  • parasites are absent;
  • there are no foreign impurities;
  • humidity is normal;
  • little ice.
  • the number may differ from that indicated on the package;
  • according to the check of Roskachestvo, the protein content does not match the description.

Agama, XXL royal, 5/10

Brand - Agama (Russia).
The manufacturer is Agama Royal Greenland LLC (Russia).
Growing area - aqua farms in Ecuador.

Fresh shrimp after defrosting without damage Russian production. The content of toxic substances and heavy metals is normal. There were no signs of the presence of antibiotics. There are no parasites or foreign matter. The glaze content is within the normal range of 7%.

Sold at prices from 980 rubles per pack of 700 grams.

frozen shrimps Agama, XXL king, 5/10
  • safe;
  • preservatives and dyes are absent;
  • fresh;
  • parasites were not detected;
  • without foreign impurities;
  • humidity is normal;
  • little ice.
  • the number of copies during the check of Roskachestvo did not correspond to the declared one;
  • high price.

Polar Premium 60/80

Brand - Polar (Russia).
The manufacturer is Polar Seafood Russia LLC (Russia).
The catch area is the North Atlantic (Greenland).

Pure fresh products without damage to the shell of one size range of Russian production. Appearance curved. The color is characteristic of this species. Juicy and dense texture of tender meat.

After defrosting, the taste is pleasant, characteristic of boiled crustacean meat without foreign smell. There are no additional impurities.

Can be purchased at a price of 680 rubles for a package of 850 grams.

frozen shrimp Polar, premium, 60/80
  • safe;
  • fresh;
  • without impurities;
  • preservatives and dyes are absent;
  • meet with caviar;
  • not frozen.
  • the glaze content is more than the norm of 7%.

Fish House, medium, 60/80

Brand - Fish House (Russia).
The manufacturer is Polar Seafood Russia LLC (Russia).
The catch area is the North Atlantic (Greenland).

Fresh clean product of Russian production without damage to the shell of one size range. The level of toxic substances and heavy metals is not exceeded. There were no signs of antibiotics. Microbiological indicators within the established norms. Glazes are more than the established norm.

Goods of the middle price category, for a package of 500 grams you can give from 260 rubles.

frozen shrimp Fish House, medium, 60/80
  • safe;
  • fresh;
  • preservatives and dyes are absent;
  • parasites were not found;
  • without foreign impurities;
  • good taste;
  • affordable average price.
  • excess moisture;
  • glaze content exceeds the established norm of 7%.

comparison table

TrademarkCompound  Calorie content, kcalSize rangeWeight, g 
SquirrelsFatsCarbohydratesgeneralwithout glaze
"New Ocean"1924.5120small, 90/1201000930 (-7%)
"First thing"180.7084small, 90/1201000930 (-7%)
"Bay of Plenty"18.30.7079.5medium, 70/90850791 (-7%)
fine life 18.20.8079medium, 41/50850790 (-7%)
Agama16.70.79073.9large, 5/10700651 (-7%)
Polar171.2180medium, 60/80850731 (-7%=744)
fish house18.30.7079.5medium, 60/80500430 (-7%=465)


Frozen shrimp are made using special technologies for fast freezing freshly caught seafood in ecologically clean areas of the oceans or grown on special aqua farms under tireless control. This natural delicacy is a storehouse of nutrients and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the body in the absence of contraindications.

The brands presented in the review have been supplying frozen seafood for a long time, despite the distance from their habitats. The production technology has already been worked out and there is no need to worry that second-rate goods are supplied to the market. In addition, almost all of them have successfully passed the examination by Roskachestvo, Roskontrol and Control Purchase, which demonstrates high quality.

However, everyone has their own personal preferences and to choose the best option, it is better to try options from different manufacturers.

Happy shopping and stay healthy!

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