
  1. Features of manicure cutters
  2. Nozzle shape
  3. Recommendations of professional masters
  4. Rating of the best brands
Rating of the best brands of nail cutters for 2025

Rating of the best brands of nail cutters for 2025

You can quickly and efficiently process the cuticle and nail plates using a manicure cutter. However, in order for the hardware processing procedure to be as safe and accurate as possible, it is necessary to choose a high-quality tool. No less important role is played by nozzles for the cutter. They must also meet high quality requirements. Each type of processing corresponds to different types (ball, cylinder, cone, corn and others), however, craftsmen with extensive experience can independently determine the nozzles that are suitable in size and shape, based on their extensive experience.

Experts have compiled a rating of the best tools. The devices of these brands will become indispensable assistants in manicure for both experienced masters and beginners.

Features of manicure cutters

The manicure device significantly speeds up the process of processing nails and cuticles, in addition, this method allows you to achieve ideal results. There are a huge number of a wide variety of manicure products on the market, which differ in different parameters - thickness, shape, quality, degree of abrasiveness. This allows the master to achieve the desired level of polishing over the entire area of ​​the nail plate.

Products can be made from different materials. The most popular among the masters are:

  • diamond - used to eliminate cracks, corns, coarsened lateral ridges;
  • ceramic cutters are most often chosen by beginners in manicure, as they are not whimsical in work and do not make irreparable mistakes;
  • with a carbide tool, they give the nail plates the desired shape, and also remove acrylic, gel polish;
  • corundum are used to treat sensitive skin and side ridges;
  • pomegranate are designed for thin and delicate cuticles.

Nozzle shape

Tools for hardware manicure (pedicure) differ in shape:

  • Flame - used to remove cracks and hardened lateral ridges.
  • Needle - a nozzle designed to lift the cuticle in order to clean out the pterygium under it and remove the dried part. Also, craftsmen use a needle head to process side rollers.
  • The ball is an indispensable assistant for removing excess skin, as well as for processing hardened hard-to-reach areas.
  • Cylinder - a nozzle is necessary for correcting the nail plate in shape and length.
  • Rounded cylinder - smoothes and polishes the surface of the nail plate.
  • Corn - used to form an artificial nail, as well as to remove acrylic and gel polish.

Experienced masters have a complete set of manicure tools, since for a high-quality and effective result, it is necessary to select suitable nozzles. Based on the reviews of manicure professionals, a rating of the best brands was compiled.

Recommendations of professional masters

To get a neat and attractive manicure, you need to choose a quality cutter. This can be done based on the recommendations of experienced craftsmen:

  • First you need to decide what the cutter is for - for processing arms or legs. The material of the tool depends on this, since certain characteristics are needed for each type of work.
  • An equally important point is the place of use of the nail cutter - home or salon conditions. For the salon, you need to purchase more cutters, and of high quality, as the tool will be used often.
  • The product must be selected for a specific device, since the power of all milling cutters is different, starting from 1500 rpm. The wear of the nozzles depends on this indicator. At home, you can use the devices from the kit without replacing them with new ones for a long time.
  • The diameter of the nozzles also matters. Larger fixtures are designed to work at low tool speeds, and small ones are designed to work at high speeds.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the fact that some nozzles may have the designation “T” - this means that the cutter is coated with a special compound to increase cutting properties.

Manicure and pedicure work require the treatment of the nail plate, cuticle and skin adjacent to the nail with different nozzles. The use of manicure cutters for other purposes can lead to such undesirable consequences as damage to the nail plate, and it is possible to spoil not only the appearance of the nail, but also cause harm to health of varying severity.

Rating of the best brands

The cheapest

Jess Nail

The brand belongs to a Chinese company with over 15 years of experience in the nail industry. It has become one of the most demanded in the Russian market, since the products have a high level of quality, and the company is distinguished by the fact that it takes a responsible approach to the development and production of products. The widest range of goods is presented, from corundum and sand to ceramic and diamond.

There are unique devices made from special mineral rocks that no one else produces. Product reviews are mostly laudatory. Masters do not see big flaws in cutters. They can be perfect for training beginner nail artists, and for professionals, satisfying high demands. Disappointment can only be caused by silicone products, which tend to wear off quickly and reduce the quality of processing.

nail cutters JessNail
  • huge assortment;
  • presents unique products.
  • insufficient quality.

TNL Professional

The Korean brand TNL Professional is rightfully at the top of the ranking. Its specialization is the production of a huge range of products for the nail industry - from decorative elements to professional tools. For more than a decade, this company has been the world market leader in the development of manicure cutters.They are made from hard alloys, thanks to which they retain all their properties for a long time. At the same time, product prices are low compared to other manufacturers of high quality professional tools.

TNL Professional produces products of the following varieties: for various actions with the nail and cuticle - with ceramic, diamond, metal, corundum, sand and silicone heads, for removing keratinized skin and calluses on the upper and lower extremities. In the products of the TNL Professional line, you can find the necessary models for all kinds of actions.

nail cutters TNL Professional
  • easy to purchase in specialized stores;
  • all types of these products are produced;
  • production is made from practical materials.
  • low price.
  • not found.


On this line of the rating is the brand of a domestic distributor of products from Asia and Europe. It presents cutters made of solid and coated diamonds, hard alloys, ceramic, silicone, sand, corundum. Their quality and range is much better than the products presented by other manufacturers: there are all kinds of heads for different needs - from 1 mm to 1 cm, from "needle" to "corn" and "barrel", which will be needed to treat the nail, cuticle or rough skin.

The HDFreza brand represents a range of products that is one of the widest in Europe, which is why it is so in demand among nail masters in many countries. The products are very durable and retain their functionality for a long time at a relatively low price, and various promotions are also held.You can buy them at retail or through the website of the official distributor, which provides delivery of goods by mail or courier.

nail cutters HDFreza
  • the widest range of products is produced;
  • high level of product quality;
  • have universal sizes;
  • low cost.
  • rarely available in retail stores.

Magic Bits

The domestic brand, quite young, appeared in 2015. Its goal is to develop and produce simple and understandable products for nail care at home and in the salon. The components have been very carefully selected, especially for milling cutters that have successfully passed more than one test. The manufacturer focused on the range and quality of cutters that are produced in various countries - Austria, Germany, Sweden, South Korea. According to the reviews of the masters, they are very comfortable to use. They do not require getting used to, wear-resistant, they can be operated with a maximum load for several months without loss of quality in the cabin. The product has a marking in the form of colored notches and brand engraving, which is very convenient for use and is different from other brands.

The entire range of Magic Bits cutters can be divided into two unequal parts - professional and for personal use. The latter are distinguished by heads that are safe for non-professional actions. Their range is much smaller than professional ones, but they can also be used by craftsmen to perform simple actions with the skin, cuticle and nail plate.

nail cutters Magic Bits
  • in the manufacture of modern materials that are resistant to wear are used;
  • manufacturer's marking and engraving;
  • the most complete range;
  • low price.
  • not detected.

Middle price segment


With the help of devices, it will be possible to remove the gel coating and acrylic, treat the nail surface, give the desired configuration, and remove rough and rough skin. Samples of products have many different modifications, differing in size and shape of the head.

Yoko products have a positive side, consisting in universal tail and head configurations suitable for any kind of manicure devices used both at home and in the salon. Favorably withstand versatile types of processing and sterilization that do not affect the life of the instrument. A special point is the ceramic milling cutter with good customer approval about the non-heating head during the work process.

nail cutters Yoko
  • high-quality alloys included in the tool;
  • the shape and dimensions are universal;
  • home and salon use.
  • high price.


On the next step, the Russian brand has firmly established itself, which has earned fame abroad and in the domestic market of both the beauty industry and cosmetology. The product is used by hundreds of thousands of craftsmen and positive reviews are heard about the products due to the highest quality, durability, easy use and a rich selection.

The range includes high carbon, diamond, mineral and garnet steel. This characteristic is due to the use of domestic materials that are being improved to meet the needs of specialists. With the use of good raw materials, it was possible to achieve the ideal rigidity of the heads and long-term wear resistance during frequent work in institutions specializing in beauty.Having tried them once, professionals do not change the manufacturer in the future and remain faithful to the chosen brand. This indicates a high appreciation of the product.

nail cutters RuNail
  • wide range;
  • wear-resistant and hard heads;
  • democratic price;
  • sale in any shops for professional masters.
  • are not observed.

Patris Nail

Among the widespread line of this category of devices that provide cosmetic care for hands and feet, there are tools made of ceramics and hard alloys. The package includes basic attachments for hardware nail care, for treating nails, free edges and cuticles. The quality of the product is at a high level and nail service masters use tools in salons. You can buy Patricia brand products advantageously through online stores at a not too high cost.

cutters Patrisa Nail
  • nice design, size and shape;
  • nozzles of excellent quality;
  • inexpensive price.
  • small assortment;
  • Not sold in all outlets.


The company, which has been operating for several decades, has a significant stock of experience, is engaged in the production of strong and durable gel polishes, effective cosmetic products, as well as reliable manicure tools. Every year among the list of product range there is a replenishment. A small variety of tools are always available for sale and are made in Russia, the USA and Germany, making up the middle price segment.

There are corundum, diamond, hard alloy, silicone and carbide products of the most informative values ​​and scale. With the help of a properly selected device, a high-quality treatment of the skin surface and nail areas will be obtained.Accessories are easily sterilized and chemically treated at low temperatures.

nail cutters In ‘Garden
  • high quality tool;
  • affordable price category;
  • ease of identification by shade of risks.
  • minimum set of variations.

Iris Professional

Domestic developer of a brand that has been a leader in the beauty industry for several decades. The company concludes contracts and cooperates with well-known enterprises in America, as well as other foreign countries, surprising with the high level of the brand, judging by the wonderful reviews on the forums of lash and nail-masters. Manicure cutters made from the best raw materials (corundum, blue diamond, ceramics) are noted and deserve attention.

A common color in which products are made is pink, which pleases fashionistas. The device is perfect for cutting cuticles on rough and hard areas of the skin, removing excess thickness from thickened nails, as well as adjusting a thin plate. Note the shortened service life due to frequent or erroneous use.

nail cutters Irisk Professional
  • a wide variety;
  • pink shades;
  • affordable price;
  • sale in special shops.
  • fast grinding of nozzles with daily use.

Barrel Ball

The recently emerged American brand managed to gain confidence among avid craftsmen. Experts note a reliable manufacturer and quality goods. The company has regular customers from a narrow circle of buyers. Buying products is not easy enough and even quite difficult, since offers are observed mainly in online stores.

The variety of the assortment is represented by multiple types of tools that show incredible resistance to rapid abrasion. Separately, a distinctive feature of the product, consisting in an unusual size, is noted. Beginners will need some time to get used to the look. The products are used within the salon, but are not very convenient for the home.

nail cutters Barrel Ball
  • variety and wide selection of products;
  • the abrasive has a long service life;
  • small cost.
  • rarely found on sale.

Premium Models


Saeshin is a real long-liver in the market and has been working properly for 50 years. The Strong brand was released among other models of a huge range of materials, marketing solutions, new technologies and product groups. When the company launched nail polishers with motorized handles, its specialists immediately thought about the production of branded devices.

This product stands out among others for its versatility, as it has a standard shank that fits any nail service machine. In production, computer control is used. Thanks to this, the product goes on sale in perfect condition, absolutely safe to use. Differ in the compact size, convenience of use and reliability. Carbide, diamond and ceramic types of tools, as well as polishers, are on sale. With the help of devices with abrasive caps, you can quickly get rid of gel polish, give your nails the desired shape, and tidy up the side rollers.

Strong nail cutters
  • great quality;
  • many varieties.
  • high price.

Planet Nails

The Planet Nails brand took second place in the ranking. The manufacturer from Germany produces cutters of the highest quality. They are distinguished by the fact that for a very long time they please manicure specialists with their work. However, their cost is 1.5-2 times higher than the average. In Russia, this product has been successfully sold for 2 decades, which indicates its good quality and high confidence of manicure professionals.

Under the Planet Nails brand, manicure tools are produced with a classic tip made of metal, diamond chips or ceramics. So that manicure specialists do not get confused, there are color marks on each type of product. You can treat nails, trim cuticles and remove keratinized skin. The product is distributed through professional tool stores, but they are not always available due to high demand.

nail cutters Planet Nails
  • high quality;
  • a large number of types of cutters;
  • easy to recognize by the digital label.
  • not always available in the store;
  • high price.

Muhle Manicure

Manufacturers from Germany are valued for the high quality of their products, and the Mühle Maniküre brand is no exception. The company devotes a lot of time to innovation: new types of abrasives for heads appear, better materials are selected, technologies are constantly being improved. Thanks to this, the company's products receive the most enthusiastic reviews from nail service specialists.

Mühle Maniküre's main product is sand head products. The company also produces corundum, diamond and combined models.All of them are characterized by a high degree of resistance to wear, which affects the cost. On average, products from a German manufacturer are 1.5 times more expensive than budget counterparts.

nail cutters Mühle Manikure
  • big choice;
  • durability.
  • high price.

In fact, choosing the best quality and price part for a manicure apparatus is not so difficult. The easiest way to make a choice is based on the selection of a manufacturer that has been on the market for several years and has proven itself among nail service masters. It will not be superfluous to study the opinion of professionals.

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