
  1. Discovery history
  2. Utility
  3. Rating of the best coffee brands for 2025

Rating of the best coffee brands for 2025

Rating of the best coffee brands for 2025

“I'll stop if I want to,” Tatiana screams as she drinks a huge cup of Americano without sugar in the morning.
“I am the master of my life,” Mikhail repeats, following a glass of latte to a shop near the house before work.
Something similar is repeated by subway cars and bus interiors. The whole country is busy, but there is a detail that is impossible to resist either at 8:00 or at 13:30.
Coffee - ground, bean, powder, mate? It is not so important when the product in all variations is irreplaceable.

Discovery history

The sultry summer of 850 AD notably burned the head and shoulders of the shepherd Kaldim in the Far East. A herd of sheep for the third grazing on his account is jumping across the field and jumping over pens, and the reason for this is unknown berries growing nearby.

What would happen to humanity if a man did not show curiosity to try alien fruits?

As it turned out, the sheep ate coffee beans, after which they were seized by a surge of unheard-of vivacity. Village after village, the tale of the magic berries has spread throughout the world.

The world is full of this and other stories about Sheikh Omar, Spanish wars, Turkish sellers and looted shops. The hunt for coffee has existed since its discovery. The natural drug did not stop even the pure souls of the priests, who said to the people: “spawn, the devil’s drink,” while they themselves drank cup after cup in between services.

The modern interpretation of the drink consists of:

  • Arabica - discovered in the 9th century in Ethiopia. It grows only in the mountains, the further to the sky, the more interesting the taste. A distinctive feature is the oblong grains collected from the tree. Arabian varieties are always sour.
  • Robusta - found in the Congo, IX centuries later than Arabica (XVIII century). It grows only on the plains, the grains of this bush are always round, as if pot-bellied. Robusta is easily identified by its bitter taste on the tongue. In the world, only 35% of the grains of this type are turned into production. Probably, Robusta turned out to be miraculous berries in the legend of Kaldima.


In addition to the main goal of taming sleep, coffee does a good job in other areas. It has been scientifically proven that drinking a drink has a beneficial effect on creativity. Recommended to writers, artists, musicians and mathematicians urgently!

Honore de Balzac himself admitted that the culprit of inexhaustible ideas for books is grain powder taken on an empty stomach!

Athletes on the eve of important competitions cannot even breathe over coffee, since insignificant milligrams in the blood will lead to inevitable disqualification. That's how hard it is to win.

Moderate consumption of the drink successfully trains the heart muscle and prevents problems with the cardiovascular system.

Rating of the best coffee brands for 2025

Coffee beans

Coffee beans Tasty Coffee Ethiopia Irgacheff Nat

This coffee is the choice of those gourmets for whom the freshness of the roast is important and who prefers to prepare a drink in a coffee machine. The manufacturer is a Russian roaster with 13 years of experience. Among the advantages of the brand is the creation of an ideal microclimate for storing green coffee, as well as roasting beans exclusively on order. This allows the consumer to get the freshest roasted coffee.

Tasty Coffee Ethiopia Irgacheff Nat is an espresso roasted coffee. The grain that has become the original grows at an altitude of 1800-2150 m, and after harvesting it goes to the well-known processing stations of the Kerchanshe company, where it undergoes natural processing, dried in the sun, keeping the sugar from the pulp and gluten on the surface of the coffee. This processing method allows you to get a sweeter drink. The taste is distinguished by bright floral notes, ripe dark berries, milk chocolate and grapefruit acidity.

The roast profile of this coffee, like any other from the brand, can be studied by scanning the package.

Among the range of Tasty Coffee beans, you can choose varieties that are ideal for creating not only classic espresso, but also milk drinks, refreshing options with ice, etc.e. In the official store, you can choose a variety based on the brewing method - for coffee machines or for a filter. There are also mixes in drip packs.

Grain coffee Tasty Coffee can be purchased in packaging of 250 gr or 1 kg.

Tasty Coffee Ethiopia Irgacheff Nat
  • The freshest roasted coffee;
  • Using the best Probat and Loring roasters in the world;
  • Natural way of processing;
  • Ideal for espresso and espresso-based drinks.
  • No.

Coffee beans Jacobs Monarch classic

Jacobs magical advertising has been decorating CIS television for no more than 10 years, and we can say that the brand is young, albeit promising, if not for one “but”. In 2025, the German-based company celebrates its 124th birthday!

The progenitor of the coffee monopoly was an ordinary merchant Johann Claus Jacobs with a small shop as a start-up capital. His offspring found a place in the sun even a century later, and most importantly, the Germans vouch for their work.

The classic Jacobs Monarch in beans is the best way to energize and re-energize for productive work. A standard pack weighs 230 grams and costs between 180-230 rubles. The price, however, does not bite.

The brand is often remembered both in commercials and on billboards. The packaging, created with a small valve for curious noses, is not averse to telling about the enchanting smell of the products.

What we see inside: the grains are almost the same size, medium rare, as stated on the wrapper. Occasionally, broken things come across, however, they are still waiting for a coffee grinder. The smell is really strong, it will open up to the whole house in the next 6 hours.

It is better to brew coffee in a time-tested Turk, then Jacobs Monarch takes on its original appearance - a beautiful, lush foam, does not bitter and does not leave a sour aftertaste of a cheap drink, the notes are unobtrusive, just in time for a leisurely morning.

The composition is literally a spoonful of Robusta in a barrel of Arabica. The Germans, what to take from them!

Coffee Jacobs Monarch
  • Quality production;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Good condition of grains;
  • Excellent ratio of bean species;
  • Nice smell;
  • high foam;
  • Convenient packaging.
  • Broken grains;
  • The absence of the composition on the packaging.

Egoiste noir coffee beans

Heavy and high-quality luxury at the sight. Belongs to the bold name of the domestic company "Khors". The ambitions of Muscovites are not empty, because real Colombian coffee is supplied to the factories of luxurious Switzerland. Most likely, the product bears the name "egoist" because the brand does not hesitate to declare the rarest grains and flavors on the package.

How does the price of 600 rubles for 500 grams correspond? Let's find out right now!

Surprisingly, if half the cost is not taken over by the packaging, made in elegant black and cold metallics. In addition to the zip closure, the bag is equipped with a flap. We will get the product for testing and here is another plus. Everything is evenly fried, the grains are oiled, they smell good, not a single grain is ground during transportation.

Freshly brewed coffee has a slight golden crema. The taste of the drink is stronger than that of other brands, notes of acid are felt, but no bitterness! The aroma, as well as the smell, remain for a long time, and beckon for another cup.

"Noir" gets along well with milk or cinnamon, not a single additive is lost, but only complements the picture.According to the composition, each package consists entirely of Arabica.

Egoiste noir coffee
  • Brand with a worldwide reputation;
  • 100% Arabica;
  • Rich taste;
  • Persistent smell;
  • Beautiful and convenient packaging;
  • The presence of a valve;
  • Oiled and selected grains;
  • Ingredients on the pack.
  • High price;
  • There is bitterness.

Coffee beans Jardin Espresso Gusto

"Re-French", "non-Russian" - the Jardin brand originates in the CIS, although advertising is unobtrusive and slips "frog" breakfasts under strong espresso.

The St. Petersburg company is engaged in manufacturing side by side with Egoiste Noir at Swiss factories, however, it should be noted that the processes are completely different within the walls of coffee shrines.

The Jardin specialists adhere to the 70 to 30 rule, where most of it is the flow of hot air that roasts the beans, and the smaller part is the temperature inside the rotating flame drum. Thus, the product is evenly cooked, leaving no chance for damp batches or Arabian coals.

It is difficult to find Jardin coffee beans in small quantities, because the premium brand focuses primarily on bulk purchases for coffee houses, and only after that - individual consumers. This fact, as it were, hints that there is someone who cares about reputation and quality!

On the other hand, a kilogram will last for a long time and this is for 700 rubles. The grains "Jardine" are dark roasted, large and absolutely all intact. Coffee comes out extremely strong and even bitter. The taste will not drown out neither sugar nor milk, what can I say, a true espresso.

Coffee Jardin Espresso Gusto
  • Made in Switzerland;
  • Special roasting system;
  • The company targets professional coffee houses;
  • Bargain;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Good looking beans.
  • Sold only in large packs;
  • The coffee is very bitter.

Coffee beans Kimbo Aroma Gold Arabica

Italy sends warm greetings and wishes the very best morning with the Kimbo Aroma brand. The company is popular in all corners of the world, and how Canadians love it! Russians do not lag behind the cult of coffee and are ready to spend a record 1,200 rubles per 500 grams. Why are Europeans so good?

Kimbo is a manufacturing giant. Only in Naples there is a plant of 40 thousand square meters. All processes, from sorting green beans to roasting and processing, are carried out under the close supervision of specialists. And most importantly, the luxury brand works with 100% Arabica.

The packaging is black and gold. A distinctive feature of Western products is environmentally friendly materials, namely, degradable paper as a wrapper.

In search of a gastronomic mystery, it is worth turning to the Italians. After opening, the frantic smell of African plantations will not rush at you, only during brewing a heavy aroma will clog into every corner of the house (no matter how the neighbors come). The grains are dark roasted, thickly oiled and very plastic under the fingers.

The drink has many shades, you can’t feel it at once. Light bitterness, but maybe still sour? Need time. Thanks to the variety of tastes and the quality noticeable from the first try, Kimbo is bought up even for fabulous price tags. The foam is dense, royally golden, the fortress is a solid five.

Coffee Kimbo Aroma Gold Arabica
  • Italian production;
  • World name;
  • Thorough check of products;
  • Pure Arabica;
  • Stylish, eco-friendly packaging;
  • Intense aroma;
  • Large, oily grains;
  • Unusual taste.
  • High price;
  • Difficult to find in stores.

Coffee capsules

Coffee capsules Nescafe Dolce Gusto

He is known by thousands, loved by millions and has billions at home. Nescafe - coffee, ashtray and nail jar in one bottle. This is the case when Russian ingenuity and good production merged for a good purpose - to raise the workers in the early morning.

Machine coffee has gained unimaginable popularity in recent years, and no matter how many brands try to retrain from instant products to capsules, only a few have coped with this. The flesh and blood of the world brand Nestle did everything delicately, providing even a personalized coffee maker for use.

The price of products is absurdly ridiculous - 320 rubles for 16 servings. There are so many variations of drinks that you can drink either honey raff or cappuccino every week.

The capsules are made in variegated, juicy colors, from which the mood involuntarily rises. Inside is coffee powder, which should be shaken well. The only thing left is to choose a larger mug and, finally, invigorate the nervous system!

Coffee is not devoid of a chemical aftertaste, but manufacturers hide this behind an amazing smell. Foams will be like at the wildest party, but still the capsules need milk or sugar support. One on one Nescafe does not draw a victory.

Coffee Nescafe Dolce Gusto
  • Deliveries to all countries;
  • Cheapness;
  • Many types;
  • Fun wrap;
  • Speed ​​of preparation;
  • natural scent;
  • Lots of foam.
  • Chemical taste;
  • Works only with Nescafe coffee makers;
  • Medium strength and saturation.

Coffee capsules Tassimo Jacobs

Ardent fans of machine coffee are probably aware of the passions that are going on between Tassimo and Nescafe.Companies compete in the Russian market so closely that collisions cannot be avoided! The same products, the same tastes, almost the same factory, but both brands are still afloat.

Tassimo is a relatively young brand that stepped into the world no more than 15 years ago. Before getting on the shelves of Pyaterochka, the company walked through Scandinavia, Western, and then Central Europe, and by 2014, it still got to the “great and mighty”. During the ten-year journey, the brand has picked up influential friends and BOSCH is on this list.

The joint release of coffee makers and special capsules benefited Tassimo, however, the drink is unlikely to replace coffee brewed in Turks and will really become necessary in the office, for 350 rubles.

The taste of undissolved powder will torment the throat for the first time. It is worth noting that not only the name on the box changes, there is a huge gap between latte and americano in terms of strength, volume, amount of foam and bitterness. A well-deserved plus of Tassimo is the ability to please every customer and the speed of preparation.

Coffee Tassimo Jacobs
  • The brand is recommended in Europe;
  • Nice price;
  • Unobtrusive smell;
  • Cooperation with famous companies;
  • A large number of flavors;
  • Saturated shades;
  • Dense foam.
  • Taste of sand in the mouth;
  • Suitable only for Tassimo coffee machines;
  • Wateriness.

Instant coffee

Instant coffee Tchibo Gold Selection

“Every week is a new world” where Tchibo shoes, feeds, travels and stocks coffee. The German brand specializes in completely different industries, however, does not lose its grip on any of them.

Noble and strong, as the producers say, Gold Selection is universally known and loved.Instant coffee is sealed in a golden zip bag or branded glass jar within 100-200 rubles per 250 grams. The product exudes an incredible aroma after the first opening. Preparation of coffee takes no more than 3 minutes! A light foam swirls along the sides, a liquid of saturated color, from the fortress it reduces teeth.

Baristas advise trying "Chibo" in tandem with lemon, so the coffee will show the best qualities. Despite the lack of some personality, the drink feels like a natural grain.

Coffee Tchibo Gold Selection
  • European brand;
  • Nice price;
  • Natural smell;
  • The aroma is rich, without bitterness.
  • Gets bored quickly;
  • Taste of acid.

Ground coffee "Jockey"

Do you have front row tickets? You simply cannot miss the best-selling coffee brand in Russia! Jockey has been on the market since 1999 and may not have much to offer, but it is thanks to the small number of products that manufacturers focus on product quality.

Ground coffee for 200 rubles, 100% Arabian, brought from sultry Africa, India and a little bit from South America (trusting the composition) in a medium roast. Jockey is suitable for coffee machines, Turks and boiling water.

Sold in small packs in branded red-green colors. Surprisingly, absolutely the entire space is filled with compressed powder, no one forces you to pay for air. As for the taste, the “Jockey” is losing ground in terms of solubility, grains of sand will slip between the teeth every now and then, the taste is 4 out of 5, the fortress is not the best, it will not save you from a three-hour sleep.

For the budget segment, the brand has been rightfully the “product of the year” since 2008, but it is still far and long from being a luxury brand.

Coffee Jockey
  • Domestic manufacturer with recommendations;
  • Budget price;
  • The smell imitates natural;
  • The pack is filled to the top;
  • Economical expense.
  • Weak taste;
  • Poor solubility.

As we found out, coffee is an integral part of the life of a modern person. "Cappuccino or espresso?" - the matter is serious, like everything related to the drink, including addiction and quality. Sometimes it's better to overpay and enjoy real Arabica rather than synthetic powder.

Remember how book heroes and pensive characters of old films are blissful with every sip. There is beauty, grace in this. Coffee - frankness and mystery in one bottle, which is why the choice should be approached wisely.

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