
  1. How to choose
  2. Rating of the best pomegranate juices for 2025

Rating of the best brands of pomegranate juice for 2025

Rating of the best brands of pomegranate juice for 2025

Everyone knows that pomegranate juice is useful for its amino acids and vitamins. It is recommended to be used by the best doctors, it restores the body after surgery or long-term treatment. Juice can be drunk as a preventive measure to maintain the body's immune system. It is also used for cosmetic and nutritional purposes. Pomegranate juice contains a large number of active trace elements. Therefore, when using, it is necessary to take into account contraindications and observe all precautions.

How to choose

All positive properties are inherent in a quality product prepared according to the required technology.The addition of preservatives is not allowed. The highest quality nectar will be if a person prepares it with his own hands. To do this, you need to choose ripe fruits, without visible defects. You can squeeze them out with a juicer. Many do it by hand.

The pomegranate has a thick skin. Inside are small grains, consisting of seeds and pulp. Their texture has a fairly high density and strength. This is the difficulty during the extraction of the liquid. To get a drink, you will need to make some effort. Not all models of juicers can qualitatively cope with this dense fruit. Hand pressing requires physical strength. The time of year is of great importance. In the spring it is very difficult to buy a fresh fruit, and it is during this season that the human body needs useful substances.

It turns out that it is easier to buy ready-made nectar in the store. Manufacturers offer a wide range of these products. However, not all factories supply quality juice to the market. After all, different technologies are used to make the drink. This is used by unscrupulous manufacturers. They often dilute the pomegranate drink with beetroot juice or water. It costs good money, but the benefits to the body are zero. Below are recommendations that will help you find real pomegranate nectar on store shelves.


First of all, you will need to focus on the packaging. Almost all containers are hermetically sealed. This protects the product from the development of pathogenic microflora. You can find information about the manufacturer and date of bottling from the label. Please read everything carefully before purchasing. Products in closed packages should be avoided. It is best to buy pomegranate juice in glass bottles.This way you can determine the consistency and color range of the product.

Focus on the neck of the bottle. Good manufacturers install a special thermal film on this part of the container.


This attribute must contain all the required information. From it, the buyer learns about the manufacturer, the date of bottling and the shelf life at a certain temperature. Along with this, the composition and consistency should be indicated. Natural juice does not contain sugar, fillers and preservatives. Focus on reading small text. In it, the manufacturer can display information that he wants to hide from the buyer.

It is recommended that you carefully examine the label itself. Insufficient amount of information, blurry text and worn appearance indicate a poor quality product.

Fresh juice has a burgundy-red color. When looking at the bottle, thoughts of a fresh pomegranate should come. Ruby hue is a sign of good quality. If the liquid has light scales, then there is a high probability of dilution with water. Too brown color may indicate that pomegranate peel and rosehip berries were used in the production technology.


Modern factories can produce pomegranate juice of absolutely transparent consistency. The presence of small particles of fruit is allowed. It is better not to buy juice with a pronounced white or red sediment. You can check the purity of the liquid. To do this, turn the bottle upside down and shake. Low-quality juice will immediately become cloudy. A lot of small particles that were in the sediment will rise from the bottom.


The label on the bottle must be carefully studied. All ingredients that were used in the production should be listed here.Particular attention should be paid to substances that should not be in the composition. Grape, apple, beetroot syrup or sugar cannot be added to pure juice. Avoid sweeteners altogether. The increased content of these ingredients can mask the taste of spoiled fruit.
The truth can be seen in the title. If the bottle says "pomegranate drink", then it is better to refuse the purchase. Most likely, instead of pomegranate nectar, a surrogate is poured.

This fruit ripens in autumn. It grows in the southern regions of Russia. The pomegranate is harvested in the velvet season. Therefore, if the label indicates that the product was bottled in the autumn months, most likely the juice was squeezed immediately after the fruit was harvested. A product produced in the spring months should be bought with caution. After all, it turns out that the fruits have lain all winter. They could be pretty damaged or dried out. Therefore, there is a possibility that the quality is not at the highest level. In the summer months, unripe pomegranate fruits serve as raw materials.


Pomegranate trees grow well in subtropical climates. Several of our regions have the opportunity to grow this crop. This includes the Caucasus, the Mediterranean and the Crimea. Currently, Azerbaijan supplies the best products to the Russian market.

In order to save money, consumers often succumb to manufacturers' marketing ploys. They take goods at discounts and a low price. One rule needs to be learned. Pomegranate natural juice cannot be cheap. After all, even the fruits have a rather high cost. They need to be thoroughly cleaned before they can be recycled. Pressing requires expensive equipment. If you include logistics here, you can see that the final product cannot be cheap.

Rating of the best pomegranate juices for 2025

In glass container

Unfortunately, experts admit that there are a large number of surrogate on the shelves of stores. It is very difficult for a buyer to find a quality drink among a large assortment. To simplify this process, a ranking of the best products has been compiled. Reviews of buyers and specialists were taken into account.

Fleur Alpine, child

Natural drink is made for children over 3 years old. It is packaged in containers of 200 ml. It is brought from Holland, so it meets all European quality standards. It contains only pomegranate juice. Sugar, preservatives, artificial colors are absent. A small suspension is allowed to settle at the bottom of the bottle. A small pop is usually heard when the lid is opened. This is considered normal and indicates that the juice was stored in the right conditions.

juice Fleur Alpine Pomegranate, from 3 years
  • juice is made from natural ingredients without chemical additives;
  • contains a large number of useful components;
  • container has sufficient capacity.
  • has a pronounced acid taste due to the lack of sugar;
  • not all children will like juice;
  • short shelf life;
  • high price.

Timnar straight pressed

The natural product is presented by a domestic company. One bottle is quite expensive. It is related to the technological process. The equipment produces a direct spin. There are no additives in the drink. The final product is obtained from selected fruits.

The drink contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and many other trace elements useful for the human body.

pomegranate juice Timnar
  • juice has pleasant organoleptic qualities without a characteristic acid taste;
  • beautiful ruby ​​color;
  • contains no sugar;
  • the appearance of the bottle and labels are pleasing to the eye.
  • intended for adults, despite the vitamin composition;
  • heavy containers do not have handles;
  • overpriced.


Another domestic manufacturer produces high-quality pomegranate juice. Contains a large amount of useful substances. Good for men of all ages. It prevents prostate diseases. Regular consumption of nectar increases hemoglobin levels and helps in the treatment of anemia. It has pronounced antiviral properties.

pomegranate juice ArshAni
  • rich taste;
  • beautiful ruby ​​color;
  • convenient container.
  • not detected.

Ambrosia Sweet

The natural drink of the Russian manufacturer is made from pomegranate seeds, and not from powders, flavors and other chemical ingredients and surrogates. Synthetic preservatives aimed at extending the shelf life are not added to the composition. Therefore, after opening the package, the juice cannot be stored for more than three days. According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the bottle must be shaken well before use to mix the sediment that forms due to the density of the drink.

pomegranate juice Ambrosia Sweet
  • pleasant taste and moderate sweetness;
  • safety is ensured by a transparent protective tape under the bottle cap;
  • characteristic bitterness, astringency and acid are absent;
  • affordable price.
  • recommended for adult users only;
  • sugar is clearly added, as evidenced by excessive sweetness, although it is not indicated in the composition.

Azerbaijani Chevelet

Pomegranate juice of this brand is packed in liter glass bottles. The high content of vitamins A, B and C gives it useful properties that help lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, increase hemoglobin, and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Glass bottles are environmentally friendly. During hot bottling of the drink, a special gentle temperature technology is used in production, which allows you to save useful vitamins and the taste of the drink.

pomegranate juice Azerbaijani Chevelet
  • the taste of pomegranate is felt;
  • low price.
  • not found.

AzVKUS straight pressed

To obtain 100% natural juice, only pomegranate seeds are used without the addition of sugar, pesticides and synthetic additives. The composition contains tannins in large quantities, which only confirms the naturalness of the nectar. They give it acidity and a barely perceptible bitterness, which is absolutely normal. However, this quality is to the taste of adults, it is not intended for baby food.

pomegranate juice AzVKUS direct extraction
  • concentrated juice has a rich taste, there is no need to dilute it;
  • environmentally friendly glass container.
  • too sugary, although there is no sugar in the composition of the drink, it all depends on the variety and degree of ripeness of the pomegranate fruit;
  • has a characteristic taste of wild rose, which is not liked by all consumers;
  • there are counterfeits with diluted products.

Grante direct extraction, Azerbaijan

Only real pomegranates grown in a special region of Azerbaijan with clean ecology are used for production. The juice has a sweet, pleasant and delicate taste.It does not contain many calories and is characterized by the presence of many useful elements that help keep the body in good shape. It is recommended for anemia and inflammatory processes of the housing and communal services. Juice can be given diluted to children.

pomegranate juice ]Grante direct extraction, Azerbaijan
  • in the segment of natural juices - this one is the most delicious, has natural sweetness and moderate sourness;
  • high quality raw materials are used for the production of the drink;
  • useful composition;
  • environmentally friendly glass container.
  • expensive;
  • packaging only 0.75 liters.

Top popular producers of juices in tetra packs

Glass bottles are much safer than packaged packaging. However, this significantly affects the final cost. And for those who are not ready to overpay for glass, there is an alternative option. We suggest considering the rating of such drinks.

Gardens of Pridonya Exclusive

To make the drink, ripe pomegranate fruits are selected. The juice is clarified, it contains only sugar of natural origin, a lot of minerals, useful vitamins, amino acids, which are very useful for the human body, there are no GMOs.

pomegranate juice Sady Pridonya Exclusive
  • no added sugar;
  • natural composition;
  • pleasant, slightly tart taste.
  • not identified.

Noyan straight pressed

The drink of the Armenian manufacturer is of very high quality. Natural fruit sugars give it sweetness, it is moderately concentrated and thick, but you should not dilute it. The drink has a small sediment, so before each use, the bag must be thoroughly shaken to obtain a homogeneous consistency.It is not always possible to buy it, since it is not sold in all stores.

Noyan pomegranate juice
  • juice is completely natural, without any additives and impurities;
  • direct pressing technology is used;
  • convenient packaging;
  • contains many useful elements.
  • conveys the taste of pomegranate peel, which contains bitterness and astringency;
  • the sediment makes the juice cloudy;
  • the color of the drink is too dark;
  • limited availability - juice can not be bought in every store;
  • high price tag.


It accurately conveys the rich taste of a ripe pomegranate fruit, the sweet aroma of its grains and notes of pleasant astringency. Selected fruits of the best varieties of pomegranate and pure spring water are used in the preparation. Juice has a healing effect on the body: it strengthens and restores the immune system, improves blood composition, and normalizes metabolic processes. Juice is used not only as a drink, but also in cooking: it is added to sauces, vitamin cocktails, jellies, marinades are prepared. The drink has a sediment that should be shaken before drinking.

Santal pomegranate juice
  • pleasant, rich taste;
  • moderately sweet.
  • not detected.


The Russian manufacturer offers customers reconstituted pomegranate juice, which is specially adapted for children over three years old. Sugar, preservatives and dyes are not added to the product. Fructose, contained in ripe pomegranate fruits, gives the drink a natural sweetness, rich taste and aroma. You can not dilute, this is not a concentrate.

Rich pomegranate juice
  • moderately sweet, has an excellent taste, does not contain acid and bitterness;
  • the composition is safe, healthy and natural;
  • the packaging is convenient, there is a plastic screw cap that protects against overflowing.
  • the cost is too high.

All of the above pomegranate juices of different brands and manufacturers meet quality standards. They are produced in the form of nectars and juices. Despite different price categories, all drinks have a rich composition of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids.

When choosing the best drink option, you should carefully read the rating in order to buy the most reliable and proven product.

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