Rating of the best magnetic locks for interior doors for 2025

Rating of the best magnetic locks for interior doors for 2025

Many will agree that locking mechanisms should be provided not only for entrance doors, but also for their interior counterparts. If for the former it is necessary to focus on the security of the mechanism, then for the latter, simplicity and ease of use, as well as small dimensions, will be more important. All these requirements are fully met, the locks are magnetic, which is why they are installed on the doors between rooms. At the same time, it should be noted that the service life of interior doors will be affected not only by the leaf itself and the door frame, which must be made of reliable materials, but also by locks, which must be not only of high quality, but also properly mounted.

IMPORTANT! Doors between rooms are statistically closed/opened more often than entrance doors, which is why the requirements for the reliability of the locking devices integrated into them are set at a higher height, but the requirements for burglary resistance are somewhat less.

In general, the magnetic lock in the door to the room should be stably designed for an increased number of locking / opening cycles. The locking magnets that exist today, for the most part, satisfy these requirements. Despite their small size, they are able to perfectly fix / hold the door. The basis of their action is that the magnetic strip mounted in the door attracts a metal element installed in the box (jamb). Most devices can only fix the doors in the “closed” position, but there are also models that automatically close the room, and a special electronic key is required to open.

Mechanical latches and locks - the last century

In order to open the door leaf with a mechanical latch without much noise, you will have to very carefully press the handle so that the tongue enters the door body and carefully open the door. This operation can cause some discomfort, and will also lead to accelerated wear of the handle in the bar and the general “looseness” of the entire mechanism. The only advantage of a mechanical lock is a clear fixation of the door in the locked position, and only for a while before the wear process begins. In addition, such latches have significant disadvantages that emphasize the constructive unreliability of the entire mechanism as a whole:

  • The metal tab hits the receiving bar when closing, which causes a distinct click sound, which also occurs when the tongue enters the bar recess.
  • The presence of many moving elements makes the mechanical lock unstable during long-term operation. Given the fact that not every lock is made of reliable metal, their service life is very limited.
  • The reciprocal bar will eventually acquire grooves left by the tongue, which will clearly spoil its appearance.

If you do not install hinged doors, but install their sliding version, equipped with rubberized roller gaskets, then the process itself will cease to be noisy for some time. Unfortunately, like everything mechanical, the rollers can also fail, which will cause extraneous squeaks.Thus, in order to ensure reliable soundproofing in the room and opening / closing doors in the absence of extraneous noise, many homeowners install magnetic locks produced using innovative technologies.

Electromagnetic lock: principle of operation

In the simplest way, passive devices on magnets work. Their design is represented by only two elements that are attracted to each other by means of a magnetic field. Until the incoming one makes an effort by pulling the handle, the elements will be in a hitch with each other. However, in their design, passive models can also have mechanical parts. We are talking about a double degree of protection - until the handle comes to the lower position and the tongue is lowered, the door will not open. And even with the tongue down, the door will be held closed by magnets. In electromagnetic models, the principle of operation is much more complicated, because the presence of an electric current is required, with the help of which the door is held in the closed position. Voltage will be applied until the electronic key is applied. Through it, the current supply will stop for a short time and it will be possible to enter. It is worth paying attention to the fact that only those keys that have been programmed for this particular lock will work (which adds more reliability to the entire system).

Operating parameters

Magnetic devices for constipation, in comparison with other options, can be used even at cold temperatures. In general, weather conditions have little effect on the operation of their parts. The main thing is to exclude the issue of power outages.Taking into account the fact that they do not have rotating/moving parts, their lifespan is much longer than that of mechanical devices. To increase the protective qualities, the lock can be provided with a special opening device powered by a magnetic key. The work of magnetic constipation is possible under direct ultraviolet rays, and with strong gusts of wind, and with heavy rainfall. This is not accidental, because magnetized metal with an anti-corrosion coating is used as working elements, which does not overheat and does not melt.

Among other things, a rechargeable battery can be integrated into the magnetic lock, capable of providing independent operation in the absence of power supply for 24 hours. This option is especially relevant for areas where problems with the supply of electricity occur on a periodic basis.

"Pros" and "cons" of using magnetic locks

Most experts call the main advantage of these devices their long service life and increased degree of reliability. In addition, they can work in almost any conditions - the main thing for some models is a constant supply of electricity. The device itself functions without any extraneous sounds, it is easy to mount it in the door leaf and even provide it with a code panel. A subtle installation method is not able to spoil the surrounding interior.

However, there are also significant “cons”, these include the fact that a house equipped with electromagnetic locks may be unprotected when the power supply stops and the device is not provided with its own battery.It is also worth paying attention to the fact that if the lock is opened with a key, this does not mean that attackers will not be able to crack it - it is quite possible to make a replica from the original key card.

Existing types of magnetic locks

The described devices can be divided into several types:

  • Passive - are the simplest in design and are somewhat reminiscent of similar low-power devices on furniture doors. The principle of their operation is very simple - two magnetized elements installed on the canvas and on the jamb are attracted to each other by means of a magnetic field and leave the door in the locked position. Usually, such locks are mounted on accordion doors, but there are also reinforced samples that can be easily integrated into swing options.
  • With a tongue (bolt) - their design will be more complicated, because, in addition to the magnet, their composition also includes mechanical parts. Visually, they look like classic mechanical locks, but they do not have a clamping spring. The tongue, in turn, is made of magnetized metal, and when closed, it enters the reciprocal hole. Such devices are able to fix the canvas with a greater degree of reliability, which explains their particular popularity.
  • Electromagnetic - as a rule, they are installed on the front doors, but if necessary, to provide additional protection to the premises of a large apartment, they can also be mounted in interior openings. It is possible to open such doors only with the help of a special key-card. However, for their continuous operation, electricity must be supplied to the door on a permanent basis.
  • With plumbing wrapping - in this case, we are talking not so much about the features of the functionality, but about the features of the material from which the lock is made.For example, for large balconies, verandas, attics, and in general for rooms that are characterized by a sharp change in temperature, just such locks are suitable. Their body and components are made of materials that are not subject to corrosion, moisture and aggressive environments. This is especially true for rooms with high humidity - large pools and public baths.

Technical advantages of magnetic devices:

  • They do not make any special noise during their work, so they are convenient to use in bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • Ease of integration and installation;
  • Extended service life, because there are no moving elements in the mechanism;
  • Adequate cost.

Technical disadvantages of magnetic devices:

  • Due to the fact that the magnet will be permanently activated, iron dust will accumulate near it, and it will also affect metal objects that fall into its field of action;
  • The magnet begins its work at a short distance, which is why it can play the role of a closer. Thus, if an electromagnetic lock is opened with a key card, then it is necessary to calculate the moment of its possible spontaneous closing, even if there are no drafts in the room;
  • The magnetic tongue may fall out of the case when the door is closed and break on the receiving frame if the lock is not equipped with a door position sensor or a rod;
  • Some models of electromagnetic devices require a constant supply of power.

Choice questions

On today's market, there is a large assortment of magnetic locks for interior doors. First of all, in the buying process, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • View of the castle;
  • His form;
  • Dimensions;
  • Holding force.

Without fail, the question of the load that the selected constipation is able to withstand must be resolved. For installation in plastic doors or fiberboard sheets, you can use a device adapted to a load of 100 - 150 kilograms. If the locking mechanism is supposed to be installed on massive iron / wood doors, then the load parameter should vary from 250 to 300 kilograms. Almost all electromagnetic locks can hold a load of 400 kilograms or more, so they are used on large and massive doors. In order for the purchased device to serve for a long time, it must have a high-quality protective coating. As a rule, these types of locks have an upper nickel or zinc layer. Also, the coating can be represented by a special film.

IMPORTANT! Painting the magnetic surface is highly discouraged due to the fact that its functional properties will decrease.

Features of installation in interior doors

In principle, if the user has minimal skills in the field of joinery or carpentry, then installation will not be difficult. You will need the following tools to complete it:

  • Screwdriver set;
  • Electric drill and drills;
  • A hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Milling cutter manual;
  • Measuring devices;
  • Chisel;
  • Pencil (construction marker).

Step by step work procedure:

  1. Usually, a magnetic lock is mounted at a height of 90 to 110 centimeters from the floor. At the door end mark the area where there will be a niche for the locking device. If a handle is provided in the lock, then the place of its integration is indicated on the front side.
  2. In the marked place, using an electric drill, a through hole is made for a square section of the rod, which should engage the handles with each other on both sides.
  3. In the door end, first, a small sample is made for the front lock strip, then a niche is drilled where the mechanism will be placed directly, moreover, this niche must exactly correspond to its dimensions. A niche can also be done with a manual milling cutter. Otherwise, pen drills are used, as well as a chisel and a hammer.
  4. Next, you should note the place of attachment of the lock. For this purpose, it is installed in a previously prepared niche and attachment points, and holes are drilled for self-tapping screws.
  5. Direct installation of the lock. It is inserted into a niche and fixed properly on the door end. If there is a handle, then it is installed in the door, after which they check the usefulness of the entire system as a whole.
  6. Installation of response elements. In cases where the lock does not have a tongue, then opposite it on the door frame, a reciprocal bar is simply installed. If the crossbar is available, then you must first create a place on the frame for its entry. Similarly, for this you can use either a milling cutter, or drills, or a chisel with a hammer. After, it remains only to strengthen the bar and check the operation of the lock.

Replacement and repair of magnetic locks

Despite the fact that the devices in question are characterized by increased reliability and extended service life, situations may still arise in which they must be repaired or replaced. These include:

  • There was a clear deformation of the latch;
  • The fastening of the reciprocal bar or the lock itself has weakened;
  • Decreased magnetic attraction;
  • During the operation of the locks, extraneous noises occur.

Most often, all of the above situations are a direct consequence of improper installation or the use of low-quality products. In cases where it is found that it was the mechanism itself that was produced with a low level of quality, then it is possible to fix the breakdown only for a short time (and soon it will have to be replaced completely). If the problem lies in the installation, then it is quite possible to fix it.

Step by step instructions for passive models

  1. Decorative overlays are unscrewed and handles are dismantled.
  2. The lock mechanism is removed. Its case is subject to opening, as a result of which it is concluded that there are parts that have ceased to function. In some cases, some elements may not be subject to replacement, because of which it will be necessary to change the mechanism completely.
  3. If problems are found with improper fastening of the mechanism or its distortion, then the holes from the previous self-tapping screws are simply blocked with plugs, and the lock itself is mounted in the proper position.

Step-by-step instruction for electromagnetic models

  1. The power supply to the locking mechanism is checked;
  2. The lock is disassembled, all its elements are checked - a multimeter tool is used;
  3. Checking the work of reading key cards;
  4. The integrity of all wires and connections is checked.

If a situation arises when it turns out that it is not possible to repair the lock, then the easiest way out is to purchase the same working model or a similar one that is suitable in size, shape and functionality.Thus, it will not be necessary to spoil the door leaf, making other niches and holes in it, different from those that have already been made.

Expert tips for use

In order for the magnetic lock to work in interior doors for a long time and with reliability, it must be operated by observing a few simple rules:

  • It is necessary to systematically clean the magnet with the reciprocal plate from metal dust and adhering debris;
  • Proper installation is required to ensure that the device's downforce is claimed by the manufacturer. After all, even if you allow a deviation from the recommended clearance standards by a couple of millimeters, this will radically change the holding force. This shows that the installation must take place according to all the canons of the instructions.
  • The lock must be wiped immediately if moisture gets on it, and it does not have an anti-corrosion coating. This is necessary so that the magnetic elements do not oxidize;
  • It is required to systematically check the fixation of the device and the striker, and if a backlash is detected, tighten the screws. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the overall full-fledged operation of the mechanism and, if necessary, immediately eliminate malfunctions, without bringing them to a critical situation.

Thus, if the magnetic lock was made of high-quality materials, without marriage and correctly and correctly installed in the door leaf, while the conditions for its operation are observed, then it is able to serve the homeowner for more than a dozen years.

Rating of the best magnetic locks for interior doors for 2025

Budget options

3rd place: "NORA-M S-50M Art. Bronze 14876"

A simple and uncomplicated lock, yet capable of providing the basic needs for locking interior doors. It has an external galvanized coating with a standard bronze color. Due to its compact dimensions and low weight, it is easy to install in any door leaf. It has dimensions - 62x25x57, with a weight of 110 grams. The country of production is China. The recommended retail price is 380 rubles.

Magnetic latch NORA-M S-50M
  • Simple and reliable design;
  • Performs all basic functions;
  • Easy to install.
  • Has no additional fixation.

2nd place: "Apecs 5300-M-WC-BN 25330"

Another inexpensive and functional sample. It is a representative of internal mechanisms. The kit comes with "native" self-tapping screws. It has an additional fixation and has a galvanized surface, which makes it particularly resistant to moisture. The total weight of the fixture is 400 grams, with dimensions of 73x18x195 millimeters. The homeland of the brand is China, it is produced in Russia under license. The recommended retail price is 520 rubles.

Apecs 5300-M-WC-BN 25330
  • The presence of additional fixation;
  • Galvanized body;
  • Reliable locking.
  • Not detected.

3rd place: "APECS 5300-M-WC-GM 16934"

A full-length latch specially designed for installation in wooden interior doors. It has an excellent magnetic deadbolt, which works especially silently. It has an excellent quality coating, and the assembly accuracy and high performance exceed even the requirements of GOST. The latch is universal and fits both right and left doors.The front and strike plate are rounded, which makes it possible to install the lock in the shortest possible time using a power tool. The hole for the handle has the most common version of 8x8 millimeters. The total weight is 400 grams, dimensions are 22x10x2 millimeters. The country of origin is China. The established market price is 590 rubles.

APECS 5300-M-WC-GM 16934
  • Versatility;
  • Hole for the handle of running models;
  • The shortest installation time.
  • Not detected.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "RENZ black INLBM 5096 Black"

This option is distinguished by a good equipment - the mechanism itself, a striker, "native" screws and detailed instructions in Russian (which is quite rare for models from Western Europe). Although this sample is distinguished by uncomplicated reliability, it is characterized by high quality of the body (industrial steel) and galvanized coating. Also, the set comes with a handle. It has dimensions - 90x190x28 millimeters, with its own weight of 400 grams. The country of origin is Germany, the market price is 650 rubles.

RENTZ black INLBM 5096 Black
  • Good equipment;
  • Industrial steel body;
  • Good western brand.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "Fuaro 5300-M-WC GR graphite 41401"

One of the controversial models of Asian origin, in which the manufacturer tried to apply additional mechanical technologies. The form is used in the form of an oval, there is no additional fixation. The device has a graphite-colored galvanic coating. The standard kit includes four elements - a bar, the mechanism itself, instructions and mounting hardware. Overall dimensions - 166x20x2.5 mm with a dead weight of 460 grams.The country of origin is China, the market price is 690 rubles.

Fuaro 5300-M-WC GR graphite 41401
  • Adequate price;
  • graphite coating;
  • Nice set in a set.
  • Some samples may creak a little at first.

1st place: "MORELLI MM 2090 AB color-bronze 9008644"

A classic representative of the world famous Italian brand. It is characterized by an increased quality of the body, bronze elements in its composition, a simple shape to facilitate installation. Galvanized coating is also included. In addition to the standard four elements of the kit, it is also equipped with a decorative cap. It has dimensions - 75x90x190 millimeters, with a weight of 410 grams. The country of origin is Italy, the recommended retail price is 790 rubles.

MORELLI MM 2090 AB bronze 9008644
  • Quality Italian brand;
  • Decorative cap included;
  • Galvanized coating.
  • High price for little functionality.

Premium class

2nd place: "ARCHIE LM 5212CL AB/ACF 940000000377"

This model is positioned by its manufacturer as an extremely silent device. Can be locked with a key. There are many variations on the market for this type of lock in various cases - steel, plastic, and aluminum, which means that it can be installed in a door with any leaf. You can also choose a color - either bronze or coffee. There is a galvanized finish. It has dimensions of 19x19x195 millimeters, with its own weight of 480 grams. Country of origin - Russia (under license). The recommended price is 950 rubles.

ARCHIE LM 5212CL AB/ACF 940000000377
  • Variety of colors and body material;
  • Adequate value for money;
  • Russian licensed production.
  • Somewhat heavy.

1st place: "MORELLI color-Italian bronze M1885-U IB"

An expensive and trendy model of a magnetic lock is perfect for decorative and functional decoration of a large country house. It has color variability, you can also choose the material of manufacture. The standard kit has all the denominations of fixtures plus a few decorative caps. The shape for the pen is faux. The overall dimensions are 85x76x195, with a dead weight of 400 grams. The country of origin is Italy, the recommended price is 1200 rubles.

MORELLI color-italian bronze M1885-U IB
  • Complete set in a set;
  • Image version;
  • The presence of several decorative plugs.
  • Not detected.

Instead of an epilogue

As current trends show, interior magnetic locks are gaining more and more popularity. The reasons for this are completely different - from ease of use to external aesthetics and high-quality functionality. In addition, it is magnetic interior locks that are an integral part of the "Smart Home" systems that are so fashionable today. By integrating them into such a system, they can even be controlled remotely. Also, the development of these devices is facilitated by the possibility of their modification - many different modules can be integrated into a single system with them, thereby protecting your home and its separate premises from unauthorized entry.

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