
  1. Purpose and principle of operation
  2. Varieties of bait traps
  3. Criterias of choice
  4. Best cockroach traps for 2025

Best cockroach traps for 2025

Best cockroach traps for 2025

Every person at least once in his life has encountered such unpleasant insects as cockroaches. They are everywhere: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, pantry, entrance and other places where there are the slightest "favorable" conditions for their existence.

What tricks did not our ancestors come up with to get rid of annoying insects. Food products with the addition of all kinds of poisons and poisons, devices with a sticky surface, devices with electric current, etc. were also used. However, they quickly adapted to such inventions and became very difficult to breed.

With the increasing urgency of the problem of fighting cockroaches, the production of counteracting substances has reached the industrial level. Currently, a wide variety of products in this category are supplied to consumer markets. In its assortment there are very inexpensive drugs and products that allow one-time use for a small number of pests.And there are also a number of more expensive devices for reusable or permanent use.

Purpose and principle of operation

All trap products are designed to kill cockroaches by attracting them to you with "pleasant" smells for insects. They are created as an essence, which is impregnated with the inside of the device or added to the feed for the subsequent elimination of pests.

All devices, depending on the design and structure, are designed in such a way that a cockroach that gets on their surface or inside cannot get out and is destroyed.

As mentioned above, pest traps fall into two broad classes:

  • disposable;
  • reusable.

Each of these types has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. For example, disposable products are designed for a limited number of pests, but are very effective. Being a budget option, they can be replaced with a new ingredient and applied as needed and once.

If cockroach attacks are massive and prolonged, then in such a situation one cannot do without a reusable device for an unlimited number of individuals.The cost of such models is many times higher than the previous "neighbors".

Varieties of bait traps

Depending on the time of application, the number of insects present, the presence of small children in the house, people with allergic reactions and pets, consumers choose the most optimal trap options for each individual case. To facilitate the selection, experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with their varieties, which include:

  • adhesive;
  • common traps;
  • electrical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • poisonous.

So, below are the characteristics of each category of goods, which include both positive and negative qualities.


Glue representatives are the most budgetary option for pest control in the form of cockroaches. They are highly effective, harmless, but at the same time disposable and accommodate a limited number of individuals on their surface. But these shortcomings are easily eliminated by the following cheap analogue. These models are well-suited for small pests and pets, as they do not contain toxic chemicals. Their job is to attract and accumulate insects with a special adhesive applied to the entire surface of the tape or device. With a decrease in the effectiveness of the product and the presence of a residual number of cockroaches, it should be replaced with a new one.

Video testing of various glue traps:

Common bait traps

Such designs are the most harmless in a house where there are small children. Devices of this type are made in the form of small boxes-houses with several holes on all sides.The work of these devices is to attract insect pests with the help of the smell inside the "house", from which the insect just cannot get out and it dies. Such bait traps are reusable, since the filled inner compartment is well cleaned with a special brush. The cost of models in this category is an order of magnitude higher than the previous representatives.


The name of the next category indicates the presence of electricity in the structure. These models are made of metal, which contributes to high current conductivity and efficiency of the devices. The principle of their action is to attract pests with the help of odors inside the device and inflict a deadly electrical discharge on them.

But, as manufacturers warn, when working with such structures, one should not neglect the basic safety rules, which include:

  • touching with the device is carried out only with dry hands or with the help of special gloves;
  • exclusion of the location of devices in rooms with high humidity;
  • installation of devices only in places made of non-flammable materials;
  • regular check of the operating condition of the device, having previously disconnected it from the mains.

Cleaning of the contents in these models is also carried out using a special brush.

By the way, on the Internet you can find a video instruction for making an electric trap yourself:


Representatives of this category of goods are more gentle products, based not so much on the destruction of parasitic insects, but on their scaring away and the desire to immediately leave the area of ​​​​the device.The principle of operation of these models is to create specific sounds and light effects that adversely affect the nervous system of cockroaches. This makes them not only leave their burrows, but also retreat from the area of ​​uncomfortable conditions as soon as possible. The action of ultrasonic devices can be observed after a three-day period, when an increased number of parasites is found in the radius of their influence, hurrying to leave the given territory. Products in this category can be used by families with small children and pets. But at the same time, you should watch your four-legged friends. If they become noticeably anxious and nervous, then the animal is recommended to be taken out of the room where the ultrasonic device is working.

TOP-5. Ultrasonic cockroach repellers - in the video:

Poisonous (insecticide)

The most effective and at the same time the most poisonous devices belong to this category. They work on the principle of a chain reaction. Placed in the center of a small box, poison exuding a pleasant smell for parasites attracts them to itself. Through the holes located on each side, provide free access to cockroaches to it. Having tried a little “delicacy”, each of the pests transfers its particle to their relatives, thus infecting everyone in its path. A potent poison does not give any chance of survival. Such products must be handled with extreme caution and the basic rules for working with pesticides must be observed:

  • keep out of reach of children and pets;
  • open the package only before use;
  • use protective equipment for the skin of the hands (special gloves).

Criterias of choice

According to the opinions of many people who have resorted to the help of various cockroach traps, as well as the conclusions of experts, the main selection criteria for buying the best device are:

  1. High efficiency - the higher the number of parasites destroyed, the better the device used.
  2. Time period - for what period of time the design will completely get rid of harmful insects. And the shorter it is, the more effective the product.
  3. Safety is one of the important selection criteria when there are small children or pets in the room.
  4. Ease of use - the simpler the design of the device and the process of operation, the more attractive the product.
  5. Cost - also has its own audience, which in most acquisitions focuses on this particular component.

Therefore, by identifying the most important criteria for each individual situation, you can significantly narrow the search for the most suitable products.

Best cockroach traps for 2025

According to numerous consumer reviews, the leading stages of the most popular pest control devices are occupied by products of domestic and foreign manufacturers.



The NPO Garant model of domestic production is a bait trap using a potent poison that effectively destroys cockroaches. It has the form of small container disks in the amount of 6 pieces, in the inside of which a paste-like agent is placed, including nutrients with an attractive smell for pests. It spreads to a distance of up to 1 m. Insects that eat it are poisoned after 8 hours. When using this device, the domino principle is applied.Poisoned cockroaches, moving among comrades, transmit poison to them, and dying themselves are poisonous food for other tribesmen. In this way, the effectiveness of the use of the Absolut trap-bait is completely justified.

It is recommended to use the presented model with a small accumulation of parasites, as well as for preventive purposes. Be aware of the danger to children and pets.

trap for cockroaches Absolute
  • high performance indicators;
  • chain reaction of infection of insects;
  • convenient application;
  • validity up to 4 months;
  • does not require the use of protective equipment.
  • use for a small number of pests.


Russian production, which is a set of 6 traps packed in a separate box. The recommended area for using the devices is 5 sq. m. But, depending on the time of appearance and the number of parasites, the radius of action is reduced. The maximum part of the containers should be used in one room to increase the effect of exposure. Devices should be replaced after a three-month period. Dohlox is an insecticidal preparation, so basic precautions must be observed when installing and working with it. The packaging should be opened immediately before use, placed out of the reach of children and pets. Also, Dohlox should not be stored near food.

trap for cockroaches Dohlox
  • high productivity when using the entire package at once;
  • optimal period of application;
  • simple installation;
  • optimal cost.
  • potent pesticide.



Also, a representative of domestic production is produced in the form of a folding house with non-toxic bait inside. Very easy to use design, absolutely safe for all family members, including pets. To install the Argus tool, it is enough to connect a simple structure into a small house, remove the protective film from the adhesive surface and install it in the required place. It can be safely placed next to food. The validity of this bait is 3 months after opening the package.

cockroach trap Argus
  • great quality;
  • simple design;
  • long service life;
  • complete security;
  • low price.
  • not found.

"Barrier" (2 in 1)

Another product of domestic manufacturers has gained its popularity due to its high efficiency in the absence of toxic substances. An absolutely non-toxic agent is used in institutions and organizations of various directions, as well as in production and storage facilities where devices containing poison cannot be used.

Installation of the structure is very simple, even an unenlightened beginner can handle it. The principle of operation of the "Barrier" is to attract pests to the sticky surface with a pleasantly smelling bait. Once on it, the insect sticks and dies. As the entire area covered with glue is filled, the agent must be replaced with a new one. This is done at no particular cost, since the cost of the goods is small.

trap for cockroaches "Barrier" (2 in 1)
  • universal use;
  • ease of installation and use;
  • safe remedy;
  • does not contain toxic chemicals.
  • unregulated period of operation.

Barrier-trap for cockroaches

This model is a representative of the Polish manufacturer Euroimpex Polska. It is made in the form of a folding house, which, with minimal movements, turns into a small house with a surface covered with non-toxic glue. After assembling the device, the protective film is removed from the adhesive layer, and it is ready for use. In the center of the site is a "fragrant" bait that attracts parasites to crawl onto the adhesive base. Getting on it, cockroaches firmly stick to it and die, while releasing specific pheromones that “call” other fellow tribesmen to them. Thus, there is a mechanical extermination of harmful accumulations. The advantage of this glue bait trap is complete safety for the environment and human health. It is used in those institutions where the use of devices with toxic pesticides is not desirable.

Barrier-trap for cockroaches
  • high performance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • universal application;
  • ease of use.
  • there is no fixed lifespan.

"Force Site"

The products of the same Polish manufacturers, consisting of a set of 5 plates, have established themselves as a simple, universal fixture. It is recommended for use in manufacturing workshops, hospitals, kindergartens, food warehouses, etc., where the use of insecticidal preparations is not recommended. The protective layer covering the adhesive surface is removed from the structure folded along the perforation lines, and a bait tablet is placed in its center. Close the lock-clip and place the device in the right place.The average period of application of the "Force Site", according to manufacturers, is up to 45 days. After filling the entire adhesive surface, the device is disposed of and, if necessary, a new one is installed.

cockroach trap
  • high efficiency;
  • environmental Safety;
  • absence of toxic substances;
  • ease of use.
  • unforeseen duration.


EcoSniper GH-180

High-quality Chinese products have conquered Russian consumers with their simplicity of design, long service life and high performance. Products of this brand are containers-traps that destroy cockroaches with electric current. To attract parasites inside the trap, manufacturers use "flavored" substances. Being hit by electricity, pests have no chance of surviving. The device is intended for multiple use. For regular cleaning use a special brush. EcoSniper GH-180 comes with a 110-240V adapter, bait and instructions in Russian.

cockroach trap EcoSniper GH-180
  • high performance;
  • unlimited duration;
  • safe when used correctly;
  • good equipment.
  • not found.


Excellent and completely safe for the environment and the health of people and animals, an electric bait trap. For bait in this model, any food products are used, with the help of which pests are lured inside the structure. A few instantaneous electric shocks will kill the insect, making it 100% guaranteed to eliminate clumps of pesky crawling clumps.The device performs its work both from the mains, from recharging via a USB cable, and autonomously. According to the producers, GoGreen is capable of processing an area of ​​40 sq.m. The duration of effective work is carried out within 2 years.

cockroach trap GoGreen
  • absolutely safe;
  • excellent warranty period;
  • does not contain toxins and poisons;
  • offline work.
  • not detected.

Faced with the attack of voracious, annoying parasites, do not panic. It is necessary to immediately get to work and choose the most effective means to deal with an unforeseen "enemy". After reading the selection criteria described in this article, as well as the characteristics of each of the presented product categories, and evaluating the individual situation, you will easily find a quick and correct solution.

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