
  1. The best ENT clinics in Novosibirsk
  2. Comparative table of costs for individual medical services

Rating of the best ENT clinics in Novosibirsk in 2025

Rating of the best ENT clinics in Novosibirsk in 2025

Runny nose, sore throat, headache are manifestations of diseases that most of us no longer pay attention to, much less go to the doctor. Despite the seeming harmlessness, even a simple runny nose or sore throat can gradually develop into chronic diseases that require long-term and serious treatment from the relevant specialists. Diseases of the nose, larynx and ears are the specialty of otorhinolaryngologists. They accept patients both in specialized ENT clinics and in multidisciplinary medical centers. We will tell about the best of them in Novosibirsk below.

The best ENT clinics in Novosibirsk

"Medical practice"

Address: Red Avenue, 163; st. Pokryshkina, 1; st.Krashennikova, 3rd lane, 12

Phone: ☎ +7 383 201-83-13

Website: http://medcentrnsk.rf

Opening hours: Mon-Sat: 08:00-20:00; Sun: 09:00-15:00

Medical Practice is a network of multidisciplinary medical centers that have been providing qualified medical care to residents of Novosibirsk for 19 years. Each of the branches is located within walking distance from metro stops (from 300 to 600 meters). In addition, each of the centers is provided with parking lots, which does not cause problems for visitors who come by private car. The Medical Practice Guide highlights the following key points in the work of institutions that are designed to attract clients and guarantee the high reputation of their centers:

  • doctors with a high level of training with scientific degrees and titles;
  • control over the appointment of additional tests, consultations, etc.;
  • the latest equipment and innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment;
  • low prices for services close to the level of municipal institutions.

As for the otorhinolaryngologist directly, it is worth noting a wide range of services provided by a specialist. He deals with the treatment of adenoids, acute and chronic forms of tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, rhinosinusitis, etc.

The cost of the initial consultation is 1400 rubles, the secondary one is 800 rubles.

  • convenient location;
  • reasonable prices for medical services;
  • high qualification of doctors and their personal interest in the recovery of patients;
  • lengthy consultations with a doctor (from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours), during which the specialist examines the patient's condition and his complaints in as much detail as possible;
  • online registration is possible;
  • timeliness of admission by appointment;
  • write out certificates of incapacity for work;
  • polite staff.
  • not identified.


Address: st. Frunze, 232; diagnostic department - st. Frunze, 234.

Phone: ☎ +7 383 312-08-75, 312-14-24


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-20:00; Sat-Sun: 09:00-18:00

Clinic of a wide medical profile "Europe" is located on Frunze Street, 600 meters from the Beryozovaya Grove metro station. It provides a holistic approach to patient care. In this regard, it has a separate diagnostic department, in which it is possible to make all types of tests, ultrasound, etc.; medical department, which accepts patients of 13 types of specialists. Separately allocated dentistry, which offers all types of dental services. A special place in the clinic is occupied by aesthetic medicine, all procedures of which take place in the cosmetology department.

In the otorhinolaryngological office, 2 specialists are receiving. Both have over 10 years of experience. They accept both adults and children. It should be noted that the diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases is carried out in conjunction with related specialists, which gives the maximum positive effect. Laura clinics prefer conservative treatment, which in most cases avoids surgery. The effectiveness of treatment procedures is also possible due to the availability of modern equipment and innovative treatment methods.

The cost of the initial examination is 1400 rubles, the repeated one is 1200 rubles.

  • convenient location of the clinic;
  • pleasant interior of the clinic;
  • availability of parking for private cars of patients;
  • attentive and accommodating staff and doctors;
  • moderate prices for medical services provided;
  • Online appointment with specialists is possible.
  • individual cases of late admission by appointment.

Social ENT cabinet

Address: Red Avenue, 62

Phone: ☎ +7 383 380-98-78


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00; Sat-Sun: 10:00-15:00

The social ENT office is located on Krasny Prospekt, 150 meters from the metro station of the same name. 4 otorhinolaryngologists with work experience in the specialty from 2 to 14 years accept patients. The office deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases: sinusitis (without punctures), allergic rhinitis, adenoiditis, hoarseness and other diseases of the larynx, acute and chronic diseases of the ear. In addition, a service is available for the sanitation of the tonsils with the Tonsillor apparatus, as well as recurring nosebleeds. It is possible to manage people with hearing loss, but only after a preliminary consultation with an audiologist.

The cost of the initial consultation is 650 rubles, the re-examination is 300 rubles.

  • low prices for medical services;
  • free admission for disabled children;
  • you can get to the doctor without an appointment on a live queue;
  • adult and children (from 3 years old) reception;
  • the duration of the examination by a specialist is at least 30 minutes.
  • do not issue certificates of incapacity for work;
  • individual cases of ineffectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Dr. Lore

Address: K. Marksa Avenue, 43/1; st. Michurina, 3; st. B. Bogatkova, 248 a; st. Country, 21/2

Phone: ☎ +7 383 292-94-00, 315-21-94


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-20:00; Sat-Sun: 10:00-15:00


"Doctor Lor" is a network of specialized otorhinolaryngological rooms in Novosibirsk. Currently there are 4 of them. Each of them is located within walking distance from metro stations (from 100 to 500 meters).In the offices, 7 otorhinolaryngologists with work experience in the specialty from 2 to 32 years are being received. Patients get to the doctor on a live queue. The doctors of the clinic diagnose and successfully treat the following diseases: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, nasal breathing disorders, sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, diseases of the middle ear, auditory nerve, hearing loss, etc. In the process of treatment, the clinic's specialists actively use the most effective innovative medical technologies: lasers, ultrasound , sinus catheter, etc.

The cost of the initial appointment is 890 rubles, the re-examination is 600 rubles.

  • all offices are located near metro stations;
  • reception is carried out on a first come first served basis, which makes it possible to get to the doctor as soon as the first signs of the disease appear;
  • prompt assistance at the first visit if necessary;
  • low prices for rendered honey. services.
  • individual cases of ineffectiveness of the prescribed treatment;
  • Poor customer focus on the part of the staff.

EuroMed Clinic

Address: st. Gogol, 42; st. Dusi Kovalchuk, 7/1; Red Avenue, 200

Phone: ☎ +7 383 209-03-03


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-21:00; Sat-Sun: 09:00-19:00

EuroMed Clinic is one of the largest medical centers in the city, consisting of 7 departments. Diagnostics and therapy are carried out in a complex manner, taking into account the characteristics of the condition of each patient and involving related specialists. Of particular note is the technical equipment of the institution, which includes modern equipment of Japanese, European and American production.

There are currently 6 ENT specialists in the clinic.Otorhinolaryngologists of the medical center diagnose and treat diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx, ear. For successful diagnosis and treatment, methods such as video endoscopy, ultrasound, ozone therapy, coblation treatment, etc. are used. In addition, in addition to conservative drug treatment of various ENT diseases, doctors successfully use surgical methods. Among them, it is worth noting the surgical removal of benign neoplasms in the nasal cavity, pharynx or auricle, removal of adenoids, operations to restore the nasal cavity, etc.

The cost of the primary appointment is 2050 rubles, the secondary one is 1750 rubles.

  • high material and technical equipment of the medical center;
  • doctors of a high level of professional training;
  • modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of ENT diseases;
  • children's ENT is engaged in the diagnosis of diseases and their treatment in children;
  • convenient work schedule: on weekends, the clinic is open until 19:00.
  • rare cases of ineffectiveness of the prescribed treatment;
  • poor customer orientation among operators and administrators.


Address: Red Avenue, 14/1; Dimitrova Ave., 7; st. Communist, 17/1

Phone: ☎ +7 383 363-30-03


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-20:00; Sat: 09:00-20:00; Sun: 09:00-15:00

"Avicenna" is a medical center of the widest profile, which includes several medical diagnostic clinics and a wide range of medical services hospital. Currently, it is part of the federal State Corporation "Mother and Child", which indicates the high level of professionalism of the center's doctors and its technical equipment.

The otorhinolaryngology clinic employs 11 specialists, among whom there is an audiologist, an otorhinolaryngologist-phoniator, an otorhinolaryngologist-oncologist, and a surgeon. Together they carry out both outpatient and surgical treatment of ENT diseases.

The cost of the initial examination may vary depending on the level of professional training of the doctor, his specialization (audiologist, phonator, oncologist) and ranges from 2340 to 3180 rubles. Secondary admission will cost from 1700 to 2600 rubles.

  • high qualification of doctors;
  • personal interest of specialists in the recovery of patients.
  • incompetence of administrators and telephone operators in medical matters;
  • low level of customer-oriented staff;
  • long and slow moving queues at the registration desk;
  • high, not always justified cost of services;
  • cases of late admission.

XXI Century

Address: st. Electoral, 89/2; st. Nekrasov, 35

Phone: ☎ +7 383 285-32-27


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-20:00; Sat-Sun: 09:00-16:00

Medical Center XXI century is a medical institution with a wide range of services. It includes diagnostics, therapy, endocrinology, pediatrics, gynecology, dermatology, otolaryngology and many other areas of medicine. The main emphasis of the clinic's specialists is on the early and timely diagnosis of diseases. After all, the success of treatment depends on the timely and correct diagnosis. Another rule of this medical institution is the availability of professional medical care at any time.In addition to the fact that the center works seven days a week, in the evening and at night you can contact it by calling the 24-hour coordination center. The operators of the coordination center not only make an appointment, but also, being experienced doctors, can give useful advice on how to act in a particular emergency.

In the office of otolaryngology, 3 doctors with experience in the specialty from 3 to 14 years take shifts. Most often, they face and successfully deal with such problems of patients as inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs, allergic rhinitis, voice disorders, sinusitis, adenoiditis, etc. In the treatment process, specialists use the methods of medical manipulations (infusions, movements, etc.), laser and physiotherapy.

The cost of the initial appointment is 1400-1600 rubles, the secondary one is 700-1300 rubles. depending on the qualification category of the doctor.

  • availability of a 24-hour medical coordination center;
  • a large number of medical services can be obtained at home: specialist consultation, testing, etc.;
  • polite staff, administrators;
  • highly qualified doctors.
  • cases of late admission by appointment;
  • rare cases with incorrect diagnosis;
  • the official website does not indicate the cost of the procedures.

Chief Patient

Address: st. Boris Bogatkov, 217/1

Phone: ☎ +7 383 219-02-02, 219-01-01


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-21:00; Sat: 08:00-20:00; Sun: 08:00-17:00

"The main patient" is a multidisciplinary clinic, under the roof of which 21 areas of medicine are represented. Reception is conducted by more than 70 doctors, whose experience in the specialty is more than 10 years.A special advantage of the center is that the examination of patients and their treatment is carried out in one building, unlike many other clinics. The clinic has separate departments for children and adults. The children's department has its own staff of pediatric doctors who have developed a special correct approach to young patients, special diagnostic equipment, and even a play area is provided.

Accordingly, the pediatric and adult departments of otolaryngology are presented. Each of them is equipped with appropriate diagnostic and treatment equipment, trained personnel.

In adults, the specialists of the center effectively treat such diseases as various pathologies of the nose (septal curvature, rhinitis of various etymologies, polyps, sinusitis), snoring, sleep apnea, pharyngeal pathologies (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsil cysts), laryngeal pathologies (laryngitis, neoplasms), ear pathology (hearing loss, otitis), etc. Doctors cope with both acute manifestations of diseases, prevent their flow into a chronic form. In the case of long-standing and timely untreated chronic diseases, by all means reduce the likelihood of their exacerbation.

  • it is possible to visit a doctor at home;
  • a separate children's department;
  • favorable conditions in the children's department for finding children there;
  • convenient location near the metro station;
  • availability of own parking;
  • polite managers and other staff.
  • they do not always accept appointments on time;
  • cases of lack of information about the readiness of tests, as well as untimely sending of results to patients;
  • there is no price list for medical procedures on the official website.

Comparative table of costs for individual medical services

Name of service"Medical practice""Europe"Social
ENT cabinet
Dr. LoreEuroMed
AvicennaXXI CenturyChief Patient
Initial consultation1400140065089020502340-31801400-16001400-1600
Secondary reception800120030060017501700-2600700-13001200-1400
Treatment on the device "Tonsillor" (1 session)6106003904307501020not specifiednot specified
Washing of cerumen plugs (1 ear)4304003504504001615not specifiednot specified
Washing the nasal cavity according to Proetz "cuckoo"5006003904306001750not specifiednot specified
Blowing the auditory tubes according to Politzer400400801504501400not specifiednot specified
Foreign body removal4907004907507004170not specifiednot specified

Paid medical clinics and centers are chosen by people for the opportunity to receive high-quality medical services at a convenient time for them. Also, people are willing to pay for a high level of service and a "human" attitude from doctors and other staff. Unfortunately, not always even the most expensive and eminent clinics can provide such small requests for their patients, and even more so high-quality diagnostics and treatment. We hope our rating will help you choose the right ENT clinic with qualified doctors and high-quality service.

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