
  1. What are
  2. How to choose
  3. How to make a bed with your own hands
  4. Ratings of the best beds for ferrets and rodents for 2025
  5. Helpful Hints
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best beds for ferrets and rodents for 2025

Rating of the best beds for ferrets and rodents for 2025

Ferrets and rodents are accustomed in their natural environment to hide from offenders in the house. If they don't get proper shelter, they will become overly aggressive and nervous. And it does not matter that next to you they are not in any danger. Matter of habit. In the house, they often arrange a pantry, and also relax using beds or hammocks.

What are

Small rodents prefer to rest, have fun and sleep on soft hanging devices that are attached to the house or cage with ropes. You can swing there like on a swing. Hanging houses are used by ferrets for privacy, so that prying eyes do not spoil their mood. The hammock compares favorably with its counterparts in that it is suspended in the air and does not take up free space in the pet's home.

The shape is different: round, oval, square, polygonal. Various materials are used for manufacturing, such as velveteen, artificial fur, cotton fabric. There are two-story and three-story structures.

The dimensions of the products depend on the parameters of the animal itself and on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house (cell size). Manufacturers produce goods intended for use by several individuals at once.

Types of structures

The best manufacturers offer their popular models:

  1. Hammocks for ferrets.
  2. Rushing tunnels.
  3. Loosely sagging and with tightly stretched corners.
  4. Hanging tents.
  5. With one or more holes.
  6. Hammocks - pipes.
  7. Hammocks - slippers.
  8. Beds - bags.
  9. Beds - nests.

It is worth taking seriously the material of their manufacture. Rodents are so active that silk and synthetic fabrics, due to constant interaction with their fur, will be electrified and beat their pets with static discharges. It is best to give preference to jeans, dense and durable fleece and cotton. They are able to withstand significant loads, while not tearing or stretching. Sharp claws are also not afraid of them.

The best models have the following advantages:

  • made of high-strength, non-slip material;
  • the fabric should be well ventilated;
  • fastening should not contain sharp elements in order to avoid injury to rodents;
  • ropes and elastic bands - high-strength;
  • for the winter period, a fleecy and warm fabric is used that can warm a delicate pet.

Different product appearance

If you carefully study the overview of the proposed options, familiarize yourself with their description, functions, then we can conclude that the most interesting will be tunnels and hammocks - pipes for rodents. They are used for more than just entertainment. At home, little pets feel completely safe.

As a rule, there are two manholes in the models, through which small animals run with pleasure from one end to the other, while enjoying the game. There are single-way models, where one of the ends of the pipe is tightly closed. In such a secluded place, the ferret can rest in peace. Popular models are produced with a rustling effect. This has a positive effect on the pet's mood and playfulness. The length of the product may be different, depending on the parameters of the rodent.

How to Place a Ferret Accessory

Any floor accessory for animals, be it a house, a bed or a hammock, should be placed in the corner of the cage. You can give your pet the right to choose and experiment a little. He himself will make the final decision and, with his appearance and behavior, will make it clear how it is more convenient for him. Inside the attribute, you can put a small amount of dry grass or other filler.

If the ferret does not pay attention to the design and simply ignores its presence, you need to try to interest him in his favorite toy or treat. You can not insist on the animal to fall in love with a hammock and spend all his free time there.He may be afraid of such pressure on your part and get sick.

What you should pay attention to? Any accessory must be kept clean and tidy. It must be periodically removed from the cage, washed or washed, depending on the material of manufacture. The product should not contain unpleasant odors, have dirty spots, holes or other mechanical damage. If the product has become unusable, it is better to visit the pet supply store and purchase a new item or make similar products yourself.

How to choose

Those who are fond of rodents know what a variety of all kinds of accessories pet stores can offer you. Every year, new products from leading manufacturers of this type of product appear on the shelves. They differ in shape, size, characteristics, material of manufacture. Branded products, especially those that occupy a leading position in the ranking of quality goods, are sold at a significant price.

It is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of which company's accessories are better. Specialized stores offer goods of Chinese, Russian, French production, floor, table or hanging type, budget and expensive. If you are new to this business, then before making a final decision, you need to study the ratings, read the recommendations of experts, and listen to the opinions of buyers. This is the only way to avoid mistakes when choosing.

Where else can you buy the products you are interested in? If you want to save your free time and not overpay for the purchase, order the product online in the online store. The most inexpensive goods are delivered directly from China via AliExpress.

Criterias of choice

It is worth noting that any product has certain characteristics, but some of them are essential, while others can be ignored. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Quality. Its strength, reliability and durability depend on this.Design. Depends on the preferences of the owner of the animal. It was not noticed that pets paid attention to this detail.
Comfort. For a hot summer, it is better to buy a cotton model, for a cold winter - a fur one.What is the price. This is the business of every person. If the financial situation allows, you can buy expensive goods.
Options. The design must not be allowed to occupy all the free space in the cage, interfering with the movement of the pet.Color. For a rodent, it is not important.
Functional. Depends on the preferences of the rodents.Brand. The animal does not understand them. He is more interested in convenience.
Installation method. It is of no small importance for pets: some prefer to just relax in a static position, while others like to swing on hanging hammocks.

Which is better to buy!? If your eyes run up from diversity, read customer reviews, do not neglect their advice and recommendations.

How to make a bed with your own hands

For those who are friends with a needle, thread and scissors, have a sewing machine and cloth patches in their arsenal, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions for making this uncomplicated rodent recreation and entertainment device with your own hands. Firstly, you will be satisfied with the final result and understand that it is no worse (and maybe better) than the branded counterpart, and secondly, you will save a lot of money.

Before proceeding with the tailoring of the product, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  1. Think carefully about the dimensions of the product. It shouldn't be too small. This will make your pet uncomfortable. If the flap doesn't fit, find another one. Proceed from the following: the parameters of the couch should exceed the size of the rodent at least twice.
  2. Choose fasteners made of durable metal. Staples and chains will do. Whatever the quality of the rope, it is easily gnawed by the sharp teeth of a pet. In this case, the product can break off and the animal is injured if it falls.
  3. When choosing a flap, remember that it is desirable to use cotton cuts rather than synthetic ones. The fabric must be not only durable, but also safe. If highly toxic dyes were used when painting it, then its use should be abandoned. Otherwise, the pet may get poisoned upon contact with such an accessory.
  4. Only the mount should be metal. It is strictly forbidden to use such material as the basis for a couch. Undoubtedly, metal mesh is stronger and more durable than any cotton and synthetic fabric, but the latter is safer. Metal can hurt the animal, moreover, it radiates cold, which the animal will not like. Significant hardness will make a homemade hammock uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

It should be noted that for the manufacture of such a specific product, there is no need to purchase a new piece of fabric. There is always a suitable cut or piece of old clothes in the house. The bed can also be knitted using woolen threads.

Consider the most common options for creating hammocks with your own hands from improvised means.


It is considered the simplest and most affordable option, since old jeans can be found in every family. The most interesting thing is that this model does not require a needle and thread. You don't have to sew. For the manufacture of such a device must be available:

  • old unnecessary jeans (even children's ones will do);
  • measuring tape or ruler;
  • cutting or stationery scissors;
  • practically washed away soap or a small piece of crayon;
  • paper clips or metal chain.


  1. We take a trouser leg, lay it out on a table (or other horizontal surface).
  2. We measure 25 cm from below, make a mark with chalk or soap.
  3. We cut off a piece.
  4. We make fasteners. When using chains, we adjust the required length by removing extra links. As for the paper clips, they are interconnected to the desired length.
  5. Both staples and chains are attached to the corners of the fabric, threading them through only one layer. Thus, on a hammock, a ferret can both ride on top and rest quietly inside.
  6. The bed is qualitatively attached to the metal bars of the cage.

In just 10 minutes, you will make a comfortable and reliable design that will support the weight of your decorative rat and give her a lot of fun. By analogy, you can build a hammock from an old sock. But if the animal is large, then you will have to abandon such an undertaking.


The only detail left of the worn jacket. The time costs are more significant than in the first option, but they are worth it. In addition to the hood, you need to have with you:

  • a needle;
  • thread;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • metal wire of considerable diameter.

The zipper is removed from the hood. It can be carefully flogged, or you can simply cut it off with scissors.The edges of the hood are tucked up and sewn up so that a metal wire for the frame base can be threaded inside. It turned out a comfortable and warm bag. The edges of the hood can be sewn together. The finished structure is attached to the cage with paper clips or thick ropes.

tissue flap

There is no need to go to the store for a new cut. An old pillowcase, jacket, towel, sheet will do. Smooth the fabric, fold it in several layers, stitch the edges on a typewriter or sew by hand. The size of the product depends on the size of the animal. As a rule, a canvas 30 x 60 cm is enough. The list of necessary things:

  • scissors;
  • high-quality dense thread;
  • a needle with a matching eye;
  • eyelet with washer;
  • hooks on which the curtain is hung in the bathroom;
  • hole puncher;
  • special tongs or a hammer.

We take the following steps:

  1. We take the resulting rectangular piece, sew it on all sides, leaving a small hole, turn it inside out, level it.
  2. We install eyelets in four corners, strengthen with fittings.
  3. We put on hooks.
  4. We hang it to the cage.

Ratings of the best beds for ferrets and rodents for 2025

If there is no desire to create on your own, then you can choose a suitable couch from the factory options.



The Russian manufacturer produces goods in a wide range. Especially popular is the two-color model, made of high-quality fleece, dimensions 28 x 23 x 30 cm, shaped like a cube. Four carabiners firmly attach the product to the bars of any cage. Also suitable for carrying. There is one inlet, with a diameter of 14 cm. The bottom is additionally reinforced. The pet can easily climb on the couch, rest inside, curled up in a ball, build a secluded nest inside.

The average price is 830 rubles.

rodent bed Osso
  • comfortable;
  • bright;
  • variety of colors;
  • high quality;
  • always available;
  • easy to wash at 30 degrees;
  • durable.
  • significant ones are missing.


The American company produces products of high quality and stylish design for pets. Made from double-sided ultra-soft fleece, the nest is cozy and comfortable. Equipped with fasteners, which makes it possible to quickly and easily hang it from the cage. You can choose any color scheme and dimensions for your pet. Easy to wash in the washing machine at 30 degrees.

The product is sold at a price of 750 rubles.

rodent bed MidWest
  • high quality of the material used;
  • long service life;
  • convenient to use;
  • reliable;
  • sold in specialized stores.
  • missing.


The German company manufactures products using faux fur and nylon. Visually, the product resembles a tunnel made of lamb's wool. Suitable model for ferrets and rodents. Dimensions: 20 x 45 cm. It is soft and warm. Equipped with metal carabiners and strong ropes, thanks to which the hammock is suspended from the bars of the cage. It is produced only in two shades: beige and brown.

The manufacturer offers goods at a price of 569 rubles.

rodent bed Trixie hanging
  • warm;
  • soft;
  • comfortable;
  • beautiful;
  • with a long service life;
  • easily erased;
  • good value for money.
  • no color variety.


The Italian company produces high-quality hanging tents for pets.Their main structural difference is the presence of a mesh top, due to which there is an excellent circulation of air masses inside the product. Construction dimensions: 26 x 10.5 cm. The kit includes four chains with carabiners, which are used for hanging from the bars of the cage. The tent allows the animal to retire and relax calmly from annoying people.

The product can be purchased at a price of 892 rubles.

rodent bed Ferplast hanging
  • high quality;
  • comfortable;
  • practical;
  • durable;
  • machine washable at 30 degrees.
  • is too expensive.

Shu Shu

The Russian company Petto supplies high-quality products in the form of round hanging houses to the shelves of specialized pet stores, in which degus, ferrets, rats, hamsters, chinchillas and other small animals like to hide, play and just pass the time. The standard model is made of two-layer spunbond and padding polyester. When releasing the luxury version, a two-layer polycotton, fleece, flannel, and synthetic winterizer are used. Fastenings are included in the package: 4 metal chains and a carbine.

The cost of the goods is 339 rubles.

rodent bed Shu-Shu hanging
  • good design, especially luxury models;
  • high-quality manufacturing material;
  • long service life;
  • ease of use;
  • insignificant cost;
  • easily erased;
  • wide selection;
  • Suitable for all small pets.
  • significant ones are missing.

Doradowood, bunk

An amazing product for pets who prefer to bask in hammocks, getting real pleasure from this. Thanks to strong carabiners, it is easy to attach the structure to the bars of the cage. Suitable for both very small and larger individuals.Even large chinchillas will happily make their nest there.

In the manufacture of goods, practical materials are used that make it possible to maintain hygiene in the animal's home. Washing does not harm the product, both the appearance and quality characteristics remain at the original level. Hammock dimensions: 35 x 35 x 20 cm.

The price per unit of products purchased in the online store is 599 rubles.

bed for rodents Doradowood, bunk
  • convenient design;
  • stylish design;
  • hygiene at a high level;
  • acceptable cost;
  • use of quality materials;
  • good wear resistance;
  • suitable for any animal.
  • significant were not found.

floor standing

Ferplast, fur

The product of Russian production is a design with sides, made of faux fur with the addition of high-quality nylon. The inner filler is polyester. Its parameters: 13 x 17 cm. It is produced in a wide range, including curly models and with pockets. It is used by rodents, mainly hamsters, for recreation and entertainment. Placed on the floor of the cage.

bed for rodents Ferplast, fur

Products are sold at a price of 149 rubles apiece.

  • machine washable;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • acceptable price;
  • convenient to use;
  • with a long service life;
  • can be purchased at any store;
  • high-quality materials were used in the manufacture.
  • no variety of colors;
  • the design is the same.

Ferplast, wood edge

Good-quality floor couch 12 x 18 cm, produced by a Russian company. Very comfortable model and is very popular among furry pets.They feel comfortable and cozy in it, they spend quite a long time there. The product is constantly on the shelves of specialized stores, where it can be purchased at an affordable price - 239 rubles.

bed for rodents Ferplast, wooden side
  • high quality materials;
  • excellent wear resistance;
  • comfortable;
  • practical;
  • hygienic;
  • easy to clean;
  • Excellent value for money and quality.
  • significant have not been identified.


The product is made in Russia. Its appearance resembles a flower - a seven-flower with a diameter of 45 cm, a height of 4 cm, and a weight of 130 g. A very cozy couch in which rodents prefer to bask, which is confirmed by photos posted on the Internet by happy owners of pets. It can also be used as a secluded house, where small animals will hide with pleasure.

The product is sold at a price of 689 rubles.

bed for rodents Montmorency
  • stands out with a bright and original design;
  • can be used both as a house and a couch;
  • just care;
  • easy to wash, including in the machine;
  • high quality material;
  • long service life;
  • comfortable;
  • comfortable.
  • not identified.


Both foreign and domestic manufacturers of pet accessories pay special attention not only to the high quality of the material used and safety, but also to the amazing design. A striking representative of such a product is a couch - slippers, 21 x 9 x 6 cm in size, weighs 300 g. It fits well at the bottom of the cage and allows the "owner" to relax in it, like in a mink, or play.

The average price of the product is 406 rubles.

bed for rodents
  • the material used for manufacturing perfectly passes oxygen, while retaining heat;
  • the animal feels comfortable in it;
  • withstands any weight;
  • easy to achieve purity;
  • durable;
  • durable.
  • significant ones are missing.


A lounger made by an Italian manufacturer is very popular among pet owners, despite the high cost - 1501 rubles. It looks like an envelope, quite warm and pleasant. There are models with knitted or denim inserts. Dimensions: 38 x 38 x 36 cm, weight - 400 g. The main feature is the presence of a soft removable lining. The item is made of high quality cotton fabric.

rodent bed Babet
  • you can use delicate machine wash;
  • pleasant to the touch;
  • keeps warm;
  • the variety of colors is impressive;
  • comfortable;
  • practical;
  • long service life;
  • Removable lining.
  • goods are quite expensive.

Helpful Hints

Those who have been keeping rodents at home for a long time probably know that some animals like hammocks and floor beds, while others simply ignore them. Moreover, it does not matter which company the product is purchased, how much it costs, what it is made of and what its appearance is. It all depends on the nature and preferences of the animal. It also happens that the rodent needs time to get used to the new environment and accessories.

If you see that the animal does not show interest in a new element of the interior, try to lure it. For these purposes, treats are suitable. Just don't be violent. Do not forcibly keep a ferret in a hammock, you can get the opposite effect.Not only will he not be there, but he can still be very frightened, get sick and die.

There are some animals that do not use the bed for its intended purpose. They prefer to play with it, and nothing more. Don't put him to sleep there. A living creature will figure out what to do with the object of its interior.

Whatever purpose a hammock would be used for, you need to constantly monitor its cleanliness. To prevent significant contamination, the product must be constantly cleaned and washed. As a rule, decorative animals have a delicate sense of smell and they are not comfortable with foreign smell, which can cause them attacks of aggression or apathy.

In order for the pet to quickly get used to the new accessory, you can put a rag on top of it, with which it has been in contact for a long time, or a favorite toy.


One has only to get to the pet store, and the eyes run wide from the abundance of all kinds of devices for fluffy pets. The choice is so great that sometimes you can not make a final decision on what to stop. Much depends on the preferences of the buyer and his financial situation, but it is also necessary to take into account the wishes of the rodent.

What should you pay special attention to when choosing a bed? The main thing is its safety and high quality. Especially if the hammock is hung on a cage, you should approach the mount with all responsibility. Environmental friendliness is also important. Otherwise, the animal may get poisoned. Sizes are also worth considering. Too small couch will be inconvenient and uncomfortable for use by a large "owner".

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