
  1. prostatitis and adenoma
  2. Rating of the best drugs for prostatitis and prostate adenoma
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best drugs for prostatitis and prostate adenoma for 2025

Rating of the best drugs for prostatitis and prostate adenoma for 2025

The division of the planet's population by gender concerns not only the professional sphere, the fashion industry, the cosmetic aspect and the distribution of responsibilities.

The source of the difference between a man and a woman lies in nature itself. Any human body that gets out of balance gets sick. For centuries, medicine has been striving to gain experience in healing in the field of purely male and female diseases. Anatomical features and characteristic differences in the work of the endocrine, hormonal systems require a different approach to treatment.

prostatitis and adenoma

Prostatitis - a disease caused by inflammation of the prostate, is widespread among the representatives of the strong half of humanity. Due to the anatomical location of the prostate gland, the disease also causes squeezing of the urethra and difficulty urinating. Sexual disorders also become concomitant manifestations of inflammation.

Prostate hyperplasia is classified as benign, has the abbreviation BPH, which refers to the increase in the volume of the male gland, coupled with concomitant disorders.

Due to squeezing of the bladder, it is not completely emptied, stagnation and activation of the pathogenic environment occur. Microbes provoke inflammation and start the process of stone formation. The chronic form of prostatitis entails atrophy in combination with male impotence.

Permanent dysfunction of the organs affected by the disease is accompanied by:

  1. increased pressure in the renal pelvis;
  2. renal tubular atrophy;
  3. kidney inflammation;
  4. risk of developing hypertension.

Muscle spasms and swelling disrupt the circulatory system, which entails the risk of blood clots.

Attention should be paid to the antiplatelet activity of drugs that prevent thrombosis.


To receive timely treatment, the primary signs of prostatitis should not be neglected.
Among the most common symptoms are:

  • pain when urinating;
  • feeling of partial emptying of the bladder;
  • strong urge and incontinence;
  • potency dysfunction;
  • the likelihood of infertility;
  • prolonged static position causes pain in the perineum.

The reasons

The causative agent of the disease in men of the middle age group is an infectious infection.

Oncopathology, hyperplasia are caused by age-related dysfunction and a decrease in overall activity. The provocateur of the disease can also be:

  • physical overload;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • autoimmune failure;
  • high prostate pressure.


The neglected course of the disease can lead to unfortunate consequences.
The chronic process provokes:

  1. erectile dysfunction;
  2. risk of formation of stones, cysts;
  3. imbalance in the production of male hormones;
  4. the threat of infertility;
  5. tumors;
  6. crayfish.


Inflammatory processes are dangerous not only for their protracted nature, during which more than one organ suffers, but also for the likelihood of concomitant diseases and pain symptoms.

It is necessary to distinguish between drugs according to their intended purpose. For example, rectal suppositories, which give almost instant relief from pain and heat, do not have a profound effect on the source of the disease. Course methods of treatment with injections can both extinguish the focus of inflammation and eliminate its consequences.

Criteria for the right choice

You should not rely on the advice of friends, family members and self-medicate when symptoms appear. Contacting a specialist not only guarantees the selection of the right treatment in accordance with the examination, but also a competent approach to complex therapy.

Observation by a doctor saves money and protects against the danger of deterioration in well-being.

The risk of developing oncological pathologies requires timely medical care.
It is conditionally possible to divide all drugs into:

  1. medical;
  2. preventive;
  3. supporting.

In a separate row are medicines to quickly relieve pain and fever.


The main and dangerous mistake is self-treatment.

Rating of the best drugs for prostatitis and prostate adenoma

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are officially recognized as the most common diseases of the male part of the population. An integrated approach to treatment is due to the anatomical features and the individual nature of the course of the disease.

Therapy involves the use of various drugs:

  1. solutions and injections;
  2. tablets and suppositories;
  3. capsules.

Review of budget class medicines


A safe drug produced in Russia has a pronounced analgesic effect and eliminates swelling.

  • high-quality immunomodulator;
  • full compatibility with concomitant drugs;
  • treatment and prevention of bacterial infections;
  • winner in the nomination of buyers "convenience of packaging and storage";
  • category of modern antiviral drugs;
  • suitable for teenagers;
  • packs of 10 and 20 tablets;
  • also available in powder form;
  • can be dissolved under the tongue.
  • too wide range of effects, requires replacement with prolonged use.


The drug is available in the form of suppositories and injections.

  • provocation of the immune system to localize the disease in the acute stage;
  • intramuscular injection;
  • with bacterial lipopolysaccharide as active substance;
  • increased immune response with an increase in moderate (37.3-37.5 °) temperature;
  • gradual attenuation of the reaction at the third dose;
  • with a high probability of a complete cure;
  • candles contain cocoa butter;
  • with activation of the adrenal cortex;
  • stimulation of the quinine system;
  • restores blood circulation;
  • promotes the resorption of adhesions, scars;
  • quick correction of well-being and elimination of symptoms.
  • injection therapy exclusively in the hospital.


Substance for obtaining a solution, has an immunostimulating effect and has a wide range of applications in various manifestations of post-infectious and septic conditions.

  • prophylactic and therapeutic agent;
  • with increased tolerance;
  • as an active ingredient - cattle thymus;
  • normalization of T-, B-lymphocytes;
  • stimulation of the immune response;
  • course duration from 1 week;
  • there are no restrictions on life activity during the course of treatment;
  • indicated for prostate adenoma with bacterial, viral origin;
  • speed;
  • excellent pharmacological properties;
  • purchase availability.
  • cautious use under supervision at purulent infection.


The solution is produced by the Russian company Microgen and is available by prescription.

  • prostate extract with water-soluble peptides;
  • indicated for age-related disorders;
  • effective in the treatment of adenoma;
  • elimination of infertility;
  • analgesic effect;
  • platelet prevention;
  • 10 day course;
  • protection against pathologies;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • stimulation of the muscle tone of the urinary system;
  • with antiplatelet activity.
  • the possibility of a hypersensitivity reaction cannot be ruled out.

Diclofenac suppositories

The medicine from the domestic manufacturer "Dalchimpharm" is an effective pain reliever and is used for a large number of chronic diseases.

Diclofenac suppositories
  • the best remedy, according to buyers, for pain relief;
  • with concomitant removal of inflammation;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • antipyretic properties;
  • with antiplatelet effect;
  • suitable for all stages of prostatitis.
  • a number of possible side effects.

Indomethacin suppositories

The excellent quality of the world brand Berlin-Chemie is best combined with the price, which is highly appreciated by buyers in this category.

Indomethacin suppositories
  • febrifuge;
  • effective in relieving pain;
  • inflammation treatment;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • restoration of tone;
  • relapse protection;
  • decrease in the frequency of urge to urinate;
  • elimination of incontinence;
  • restoration of erectile functions.
  • possible skin reactions;
  • increases the load on the liver.


A high-quality Austrian-made preparation under the global brand Richard Bittner belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies.

  • recommended as part of complex treatment;
  • effective relief of symptoms;
  • restoration of the functions of the reproductive system;
  • 40 tablets per pack is enough for the course;
  • elimination of symptoms of burning, discomfort during urination;
  • without violation of reproductive properties;
  • require resorption;
  • availability and quality.
  • use is prohibited in diseases of the thyroid gland.
budget class
NamePurposeStorage, temperature, °CFor ageDose in number of tablets/once a day
Galavitprostatitis, urogenital infections≤25from 12by doctor's prescription
Timalincorrection of immunodeficiency20from 0.5 yearsby doctor's prescription
Prostacor injectionreproductive system2-818+1/1
Diclofenac suppositoriesanesthesia≤1518+1/1
Indomethacin suppositoriesanti-inflammatory≤25≥141/1
Gentosagainst diseases of the prostate≤25≥121/3

Expensive drugs


The brand belongs to the Russian company NPO Petovax Pharm.

  • a wide range of applications - inflammation in urology, chronic cystitis, adhesions, surgery, orthopedics, cosmetology;
  • with selective influence;
  • is an effective tool in complex treatment with antiviral, immunostimulating drugs and antibiotics;
  • available in the form of a solution for injection and suppositories;
  • indicated for hematomas, arthritis;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes;
  • prolonged action;
  • immunomodulator;
  • the area of ​​influence is the cell membrane;
  • effective for adhesive diseases;
  • worked out schemes for various diseases.
  • restrictions on admission during pregnancy, renal failure.


The drug for men over 18 years of age is produced as a dietary supplement by the Russian company Marbiopharm.

  • maintenance of functions and prevention of sexual disorders;
  • improvement of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • belongs to the group of phytopreparations;
  • balanced composition of vitamins, minerals, biologically active substances and plant components;
  • special division of the drug into morning and evening categories - yellow, preventive and blue, restoring;
  • with a long course up to 3 months;
  • with vitamins E, C, magnesium, zinc, calcium, extracts of nettle, eurycoma, turmeric, black pepper.
  • does not have a pronounced medicinal property.

Prostamol Uno

An effective drug from the German manufacturer CJSC Berlin-Pharma has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

Prostamol Uno
  • increased potency;
  • analgesic effect;
  • with creeping palm extract;
  • availability of a safety certificate;
  • with clinical testing;
  • only natural substances;
  • shown in the stage of severe course;
  • no side effects;
  • simple application 2 times a day;
  • recommended for adenoma;
  • carries out blockade of androgen receptors;
  • study of the drug;
  • gives a tangible result in a single course;
  • packs of 30 and 90 pieces.
  • require pre-meal.


The drug in the idea of ​​tablets and suppositories is produced by the domestic manufacturer Nizhpharm.

  • quick effect;
  • certification and license;
  • the composition includes an antibiotic;
  • allowed to be taken in old age;
  • prevention of complications in prostatitis;
  • reduction of manifestations of adenoma;
  • complex effect - from antibacterial to anti-inflammatory;
  • protection against the formation of blood clots;
  • restoration of potency;
  • can be ordered online;
  • elimination of dysuric phenomena;
  • without side effects;
  • not addictive;
  • natural ingredients;
  • no changes in the composition of the blood;
  • with an efficiency of 97.5%;
  • lasting effect.
  • possible individual intolerance to the components.
Expensive drugs    
NamePurposeStorage, temperature, °CFor ageDose in number of tablets/once a day
Longidazasexual dysfunction, damage to the skin and respiratory systems2518+by appointment
Antiprostprostatitis, stimulation of erectile function2518+2/2
Prostamol Unotreatment of prostatitisup to 2518+0,5/2
Vitaprostsexual dysfunctions2-8by appointment1/2


Men's diseases bring, like any ailment, a lot of problems and experiences.It is important to remember that the right attitude to difficulties, timely help and a positive attitude provide a reliable foundation for overcoming the situation.

Modern technologies and the latest medicine can solve even the most serious troubles and loss of health. Competent complex treatment under the guidance of doctors and personal contribution to a healthy lifestyle work wonders.

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